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  • WAZZAL II: The Final Dawn - final Version 6 released!

    ZeXLR8er 9 years ago
    Hi Bladekill. I'm not entirely sure that anything has changed with the code that controls the behavior of the aliens. Ville might correct me, but I do believe there's a limitation to how many creatures Notrium can actively control at once; those located far enough away from the player tend to stand dormant until activating when you move closer to them. This should always have been the case, even in the older versions of the mod. You could try editing "AI_tactic.dat": the Aliens on the ground use the "Attack normal" AI, which at the moment involves roaming up until they get to a certain level of anger, then attack. Read the relevant section in the modding FAQ, then try changing:

    Attack Normal;//tactic name
    25;//anger level size -----change to a lower number e.g. 10 to shift to attack at less anger
    1;//can hit enemies
    1;//can eat
    25;//anger level size
    1;//can hit enemies
    0;//can eat

    Also: be aware that I've made a whole series of updates to the mod since a week or two ago. Eventually you might want to download the newer version (perhaps wait until I prepare a major 6.0 release), and then try and integrate your own changes into that version!

    Edited 9 years ago
    ZeXLR8er 9 years ago
    Hi everyone: to keep you updated, I'm currently finalising Wazzal II: The Final Dawn in preparation for the final version 6.0 release due in a few weeks. With Ville's help we've now resolved every single one of the "classic" bugs from the early version of the mod, so not only will the new version have about double as many items and areas to explore, it will also be far more fun and stable to play.

    If you have any ideas and suggestions for things to include in the 6.0 version of the mod, now is your time to suggest them! Either leave me a message here or jump straight to creating an enhancement request issue in Github. If it's not too time consuming and sounds fun, it should make it into the final version of Wazzal II!
    ville 9 years ago
    ZeXLR8er said:
    Ville might correct me, but I do believe there's a limitation to how many creatures Notrium can actively control at once; those located far enough away from the player tend to stand dormant until activating when you move closer to them.

    That's entirely correct, only the closest creatures look for enemies to attack. That was designed so that they wouldn't play out their interesting fights before you ever get to see them.
    E_net4 9 years ago
    ville said:
    ZeXLR8er said:
    Ville might correct me, but I do believe there's a limitation to how many creatures Notrium can actively control at once; those located far enough away from the player tend to stand dormant until activating when you move closer to them.

    That's entirely correct, only the closest creatures look for enemies to attack. That was designed so that they wouldn't play out their interesting fights before you ever get to see them.
    Now that the subject's been brought up, I've got a question: how close must the player be before they are active? Is there a way around this? I had an idea for a mod that can only work if all aliens are actively pursuing their enemies.
    ville 9 years ago
    If I remember correctly there was just one way around that, and it was to activate the "alien attack". That made all the enemies fully angry and pursue their nearest enemy. Or maybe it was just the player. You'll have to test it to see what happens. Or code the change you want in OpenNotrium, and release that.
    E_net4 9 years ago
    ville said:
    If I remember correctly there was just one way around that, and it was to activate the "alien attack". That made all the enemies fully angry and pursue their nearest enemy. Or maybe it was just the player. You'll have to test it to see what happens. Or code the change you want in OpenNotrium, and release that.
    Indeed, I hope to try that out. So far my tests have shown that a fully aggressive enemy will almost always find a way to the player (at least for maps slightly smaller than the ancient ruins), but trying it against other allied creatures is a must.
    I must also add that it would be a shame if a particular mod only worked on OpenNotrium.
    INFERNUS 9 years ago
    It seems that enemies that are out of reach (Not in visible screen) ignore creature collision, making them just walk trough creature barricades and attacking what ever is behind them.
    ZeXLR8er 9 years ago
    Hey INFERNUS! Is this something you've noticed in Wazzal II, or in Notrium itself? I haven't seen this happen myself, but if you can give me an idea of an area in which it happens I can have a look!

    INFERNUS said:
    It seems that enemies that are out of reach (Not in visible screen) ignore creature collision, making them just walk trough creature barricades and attacking what ever is behind them.
    INFERNUS 9 years ago
    It's a problem with Notrium running with Effect 2. Creature collision with other creatures is ignored if they are out of field of view.

    So if you have creature barricades on your map and effect 2 is running, creatures will ignore the collision with those barricades and go straight trough them.

    You can observe this by spawning 15 creatures at the same time (While effect 2 is running, and they show on the radar) and wait for them until they come very close to your field of view. Their collision code will kick in and you can see them spread out instantly on the map.

    That kinda ruins my plan for a mod I'm making. :I

    Bladekill1298 9 years ago
    For the new version. Increase the alien anger so they can attack more often instead of roaming around aimlessly. Include my Allied Spawner code. The picture is just a fighter picture with the name changed. Then make it so you can go to Notrium or where it says on the map where is says unknown space add something like an entirely new enemy. Also bring back the blue alien like in the beta version and have it do the same attack as it did before. Try to make it so the bed and chairs can be used. Get rid of the zooms on rifles because those are annoying. Make it so fires are not able to be bumped into. Modify the attack radius for melee aliens to attack tanks so they arent just going for the center and not doing anything. Make tank guns for AI movable both sides. Anti air turrets to shoot down ships. Add friendly flying ships so there can be air battles. Mortars for the allies. More reason to go to the water planet. Movable auto-machine gun guys just like bodyguards but don't follow you and can be set to guard firm and leader attack. Also Ally Pistols that have guard firm leader attack and follow mode. Separate from the current ones that have special rifles like a rifle. Have an increased armament such as m16, m4a1, m40 those things. Replace the soldier defender have the tank dies with the machine gunner that moves. Add snipers and flamethrower men and rpgs. For tanks adding it to have a moveable tank turret. Add a guy in the hatch with a submachine gun and same for the boats (for the ai ones).
    Allied spawner;//name---------------------------------------
    2;//draw layer
    -1;//corpse item number in items.dat, -1=nothing, -2=whole corpse vanishes when dead
    0;//corpse item amount
    0;//attack type, 0=shooting attack, 1=close combat
    -1;//particle to show on radar, -1=none
    0;//primary AI tactic from AI_tactic.dat
    5;//secondary AI tactic from AI_tactic.dat
    3;//footstep particle from particles.dat
    0;//die after how many seconds, 0=doesn't die
    17;//eat item number from items.dat, -1=nothing
    2.8;//creature size
    100;//creature weight (affects pushing)
    0.0000;//maximum movement speed
    0.000000;//minimum movement speed
    0.00000;//leg animation speed
    0.00000;//turn speed
    0;//inertia level (acceleration/deceleration)
    0;//hide when behind walls
    0;//weapon number
    2;//blood particle
    1;//bars visible when player hovers mouse on top
    1.000000;//death animation speed
    0;//creature can move from area to another
    0.000000;//AI hear range
    0.000000;//AI see range
    0.000000;//AI see angle
    step0.wav;//sample name
    step1.wav;//sample name
    step2.wav;//sample name
    hit1.wav;//sample name
    23000;//interval in milliseconds
    10;//effect number drop creature

    Edited 9 years ago
    ZeXLR8er 9 years ago
    Thanks for the feedback, Bladekill1298!

    For the new version. Increase the alien anger so they can attack more often instead of roaming around aimlessly. Include my Allied Spawner code. The picture is just a fighter picture with the name changed.
    The reason Aliens used to be more aggressive was that I was using the "All attack" effect to trigger an attack after a landed Alien fighter was destroyed. This turned out to be an effect which is intended to be only used once at the end of a game, so inadvertently caused some major bugs down the line (like being attacked by a million fighters at once). To try and bring back some of the aggression, the new version will have Aliens set to "attack" by default, and I've introduced some new plot object spawners to encourage Aliens to appear near the player.

    Then make it so you can go to Notrium or where it says on the map where is says unknown space add something like an entirely new enemy.

    This sounds like a new mod in itself! You're welcome to add something like that to the new version!

    Also bring back the blue alien like in the beta version and have it do the same attack as it did before.

    The blue Alien is from Notrium; in the context of the story it wouldn't quite make sense to have them as the invaders! But if you can remind me what their attack was like (it's been years since I played earlier versions of this mod) I might be able to sort something out!

    Try to make it so the bed and chairs can be used. Get rid of the zooms on rifles because those are annoying.

    The rifle zoom is something that annoyed me a little too; in the new version you can achieve the same affect simply by using electrobinoculors at the same time as the rifle.

    Make it so fires are not able to be bumped into.

    Will look into it!

    Modify the attack radius for melee aliens to attack tanks so they arent just going for the center and not doing anything.

    This is actually an interesting problem. I set tanks to have creature collision detection off so the player can't "push" them. This prevented Aliens from being able to attack them, so I've removed it. The side effect is you can now easily push tanks! (Ville, I'd love to know if there's any solution to this. The player creature's weight is 0.5 and the tank is 500, but it can still be pushed easily).

    Make tank guns for AI movable both sides.

    Another thing Ville might be able to help with - as far as I know, it's not possible for a creature to move its "arms" (in this case the turret) independently from its body while it's in motion. I'd ideally love to have a scenario where a tank can swivel its turret and fire while both in motion and stationary, but so far haven't been able to achieve this.

    Anti air turrets to shoot down ships. Add friendly flying ships so there can be air battles. Mortars for the allies.

    You read my mind! All of these things will be in the new version.

    More reason to go to the water planet. Movable auto-machine gun guys just like bodyguards but don't follow you and can be set to guard firm and leader attack. Also Ally Pistols that have guard firm leader attack and follow mode. Separate from the current ones that have special rifles like a rifle. Have an increased armament such as m16, m4a1, m40 those things. Replace the soldier defender have the tank dies with the machine gunner that moves. Add snipers and flamethrower men and rpgs. For tanks adding it to have a moveable tank turret. Add a guy in the hatch with a submachine gun and same for the boats (for the ai ones).
    These things all sound great. I'm focusing on major gameplay things right at the moment to get the next version ready, but will see what I can do if I get the time!
    Bladekill1298 9 years ago
    Okay cool I'll let you know if I have anymore ideas and the blue aliens attack was just the normal attack from the Notrium game also if you want the beta game files I can give them to you.
    INFERNUS 9 years ago
    ZeXLR8er said:
    Thanks for the feedback, Bladekill1298!

    Modify the attack radius for melee aliens to attack tanks so they arent just going for the center and not doing anything.

    This is actually an interesting problem. I set tanks to have creature collision detection off so the player can't "push" them. This prevented Aliens from being able to attack them, so I've removed it. The side effect is you can now easily push tanks! (Ville, I'd love to know if there's any solution to this. The player creature's weight is 0.5 and the tank is 500, but it can still be pushed easily).

    Creatures on the same side as the player have fixed collision when you push them. The "workaround" for this is to simply make the tank a different side from player. If the tank is carrying the player, enemies will recognize that side as their enemy so you don't have to mess with sides too much.

    Edited 9 years ago
    ZeXLR8er 9 years ago
    Thanks Infernus. That would be almost ideal, except that I am relying on the AI tactic pop-up message to inform the player that the tank can be controlled "Press T to control in Tank Mode". This wouldn't appear for an allied creature, so another solution to inform the player would be needed. Perhaps a dialogue that appears when the player is close enough? Probably won't get into the version I'm hoping to release this week, however.

    Interestingly, the pushing effect for the player only occurs for creatures which have movement speeds over 0. I have a range of creatures on the player's side with movements of 0 (i.e. turrets) which can't be pushed at all. Changing a creature from one with 0 movement to one with 0+x movement when the player controls them would probably be another workaround to this.
    Bladekill1298 9 years ago
    For the tank thing about making the turret move. Couldn't you just add player controls to the tank and still give it ai maneuvers so it could still move and stuff.
    ZeXLR8er 8 years ago
    So it only took almost 10 years, but...

    Wazzal II: The Final Dawn version 6 is released!

    Download from Github

    36 years after the events of Wazzal, and four years after Notrium...

    After the sun was destroyed by a supernova and most of humankind mysteriously abducted by a shadowy Alien race, a handful of brave space pilots established a new colony in the depths of space. Wasting no time, this motley collection of adventurers, traders and buccaneers set off to explore their new corner of the galaxy. Soon the United Confederacy of Planets was formed, heralding a new dawn for humankind free from Alien interference.

    After many years of peace, the Alien threat has re-emerged to finish what they started! The Confederacy is in ultimate peril as massive Alien fleets begin their relentless drive towards the capital New Dawn, leaving nothing alive. Humankind's last hope lays on the shoulders of the most famous of the human pilots: the enigmatic "Captain", survivor of the doomed Sol System and the terrible planet of Notrium....

    Mod features

    1) Two gameplay modes: starship combat and exploration aboard the Wolf IV, and on foot as the legendary "Captain" from Notrium and Wazzal!
    2) Eight completely unique star systems, and fourteen planets and space stations to explore (including lava, ocean, ice, desert and jungle worlds, low gravity moons, gas giants and Alien planets!)
    3) Over 100 items to use in both space and on planets, including electrobinoculars, night vision goggles, stealth armor and high explosives
    4) More than 40 weapons, including sniper rifles, particle cannons, rocket propelled grenades and Alien technology
    5) Six controllable vehicles, including tanks (armed with cannons and flamethrowers), armored boats (armed with machine guns), fighters (armed with airstrikes and lasers), machine gun emplacements, flamethrower pillboxes and even Confederacy Destroyers!
    6) 11 United Confederacy Ranks (Ensign to Admiral of the Fleet) with valuable rewards for completing ingame missions
    7) Fly the flag of the United Confederacy of Planets, abandon your duties to raid and plunder as a ruthless pirate, or even join the dreaded Alien Horde!
    9) Make a fortune trading slaves, drugs and weapon parts on the Galactic Stock Exchange, hunting for dangerous local creatures, farming rare plants, mining for ore or even fishing!

    For those of you who have played Wazzal II before and want to see what's new, I would recommend visiting the New desert planet of Garreempir in the Ntedro System, Armada in New Dawn, and most importantly, try to achieve 2000PP to unlock the supernova-destroyed remnants of the former Solar System, and eventually enter the Alien Homeworld: the "Zoo" system! There's also new missions for most planets, many of which will help to unlock a huge number of extra items and weapons since the last release!

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on the mod, especially if you have some suggestions or have found some bugs. Realistically this will be the final major release for Wazzal II. It's been quite a ride, and I hope some of you enjoy the mod as much as I have enjoyed working in it on and off over the last 10 years!

    Installation instructions

    The Github repository contains all the files required to install Wazzal II: The Final Dawn mod for Notrium. To install, download as either ".zip" or ".tar.gz" using "Downloads > Source code", and unzip inside main Notrium directory (for the Steam version: usually "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Notrium" )!

    Edited 8 years ago
    ville 8 years ago
    Congratulations, you did it!

    Does it requires the Steam edition, or does it also run with the freeware version?
    ZeXLR8er 8 years ago
    The mod has been developed and tested on the Stream edition, so I'd recommend using it with that. A quick test suggests it still works on the freeware version, but it might be a little buggy!
    ville 8 years ago
    By the way, it looks like you started in 2004. "1/10/04: Commenced work on Wazzal II!"
    That's probably October 2004, so that makes it 11 years and 4 months now.
    ZeXLR8er 8 years ago
    Yikes! I think I'm as surprised as anyone that it's finally complete! Thanks very much for the feature on the homepage and Steam, too!
    Bladekill1298 8 years ago
    The fires are still blocking stuff. You also said you would add allied fighters and aa turrets. You also mention a bunch of planets that don't exist.
    Edited 8 years ago
    ZeXLR8er 8 years ago
    Hi Bladekill. Any other thoughts? I'd suggest you play a little more - allied fighters and AA turrets are included in this version. As for planets, I'm sure the Confederacy is a lot larger than what's included in the mod... if you'd like to add more worlds yourself, go for it!
    Bladekill1298 8 years ago
    I continued playing for two hours. I like the invasion of the armada and I let everyone die and tried to get the guys in the hologram areas killed so the hologram aliens would come out and increase in the invasion.
    Edited 8 years ago
    ZeXLR8er 8 years ago
    Excellent! Try visiting the new desert planet in Ntredo. I think you will find what you were looking for earlier there. Made it to 2000 PP yet?

    (oh and unfortunately the hologram aliens don't survive outside the holodeck. They aren't real, after all!)

    Edited 8 years ago
    Bladekill1298 8 years ago
    Aw (to the holodeck aliens) , and no I haven't gotten to 2000 pp yet i got lazy on the armada and spent of my time there
    Bladekill1298 8 years ago
    I played alittle more tonight and got to the desert planet. I thought the anti air vehicles would also be ai controlled and shoot heat-seeking missiles instead of 500 rockets. I also think you should include my allied spawner because just having a conferate battleship spawning tanks isn't enough since the aliens have more overpowered infantry. You should also make it possible to change to one of the wazzal ships after you destroy one or something like in the old wazzal game.
    Edited 8 years ago
    Bladekill1298 8 years ago
    how can i make this usable to the player as an item.

    Submachine gun (Soldiers);//name---------------------------------------
    shell.png;//bullet texture
    1;//bullets at one shot
    0;//stop at hit 0=stop where hit, 1=don't stop
    1.000000;//bullet size
    2.000000;//bullet speed
    360.000000;//time until bullet disappears
    150;//fire rate
    2;//trace 0=no trace, 1=blue beam, 2=bullet trace, 3=red beam, 4=green beam, 5=yellow beam
    -1;//hit visual effect colour, -1=nothing 0=?, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue
    0;//hit visual effect particle, -1=nothing, 0=>particle from particles.dat
    none;//hit effect sound
    0.0220000;//push target back
    0.020000;//push shooter back
    sub.wav;//fire sound
    bimpact.wav;//hit sound
    1.000000;//AI hear volume, the amount of anger the AI gets when it hears the weapon
    27;//effect number
    26;//effect number
    26;//effect number
    26;//effect number
    24;//effect number
    1;//effect number
    63;//effect number
    63;//effect number

    Edited 8 years ago
    Thunderdrake3 (guest) 8 years ago
    Hi. I'm at the end of the mod, and I can't find any ship parts in the Sol system. Can anyone help me?
    Bladekill1298 8 years ago
    Yes, the ship parts are in the solar system planets. One on each you just have to search for them on all of them.
    Edited 8 years ago
    Thunderdrake3 8 years ago
    I scoured the planets, but I couldn't find any ship parts. I found wrecked ships that looked like those from the original game, but I couldn't interact with them. What do they look like?
    Thunderdrake3 8 years ago
    After scouring Jupiter (the most barren planet), I finally found one. Thank you, and sorry for asking.
    Thunderdrake3 8 years ago
    I went to the planet and destroyed all the small and medium fliers, plus the three battleships. The friendly aliens were a nice touch. Is there a final "you won!" message? What do I have to do to get it?
    ZeXLR8er 8 years ago
    Hi Thunderdrake! Yep, Alien ship parts are on the Sol planets and glow green to make them a little easier to find.

    Hmmm, I think you may have found a big bug in the mod. The friendly Alien fighters actually aren't supposed to be friendly... being friendly they're impossible for you to destroy, so you can't actually achieve victory by wiping out all the landed Alien fighters.

    I've released a new 6.0.4 version which should fix the issue. Unfortunately your save games won't work with the new version, but for future players, achieving victory requires wiping out all the landed Alien fighters as well as the battleships!

    Would love to hear any other thoughts you have on the mod, including things you liked, that you found confusing or that you think could be improved!

    Edited 8 years ago
    Bladekill1298 8 years ago
    There are no friendly aliens, even if there were where would they be?
    E_net4 8 years ago
    First of all, I will express my greatest commendations for turning the mod into a complete state. I would dare to say that this has turned into the most mature Notrium mod yet, making a wide and creative use of the Notrium engines for tasks that did not seem possible at first glance: a stock market, galactic maps, fishing and planting, and so on. The use of alignments and ranks also reminded me of the days playing Pirates!, and introduces a lot of replayability into the game. So yeah, great mod we have here! Give yourself a pat in the back!

    Now, on to a few nitpicks:

    - Entering some planets did not change the player's movement pattern (from key-controlled orientation to the usual 4-axis movement), and that made it pretty hard to control the captain.
    - There's a particular planet that was quite heavy to load. It took more than 10 seconds on my machine for it to show up. It might have to do with its size and the high resolution of the textures involved. I'm not sure to what extent this issue can be addressed.
    - Not a bug, but I have a system named after my anagram! How awesome is that? :'D

    Hopefully you'll be maintaining the mod for a while... but do you have any intentions of making more mods? Or perhaps take a similar project?

    Bladekill1298 said:
    There are no friendly aliens, even if there were where would they be?
    Actually, you can persuade the aliens in Dorian Prime into joining your cause. So there you go, friendly aliens.

    Edited 8 years ago
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