We`ll I don`t know if somebody already post this, I haven`t got time to read all posts but I`ll like to help the modding community. I like this mod still 
IN one of these ways:
1) You should create a weapon that disrupt a ship, and another item that, once you got close enough of the disabled ship, will "auto-fire" and will take you to a screen (similar to Wazzall) where you should be able to fight for the ship with some of your mates ...
or 2): When some ships are killed, they will not drop they standar objects: they will drop a "disabled version of thembleselfs (Well, after killing an enemy ship, hever the mouse and says: "ship-name-here" Disabled) When you got in range, you begin the boarding and if succesfull, you may be able to use it or make it join your fleet...
Well, these are my ideas, I know scripting is hard, so I made the ideas in most "scripting language" as posible.
Hope they help...-