If you set up the base attacks you should make sure it never happens if the player is too far away. I believe that would just be frustrating for the player, they should always have some chance of being successful, especially when the mod can potentially be so long and drawn out. I'd really love to see another build on this great mod since the last build was more like a Crimsonland clone than the mod I hear described here I don't see how the last build was even similiar to crimsonland (are you thinking of the LOTR mod? ), but wait till you see the new build. So far since my last progress report I've: Done 80% of the ship interior (looks pretty amazing), Incorperated Forceuser's graphics into the game, Added the first full working trial of the Promotion Points system, And something I hadn't expected to get in this build: an early trial of a battlefield on a planet, complete with searchlights, machine gun enplacements, trenches, sandbags + several different types of soldiers. Hopefully I will also make it possible to take control of one of the machine guns.
Well, I may as well say this here: I've got no troubles with using effect 50 to take control of the mg, but how do I make the game turn you back into the human when you want to dismount? I've tried using effect 50 again to turn you into the human creature, but it doesn't seem to work. 
EDIT: Fixed using effect 51 and a dissabling script. I can't figure out how it could be done otherwise; is that how the hoverbike was done, Quanrian or Ville?
These are the effects that were used for the key on the hoverbike. It also used weild slots by the way.
51;//effect number 0.000000;//parameter1 92.000000;//parameter2 100.000000;//parameter3 -2.000000;//parameter4 50;//effect number 0.000000;//parameter1 92.000000;//parameter2 100.000000;//parameter3 -2.000000;//parameter4 56;//effect number 2.000000;//parameter1 0.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4
Than you got this script to see if the player toggled the key item, in other words it's not weilded anymore.
Wielded item disabling script: Condition to check if player is being carried. This will disable the vehicle item when the player no longer is carried. Also checks if the player has ether to fuel the vehicle.;//name 48;//identifier 0;//run without calling (set to 0 if you use the script for example as a wield script) 0;//call position, 0=player location, 1=mouse location 0;//calling creature 0=player, 1=creature nearest to the mouse, 2=player controlled creature 1000;//run every n milliseconds none;//message 0;//message type, 0=quick message, 1=journal none;//sound, none for nothing 0;//delay script for n seconds after conditions met 0;//disabled after first use, 0=no, 1=yes begin_conditions; 33;//condition 0.000000;//condition parameter0 0.00000;//condition parameter1 0;//condition 75.000000;//condition parameter0 1.00000;//condition parameter1 end_conditions; begin_effects; end_effects;
I hope that helps you out Zex and you more than likely don't need to use all that, but basically you making the turret into a vehicle so you should use a decent chunk of it. I'd check out how Casanova did his tank as well, but I believe it was done in a 'similar' fashion. I meant Crimsonlandish because it was just one big area and you weren't doing anything but killing enemies, there wasn't really anything to do but kill and survive in that build. If you're that far why isn't there another build yet Make sure you're at least having some select people test your work as you go, because you may miss a thing or two and it can become buried as you go on.