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  • Got a great idea for the game? Tell us here!

    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    If you've got a great idea for Notrium, tell us here!

    Things not to suggest are:
    *Anything related to multiplayer.
    burgerking 20 years ago
    I wanted to know if anyone replied to my last post on this topic before 1.33 was released as it was deleted so i don't know what anyone said (if they did say anything at all). My last post was about setting up a dual wielding system of some kind where you can hold two single handed weapons at once. Also can you make a secondry fire for weapons eg. laser pistol has a charge shot. maybe make secondry fire the right mouse button or hold shift down and fire.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    Have you tried out my new mod? It has akimbo handguns and an alternate fire for most weapons.
    burgerking 20 years ago
    No, mods don't seem to run on my comp. anyway i wont be playing notrium for a while coz mum banned me from the computer
    i'm only on because she's out at the moment. I read a while ago some put in an idea for a solar panel to charge batteries and i reckon it's a great idea. might be complicated but you could tie it in to the lighting to charge only in daylight. maybe also combine it with a battery and long metal rod to make a fixed charging station that you right click to absorb the collected energy.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    mods do run on your pc, otherwise Notrium wouldn't work at all (The actual game is just a really big mod) The only problem I see with a solar panel is that it has some balancing issues. The charge station idea is good, and maybe the personal solar panel needs to be weilded somewhere important, or it is cumbersome when weilded.
    Marevix 20 years ago
    If Notrium works, and mods don't, you are installing them imporperly. Since this topic has since been cleared, I'll restate that it would be wiggy to be able to use a repair unit on a robot corpse to get a robot ally.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    I would like a way for a weapon to fired with angle that depends on the direction the body of a creature is facing, instead of the rotation of the head.
    Soulefoin 20 years ago
    Actual shotguns. Particle accelerator, two metal rods, I like it! But for the shells I will leave it to Monkkonen. And possibly pebble pistols? Im just going crazy aren't I?

    Cap'n Kyth 20 years ago
    Metal Tube & Pebbles?

    Perhaps you could get a Metal Tube by "slicing" up a Long Metal Rod, which would have one end folded over. That could then be loaded into the "Shotgun" and fired out like a shotgun shell, the pebbles providing the buckshot.
    White Bear 20 years ago
    1. there shoud be more than only two ai places on creatures
    it woud be good...

    2. and shoping ability....
    i want to make village to mod and shops in there...

    click shop keepper (Side ability)
    then it opens shop`s inventory
    item to money and money to item

    then item class tag (9 = money)
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    "White Bear" said:
    1. there shoud be more than only two ai places on creatures
    it woud be good...

    I say that it should be limited. If there were unlimited AI slots, I don't even want to think how much more laggy the game would be...

    "White Bear" said:
    2. and shoping ability....
    i want to make village to mod and shops in there...

    click shop keepper (Side ability)
    then it opens shop`s inventory
    item to money and money to item

    then item class tag (9 = money)

    Isn't that already somehow doable?
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    "White Bear" said:
    1. there shoud be more than only two ai places on creatures
    it woud be good...
    Its possible to do this with an effect, "46=change creature's AI tactic parameter1 (0=primary, 1=secondary) to parameter2" so effectively you can have as many ai's as you want. (I've done 4 myself)
    "White Bear" said:

    2. and shoping ability....
    i want to make village to mod and shops in there...

    click shop keepper (Side ability)
    then it opens shop`s inventory
    item to money and money to item

    then item class tag (9 = money)
    this can already be done, and it has. Check out Cassanova's new mod (opposing force)
    Marevix 20 years ago
    Perhaps the amount of AI slots allowed could be set in the mod, so that you could make a large battle raging well beyond the player's sight on a good computer but still be playable on a lower-end computer through use of different mod versions.

    When I'm finished with the Map Relocation Mod I might try to mod Notrium so that when you kill an enemy that drops an item (i.e. marines, but not aliens) it would drop a set amount of 'credits' that you can use at the rock formation in the Ancient Ruin to get items. A sort of RPG thing.
    HarmlessHermit 20 years ago
    How about a right-mouse click interface for controlling your ai pals? Or at least put in more commands. It is really annoying when you set your blue alien on attack and you have to "gun" it down with the correct button so it doesn't kill itself. The menu that pops up could be simple, like "attack" "defend" "follow" or "eat".
    muffinman 20 years ago
    I suggest to let hermit give the psionic the key without killing hermit. Its just waste of batterys.
    Johns_Volition 20 years ago
    how about being able to make farms?
    muffinman 20 years ago
    And how do we do that with aliens everywhere? Even though its a good idea, the temperature messes everything up. Acid rain, hot weathers, cold weathers, aliens, plants, marines can destroy your farm.
    Cap'n Kyth 20 years ago
    He has a point...

    Option to save your "path travelled" pathlogs between games? It's so annoying to have to close Notrium in order to go somewhere then come back to have lost your way.

    Besides, there aren't enough Pulse Beacons to mark a good path.

    Perhaps a larger area? I like having lots of areas to explore, unbroken by "red barriers" and such.

    Basically, a bigger "easy" map (still haven't figured out how to make it bigger using NFV).
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Something on the modding front might help me signifigantly, however if no else sees merit in it I don't see the point in adding it. Basically my idea is to make condition 14 able to use a negative value, but the negative number would a class instead of a creature type. That way you don't need a new condition and you can check creature classes's distance from things, which I don't believe you can do currently. If someone can tell me what combination of conditions can accomplish this I'm all ears. If a negative would be too much of a pain than simply make a new condition that works like 14 but checks for a creature class, not type.
    LunaticNeko 20 years ago
    Well, all I want are modding capabilities and fixes. The rest are in Jan's hands (where is he anyway).

    Well, like a brief caution on modding and a key to protect mods & not let anyone know the spoilers and such.
    White Bear 20 years ago
    "Marevix" said:

    When I'm finished with the Map Relocation Mod I might try to mod Notrium so that when you kill an enemy that drops an item (i.e. marines, but not aliens) it would drop a set amount of 'credits' that you can use at the rock formation in the Ancient Ruin to get items. A sort of RPG thing.
    if you want to do it to your own mod
    you can do that same way that i did experience motor in Suom-alien mod
    had to write in creature.dat to all creatures that gives some invisible items as a exp counter. then in scrips.dat that it deletes that/those item(s) and adds 1 to Exp. bar. then script that cheks that if there is 1500 as value in Exp. bar. if there is it lowers exp. bar with 1500 and gives one other invicible item as a level counter and adds 10 stat point items. then script that delete one level counter and adds one to level bar.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    "Quanrian" said:
    Something on the modding front might help me signifigantly, however if no else sees merit in it I don't see the point in adding it. Basically my idea is to make condition 14 able to use a negative value, but the negative number would a class instead of a creature type. That way you don't need a new condition and you can check creature classes's distance from things, which I don't believe you can do currently. If someone can tell me what combination of conditions can accomplish this I'm all ears. If a negative would be too much of a pain than simply make a new condition that works like 14 but checks for a creature class, not type.
    Yes, I would definetly find that a very valuable additon.
    ville 20 years ago
    "Quanrian" said:
    Something on the modding front might help me signifigantly, however if no else sees merit in it I don't see the point in adding it. Basically my idea is to make condition 14 able to use a negative value, but the negative number would a class instead of a creature type. That way you don't need a new condition and you can check creature classes's distance from things, which I don't believe you can do currently. If someone can tell me what combination of conditions can accomplish this I'm all ears. If a negative would be too much of a pain than simply make a new condition that works like 14 but checks for a creature class, not type.

    Well it's doable probably. I'll list it in my todo quickies for the next update.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    And could you please add an opposite for condition 0 too? It would make counter items have more uses.
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    I don't know if this idea is so great, but here goes...

    If possible, could you make Notrium compatible with .fla:s?
    ville 20 years ago
    "Reaper" said:
    If possible, could you make Notrium compatible with .fla:s?

    What's that?
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    .fla is a flash document.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    Probably imposible since flash is a propietary technology that belongs to macromedia, and they wont let others develop with it for free.
    ville 20 years ago
    That's right, there's no way to support flash.
    burgerking 20 years ago
    I have to repeat myself to be heard here:
    What about a dual wielding system?
    Solar panel idea?
    Also i think the repair unit + Robot Corpse idea is good.
    How about an option to bulid a robot ally stronger than a repair unit robot. Maybe Robot corpse+Repair unit+computer Unit+Laser pistol+Battery?
    Casanova 20 years ago
    Could you add an effect that allows droping plot objects at a certain position and angle from the calling point? This could allow randomizing the placement of bases and other locations:

    parameter1 = what PO (default size in obj def)
    parameter2 = X pos from callin location
    parameter3 = Y pos from callin location
    parameter4 = Rotation in radians

    It would take a different entry for every wall/door/etc, but still would be very useful.

    Another very useful feature would be an specialty that sets that a creature doesnt collide with other creatures and plot objects. This would be great for flying creatures, ghosts and some weapons.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "Casanova" said:

    Another very useful feature would be an specialty that sets that a creature doesnt collide with other creatures and plot objects. This would be great for flying creatures, ghosts and some weapons.

    I could actually use this in a big way for my own mod because the default collision detection for creatures can cause havok on what I had to setup. I think this specialty should be configurable though, like you could set what plane it would not check, all or none. That way there could still be some collision detection.

    Something I personally could use is a speciality that would allow creatures to backpedal in the same way the player can in vehicle mode even when they can't turn. I don't expect this anytime soon, but it could simply be set to negative speed values. So you could set the minimum to a negative, which would be the speed of the creature but moving backwards, without changing it current heading.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    Another useful option would be to add a condition that checks if a creatures of some class are nearer than X pixels.

    To help me add better control for friendly units i could use an effect that changes a creatures eat item , or one that prevents/allows it from eating for X time or pemanently.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "Casanova" said:
    Another useful option would be to add a condition that checks if a creatures of some class are nearer than X pixels.

    To help me add better control for friendly units i could use an effect that changes a creatures eat item , or one that prevents/allows it from eating for X time or pemanently.

    I actually suggested that exact condition However I suggested using the existing one that checks for a creature type and to merely make it so a negative number would check for that creature class, instead of type. That was you get double the use of a single condition.

    You don't need an effect to change a creature's eat item. Eat items actually are a relic since you can have a creature interact with ANY item the same way they do an eat item and if you so desire even keep track of it with a bar the creature has. For a prime example of a creature using multiple eat item types refer to the hermit in the default game. You will in fact find it uses several different items, not just a single eat item, all for separate interactions. To disable or temporarily disable the use of the eat item you'd simple use a toggle of some sort, probably with a bar as well, checking if the bar is a value before they can interact with that particular item (eat item).
    ville 20 years ago
    "Casanova" said:
    Could you add an effect that allows droping plot objects at a certain position and angle from the calling point? This could allow randomizing the placement of bases and other locations:

    parameter1 = what PO (default size in obj def)
    parameter2 = X pos from callin location
    parameter3 = Y pos from callin location
    parameter4 = Rotation in radians

    It would take a different entry for every wall/door/etc, but still would be very useful.

    Another very useful feature would be an specialty that sets that a creature doesnt collide with other creatures and plot objects. This would be great for flying creatures, ghosts and some weapons.

    Good ideas, I'll have to see if I can add them. No promises though.

    "Casanova" said:
    Another useful option would be to add a condition that checks if a creatures of some class are nearer than X pixels.

    That should be an easy one.
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