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    shadow 20 years ago
    this might sound dumb but.... i cant get out of start house with psyonic

    he keeps running after me saying some [censored] about he wants a radio

    as far as i know he lets you out if you are human(or whatever i did it with human ) and never attacks you again... but what about psyonic??? how do they get out????

    STUPID HOUSE (lol)
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    Use psionic blast to kill him.
    God of Nothing 19 years ago
    what does the ether blob do ?
    Idiota 19 years ago
    Ether is fuel. Think of what you can do with fuel. I know, it's quite obvious, but I dont want to tell
    Toko 19 years ago
    how can you get ether blob?
    Idiota 19 years ago
    You can do something with the ether canister that makes it drop ether on the floor. that Ether on the floor is the ether blob
    God of Nothing 19 years ago
    how do you ignite the ether blob i tryed to make a fire on it but it didn't work
    Idiota 19 years ago
    there are different types of fire, remember that and try again.
    Kajotex 19 years ago
    Are there any alien classes besides the reaper that are invisible?
    The reaper in the icq-passage were easy to kill cause they were clearly to see on the white ground, but after i advanced through the game i was kille by something more invisible i think. i just got into a fight and ran away firing my shotgun at the predators. then i got attacked from something behind my back and was killed my a moan i never heard until that point

    and another question: does it give any mobile healing items besides the healthpacks? its sometimes frustrating when i come into a gunfight and do my best and then just got killed because i run out of those spare healthpacks and no red plant was near to me.
    and if it does give such an item... how do i make it or where do i find it?

    EDIT: I just realized that i stumbled into a hive... there was a big alein.... that was the queen right? is it hard to kill her?

    oh and something more: where can i get something that i can attach to my boots and what benefits would i gain from that?
    ville 19 years ago
    If there are other invisible creatures still lurking besides reapers, then it's a bug and I'd like to see the save file.

    No portable healing items besides the health packs, at least as far as I can remember.
    Kajotex 19 years ago
    well i discovered that it was a reaper. he is absolute invisible if you move in the jungle.

    im stuck in the middle of the bridge. if i go further i get killed by the queen and her fellowship. if i go back i get punished by some mad aliens.

    EDIT: Do alien respawn after some time if i kill them? i mean is it possible to clean out an whole map with the fact that there will never be more than 2 alien on the current screen?
    B0rsuk 19 years ago
    "Kajotex" said:
    well i discovered that it was a reaper. he is absolute invisible if you move in the jungle.

    im stuck in the middle of the bridge. if i go further i get killed by the queen and her fellowship. if i go back i get punished by some mad aliens.

    EDIT: Do alien respawn after some time if i kill them? i mean is it possible to clean out an whole map with the fact that there will never be more than 2 alien on the current screen?

    Aliens certainly respawn in Hive.

    There is, actually, an another item which can be used for healing. Judgding by what you wrote you must've seen it a couple of times at least. If you don't know which one, it's written in item description. It can be obtained in two areas, I think.
    LunaticNeko 19 years ago
    reapers are not totally transparent. you can still see it faintly. The reapers blood have medical properties.
    Kajotex 19 years ago
    I know that! Reapers on ice are easy to see. but if you flee from a bunch of alien in the jungle and an reaper joins the chase there is no way to spot him!

    erm another question: its normal that the big tentacles near the altar in eden are invisible right?
    B0rsuk 19 years ago
    Sicon 19 years ago
    I played all the races, and the hardest one for me is the Android. Can someone please tell me HOW the hell do you survive as an Android? Really it seems like every 1 energy means I get 1 second to live as in 50 energy means 50 seconds. I always run out of energy because I either get killed too fast OR I simply can't find enouth batteries, etc etc to replenish my energy... Anyone got any help/tips for me?
    Idiota 19 years ago
    Does the alien player has his own languae? Or does he speak English? Or does he not speak at all and only thinks?
    Sicon 19 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    Does the alien player has his own languae? Or does he speak English? Or does he not speak at all and only thinks?

    what do you mean by that?
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    And what do you mean 'he'?
    Idiota 19 years ago
    "Sicon" said:
    "Idiota" said:
    Does the alien player has his own languae? Or does he speak English? Or does he not speak at all and only thinks?

    what do you mean by that?
    How does the alien communicate? That's the question I'm asking.

    "Grim Reaper" said:
    And what do you mean 'he'?

    I'm talking about a whole alien race here. I'm sure they're not all female.

    EDIT: As I watched ville come, I hoped he'd awnser my question. I watched ville go and still no awnser . Could someone please awnser this.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    I think her race has their own ways of communicating. It might be english, if they're just some sort of experiment by some other race which speaks/spoke english.
    iceman 19 years ago
    or it could be like other games where the language is transleted to english, i.e you know it already
    Quanrian 19 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    "Sicon" said:
    "Idiota" said:
    Does the alien player has his own languae? Or does he speak English? Or does he not speak at all and only thinks?

    what do you mean by that?
    How does the alien communicate? That's the question I'm asking.

    "Grim Reaper" said:
    And what do you mean 'he'?

    I'm talking about a whole alien race here. I'm sure they're not all female.

    EDIT: As I watched ville come, I hoped he'd awnser my question. I watched ville go and still no awnser . Could someone please awnser this.

    The aliens would have their own language obviously You don't see any aliens having conversations do you ? Even the journal for the alien is readable only because being the alien you would be able to perfectly understand your own thoughts. The language the aliens would use would probably be a combination of growls and possibly clicks. This would justify why you hear growls throughout Notrium. You see, they're planning your demise
    AsdMaster 19 years ago
    How do you create a Golemn of any kind

    And how do you create a sniper gun and its bullets

    All for the greater goods
    Marevix 19 years ago
    Golem- closest thing to that is Psionic Ally. Get the void token and try some combinations until you find Psionic Ally, get some sand, and try it out.

    Sniper pistol- Can't remember too clearly, but I'm 80% sure it's pistol + long metal rod.
    platypus 19 years ago
    tattered paper ending? i have the paper bit don't know what to do . it says in forum give it lots of items - ??!

    whad do i do with strange bark and with odd leaf ??

    where can i find or how can i make armor for aliens head/chest slots? - i've looked everywhere

    other 5 endings were easyer
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    *** SPOILER BELOW ***
    It gives you a riddle you have to solve. Once you think you've figured it out, try to combine the paper with the item. If it works, you solved it. Do this about 10-15 times (can't remember exactly) until the paper starts glowing. Then use it.
    *** SPOILER ABOVE ***
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    I thought it was something like 5-6 times...
    The Unknown Guy 19 years ago
    Two questions:

    1: Does the fungus really respawn? (would shape my gameplay strategy quite a bit.

    2: Trial of Lifeforce, for the psionic (AKA: the eden token quest, when you use matter + liquid on the green temple): I´m on the decoy quest, where you have to kill spider-things. What the hell do I have to do to kill them? Hit them by the back when they´re heading towards my decoy?

    EDIT: Third question: I understand there´s a more recent version of Werivar´s mod than the one which is avaiable at the webpage. If so, where can I download it?

    EDIT #2: Thaimodz´s page is down, if that is the download site
    Marevix 19 years ago
    Yes, Thaimodz' site is the site with the latest Werivar download. Until Uberwaffe finds another host, you're stuck with the version. Fungus does not respawn, and for the decoys, you wait until the spiders are close to you and deploy the decoy. You run, the decoy fires and kills them after a little while, repeat.
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    "Marevix" said:
    Yes, Thaimodz' site is the site with the latest Werivar download. Until Uberwaffe finds another host, you're stuck with the version. Fungus does not respawn, and for the decoys, you wait until the spiders are close to you and deploy the decoy. You run, the decoy fires and kills them after a little while, repeat.
    And remember to change the decoy's AI to attack mode, otherwise it'll take forever to kill them.
    slipfuzzy 19 years ago
    I know that freezing rain lowers your temperature, but my temperature is decreasing atan extremely fast rate, so much that I can't spend about half a minute away from a fire or I'll drop below zero. What's wrong?
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    "slipfuzzy" said:
    I know that freezing rain lowers your temperature, but my temperature is decreasing atan extremely fast rate, so much that I can't spend about half a minute away from a fire or I'll drop below zero. What's wrong?
    Nothing's wrong. Just stay near the fire until it stops raining.
    slipfuzzy 19 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "slipfuzzy" said:
    I know that freezing rain lowers your temperature, but my temperature is decreasing atan extremely fast rate, so much that I can't spend about half a minute away from a fire or I'll drop below zero. What's wrong?
    Nothing's wrong. Just stay near the fire until it stops raining.

    You must have heard me wrong, because the temperature is decreasing way faster than it should. Oh, well. I'll Figure it out.
    Pete 19 years ago
    What if it have the right speed?
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