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    Pete 17 years ago
    Have you played my mod yet? Did you? No?

    Well, them[hypnotic voice]plaaaaayyyyyy iiiittttt nnoooowww![/hypnotic voice]

    Seriously though, its nice to see someone new to play Notrium.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    Seriously though, its nice to see someone new to play Notrium.
    Indeed. In fact, how many people are still playing Notrium? (no offense, ville)
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    Me, albeit irregularly.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    In a certain way, I'm also playing. Yeah. Wish I had more time though.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    Me, albeit irregularly.
    I also occasionally get an urge to play it again.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    "Occasionaly playing" shouldn't count on being actually playing the game regularly, what I actually meant.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Occasionaly playing" shouldn't count on being actually playing the game regularly, what I actually meant.
    But it's not what you said, so if it's what you meant, it's what you should've said.
    osek1994 17 years ago
    I'm stuck on the spaceship, the journal entry says that i destroyed the last shield generator and a force field from a hallway should be open now. I searched the entire ship 26 times now, went to every location, collected possibly every single item laying on the ground and i dont know what to do . There is a room at the top of the spaceship map with blue "bubbles" on both sides of the door, and the room has a few computers in it. I'm sure that I have to do something in there but I dont know what. Plz tell me what to do !
    Protoplasm 17 years ago
    I'm playing the Werivar mod, and I can't seem to find the void for psionic in mining fields. I got the spaceship bonus, and the lifeforce and moisture tokens.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Protoplasm" said:
    I'm playing the Werivar mod, and I can't seem to find the void for psionic in mining fields. I got the spaceship bonus, and the lifeforce and moisture tokens.
    Shouldn't this be in the Werivar mod thread? AFAIK, this one's for questions about Vanila (i.e. unmodded, or default mod) Notrium.
    Bones 17 years ago
    Yeah, thou must irritate UberWaffe with your questions...
    Btw, go to the center ( Marine base ), and go southwest... Search the void, it's gotta be there...
    I played Psionic about 2 times, so sorry if I said anything wrong...
    thehunter49 17 years ago
    I got into Eden area and a huge tentacle appeared close to me and attacked me, I managed to kill it but even after it died I started to lose health. Is there any way I could counter that?
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Weird... if you actually died, the Death screen would show up. Did you mess with the mod's scripts?
    harwe 17 years ago
    No, he is talking about when the tentacles shoot the poison at him and he gradually loses health so he wants to know if there is a way to stop or prevent it.
    Bones 17 years ago
    A advice: Always have at least 3-4 health packs in your inventory.
    Narvius 17 years ago
    Better advice: Don't let them hit you AND always have some health packs.
    MM5 17 years ago
    Avoid their attacks, bring Health Packs and if you're too desperate you can always mod it. But, I don't suggest doing that. It's not fair and you can mess up the game if you don't know what you're doing (like me )
    Bones 17 years ago
    Have a advanced flamethrower.
    MM5 17 years ago
    Or make an acidic weed kiler. (Brown Alien Corpse+ Blue Alien Corpse+ Long Metal Tube+ Powered Particle Accelerator+ Flamethrower, oh yeah!)
    Narvius 17 years ago
    Uhm yeah, sure. ^^
    MM5 17 years ago
    Why can the Psionic pick up items when the explanation says he can't? At the beginning I can pick up stuff. Though I end up stuck in an object sometimes. Must be sort of secret protection against picking up items (yeah, right!)
    E_net4 17 years ago
    No, actually, by the game saying that you can't carry items, means you can't hold objects with weight. If you pick up a weightless object, you'll be able to carry it, else you won't be able to move.
    MM5 17 years ago
    Oh, well that explains the sudden merging with rocks!
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "MM5" said:
    Or make an acidic weed kiler. (Brown Alien Corpse+ Blue Alien Corpse+ Long Metal Tube+ Powered Particle Accelerator+ Flamethrower, oh yeah!)
    That is not in Vanilla.
    MM5 17 years ago
    That is not in Vanilla.

    Yeah, I know. But, it could be made with a little modding...(I'll include it in my mod)
    yony6502 17 years ago
    how do i take the key from the man fat in the hous in the start wif psionic aline
    Amarth 17 years ago
    By force.
    MM5 17 years ago
    Yup. You gotta show him who's the boss. A.k.a use Psionic blast and KILL HIM! Then take the key. Then we head to- oh, I'll stop here.
    harwe 17 years ago
    if your nice, im not sure if this will work, psionic dash out of the hut, does not work all the time, and find a radio and give it to him heh
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "harwe" said:
    if your nice, im not sure if this will work, psionic dash out of the hut, does not work all the time, and find a radio and give it to him heh
    That... that doesn't even remotely work. First off, using Psionic Dash to escape the hut will only work if your computer is having a heart attack at the time, so the collision detection gets really lazy. And secondly, even if you found a radio, you couldn't pick it up.
    harwe 17 years ago
    eh? when you pick the radio up you can still DASH back.... no matter how much weight you have, dash works, for odd reasons... and yes, for me, the dashing through wall thing worked some times
    Narvius 17 years ago
    The simpliest would be playing Werivar. It's way nicer to Psionics and overall better.
    Priok 17 years ago
    How do you make the pulse laser, and the beacon ray?

    I'm really stuck .

    Amarth 17 years ago
    "Priok" said:
    How do you make the pulse laser, and the beacon ray?
    Chyfr Ynfre = Ynfre Cvfgby + Tynff Zneoyr
    Tynff Zneoyr pna or znqr sebz Fnaq
    Ornpba Enl = Enqvngbe + Chyfr Ornpba

    Priok 17 years ago
    sorry but I don't speak that language.
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