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    roy 16 years ago
    I got a question about the werivar mod thing on notrium. For ppl who don't have the time go to the short version.

    Long version: I was doing fine had nice weapons that dude who asks for a radio keeping me company in my base. I even had a powered array detector and that thing showed me that there were dire reapers in the ancient ruins. At first I was thinking "wtf?", then got a bit worried about the safety there and then just improved the defenses of my base by adding two laser fences at my door to kill a number of them and also giving me a lot of corpses to heal. After that everything was fine a few minutes later I decided to check out that refinery thing in East hive with a flame turret. Worked perfectly, the turret took out every reaper and other alien that was coming too close and I just kept going further in the refinery thing, until I got every thing alive there to death. I used my hoverbike (that I made some time ago) to get the ether generator etc back to the ancient ruins of course I knew the reapers won't let me pass just like that so I rushed trough the area until I was protected by the fences. I was thinking "save at last" but then i noticed the footprints inside the base, opened the door and a dire reaper came out, I froze of confusion while that thing destroyed my hoverbike. Now I'm not asking how to get a new one but just "how the heck did that reaper get inside?", the door was closed, there were laser fences protecting it and no way in other than that door.

    Short version:
    A dire reaper got into my base while the door was closed in werivar, how is this possible?
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Laser fences are creatures, and Notrium automatically disables creatures after a certain distance to improve FPS. This is how they got past the fences. I'm not sure about the door though.
    nova 16 years ago
    what is the living puddle guy you get from dumping an ether good for any way i use him as a pet but is there another use ???
    E_net4 16 years ago
    You can set it on fire, for burning aliens. Therefore, keep your flamethrower.
    xoyv 16 years ago
    "ericktm" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    If you want a god-mode type thing, add the following specialties to your player_races.dat to auto-regen health and energy. It could be done for food too.

      recharge energy;//description
    0;//difficulty level
    (insert a number here);//parameter3
    recharge health;//description
    0;//difficulty level
    (insert a number here);//parameter3

    This is what I use when I want to test something without the hassle of dying/running out of power.

    you have to be more specific in how to apply the code to the list, i try to use it but i couldnt. but thanks to you I came up with other ways to mess with the script such as, the weapon, life. energy and limit enhance... I even posted a hack that i came up with (simple stuff) by messing around with the scrip so thank you and if you know a page where i can learn game scrip ill really appreciate if you could tell me.
    would it be posible to turn it into a mod?
    ZeXLR8er 16 years ago
    "xoyv" said:
    "ericktm" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    If you want a god-mode type thing, add the following specialties to your player_races.dat to auto-regen health and energy. It could be done for food too.

      recharge energy;//description
    0;//difficulty level
    (insert a number here);//parameter3
    recharge health;//description
    0;//difficulty level
    (insert a number here);//parameter3

    This is what I use when I want to test something without the hassle of dying/running out of power.

    you have to be more specific in how to apply the code to the list, i try to use it but i couldnt. but thanks to you I came up with other ways to mess with the script such as, the weapon, life. energy and limit enhance... I even posted a hack that i came up with (simple stuff) by messing around with the scrip so thank you and if you know a page where i can learn game scrip ill really appreciate if you could tell me.
    would it be posible to turn it into a mod?

    Definitely possible; if you're interested, you should go have a read of the Modding FAQ and download the Barebones mod from, use Dorten's Notrium Mod Viewer and get to work!
    xoyv 16 years ago
    ok i downloaded the mod, but what would
    recharge energy;//description
    0;//difficulty level
    ZeXLR8er 16 years ago
    "xoyv" said:
    ok i downloaded the mod, but what would
    recharge energy;//description
    0;//difficulty level

    OK, I should clarify. If you simply want to make a default Notrium mod where the player is invincible, add MageKing's code to the specialty sections of player_races.dat in the original Notrium files, not the barebones mod files. What I told you was how to start making a new mod from scratch using the barebones mod.
    xoyv 16 years ago
    "ZeXLR8er" said:
    "xoyv" said:
    ok i downloaded the mod, but what would
    recharge energy;//description
    0;//difficulty level

    OK, I should clarify. If you simply want to make a default Notrium mod where the player is invincible, add MageKing's code to the specialty sections of player_races.dat in the original Notrium files, not the barebones mod files. What I told you was how to start making a new mod from scratch using the barebones mod.
    ok so would i need to add anything into mage's code? because it says insert number here in 2 places
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    "xoyv" said:
    ok so would i need to add anything into mage's code? because it says insert number here in 2 places
    Obviously, you're supposed to stick numbers there. Any number will work, as long as it's positive.
    Starioshka 15 years ago
    does Notrium work on eeepc901 with linux debian? and what libs it contains because i am out of memory
    Amarth 15 years ago
    "Starioshka" said:
    does Notrium work on eeepc901 with linux debian? and what libs it contains because i am out of memory
    Should work with Wine, yes.
    Starioshka 15 years ago
    crap! when u will makin it for linux?
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "Starioshka" said:
    crap! when u will makin it for linux?
    Most likely never. What've you got against Wine?
    Starioshka 15 years ago
    really nothin but it sometimes doesn't work and i wouldn't save my gameplays...
    Amarth 15 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Starioshka" said:
    crap! when u will makin it for linux?
    Most likely never. What've you got against Wine?
    I think (actually, I know) a Linux version was never released because 1) Ville doesn't want to open source the code (which only he decides about, of course), and 2) there is almost no demand for a Linux version. Perhaps if a few more people would be asking for it something could be done...
    Starioshka 15 years ago
    ugh... so then i will wait till summer... because i am out now and using just eeepc's
    Zankman 15 years ago
    Are there any "Black Aliens" in Notrium? I heard, read and seen some pictures...
    E_net4 15 years ago
    "Zankman" said:
    Are there any "Black Aliens" in Notrium? I heard, read and seen some pictures...
    Nope. The greatest approach to black aliens are the blue aliens. You must have made some sort of mistake.
    tommyb1988 15 years ago
    Hi friends; two questions:

    1) Where the hell is the ship graveyard?? All i can find is the swamp, the missile base, the mining area then the hive.

    2) I found a glass tube for the welding torch, then i died. I have SCOURED the area i found it in for AGES and can't see it. Does the item move upon reload? Where else can i try looking for it?

    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "tommyb1988" said:
    2) I found a glass tube for the welding torch, then i died. I have SCOURED the area i found it in for AGES and can't see it. Does the item move upon reload? Where else can i try looking for it?
    The area being the VC mining area? They're a randomly-scattered item. You'll probably never find one in the same spot twice, but you should find multiple scattered around.
    ville 15 years ago
    It shouldn't move on reload.
    Wasn't the ship graveyard the same as the swamp with a lot of broken ships lying about?
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "ville" said:
    Wasn't the ship graveyard the same as the swamp with a lot of broken ships lying about?
    Perhaps by "swamp" he meant "marsh", in which case the ship graveyard would be north of the Hive.

    You see, tommyb1988, the map has 6 areas in this formation:

    Area 1 is your starting area, area 2 is the hive, and A, B, C, and D are (in random order) the ship graveyard, mining area, marsh, and missile base. Since areas A, B, C, and D have their locations randomized each game, you always have to go through the hive to reach one area.

    However, this is all going off of memory, so I may have missed something.
    Azhrei 15 years ago
    I know this was mentioned earlier in this thread, but it wasn't fully covered. I dropped the first door key and now need to find the one in the Missile Base. Can anyone tell me what section of the map it is in, or what I have to do to find it?
    E_net4 15 years ago
    I wish I could help you, but Notrium doesn't feel like working on my laptop.

    As far as I remember, you can't find a key in the missile base. However, I'd suggest you to search for keys in the mining field. It's the area with marines.
    Azhrei 15 years ago
    Alright, I'll give that a try. Thank you.

    I did think it was in Missile Base area though because Darkdude asked why there was a key to the hermit's hut in the missile base on page 14. Yeah, I searched every page for the word key, even after I got that. Maybe he meant Mining Field, they do both start with M.
    Anonymous1157 15 years ago
    I remember now! It's in the missile base, I'm sure of it. I remember having found it shortly before discovering a bug I reported.
    Venom31 15 years ago
    It's funny, but the Door Key from hermit's house opens the Missile Base door too.

    MageKing17, with all respect, you really have missed something
    The starting area (Ancient Ruins) of Notrium 1.341 has no location to the south of it. So "D" is above "1". Also there is Eden (let's say "E") possible north of that "A".
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "Venom31" said:
    MageKing17, with all respect, you really have missed something
    No big shock there, I haven't played Notrium in years.
    "Venom31" said:
    The starting area (Ancient Ruins) of Notrium 1.341 has no location to the south of it. So "D" is above "1". Also there is Eden (let's say "E") possible north of that "A".
    Really? I would have sworn the map was cross-shaped. Oh well.
    Azhrei 15 years ago
    So does anybody have any idea WHERE in the Missle Base the key is, or should I just loot everything? Is it a drop from a random one of those robots, or is it randomly out in the field somewhere? I've scoured so much, with so little to lift my spirits. I feel marooned.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    Really? I would have sworn the map was cross-shaped. Oh well.
    It is in Werivar(sort of, if you don't consider all those jungle areas). In the default mod, you cannot go downwards from the Hermit's area.

    Also, try searching in the mining field, as I said. I don't remember finding any key at the missile base. You can only find supplies and the two huge missile robots.
    Venom31 15 years ago
    Use Door Key from the Hermit's hut as I said. It worked for me. It looks like a Notrium discrepancy. Thus - in the to do list for patching, but Notrium ain't going to change anymore - I patch it for myself individually
    *EDIT* Didn't come to patch that still - I just take it as it is...
    mexis8 15 years ago
    Umm, i have a question. when i was making a modification quite awhile ago, i noticed a bug, when one of my troops shot an alien right through the metal wall, and straight out into space (tiles i used) zone. -.- is their a patch to stop them flying through walls?
    Venom31 15 years ago
    This mostly goes to mods subforum, but the question goes directly to Notrium...
    You see, the collision detection in Notrium works, really works... in 99% of all cases... So sometimes it doesn't . As I see it, it must be somewhere deep in the code, I guess there is no way how it's fixed now . The effects/conditions tinkering don't have appropriate means (IMHO) to check the walls breakthrough. Sorry, but it looks like you'll have to go on with that .

    *EDIT* This is a bit about movement "terminal speed", so to say. Try to make your weapons kick back enemies not so far, I think this may decrease the frequency of these "fall-outs"
    E_net4 15 years ago
    Objects and creatures might go through walls under certain conditions. As we assume this is the final version, there is nothing that can be done. Just try not to exploit it.
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