"White Rabbit" said: Three questions: 1. Are the plants in Eden supposed to not attack the Psionic? They won't even touch him if he attacks them first. I killed the big, huge, plant and used the Planetoid to "win" the game, but it was kinda boring, since, being Psionic, nobody came to me when I used the Planetoid in the central altar.
2. On day 14, the Psionic says that he should go back to the pod crash site in search for something, but I've no idea what it is, and I've looked through the Hermit's hut pretty thoroughly. I've only found the Hermit's diary, some bullets, some firewood, a computer chip, a metal rod, some pebbles, and that's it.
3. I've read somewhere on this forum that red healing plants respawn in Eden. Is this true? 1. That's the right, the plants in Eden are your friends.  2. I didn't find anything too  3. And also electric plants.