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  • Notrium modding questions/answers

    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Have a modding question that needs answering? Ask here!
    Please make sure read the modding FAQ before posting, because the answers to your questions are probably there already.
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    Could it be possible to make side-view mod of Notrium and make only the upper body turn where the mouse points, and when the view angle of the character is within a certain area (e.g. 0-180 degrees), the character/character's upper body flips (becomes a mirror image of itself)?

    Hope someone understood that... (I'm not good at explaining this kind of things )
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Sure it's possible. You put the torso on the middle layer which is what uses the direction of the mouse. The lower layer uses the direction of the keyboard and the top layer which is where the head usually goes uses none. The middle layer is automatically going to swivel a bit when the player walks. You'll want to line up the bottom of the waist with the top of the hips/legs.

    However I have to warn you I tried that setup originally and it does not look good due to the fact the torso will rotate straight down. However if you're going for more of a ragdoll than realism look that shouldn't be a problem.
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    Could you make a tutorial about side-view modding things in the FAQ?
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    It's a good possibility. However I'll probably be pointing out things to check in my mod, which of course is not finished yet. There is a small chance by the time I get out a new version of a Modding Faq plenty of other people will have figured out how to do it. I think the main thing is that it's established now that it 'is' possible as opposed to impossible to do different views other than top-down/birds-eye.
    LunaticNeko 20 years ago
    Is there a way to use ragdoll effect for deaths? (like 'Karma' in Unreal Engine) The corpse rolls around and hits the rock or so.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    I'd say yes it is possible to do some kind of ragdoll effect. A creature's corpse however cannot be moved. I couldn't tell you how to go about it sadly. I'm just fairly sure it could be done to some capacity. It's very doubtful you'll be able to accomplish anything too sophisticated. You may be able to simulate some moderately convincing physics. If you can manage it, I'm sure others will be interested to know how you did it
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    Is it possible to change a terrain tile that an item/object/creature is on during the game. This could make for some cool effects and items I have in mind.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    I dont think that is possible, but you could use a changing plot object that looks like the terrain.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    bullet0.png;//bullet texture
    1;//bullets at one shot
    0;//stop at hit 0=stop where hit, 1=don't stop
    0.000000;//bullet size
    50.000000;//bullet speed
    50.000000;//time until bullet disappears
    500;//fire rate
    0;//trace 0=no trace, 1=blue beam, 2=bullet trace, 3=red beam, 4=green beam, 5=yellow beam
    -1;//hit visual effect colour, -1=nothing 0=?, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue
    -1;//hit visual effect particle, -1=nothing, 0=>particle from particles.dat
    none;//hit effect sound
    1.000000;//push target back
    -0.010000;//push shooter back
    groan2.wav;//fire sound
    claws0_hit.wav;//hit sound
    1.000000;//AI hear volume, the amount of anger the AI gets when it hears the weapon
    4;//effect number
    4;//effect number
    23;//effect number

    I want to make a poison weapon, but it doesn't work, can somebody please tell me why?
    Marevix 20 years ago
    Quote from Map Relocation Modification thread-
    "Marevix" said:
    Alright, I'm running into a problem testing my battery graphic. I found a Duracell battery graphic online (pm me if you want the url), made it transparent, and resized it to 64x62 (wouldn't resize to 64x64). I replaced the battery's texture in items.dat to the battery graphic. It points to dura_battery.png. In the textures folder, under a subfolder labeled Map Relocation Mod, the graphic is labled dura_battery.png. In-game, the battery graphic displays alphanumeric ASCII. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    The alpha numeric bit is because you didn't associate your graphic properly. That is the only time that happens is if it can't find the graphic for something. Make sure you named the file exactly as you associated it and your texture subfolder is the exact same name as the one you're using for your mod in the data folder. Basically though it doesn't exist to notrium so it's using a filler graphic.
    Marevix 20 years ago
    I got it to work by removing the .png extension at then end of the graphic- it works now. Thanks, Quanrian.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    How do I delete the AI-mode line in the upperleft corner of the screen?
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Yes, that would be very handy.
    Marevix 20 years ago
    What is this about aimode? I don't understand.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    It's a certain thing a creature does, like guarding, roaming, attacking etc.
    ville 20 years ago
    Ah that, I don't think it can be removed at the moment.
    White Bear 20 years ago
    is it able to use *.gif as texture? (animation)
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    No, but you can have aniamtions by using multiple frames (in the 'object definitions' file).
    ville 20 years ago
    You can use gifs, but they won't be animated. As Zex mentioned, you need to use the frame capabilities of objects.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    I was wondering if anyone could help me with a dillema.

    I am trying to see if an "orbital gun" would be a feasible weapon for the advanced player. So I made one. Right now it works, but there are some problems.

    The orbital weapon fires immediately when the quick-key is pressed, and I would like a delay. I tried using the built-in delay for scripts, but apparently that doesn't effect a script that is being called by an effect. Also, there doesn't seem to be a "delay" or "pause" or "wait" effect.

    The explosion when the blast hits the ground has the speed, damage, size, and energy drain (50!) I want it to have, but the knockback doesn't seem to be working. And yes, I am having the script use effect 65 to activate weapon knockback. [Edit]The weapon is, I might add, killing the enemies I've tested it on in one shot. This is due to the high energy drain and power an orbital cannon would theoretically have, but I thought that killing hits still knocked back the creature (I have a memory of this with the Warp Gun, although that could be my mind playing tricks on me)[/Edit]

    I need to know how to disable the weapon in certain areas (indoor ones, like the bunker and the ship).
    Casanova 20 years ago
    For that gun, I would use a plot object instead and give it the delay you want. Also set in the conditions the kinds of terrains it cant be fired on (cond 17).
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    I was wondering if anyone could help me with a dillema.

    I am trying to see if an "orbital gun" would be a feasible weapon for the advanced player. So I made one. Right now it works, but there are some problems.

    The orbital weapon fires immediately when the quick-key is pressed, and I would like a delay. I tried using the built-in delay for scripts, but apparently that doesn't effect a script that is being called by an effect. Also, there doesn't seem to be a "delay" or "pause" or "wait" effect.

    The explosion when the blast hits the ground has the speed, damage, size, and energy drain (50!) I want it to have, but the knockback doesn't seem to be working. And yes, I am having the script use effect 65 to activate weapon knockback. [Edit]The weapon is, I might add, killing the enemies I've tested it on in one shot. This is due to the high energy drain and power an orbital cannon would theoretically have, but I thought that killing hits still knocked back the creature (I have a memory of this with the Warp Gun, although that could be my mind playing tricks on me)[/Edit]

    I need to know how to disable the weapon in certain areas (indoor ones, like the bunker and the ship).

    Orbital gun ,eh? Well, could you tell me how do u fire it, cuz if you fire it by firing a marker OSLT at the enemy, then the delay would be easy. Just delay the marker bullet thing. If you do it by some other means, could you please elaborate?
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    That could definately work or you could use the bar to set up your own custom timer. Having the second script go off and reset the bar at the same time. That should give you the delay you require. With two bars you could set it up even better however and use the same timer bar for delays for multiple weapons, having them use different values that the bar must be at.

    Here's how you'd hypothetically set it up.

    Two Bars : First bar will be your toggle, it will either be 0 or 1, it will be triggered by the weapon when it fires. The second bar will be your actual counter.

    Player must have both bars in their race data. The first will set the default values, 0 for both. You'll than use a speciality that tells it when ever the toggle bar is great than 0 it should increase the counter bar x amount, the amount being whatever rate you want it to increase by.

    So now you should just have to change the toggle bar to make the counter bar increase. You'll now want a script to check the value of the counter bar, and than have it fire the weapon. Remember to also reset the counter bar AND reset the toggle bar as well. That should give you a highly customizable delay.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    First, let me answer this.

    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Orbital gun ,eh? Well, could you tell me how do u fire it, cuz if you fire it by firing a marker OSLT at the enemy, then the delay would be easy. Just delay the marker bullet thing. If you do it by some other means, could you please elaborate?
    The orbital gun is an item, a script, and a weapon. When you press the "Z" key, the item activates the script which activates "at mouse location" to fire the weapon (using effect 65) which has the super spread and damage. Also, either the script or the weapon (i can't remember which) creates a large, temporary light to simulate an explosion and show the blast radius (for the players who want to know what they can hit).

    "Quanrian" said:
    That could definately work or you could use the bar to set up your own custom timer. Having the second script go off and reset the bar at the same time. That should give you the delay you require. With two bars you could set it up even better however and use the same timer bar for delays for multiple weapons, having them use different values that the bar must be at.

    Here's how you'd hypothetically set it up.

    Two Bars : First bar will be your toggle, it will either be 0 or 1, it will be triggered by the weapon when it fires. The second bar will be your actual counter.

    Player must have both bars in their race data. The first will set the default values, 0 for both. You'll than use a speciality that tells it when ever the toggle bar is great than 0 it should increase the counter bar x amount, the amount being whatever rate you want it to increase by.

    So now you should just have to change the toggle bar to make the counter bar increase. You'll now want a script to check the value of the counter bar, and than have it fire the weapon. Remember to also reset the counter bar AND reset the toggle bar as well. That should give you a highly customizable delay.
    I was hoping to solve this without using bars, because my experiences with bars.dat have been, so far, disasterous. Except in one case, where I just copied a bar and used it for an almost identical (but slightly different) purpose.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    There is no need to use bars at all, all you need are two scripts. Script A is set to run without calling every millisecond, has n seconds delay for the effect, and then disables itself. The other script is set to run on game load and disables script A. To run the first script, call effect 35 to activate it whenever you want it.

    Have you tried my mod? It has an airstrike attack which may be similar to what you want to add.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "Casanova" said:
    There is no need to use bars at all, all you need are two scripts. Script A is set to run without calling every millisecond, has n seconds delay for the effect, and then disables itself. The other script is set to run on game load and disables script A. To run the first script, call effect 35 to activate it whenever you want it.

    Have you tried my mod? It has an airstrike attack which may be similar to what you want to add.
    1) Yes, I have played your mod, it's what reminded me to try this out. I had been planning on it, but that was before 1.3 came out (so I forgot about it until I played your mod).

    2) Perhaps you're not understanding. The gun works. The problem is, it works too fast. I have the n seconds delay set, and use effect 35 to activate the script. The problem is, it doesn't wait n seconds. It activates the gun immediately.

    3) Nice work with the dual handguns in OP, I never would have thought of that.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    2) Perhaps you're not understanding. The gun works. The problem is, it works too fast. I have the n seconds delay set, and use effect 35 to activate the script. The problem is, it doesn't wait n seconds. It activates the gun immediately.

    Actually that is something Ville changed. He got rid of the delay for when a script is called. Not sure why, but I believe someone complained about it. I never personally saw it as a problem since you could always just set the delay to 0 anyways. As I said though, I'm not really sure why he changed that, but my assumption was always that it was due to a complaint with someone not being able to get something to work with their mod, but as I said they could of always just set the delay to 0.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "Quanrian" said:
    Actually that is something Ville changed. He got rid of the delay for when a script is called. Not sure why, but I believe someone complained about it. I never personally saw it as a problem since you could always just set the delay to 0 anyways. As I said though, I'm not really sure why he changed that, but my assumption was always that it was due to a complaint with someone not being able to get something to work with their mod, but as I said they could of always just set the delay to 0.
    Well, now I have to complain about it. Ville, the **** script delay doesn't work!
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    New problem. Effects 24 and 65 parameter 3 = 2: fire at nearest enemy does not work properly.
    Casanova 20 years ago
    The script delay only works if the script is of the kind that runs without being called. Thats why you need to set the script to run every 1 miliseconds, and then be delayed by whatever time you need. At least thats the way I got it to suit what i needed to do.

    Could you be more specific on the problems you have with effect 24 and 65 param3? They been working fine to me.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "Casanova" said:
    Could you be more specific on the problems you have with effect 24 and 65 param3? They been working fine to me.
    Whenever I use effect 24 or 65 with param3=2, the weapon does NOT repeat does NOT fire towards the nearest creature. In fact, it doesn't fire towards ANY creature.
    ville 20 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    Whenever I use effect 24 or 65 with param3=2, the weapon does NOT repeat does NOT fire towards the nearest creature. In fact, it doesn't fire towards ANY creature.

    I'll have a look.

    I did remove the timer from when you call a script with the effect, just because it caused problems if it had just been called already. You can still make it wait with some very clever trick I believe. As Casanova said, I recall his mod had something like that done in it with the air bombing?
    Casanova 20 years ago
    I just noticed that effect 67 pushes a creature at fixed 45 degree angle increments, was this intentional?
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