"Unc1354m" said: ok, another question.. ops: two actually
1: i doubt this is possible, but ill ask anyway, Is there any possible way, to make it if you get close enough to an enemy ship, you right click on it to board it, all ones leading to the same place Yes, just have them all lead to the same map, but you'll need to use some scripts/invisible bars(a.k.a Notriums version of Variables ) to remember where it came from, check the Wazzal II mod for examples.
"Unc1354m" said:
2:, is it possible to make, it that you can take over other ships, and then control them, and you can switch between them. E.G, switch to a sloop, and the Brig will follow, and then a hotkey or something to change ships  Sure just have it switch the player race(well that's the cheapest method), for some examples take a look at the Opposing Force mod, and in particular the Tank you can drive.