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  • Notrium modding questions/answers

    KArthur90 16 years ago
    Right click them twice?
    ZeXLR8er 16 years ago
    "happybro" said:
    i got a question, i have 6 maps, and all maps have forcefield-like particles on them? and i dont know how to delete them because seriously they make my maps ugly..and ye i know i sound like a noob but im still learning

    You'll need to clarify a bit on what you mean. Forcefield 'particles' on the actual map where your character walks? Or simply on the little scanner map on the bottom-right? They may be able to be removed just like KArthur said by deleting them in the map-editor, however if they're props you'll have to have a look at the "props" field of the Climate Types file. Either that, or they're plot objects, in which can you'll have to look through every entry in that file for something that fits the description of the forcefield like particles.
    happybro 16 years ago
    hmm, i think what you said was true! It really was a prop, and yea i did use the map editor i couldnt find any, il just go to the props and fix them. Though what suprises me is that when i downloaded barebones (to start my mod) they already were there, maybe i did something wrong?
    KArthur90 16 years ago
    Oh I see what you meant.
    When you start a new map on barebones, it shows a red ball on the ground and lots of shading blue balls.
    To remove the blue balls, you must edit climate_types.dat and prevent the NoWeather placing those blue props. Do not remove the prop from the prop_objects.dat before removing them from the climate_types.dat or else your game won't start.
    happybro 16 years ago
    ty man worked perfectly! another question (sry if i ask too many questions xD)... but is it possible to do a lock-on system? like for example i want an attack that is following the enemy creature, is that possible? i heard that u have to make the attack a creature with health and then a script about following the nearest possible target next to the mouse or so, but i tested it and it didnt work, only game crash, hmm i wonder?

    EDIT: to be more specific i mean that whenever you have the cursor of ur mouse on the creature's body (and ofcourse the desired weapon that locks-on) it pops up a bar that when its filled it is locked, hehe i know it sounds more like a sci-fi mod but it will make the game more enjoyable
    KArthur90 16 years ago
    On the delayed lock on, I don't think that's possible.
    On the normal fire-and-forget lock on, you must create a weapon that spawns a creature like the missiles that try to hit the escape pod on Vanilla Notrium.
    happybro 16 years ago
    thought so, and my 2 last questions for now,

    1)how can i create immunities in some creatures? like i have a poisoning weapon, i fire at a creature it gets poisoned, if i fire at a mechanical (for example) creature and i dont want it to be poisoned, what do i do, what effect should i use (if its possible)?

    2)how can i link 2 maps together? it doesnt explain that to the FAQ..
    Aegis 16 years ago
    "happybro" said:
    ty man worked perfectly! another question (sry if i ask too many questions xD)... but is it possible to do a lock-on system? like for example i want an attack that is following the enemy creature, is that possible? i heard that u have to make the attack a creature with health and then a script about following the nearest possible target next to the mouse or so, but i tested it and it didnt work, only game crash, hmm i wonder?

    EDIT: to be more specific i mean that whenever you have the cursor of ur mouse on the creature's body (and ofcourse the desired weapon that locks-on) it pops up a bar that when its filled it is locked, hehe i know it sounds more like a sci-fi mod but it will make the game more enjoyable
    I'm not sure about the bar thing, but I've made a lock-on weapon and it's surprising easy if you know what you need to do. First of all, you need 2 seperate items. Like this:
    Lock and Fire Missile;//name--------------------------------------- (Locks on to target)
    0;//item class
    First lock on to the target by firing at them, then fire the missile.;//short description
    none;//first pick up text
    0.350000;//size on map
    1;//show on radar 0=does not show, 1=show on scanner, 2=show even without scanner
    20;//particle to shown on radar
    1;//visible in inventory 0=no (can only be used via quick keys), 1=yes
    cannon.png;//texture name
    47;//wielded script,-1=nothing, only applicable for wieldable items
    -1;//wielded item disabling script, -1=nothing, this script is only checked for conditions while the item is wielded, if the conditions prove false, the item is unwielded
    1;//show help text for conditions
    none;//event text
    none;//event failure text
    use.wav;//sound, none for nothing
    0;//vanishes after event, 0=no, 1=yes
    U;//use key
    -1;//quick key
    9;//effect number
    38.000000;//parameter1 (CHANGE THIS TO MATCH LOCK-ON WEAPON!!)
    Lock and Fire Missile;//name--------------------------------------- (Fires missile)
    0;//item class
    First lock on to the target by firing at them, then fire the missile.;//short description
    none;//first pick up text
    0.350000;//size on map
    1;//show on radar 0=does not show, 1=show on scanner, 2=show even without scanner
    20;//particle to shown on radar
    1;//visible in inventory 0=no (can only be used via quick keys), 1=yes
    cannon.png;//texture name
    47;//wielded script,-1=nothing, only applicable for wieldable items
    -1;//wielded item disabling script, -1=nothing, this script is only checked for conditions while the item is wielded, if the conditions prove false, the item is unwielded
    1;//show help text for conditions
    none;//event text
    none;//event failure text
    use.wav;//sound, none for nothing
    0;//vanishes after event, 0=no, 1=yes
    U;//use key
    -1;//quick key
    9;//effect number
    39.000000;//parameter1 (CHANGE THIS TO MATCH FIRE-MISSILE WEAPON!!)

    Next you need the weapons. One which fires the lock-on beam, and the other which fires the missile.
    Lock On;//name---------------------------------------
    none;//bullet texture
    1;//bullets at one shot
    0;//stop at hit 0=stop where hit, 1=don't stop
    0.000000;//bullet size
    20.000000;//bullet speed
    100.000000;//time until bullet disappears
    1000;//fire rate
    3;//trace 0=no trace, 1=blue beam, 2=bullet trace, 3=red beam, 4=green beam, 5=yellow beam
    1;//hit visual effect colour, -1=nothing 0=?, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue
    11;//hit visual effect particle, -1=nothing, 0=>particle from particles.dat (CHANGE THIS!!!)
    none;//hit effect sound
    0.000000;//push target back
    0.000000;//push shooter back
    none.wav;//fire sound
    none;//hit sound
    1.000000;//AI hear volume, the amount of anger the AI gets when it hears the weapon
    29;//effect number - run script (see below for what the script looks like)
    22.000000;//parameter1 (CHANGE THIS TO MATCH SCRIPT!!)
    1;//effect number - adds pretty red stuff around creature for lock-on effects
    22;//effect number - change side
    5.000000;//parameter1 (Change this)
    Fire Missile;//name---------------------------------------
    none;//bullet texture
    0;//bullets at one shot
    0;//stop at hit 0=stop where hit, 1=don't stop
    0.000000;//bullet size
    20.000000;//bullet speed
    100.000000;//time until bullet disappears
    1000;//fire rate
    0;//trace 0=no trace, 1=blue beam, 2=bullet trace, 3=red beam, 4=green beam, 5=yellow beam
    -1;//hit visual effect colour, -1=nothing 0=?, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue
    -1;//hit visual effect particle, -1=nothing, 0=>particle from particles.dat
    none;//hit effect sound
    0.000000;//push target back
    0.000000;//push shooter back
    none.wav;//fire sound
    none;//hit sound
    1.000000;//AI hear volume, the amount of anger the AI gets when it hears the weapon
    10;//effect number (drops missile creature)
    31.000000;//parameter1 (CHANGE THIS TO MATCH YOUR CREATURE!!)
    4.000000;//parameter2 (Drops it on a side which only attacks the side which you changed the enemy to)
    16;//effect number (Get 'lock-on' item)
    27.000000;//parameter1 (CHANGE THIS TO MATCH YOUR ITEM!!)
    16;//effect number (Lose 'fire missile' item)
    28.000000;//parameter1(CHANGE THIS TO MATCH YOUR ITEM!!)
    59;//effect number (Equip the new 'lock-on' item)
    27.000000;//parameter1 (CHANGE THIS TO MATCH YOUR ITEM!!)

    Here's the script you'll need:
    0;//run without calling (set to 0 if you use the script for example as a wield script)
    0;//call position, 0=player location, 1=mouse location
    0;//calling creature 0=player, 1=creature nearest to the mouse, 2=player controlled creature
    100;//run every n milliseconds
    Target aquired;//message
    0;//message type, 0=quick message, 1=journal
    none;//sound, none for nothing
    0;//delay script for n seconds after conditions met
    0;//disabled after first use, 0=no, 1=yes
    16;//effect number (Lose 'lock-on' item)
    27.000000;//parameter1 (CHANGE THIS TO MATCH YOUR ITEM)
    16;//effect number (Get 'fire-missile' item
    28.000000;//parameter1 (CHANGE THIS TO MATCH YOUR ITEM)
    59;//effect number (Equip 'fire-missile' item)
    28.000000;//parameter1 (CHANGE THIS TO MATCH YOUR ITEM)

    Here's the pretty particle effect which enemies are surrounded by when you lock onto them:
    Red Electric;//name
    1;//red color component
    0;//green color component
    0;//blue color component
    0.5;//alpha component
    1;//shrink size
    0;//can be rotated (faster if not)
    -1;//change into another particle when hits ground
    1;//blending type (0=normal, 1=light)

    Here are the sides you'll need:
    Missile's enemy;//name

    The hostile sides for missile's enemy includes 0; so it still attacks the player!
    You'll also need the creature (missile):
    Mega Missile;//name---------------------------------------
    2;//draw layer
    -2;//corpse item number in items.dat, -1=nothing, -2=whole corpse vanishes when dead
    0;//corpse item amount
    1;//attack type, 0=shooting attack, 1=close combat
    -1;//particle to show on radar, -1=none
    7;//primary AI tactic from AI_tactic.dat
    7;//secondary AI tactic from AI_tactic.dat
    8;//footstep particle from particles.dat
    10;//die after how many seconds, 0=doesn't die
    -1;//eat item number from items.dat, -1=nothing
    0.700000;//creature size
    5.200000;//creature weight (affects pushing)
    2.350000;//maximum movement speed
    2.35000;//minimum movement speed
    0.000000;//leg animation speed
    0.840000;//turn speed
    0.500000;//inertia level (acceleration/deceleration)
    0;//hide when behind walls
    36;//weapon number <----------------------------------------------(Change this to the missile's explosion)
    5;//blood particle <-----------------------------------------------------(Change this to the missile's "blood", or else the game will crash)
    0;//bars visible when player hovers mouse on top
    1.000000;//death animation speed
    1;//creature can move from area to another
    100000.000000;//AI hear range
    50000.000000;//AI see range
    6.200000;//AI see angle
    explosion.wav;//sample name
    0;//death type, 0=any death, 1=timed death, 2=killed by player
    24;//effect number - When it dies it explodes
    36.000000;//parameter1 - Change this to the explosion weapon
    20;//interval in milliseconds
    66;//effect number (Makes a flame trail for your missile)
    20.000000;//parameter1 (Change this to match flame trail...

    Here are the explosion and flame trail effect weapons:
    Flame trail;//name---------------------------------------
    bullet0.png;//bullet texture
    0;//bullets at one shot
    0;//stop at hit 0=stop where hit, 1=don't stop
    0.000000;//bullet size
    0.550000;//bullet speed
    400.000000;//time until bullet disappears
    1000;//fire rate
    0;//trace 0=no trace, 1=blue beam, 2=bullet trace, 3=red beam, 4=green beam, 5=yellow beam
    -1;//hit visual effect colour, -1=nothing 0=?, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue
    0;//hit visual effect particle, -1=nothing, 0=>particle from particles.dat
    none;//hit effect sound
    0.000000;//push target back
    0.000000;//push shooter back
    none;//fire sound
    none;//hit sound
    0.000000;//AI hear volume, the amount of anger the AI gets when it hears the weapon
    27;//effect number (Flame particle)
    8.000000;//parameter1 (Change...
    26;//effect number (Lighting effect)
    4.000000;//parameter1 (Change...

    Missile Weapon;//name---------------------------------------
    none;//bullet texture
    1;//bullets at one shot
    0;//stop at hit 0=stop where hit, 1=don't stop
    0.000000;//bullet size
    5.500000;//bullet speed
    5.000000;//time until bullet disappears
    1000;//fire rate
    3;//trace 0=no trace, 1=blue beam, 2=bullet trace, 3=red beam, 4=green beam, 5=yellow beam
    -1;//hit visual effect colour, -1=nothing 0=?, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue
    0;//hit visual effect particle, -1=nothing, 0=>particle from particles.dat
    none;//hit effect sound
    0.000000;//push target back
    0.000000;//push shooter back
    none;//fire sound
    none;//hit sound
    1.000000;//AI hear volume, the amount of anger the AI gets when it hears the weapon
    31;//effect number (Blows up missile so it doesn't explode forever)

    I hope you don't get too confused...
    "happybro" said:

    1)how can i create immunities in some creatures? like i have a poisoning weapon, i fire at a creature it gets poisoned, if i fire at a mechanical (for example) creature and i dont want it to be poisoned, what do i do, what effect should i use (if its possible)?

    2)how can i link 2 maps together? it doesnt explain that to the FAQ..
    1. Well... You could add a bar to the creature which is basically
    1 = Poisoned
    0 = Not poisoned

    The poisoning weapon uses effect number 17 to make the creature poisoned. The creature has a timed_effect which activates when the bar is 1, draining the health. Don't add this bar and effect to un-poisonable creatures.
    There's probably an easier way...

    2. First go to areas.dat and add your map there.
    Then go map.dat and change all the -1s to your area numbers... It's hard to explain, but it is sort of like a giant zoomed out map of your world, except areas are represented by numbers.
    And what's this I found in the FAQ?

    5;//width of map below
    5;//height of map below
    -3;-2; 0;-2;-3
    -3;-3;-2;-3; 3
    This a very basic Map.dat file. Unlike other files there are no entries. This file is simply composed of how you want your areas to be laid out. To place an area specifically it needs to have a unique and solitary area class. If you want your start area centered generally your map needs to be an odd number height and width. As you can see the file is arranged line by line with each area separated by a ;. It is sometimes neccesary as seen with 0 to space it out, it has no actual effect but keeps the lines from becoming skewed. When you pick a number you're actually picking an Area Class as opposed to 1.2's version where the number was the area's number. If you definately want an area to be placed at a position in the map than you'll use -2. When you want an area to be placed only if there is an adjacent area than you'll use -3. To restrict an area from being placed at a tile you'll use -1. You can place your start area anywhere you like but usually you want it at the beginning of a single height map and the middle of a square or rectangle shaped map.
    You're probably not going to get how this file works until you played with it a bit. Here are the only two lines you'll deal with besides the map itself.

    ;//width of map below is the width in area's the map will be.
    ;//height of map below is the height in area's the map will be.

    That should make you fairly familiar with the Map.dat file.
    KArthur90 16 years ago
    OMG Aegis... You are a genius!
    How do you come up with those codes!?
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    The problem with changing the enemy's side is that they become vulnerable to friendly fire.
    ZeXLR8er 16 years ago
    1)how can i create immunities in some creatures? like i have a poisoning weapon, i fire at a creature it gets poisoned, if i fire at a mechanical (for example) creature and i dont want it to be poisoned, what do i do, what effect should i use (if its possible)?

    That is done far more simply by simply using resistances to different weapon classes. Just choose an un-used weapons class for all poison weapons (eg 4, 6 etc), and then use the creature specialty:

    1=weapon class parameter0 damage is multiplied by parameter1

    So, if your poison weapons have been given a weapon class of 4 in weapons.dat, then you will include this code in the "begin_specialties;//" area of creatures.dat for any creature you don't want to be poisoned (eg mechanical creatures):

    resistance to poison weapons;//description
    4.000000;//parameter0 (Change to whatever weapons class you give poison weapons)
    0.0000000;//parameter1 (This is multiplying damage by poison weapons by 0, therefore no poisoning)

    Notrium is clever, if you include this in a creature's specialties, any weapons of that class won't even hit the creature, they'll just sail overhead, which is a very nice feature.
    happybro 16 years ago
    First of all i wanna say a big THANKS for giving me some help guys i really appreciate it now i can continue my mod, in like 4 days im almost done with beta wooohoo il be sure to give u (who gave me help/ideas/graphics/sounds) a big credit!

    Second the lock-on system, it worked like a charm!!! i fire the bug (i use that creature as a missile) and it explodes on impact, its so fantastic!!! (and u gotta target lock to fire it, if u dont u cant fire it instantly, u will always need to have a target to fire it)

    Third (and last) is that i still dont get how to link maps...i even checked default's code and still didnt get it, could someone please explain it to me presisely? cause i dont understand that much scientific words i mean im only 15 years old
    Aegis 16 years ago
    "happybro" said:

    Third (and last) is that i still dont get how to link maps...i even checked default's code and still didnt get it, could someone please explain it to me presisely? cause i dont understand that much scientific words i mean im only 15 years old
    Alright... Here goes...
    1. Go to Terrain_maps.dat and note the identifiers of the entries.
    Tutorial Map;//name---------------------------------------This is the name which you can cahnge to your liking
    0;//identifier <---------------------------------------------------------------------------------IDENTIFIER!!!!!

    2. Go to areas.dat and make a new entry, putting in your identifier you got earlier.
    Training;//area name
    0;//area class
    0;//climate in climate_types.dat, -1=random climate
    0;//terrain map number <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PUT THE IDENTIFIER HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!
    -1;//wrapping, 0=wrap horizontal, 1=wrap vertical, 2=wrap both
    1;//random object density, the bigger the value, the more the area will get. This is multiplied ingame by the area size.
    none;//enter area text, specify none to not show it

    3. Go to map.dat and put in the AREA CLASS NUMBER.
    5;//width of map below
    5;//height of map below
    4;-1; 3;-1; 5
    6;-1; 0; 1; 2

    See the lone number 0? That's the training area from before.
    So, starting from area 0, if you move right once you go to area 1, and if you go right again you go into area 2.
    It's extremely easy to understand when you realise the simplicity of it... It's just hard to explain.... Very hard...
    Good luck
    happybro 15 years ago
    hmm i somewhat get it, i'l just play with it abit till i fully understand it, atleast this time i understood it better than the last time

    EDIT: IDK but whatever shape im trying to do is always false?..take a look i have it like this:

    1; 0;-1
    -1; 2;-1
    -1; 3;-1

    0 = starting area, lets just say its name is LoL0
    1 = an area lets just say its name is LoL1
    2 = an area lets just say its name is LoL2
    3 = an area lets just say its name is LoL3

    what am i doing wrong? (btw i have backup incase)

    PS1: when i say false i mean it neither crashes game or it always start at a specific area no matter what (it wont change the player's spawn location even if i change numbers etc) or even if i make it work right i wont be able to go from map to map
    Aegis 15 years ago
    Have you got
    3;//width of map below
    3;//height of map below

    at the top? You'll need that.
    You change the starting area by changing the value in player_races.dat
    THE NAME OF YOUR RACE GOES HERE;//name------------------------------
    1;//visible in start menu
    7;//start area <--------------------------------------CHANGE THIS
    journal_human.dat;//journal text file name

    You also need to the play player creature (usually the first creature) on to the location.
    happybro 15 years ago
    (forgive my poor noobish english) what i meant was that there were too many bugs with the map (i think) and they are some of the following i will post now:

    - Game unable to start, crash all the time...
    - It will only start in 1 map whitch i didnt choose...
    - It will only start in 1 map i did choose but unable to go to the 2nd area...

    It makes no sense cause if the code in the maps.dat was:

    1; 0;-1
    -1; 2;-1
    -1; 3;-1

    then why is it always showing bugs,crashes,etc?

    IMO there is something wrong with the maps.dat or else i dunno what...

    P.S1: Yes i have also tried this:

    1; 0;-1
    -1; 2;-1
    -1; 3;-1

    And also this:

    1; 0;-1
    -1; 2;-1
    -1; 3;-1

    And i was adjusting the height and width of the map correctly according to the codings and the linking still doesnt work...weird

    PS2: The only thing that is truly annoying me is that i start in the desired map and i cant go right/left/up/down to move to next area whitch is extremely frustrating.
    ZeXLR8er 15 years ago
    "happybro" said:
    (forgive my poor noobish english) what i meant was that there were too many bugs with the map (i think) and they are some of the following i will post now:

    - Game unable to start, crash all the time...
    - It will only start in 1 map whitch i didnt choose...
    - It will only start in 1 map i did choose but unable to go to the 2nd area...

    It makes no sense cause if the code in the maps.dat was:

    1; 0;-1
    -1; 2;-1
    -1; 3;-1

    then why is it always showing bugs,crashes,etc?

    IMO there is something wrong with the maps.dat or else i dunno what...

    P.S1: Yes i have also tried this:

    1; 0;-1
    -1; 2;-1
    -1; 3;-1

    And also this:

    1; 0;-1
    -1; 2;-1
    -1; 3;-1

    And i was adjusting the height and width of the map correctly according to the codings and the linking still doesnt work...weird

    PS2: The only thing that is truly annoying me is that i start in the desired map and i cant go right/left/up/down to move to next area whitch is extremely frustrating.

    Ahh, your problem may be that you're putting in the number of the areas into the grid in maps.dat. It doesn't use area numbers, it uses area class numbers. Try giving your areas different class numbers (in areas.dat), and then see how it works.
    happybro 15 years ago
    many kudos bro it worked PERFECTLY (just like i wanted to) now i can release the beta in...about 2-3 hours (i still need to make a few combinations that just came to my mind, and place the items/creatures)
    Emaster 15 years ago
    Hey, i started to work on a mod and i have some questions:

    1)Im using multiple inventories, but every time i switch between them the character gets unequiped, any ideas how i can stop this to happen?

    2) Is there a way to alter the immunity to a type of damage? I want to create an armor that reduces a type of damage.

    3) Is there a way to use a bar value as a parameter?

    4) Is possible to assign the F's (F1,F2...F12) as quick keys for items or a key combo like alt + I?
    Aegis 15 years ago
    "Emaster" said:
    Hey, i started to work on a mod and i have some questions:

    1)Im using multiple inventories, but every time i switch between them the character gets unequiped, any ideas how i can stop this to happen?

    2) Is there a way to alter the immunity to a type of damage? I want to create an armor that reduces a type of damage.

    3) Is there a way to use a bar value as a parameter?

    4) Is possible to assign the F's (F1,F2...F12) as quick keys for items or a key combo like alt + I?
    1. There's a way I use, but there could be an easier way. I basically give every single weapon a different value on a bar, and once you use an item in the special inventory it runs several scripts which detect what value the "weapon wielded" bar is, and uses the corresponding item.
    2. I think this would be possible if you make the armour change the player_race. The new race will be linked to a new creature, one with an immunity speciality.
    3. No, as far as I know
    Curudan 15 years ago
    Is it possible to do the opposite of condition 14, to check if a creature is NOT within a certain range?

    Imagine you have creature A and creature B. A never moves, but B does. So long as B stays close to A nothing happens, but if B moves away from A something does. Is this possible?
    fifth 15 years ago
    um i'm facing a VERY strange problem... (just started to mod again)
    well im starting a new game to test if the game crashes... and it does
    then i try it again and it works.. i leave and start a new game again and it crashes again and so on... works, crash, works, crash, works, crash
    this is somehow really anoying and i have no clue why it happens

    ah the problem just solved itself thanks to dorten's totaly AWESOME modviewer (debugger ftw) i'm just curious why it happened to work every second time i tried °_°
    seddo111 15 years ago
    long time no see lol
    i was wondering if there was a way to make the character look like he is holding a shotgun, if he is, instead of a pistol, if you get what i mean?
    any help will be much apreciated
    Pete 15 years ago
    Yes, there is., I dont remember how. I do know it had something to do with player animations having a row for every weapon kind, but thats about it.
    fifth 15 years ago
    you need to go to the player_races file
    now you go to the weapon frames block and search the weapon class you need (in the case of the shotgun its class 1(ballistic))
    now you put in the image name (creature0.png for example)
    and the row that is the animation you want (this is explaining itself when you look at the images)

    im not too sure if i'm talking trash but i'm pretty tired (its 5:30am at my place^^) so correct me if i'm wrong

    and now my problem: (im haveing lots right?^^') uh well i just wanted to implement the first weapon to my mod (im modding with barebones) and i even managed to equip it (woot) however when i do so... nothing happens. my inventory says i have it equipped but my charackter doesn't hold it nor can i shoot... any suggestions or an idea whats going wrong?
    once again sorry for my english... especially when im tired^^

    edit: ok my mistake. i forgot to use effect 9 on the item... but i'm getting a runtime error when i do so... and i have no clue why this comes... (checking the weapon.dat and that stuff right now)
    edit2: works now... i'm not too sure why but who cares? yay my first weapon^w^
    Sebine 15 years ago
    Probably the right place for this...

    Ive spent my entire day off

    Looking for those damnable boxes in the mining area

    Could someone Please Tell Me the Item.dat or Creature.dat name so I can finally find that blasted tattered paper

    I like riddles, so I dont want to read the spoilers beyond "theres tattered paper in a box"
    fifth 15 years ago
    um a minor problem... i used a specialty on the player to regenerate a bar and set parameter 1 to 99 so that it stops regenerating when the bar is full but... well it doesn't stops going up...
    (atm i'm using the mod viewer... it makes modding so much easier)
    when nobody knows why this is i'll just use a specialty that drains the bar when its too full
    Admiral 15 years ago

    If you still haven't found it...

    Tattered Paper;//name---------------------------------------
    Glowing Paper;//name---------------------------------------


    I need more information, what is causing the regeneration? A script? An item? What speciality are you using? But first... check something for me:
    Assuming you are using an effect... there is usually a parameter that says (if parameter2=1, don't increase over maximum or decrease below minimum) [you will find this written in the NOTES.TXT in the Default data folder or the modding FAQ, i think] if so set yours to 1 so it won't increase above what i think is your max hp... if i'm right, that is...

    if i'm not right... tell me more and i'll try to help to the best of my ability... given, I too, am only human...


    Edit: Notes.txt is also called 'Effects and conditions list.txt' in another one of my data folders... just in case... it should also be in the Modding FAQ pdf available somewhere on here...
    Sebine 15 years ago
    "Admiral" said:

    If you still haven't found it...

    Tattered Paper;//name---------------------------------------
    Glowing Paper;//name---------------------------------------

    Thanks ^_^

    Still doesnt help in finding those blasted boxes >.>
    Admiral 15 years ago
    Ah, you want to be able to find them in-game... which isn't easy but I can help you with...

    They are creatures, specifically creatures 27 to 33 a.k.a. 'Container'...
    They are randomly spawned through the Mining Area so they won't be in the same place each time you play but there is two things you can do to help you find them.

    1) Remove the containers that don't contain tattered paper AND/OR
    2) Alter the creature entry so they show up on the radar (but you'll still need the bio-detecter to see them on the radar...)

    How to:

    1) Copy Areas.dat to a backup folder. Open original and find the Mining Area. Remove the Container creatures 27, 29, 30, 31, 32 & 33 NOT 28 (that's the one you want) Save & play. Note: You will still have to 'hunt' for them with this option... BUT... any one you find will (should) contain the Tattered paper you are looking for...


    2) Copy Creatures.dat to a backup folder. Open original and find Container (28;//identifier) Find (-1;//particle to show on radar, -1=none) and change it to (27;//particle to show on radar, -1=none) {This is the same radar dot for the Queen Blue Alien and so should be easy to spot in the mining area...} < Note: you will need the bio-detecter to see the dot on the radar... BUT... it will lead you straight to them...

    I hope this helps...

    Sebine 15 years ago
    "Admiral" said:
    Ah, you want to be able to find them in-game... which isn't easy but I can help you with...

    They are creatures, specifically creatures 27 to 33 a.k.a. 'Container'...
    They are randomly spawned through the Mining Area so they won't be in the same place each time you play but there is two things you can do to help you find them.

    1) Remove the containers that don't contain tattered paper AND/OR
    2) Alter the creature entry so they show up on the radar (but you'll still need the bio-detecter to see them on the radar...)

    How to:

    1) Copy Areas.dat to a backup folder. Open original and find the Mining Area. Remove the Container creatures 27, 29, 30, 31, 32 & 33 NOT 28 (that's the one you want) Save & play. Note: You will still have to 'hunt' for them with this option... BUT... any one you find will (should) contain the Tattered paper you are looking for...


    2) Copy Creatures.dat to a backup folder. Open original and find Container (28;//identifier) Find (-1;//particle to show on radar, -1=none) and change it to (27;//particle to show on radar, -1=none) {This is the same radar dot for the Queen Blue Alien and so should be easy to spot in the mining area...} < Note: you will need the bio-detecter to see the dot on the radar... BUT... it will lead you straight to them...

    I hope this helps...


    Thanks ^_^
    fifth 15 years ago
    ha thanks admiral^^
    it was a mistake of modviewer...
    it made me type 100 rather than 1 because it said the value wich determines when the bar stops going up is in percent^^
    problem solved yay

    ...somehow got strange problems with the map.dat... can't really explain it... are there any common or really frequent problems with it?
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "fifth" said:
    ha thanks admiral^^
    it was a mistake of modviewer...
    it made me type 100 rather than 1 because it said the value wich determines when the bar stops going up is in percent^^
    problem solved yay

    ...somehow got strange problems with the map.dat... can't really explain it... are there any common or really frequent problems with it?
    1 is a percentage.
    fifth 15 years ago
    uh but in this case 1 equals 100% and i thougth i need to write 100 what made the bar stop going up at... 10000% xD
    Daz_T 15 years ago
    Hey, could somebody please make me an item that selects songs from music.dat with certain keys? similair to devour from werivar expansion for example Y=song 1 U=song 2 and so on. atm there are 7 songs in music.dat and i cant figure out how to make this ipod item so yeah.. any help is appreciated
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