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  • Notrium modding questions/answers

    harwe 13 years ago
    Because it requires to much effort to make a mod, pretty much all mods are dead due to lack of time and motivation.
    INFERNUS 13 years ago
    If there is plot object (Id:1) on map , plot object (Id:2) will change into plot object (Id:3)

    Which condition will i use?
    Redemption 13 years ago
    Condition 1 should do it, if parameter 1 is big enough to cover the whole area.
    SmokNiszczyciel 13 years ago
    "harwe" said:
    Because it requires to much effort to make a mod, pretty much all mods are dead due to lack of time and motivation.

    Nope. I have better things to do than that. RuneScape has few mils of players, halo has few mils of players, many games have mils of players but Notrium has like... 5k?
    Narvius 13 years ago
    This fits into lack of motivation.
    Venom31 13 years ago
    "SmokNiszczyciel" said:
    "harwe" said:
    Because it requires to much effort to make a mod, pretty much all mods are dead due to lack of time and motivation.

    Nope. I have better things to do than that. RuneScape has few mils of players, halo has few mils of players, many games have mils of players but Notrium has like... 5k?
    May be already offtopic but what's the difficulty of modding RuneScape or Halo? (in comparison with N)
    Pete 13 years ago
    Similar to the difference between modifying a LEGO house and a jet plate.
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    "SmokNiszczyciel" said:
    Notrium has like... 5k?
    Really? You think 5000 people still play Notrium?
    Anarion 13 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "SmokNiszczyciel" said:
    Notrium has like... 5k?
    Really? You think 5000 people still play Notrium?
    It's possible. There's a lot of people in the world.
    Venom31 13 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    Similar to the difference between modifying a LEGO house and a jet plate.
    And that explains it. Measure your time and effort to make something, not only the output result. (Personally, I'm still tinkering with Notrium and play some mods now and then)
    harwe 13 years ago
    "Venom31" said:
    "Pete" said:
    Similar to the difference between modifying a LEGO house and a jet plate.
    And that explains it. Measure your time and effort to make something, not only the output result. (Personally, I'm still tinkering with Notrium and play some mods now and then)
    Just recently reinstalled and played it again just because I saw someone in class play it.
    SmokNiszczyciel 13 years ago
    "harwe" said:
    "Venom31" said:
    "Pete" said:
    Similar to the difference between modifying a LEGO house and a jet plate.
    And that explains it. Measure your time and effort to make something, not only the output result. (Personally, I'm still tinkering with Notrium and play some mods now and then)
    Just recently reinstalled and played it again just because I saw someone in class play it.

    We have got one more player zomg! I have nothing to do so maybe I will make a mod...

    Ok, how do I make a monster give an item to player's inventory after some dialogue?
    Kario 13 years ago
    make him drop it?
    SmokNiszczyciel 13 years ago
    This item will not be visible lol

    Hmm wtf is wrong, I have made item, and then added weapon to it, but when I pick up the weapon as item on ground and try to equip this, it doesn't work
    Venom31 13 years ago
    "SmokNiszczyciel" said:
    Hmm wtf is wrong, I have made item, and then added weapon to it, but when I pick up the weapon as item on ground and try to equip this, it doesn't work
    By making item and adding weapon you mean it has its weapon entry in weapons.dat and a wield slot + effects block in items.dat?
    How exactly it doesn't work? Not equippable / does not shoot / crashes the hell out
    SmokNiszczyciel 13 years ago
    I've already fixed this, I forgot that it requires min. 1 clip (120 ammo) to use

    Actually, I have problem with grenades lol
    Venom31 13 years ago
    "SmokNiszczyciel" said:
    Actually, I have problem with grenades lol
    Oh no, only not grenades again!

    Ville, PLEASE, make search work correctly
    SmokNiszczyciel 13 years ago
    Nah, I'm not gonna use nades They suck
    Venom31 13 years ago
    "SmokNiszczyciel" said:
    Ok, how do I make a monster give an item to player's inventory after some dialogue?
    Is it still actual?
    SmokNiszczyciel 13 years ago
    Yes, Venom
    it is
    Venom31 13 years ago
    Just how many times it needs to occur? If it's just one time you can call a script when dialogue starts. Calculate (by hand, sorry ) the total time of dialogue - or not total, just until NPC gives player that item - then use it in script's
    XXXXX;//delay script for n seconds after conditions met

    row. Also do not forget the
    1;//disabled after first use, 0=no, 1=yes

    string, so it won't repeat. That's both good and bad: good because it permits to do what you want , bad because it won't work with the same character and/or item twice.
    The effects block with #16 (add item) will do the rest, as far as I understand.
    SmokNiszczyciel 13 years ago
    Ah damn, I'm stupid.

    I again asked for help, but I could do this myself -_-

    I'm having problems with item sizes on maps!

    Sometimes they're so small, that they're not visible... and sometimes they're bigger than map
    Venom31 13 years ago
    "SmokNiszczyciel" said:
    I'm having problems with item sizes on maps!

    Sometimes they're so small, that they're not visible... and sometimes they're bigger than map
    Maybe because of original image size in pixels? Anyway, item scale in Notrium is also a mystery to me . It has so plenty places to set it that I'm confused about which one takes place...

    However, I must correct myself on my previous post. You see, it looks like you'll have to create TWO scripts for each item transition. Like this (still not sure if it may work):
    Start item1 giving conversationA;// this is the launch script
    <new ID>;//identifier
    1;//run without calling = yes because of condition I selected, maybe there is other way
    0;//call position = player location
    0;//calling creature = player
    300;//run every n milliseconds - set other time if not appropriate
    0;//message type - N/A
    none;//sound, none for nothing
    0;//delay script for n seconds after conditions met
    1;//disabled after first use = yes
    14;// creature (in this case - player?) is nearer to
    <the NPC who gives you item>;// NPC class or type, see manual
    <your preferred distance>;// than this distance
    <other conditions if you want>
    47;// start dialog
    <dialog ID from dialogs.dat>;// conversationA
    0.000000;// nothing :D
    0.000000;// nothing :D
    0.000000;// nothing :D
    29;// run script that gives the item after conversation time
    <script ID from scripts.dat>;// Give item1 after conversationA;
    0.000000;// check conditions = no - I guess all conditions should go above
    0.000000;// nothing :D
    0.000000;// nothing :D

    Give item1 after conversationA;// this is the script that gives the item after conv. time
    <new ID>;//identifier
    0;//run without calling = no
    0;//call position = player location
    0;//calling creature = player
    300;//run every n milliseconds - who cares, it doesn't run without calling
    0;//message type - N/A
    none;//sound, none for nothing
    <converstion time, [sec]>;//delay script for n seconds after conditions met
    0;//disabled after first use = NO - this one is not needed, you can give same item but from other launch script
    16;//give item
    <item ID from items.dat>;// item1
    <amount of that item>;
    <inventory number>;// most generally, zero for default inventory
    0.000000;// nothing :D
    SmokNiszczyciel 13 years ago
    I'm too lame to read all your script, sorry

    You could just tell me how it's going, like this script after XX time does XX thing

    I'm doing it in NMV

    Venom31 13 years ago
    Just insert each line in NMV respectively, it's as easy as it can get...
    SmokNiszczyciel 13 years ago
    Oh God.. I have wasted all fuel for making new mod... That's just because I don't want to make new terrains, bars etc. -_- Maybe later
    SmokNiszczyciel 13 years ago
    Hm... I have got a problem with anger level..

    I think I don't know how it works..

    In AI tactics there are my own tactics with some levels of anger.. I thought that anger increases when player shots weapon each time by weapon's anger level

    It looks this way:
    Tactic 1-
    first level of anger has maximum of 3 and walking around
    second level of anger has maximum of 50 and will attack player
    third level of anger has maximum of 100 and makes AI run

    weapon has anger level 2, so I wanted the AI run after some time and not be so stupid and die like chicken...

    They run even if I don't have any weapon -_-
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    "SmokNiszczyciel" said:
    Hm... I have got a problem with anger level..

    I think I don't know how it works..

    In AI tactics there are my own tactics with some levels of anger.. I thought that anger increases when player shots weapon each time by weapon's anger level

    It looks this way:
    Tactic 1-
    first level of anger has maximum of 3 and walking around
    second level of anger has maximum of 50 and will attack player
    third level of anger has maximum of 100 and makes AI run

    weapon has anger level 2, so I wanted the AI run after some time and not be so stupid and die like chicken...

    They run even if I don't have any weapon -_-
    You could try increasing the levels. I'm pretty sure anger levels can also rise with footsteps, and I think hard difficulty randomly increases anger levels.
    SmokNiszczyciel 13 years ago
    I did it this way (I think so), even if I don't have weapon and increase anger sizes in tactics by 5x then they're still running like headless chickens
    SmokNiszczyciel 13 years ago
    Wtf and I have new problem lol

    Ok please read this a few times:
    I have used scripts, plot object effects, and everything I could but
    (now read as you want)
    nothing works, I want to make a object class damage all creatures within some distance (this objects stays for 3seconds then vanishes)
    Venom31 13 years ago
    "SmokNiszczyciel" said:
    ...I have used scripts, plot object effects, and everything I could...
    What is this other "everything"? As far as I understand from all the forum recipes, you generally need to use a creature whenever you want some damage dealt independently from player. Creature can have a timer for its life, so set this to 3 seconds or whatever you wanted.
    SmokNiszczyciel 13 years ago
    But how to make it invisible and ghost-mode like? And not-moveable
    Venom31 13 years ago
    Yeah, non-movable is the hardest part. Need to hear from some Notrium modding guru on that one - what happens if the creature's size is set to zero (0)? Nothing covers this question - will it even need a texture? Death animation? Will it be pushed away by other creatures? And if not, will they be able to run through it?

    Looking up to some Notrium Modding Library, I've stumbled upon spawner code. If to ignore what it is doing, it has some even better things than creatures in this aspect. The plot object is being dropped, it is timed and it is ghost-like and non-movable. Just what you want! Besides, its effects can be triggered every XXX milliseconds, XXX being small (like 40) it can make an illusion of continuous attack until removal (though in fact damage will be dealt each kind-of-"frame", being a 1/25th of a second - like in Diablo 2).
    ZeXLR8er 13 years ago
    Hmm, I'm having a few problems. All of a sudden, the override footstep sound line in the terrain_types.dat file seems to have stopped working, despite me not having touched terrain_types.dat for months. The water terrain type in Wazzal II once had an overide water.wav sound to replace the normal footprints, but it simply no longer works.

    Ville, could there be an issue with the Notrium engine concerning the number of sound files to be loaded in the directory? The only thing I could think of that may have caused it was adding a whole suite of extra sound effects recently... could they be preventing others from loading properly? Otherwise, I'm stumped.
    INFERNUS 13 years ago
    I need some help with my mods.
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