Well.. I've been doing some stuff, on and of, in various programs/languages and just thought I'd share it with you guys.
Praise and Ideas would be most welcome but all flame will be flamed hehe.
Anywyas, Here are a few links to some of my stuff
Flash stuff (Temporary home): <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.groep7.co.za/Notrium/Flash/">http://www.groep7.co.za/Notrium/Flash/</a><!-- m -->
Stars Graphics (3D ship models and stuff): <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.groep7.co.za/stars/freestars.htm">http://www.groep7.co.za/stars/freestars.htm</a><!-- m -->
I'll update this post when I get some of my other stuff together (TP programs/games)
oh, and I added this silly poll, got the Idea from grim 