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  • How did you win Notrium?

    Electrobomb 20 years ago
    Here tell how you won Notrium

    1. Tell what way you won.(what ending did you do just 2 words can describe it, and only the first time you won)

    2. How long did it take you in the game.(tell days or in game days)

    3. (optional) Name all the ways you've won.(no time)

    Well I won within the first hour I got the game by killing all the Ville Corp guys

    I've also won all the other ways except the one with the hand that says it'll fulfill you most wanted dream, and the one with you turning into a plant(kinda sickening)
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    1) The Alien hive

    2) About 2 hours in total

    That was v1.1 mind you. I actually havn't won v1.2 yet; I'm still playing the game I started when it first came out!
    Eternal 20 years ago
    How can u play for that long? I either finish it too quick, or die. my max time has been about 2 & 1/2hrs. My fastest is probably about 45mins (it had some pretty lucky "drops").
    Electrobomb 20 years ago
    cool i had another topic but i messed up the poll

    oh yea ZeXLR8er!! who did you get to host your website cause im just not starting a mod and this time it's going to work and how did you do that cursor trail thingy
    superknijn 20 years ago
    With an alien i finished the radio sattelite thing, with that teleport.
    it took me 15-20 minutes...
    I was very lucky !!!
    Eternal 20 years ago
    Cursor trail thingy? ive been to zex's and havent seen any cursor trail, well at least it doesnt work on mozilla 1.6.
    EDIT: Zex uses (i presume its <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
    I use <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
    Lochen uses <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
    and Wicked uses some host i haven't seen before
    ville 20 years ago
    And for some reason Zex's pages almost completely halt my Firefox. He must have used some of those fancy new techniques.
    Eternal 20 years ago
    Mmmh, same on mozilla (i tried just then) it freezes for seconds on end then runs fine again, then freezes again, very hard to get around.
    roburky 20 years ago
    My first complete was the building your spaceship ending. I was so damn proud when I did that. I don't know how long I spent on that particular game but it was a gazillion deaths/retries before I got that far (saving is for wusses).
    The only other ending I've completed was the disapointingly easy distress call one.
    ville 20 years ago
    You'd be surprised how "easy" it is in 1.3!
    If anyone has any grand ideas for new types of endings, I'd be glad to hear 'em in the ideas thread. Pretty much anything is possible now, since the ending conditions are no longer limited to what the old endings.dat had.

    I'm not sure what Quanrian has in mind though, I hope he has thought of something that doesn't require you to kill an alien or use an item.
    roburky 20 years ago
    I know multiple endings is something that Quanrian is passionate about, but it's not something that draws me back to a game. After I'd spent all that time an effort completing Notrium, I felt no desire to go through it all again just to see a different picture.
    While i have played it since finishing it, never with the same determination as before.

    Replay value is always in the experience. And currently, the conditions for winning involve a lot of repetitive combing of maps for specific baddies or items. The 'kill all marines' one is an especially bad offender and takes it to the extreme.
    cobra_banshee 20 years ago
    You can win by killing the Queens, i think
    Arcade 20 years ago
    Hmmmmm....... this was a long time ago (Or I have a pretty bad memory) Okay I got It.

    First attempt, Ver. 1.0 distress call, operation - failure

    Second attempt, Ver. 1.0 terminating alien, operation - completed.

    Mission completed in 90 minutes.

    I finished all endings besides the scroll and the eden. (I don't even know how to start those.)
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    I know multiple endings is something that Quanrian is passionate about, but it's not something that draws me back to a game. After I'd spent all that time an effort completing Notrium, I felt no desire to go through it all again just to see a different picture.
    While i have played it since finishing it, never with the same determination as before.

    I couldn't agree with you more roburky. Though some people most definately did beat the game each way to see those pictures and text The problem with the endings in 1.2 is there was no real variety in the way you could obtain an ending. You could kill all of one creature in a certain area, or you could use an item, which might require you having already killed all of one type of creature in a certain area. In 1.3 they're done with scripts, there is no ending file anymore. Which means an ending can be very complex and perhaps elusive.

    Replay value is always in the experience. And currently, the conditions for winning involve a lot of repetitive combing of maps for specific baddies or items. The 'kill all marines' one is an especially bad offender and takes it to the extreme.

    The whole point of the game originally was to comb the maps looking for items to combine. So I'm just going to forget you said that since that concept of the game is not going to change. All games by the way especially ones with adventure elements require you to comb areas for items or enemies, its a staple infact of that particular genre as it gives you 'something' to do.

    The kill all marines while annoying did present a unique challenge in its own way because no other ending required you to entirely wipe out every single creature. So it was more about endurance than repetition, though the AI in 1.2 made it inevitably flawed as the marines could be quite stupid and little more than target practice. That ending is going to change anyways though so I'm not going to argue its merits.
    Duda 20 years ago
    Used the Working Modded Radio
    Took about 1 hour, 2nd go
    Corcky54 20 years ago
    Killed the big robots and fixed my spacepod

    I have no clue

    and ive beaten it by killing all the marines and the alien hive and the called help and eden.
    Rayo 20 years ago
    Killed the big robots and used the escape pod

    A couple of hours.Got to a certain point with nearly all the items and saved so I could just go and finish all the ending from there.

    Done them all apart from eden and the scroll
    Tyrian 20 years ago
    kill robots and called for help

    i THINk 3h

    also fixed my spacepod
    GameFreak 17 years ago
    Queens and eggs

    10 mins beat that

    i won as fast as possible after reading this thread
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "GameFreak" said:
    Queens and eggs

    10 mins beat that

    i won as fast as possible after reading this thread
    Dude, I highly suggest you don't post in a thread that has been inactive for more than three months, UNLESS you have a VERY good reason to resurrect it.
    zerocoal 17 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "GameFreak" said:
    Queens and eggs

    10 mins beat that

    i won as fast as possible after reading this thread
    Dude, I highly suggest you don't post in a thread that has been inactive for more than three months, UNLESS you have a VERY good reason to resurrect it.

    you mean years haha. that last post was in 04
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    Well, AT LEAST he didn't post "lol I luv notrium how I maek mod!!!!!1!1". He actually added to the topic. Of course, that still means nothing on a three-year-old-ish thread, but you get the point.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Dude, I highly suggest you don't post in a thread that has been inactive for more than three months, UNLESS you have a VERY good reason to resurrect it.
    In ths case I personally don't think it matters. His answer was valid after all.
    GameFreak 17 years ago
    I didnt look at the date of the last post and i really dont care as i think i won in a record time
    Amarth 17 years ago
    There is actually some idea... Speedrunning Notrium.

    Or do random games not qualify for speedrunning? I was pretty impressed when someone posted that 4000 turn Nethack ascension, though.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    I should try it. Got nothing else to play, anyway.
    Xeblit 17 years ago
    I've done every ending.... except Eden

    Could anyone tell me how to Beat it with Eden, in a PM? I have absolutely no idea how it can be done

    I voted Scroll, it's my favorite way to win
    D0M0 17 years ago
    What kind of ending is this "scroll" ending. If you can describe it i'd be grateful. thx
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "D0M0" said:
    What kind of ending is this "scroll" ending. If you can describe it i'd be grateful. thx
    You find a mystical piece of paper. Then you must feed him to make it grow. Then a miracle happens and a grue eats you.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    "Grue"?. I'm a croat so i'm not that good with english ops:
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "D0M0" said:
    "Grue"?. I'm a croat so i'm not that good with english ops:
    1) What I just said, starting from "Then a miracle happens", was modified so I wouldn't be spoiling anything.
    2) If you want to know the definition of a word, you can try using, Wikipedia or, ultimately, Google.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    found out what's grue


    All but scroll ending

    2-3 hours each (repair pod-fastest, kill marines-longest)
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    The proper definition of a grue exits on
    odie 17 years ago
    I tried the orignal Notrium Eons ago.....
    Then played Werivar endings sorta confused by now, since i played it so many times.... Some of the times, i can get multiple endings simply by getting the items required but not go there, and attempt the other endings.

    Endings, here they are:

    1) Blast the 2 Big guns, goto iceland and use modded radio to call for help.
    2) Blast the 2 Big guns, fix the silly escape pod and go on a long voyage home.
    3) Kill the 2 Queens + their omelettes-maker and become the king of the jungle. lol
    4) Kill that green irky monster in Eden, and use the planetoid on altar..... replacing tat irky monster after that.
    5) Goto the ship, destroy all and command the mining station, become super rich.
    6) Psionic ending - special (using psonic)
    7) Become the super robot with the ultimate upgrade (not sure if this is MOD).
    Gather tons of rubbish and all absolute items, input to scroll and realise u became God?

    Record for playing? I tried surviving for as long as i could, and at 200+ days still surviving.

    Tips on Werivar Mod, go for normal, no temp for more fun. Then establish a good base - mine was the super hard base - the Bunker. Hunt for tons of food, set ether generators going, mine like mad, create new items like mad, flood the base with protections and battledroids, and ehem, clean out tat junkyard. Then go for broke - whack as many of those battledroids spawns as u can.

    1scifiamo 17 years ago
    I have ended with spacepod, queens, and marines. Tried radio, planetoid, nothing happened. And I waited a long time (even set up camp, with stasis field in one case). Tried scroll, got to second stage, then again, nothing. Maybe my installation was bad. Never could find psionic ending.
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