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Forum » Gemini's film project

Gemini's film project

The Gemini 19 years ago
I am going to make a serie, like Red vs Blue and Strangerhood. Therefore, I need your help with voices, ideas, scripts and such. If you helps me, you will be added in the credits, and these episodes will be posted here, and probably on other sites too. So those who helps me will get "famous"

I still don't know wich game I am going to use, I know Halo and The Sims 2, and thei've both got ups and downs. So if you know about any other games I can use, post it here, along with why I should use it.
Personally, I think The Sims 2 is best right now. (A game called The Movies will be released soon, and it's MADE for film making, I think I am going use this when it is released)

Also, post if you know about a good film editor, as my own has limited capabilities.
Zombie 19 years ago
Voices, eh? I may be able to help you there... ;F
MageKing17 19 years ago
"Zombie" said:
Voices, eh? I may be able to help you there... ;F
I could help too. I'm told my British accent is quite well, dispite the fact that I grew up in Seattle. Apparently, the northwestern US is it's own language zone. Yeah.

And if you need some help with scripts, I can help there too.
Madgamer 19 years ago
what kind of ideas? I have some weird ones you can use
The Gemini 19 years ago
It's good you are willing to help, and since you have revealed the spoiler now, I will unspoil it now(I think everyone who have read this post have revealed the spoiler).
HarmlessHermit 19 years ago
Honestly, has anyone who read that post opted to not read the spoiler? We're far to curious to ignore it. Gemini, do you have a basic understanding of using different camera techniques and shots? I know it's machinima but the same real world guidelines help there too. I might be able to provide some input on that.
The Gemini 19 years ago
"HarmlessHermit" said:
Gemini, do you have a basic understanding of using different camera techniques and shots? I know it's machinima but the same real world guidelines help there too. I might be able to provide some input on that.

I do have experience on that area.
HarmlessHermit 19 years ago
I'm an avid Halo fan and have a lot of knowledge about the game world, how things work, and its limitations. If you do decide to use that, I can definitely help with providing helpful criticism.
EvilP 19 years ago
Well I do recommend Half-Life 2, especially with something like Garry's mod where you can manipulate objects and physics in realtime, put things on fire and so on. It does lipsynch as well, not sure if it does it realtime with microphone input however.
Grim Reaper 19 years ago
You could also do it with Halo 2, if you like...

Find the "Blind" scull with the camera's profile... That way you don't need to erase the HUD afterwards.

I could propably give my voice to one (or perhaps more?) character(s).
HarmlessHermit 19 years ago
I've seen some pretty impressive Half-Life 2 movies. From the ones I've seen, yes you can do lipsynching but I don't think it works in real time.
Madgamer 19 years ago
The solution to no lip synching would be using guys from Halo characters or any guys wearing helmet. (my first idea given )
EvilP 19 years ago
That's just a cheap copout, besides since RedVBlue everyone and his dog uses Halo. You might as well use the HL2 combine soldiers, they wear masks too.
Crazy 19 years ago
eh... i can help you with voices, im not sure but i think i can do a clear US accent, also im practicing my irish and british...
The Gemini 19 years ago
I dont think I am going to use anything than The Sims 2 or Halo, since I have only 3 gig space left on my computer. Also, I came up with a quite good concept yesterday, and it does only work with The Sims 2. Ill post an introduction movie in some days, to see if you like my concept.

And by the way, you dont need a good US acsent to be in this serie, as will be several people that comes from other countries in the world, like a norwegian dude, a guy from Iran and so on. But just wait untill the introduction movie is finished.
EvilP 19 years ago
I dont think I am going to use anything than The Sims 2 or Halo, since I have only 3 gig space left on my computer.

Not very encouraging if this movie is going to be worth less than a bit of harddrive space. Why not burn some stuff on cd/dvd or just buy a new HD?
The Gemini 19 years ago
*whispering*I'm lazy*whispering*
HarmlessHermit 19 years ago
That's also a very encouraging attribute for a film maker to have.
Crazy 19 years ago
almost forgot, if you need a russian accent im all ears. I mean mouths. I mean mouth. Ah i don't even know what the hell i mean...
I perfected it with lines from Red Alert 2...

Kirov reporting...
Madgamer 19 years ago
"Crazy" said:
almost forgot, if you need a russian accent im all ears. I mean mouths. I mean mouth. Ah i don't even know what the hell i mean...
I perfected it with lines from Red Alert 2...

Kirov reporting...

*Yuri comes and takes control over Kirov *
I might be able to do some voices. The only thing is that I'm Korean...
I don't think anybody needs that...
The Gemini 19 years ago
Well, actually, I had the idea that this serie had multinational characters.
Therefore I need voices from all across the world. These are the nationalities I will have in this project:
*American(hopfully with a texan acsent)

So, your acsent will not hinder you. The only thing that might keep you from being in is the limit of characters.

Once the introduction episode is finished, you can pick who you want to be.

Just to make it clear:
Those who contributes with voices MUST give their voices when I am asking. So try your best to record early. I think there will be 2 weeks between each episode, and to give you time, the last week will be only for voices, so all who are in can participate. When the filming are ready, a special version of the episode will be sent you. This version contains my voices AND special effects which show you WHEN you shall record. to voiceover The Sims 2 is tricky, so I have to do it in this way. Try to make it look like it is the sim who are talking, not you. I'll try my best in making the takes fit to the script.

Also, when a new episode are released, I will also announce what type of episode the next one will be, like Halloween Special, Birthday episode, an episode which will change the serie drastically, and so on. Then, you, ALL OF YOU, can sit down and write a script. Then, you can PM the script to me, and I'll find out which script I will use. If I dont get any scripts, or good scripts 3 days after the announce, I, or my personal script writer, will make a script. And since MK17 asked first, he is appointed to be my scriptwriter. And MK17, you can also send a script, like all the others, allthough you are my personall writer
Grim Reaper 19 years ago
"The Gemini" said:
This version contains my voices AND special effects which show you WHEN you shall record. to voiceover The Sims 2 is tricky, so I have to do it in this way.

Can't you just paste the voice-overs to the place where you need them to be?
HarmlessHermit 19 years ago
Yeah, unless you couldn't control what the Sims were saying.
The Gemini 19 years ago
Yes, HH, I can't control what the sims are saying.
There are talking animations for most occasions, but you have to wait untill they comes, and this may take time.
Grim Reaper 19 years ago
"The Gemini" said:
There are talking animations for most occasions, but you have to wait untill they comes, and this may take time.

Well, you just have to suffer that. Who told making films be easy?
Crazy 19 years ago
try movie maker bi macro... i mean microsoft. comes with xp. i think it would be a great help cause it doesent get much simpler.
The Gemini 19 years ago
I'm familiar with it, but I dont like it much. It is more for beginners, as it is missing some of the most important movie moker features.
MageKing17 19 years ago
"The Gemini" said:
Yes, HH, I can't control what the sims are saying.
There are talking animations for most occasions, but you have to wait untill they comes, and this may take time.
You CAN control what animations the sims do. I'm fairly sure "The Strangerhood" does it. There is a debug option that enables some secret menus. With these menus you can spawn objects that do various things. Spawning NPCs, having sims perform animations, even die in any of various ways. Probably how the strangerhood did that episode where Nikki dies fifteen different ways, or whatever.
The Gemini 19 years ago
"MageKing17" said:
"The Gemini" said:
Yes, HH, I can't control what the sims are saying.
There are talking animations for most occasions, but you have to wait untill they comes, and this may take time.
You CAN control what animations the sims do. I'm fairly sure "The Strangerhood" does it. There is a debug option that enables some secret menus. With these menus you can spawn objects that do various things. Spawning NPCs, having sims perform animations, even die in any of various ways. Probably how the strangerhood did that episode where Nikki dies fifteen different ways, or whatever.
Yes, you are right, the debug option is critical in movie making with The Sims2, but unfortunatley, the talking animations can't be controled by it as far as I know, but I can check on the internet. I can have missed something.
MageKing17 19 years ago
"The Gemini" said:
Yes, you are right, the debug option is critical in movie making with The Sims2, but unfortunatley, the talking animations can't be controled by it as far as I know, but I can check on the internet. I can have missed something.
As I said, you need to spawn a specific object. You know all those weird objects you can spawn with debug? Some spawn NPCs, some kill sims in various ways, and at least one controls animations. I'm positive. My sister went nuts and spawned a bunch of people, had them do crazy stuff, then killed them all with sattellites (indoors, no less), and sold the space junk for some serious moneys.
Madgamer 19 years ago
I spawned some sims inside the large prison I made. Contains only walls around and a fireplace with various objects wich are flammable. Now, guess what happened
Crazy 19 years ago
mhh... i remeber a house where all rooms were connected with swimming channels, not doors.
The Gemini 19 years ago
I've checked the debug cheat now, and there are no options for talking animations.

I like to play the sims 2 seriously. TS1(the sims 1) have stupid AI, and it is much more fun torturing TS1 sims than TS2 sims

Madgamer 19 years ago
"The Gemini" said:
I like to play the sims 2 seriously. TS1(the sims 1) have stupid AI, and it is much more fun torturing TS1 sims than TS2 sims

True... True...
The only thing wrong about them is that if you put them in the confined room, it takes forever to kill them. I guess this was to make the game more fun... or was it
The Gemini 19 years ago
The intro movie is taking time, due I have to make "Harbordale", the place this serie is fillmed in.
Forum » Gemini's film project

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