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Forum » Jungle Combat - 0.15

Jungle Combat - 0.15

Inane 18 years ago
My new mod Jungle Combat (what kind of name is that?) is unveiled!
It's a total conversion.
Newest version is to keep you busy with the impossibly hard boss battle (Tell me if you beat it).
A little info can be found in the comment on the rar file.
Known Problems with 0.15:
Robots on your team are inexplicably immune to toxins while the player is incredibly weak against them (It's worse than its flamethrower base and the player has a specialty making it do .000002 damage and it still kicks ass )


- Two playable classes: The commando starts out with a repeater rifle and an 'temporary performance boosting' system built into his soot. The scout starts out with the HellCast rifle capable of devasting large groups, and the totally awesome Spy drone that affects the players vision.

- (Not nearly done yet!) a strong base-building focused gameplay keeps the challenges gnawin' at your feet.

- A vague plot involving you needing to kill robots who have cool death animations (seriously).

That's that.
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* Also, the items are supposed to look so minimalistic, since I can't make anything that looks as detailed as Notriums original graphics.
(Need ideas for items and enemies)
DarkAlienX 18 years ago
Sounds nice Im downloading it now, il report any bugs if a find any. Keep up the nice work!

Ive encountered a problem, well two of them. I Tried extracting to the notrium folder and it didnt work, it said a file was missing, so i made a Jungle Combat folder and put the files in there, then i copies and paste it to the notrium folder, i then tried to run the game, Didnt work.

Edit: Nvm ive fixed the problem! Its ok, theres a bug, you have to make it so when your tring to go up, you dont have to be in the sandy part, because when your on the grass and you go up to next area, your outside of were the enemies are. Bye the way, nice hidden items.
E_net4 18 years ago
Man, you better not use FileFactory, it's slow as a turtle.
There are stuff to be fixed and changed, but I know it's still a small version of the MOD
DarkAlienX 18 years ago
I think you could use a story to the game, it would definetly help. And the odd thing is that the gaurdbot is way better than the other bots, he doesnt look a thing difrent in any way yet hes 5X better.
Inane 18 years ago
"DarkAlienX" said:
I think you could use a story to the game, it would definetly help. And the odd thing is that the gaurdbot is way better than the other bots, he doesnt look a thing difrent in any way yet hes 5X better.
The bot you can get on your team?
All he does is (very) slowly heal and his gun is more centered (And you'll notice he does look different because of his gun arm).

And I'm starting on laying out a few maps and a story and the like.
speedblade 18 years ago
I just know this mod won't die! Go Inane!!!
DarkAlienX 18 years ago
Yea! INSANE DONT QUIT! Its starting out nice!
Crazy 18 years ago
It's Inane.

I'm insane
Anonymous1157 18 years ago
No, you're Crazy.

Sounds cool, I'll try it.
DarkAlienX 18 years ago
let me test some clolors Cookie

(SPOILER)Ok, when you start out go to the base near the corner, go inside and kill the robots, then in the leafs get the scrapt up robots, then pick up the power cell, then press u on the robots in invo, then its makes a Gaurd Bot
Inane 18 years ago
Thanks for the encouragement guys, and if anyone with graphical talents beyond my own would like to (re)design the items for the game, please say so.
Inane 18 years ago
New versions out, and I bet you can't beat the boss without the robots you get on your team .
speedblade 18 years ago
Whats with that second bar under the robots?

It goes down when I hit the robot but I alwas get the health bar down first and destroy the robot..
Inane 18 years ago
"speedblade" said:
Whats with that second bar under the robots?

It goes down when I hit the robot but I alwas get the health bar down first and destroy the robot..
It's their energy bar, once they shoot enough for it to be all the way down their fire rate will be about half of normal.
speedblade 18 years ago
"Inane" said:
"speedblade" said:
Whats with that second bar under the robots?

It goes down when I hit the robot but I alwas get the health bar down first and destroy the robot..
It's their energy bar, once they shoot enough for it to be all the way down their fire rate will be about half of normal.

....Hehehe.... I forgot to say I figered it out, but thanks anyways.
DarkAlienX 18 years ago
Overal it will become one of the best mods ever!
E_net4 18 years ago
"DarkAlienX" said:
Overal it will become one of the best mods ever!
Oh...pelease! I doubt that and certainly it wont become the #1 MOD.
Anonymous1157 18 years ago
"E_net4" said:
"DarkAlienX" said:
Overal it will become one of the best mods ever!
Oh...pelease! I doubt that and certainly it wont become the #1 MOD.
And even then, Werivar, the TRUE best mod ever, is still slightly not finished. About 4 minor features won't be making it in because it was dropped. That no longer makes sense.
E_net4 18 years ago
"Anonymous1157" said:
"E_net4" said:
"DarkAlienX" said:
Overal it will become one of the best mods ever!
Oh...pelease! I doubt that and certainly it wont become the #1 MOD.
And even then, Werivar, the TRUE best mod ever, is still slightly not finished. About 4 minor features won't be making it in because it was dropped. That no longer makes sense.
The Werivar is, at the moment, the best Notrium MOD ever and it seems it will always be. There is more to come from the Werivar MOD (and more bugs to be fixed ).
DarkAlienX 18 years ago
oh kiss my buttox, it proboly wont but it will do good.
Crazy 18 years ago
I STILL think that Qmod was the best Notrium mod ever...
Anonymous1157 18 years ago
It was an expansion pack, albeit an important one that got shoved in as Deafult.
Quanrian 18 years ago
While reminiscing is nice, you guys are going off-topic at this point. Try and keep the discussion to the mod which this thread was creating for.
speedblade 18 years ago
Inane what are you doing doesn't seem to be any updates lately...
Inane 18 years ago
"speedblade" said:
Inane what are you doing doesn't seem to be any updates lately...

There will be new stuff eventually .
ModSlayer 18 years ago
File...Factory...So...Slow...WWWRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAA !!!
Man the mod sounds cool...Can I help out in anyway
Oh and the download expired upload it somehwere else...
May I suggest
Quanrian 18 years ago
"Inane" said:
"speedblade" said:
Inane what are you doing doesn't seem to be any updates lately...

There will be new stuff eventually .

Inane, if you're having trouble finding hosts, please feel free to email the file to Ville. We are more than happy to host any mods for you. This has always been true and it's a shame more people don't take advantage of it.
speedblade 18 years ago
"Inane" said:
"speedblade" said:
Inane what are you doing doesn't seem to be any updates lately...

There will be new stuff eventually .

Post devolopment logs..... please?

People gonna ignore this mod if they think you do no nothin.

Heck, it been 32 days since the last time you updated the mod.
Anonymous1157 18 years ago
I don't think he's working on it anymore. School started at least a week ago for everyone I asked. That's a good enough excuse for me not to work on a mod.

[OT] Hey, this website fits perfectly on a 1024x1280 screen! [/OT]
Grim Reaper 18 years ago
"Anonymous1157" said:
Hey, this website fits perfectly on a 1024x1280 screen!
Don't you mean 1280x1024? [/OT]
MageKing17 18 years ago
"Grim Reaper" said:
"Anonymous1157" said:
Hey, this website fits perfectly on a 1024x1280 screen!
Don't you mean 1280x1024? [/OT]
No, actually, I think he meant 1024x1280 for some reason, because on 1280x1024 it's a little too wide, but on 1024x768 it's perfectly wide, but a little short. Maybe he's got his monitor sideways?
Grim Reaper 18 years ago
"MageKing17" said:
"Grim Reaper" said:
"Anonymous1157" said:
Hey, this website fits perfectly on a 1024x1280 screen!
Don't you mean 1280x1024? [/OT]
No, actually, I think he meant 1024x1280 for some reason, because on 1280x1024 it's a little too wide, but on 1024x768 it's perfectly wide, but a little short. Maybe he's got his monitor sideways?
I know for a fact that he has TWO monitors...
MageKing17 18 years ago
Maybe he's got them stacked on top of each other.
Anonymous1157 18 years ago
Actually, it WAS sideways for five minutes yesterday. Recently, I discovered that 1280+768=2048, so I now have a 2:1. I don't know why it took me so long.

... And ain't this off-topic!?
Quanrian 18 years ago
More than half this thread is off-topic, with no updates. If mods aren't being taken seriously, I'm just going to lock the threads. If Inane pms me with an update, I'll unlock this thread.
Forum » Jungle Combat - 0.15

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