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Forum » Got a great idea for Wazzal? Post it here!

Got a great idea for Wazzal? Post it here!

ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
This is the Official Ideas thread for continued production of Wazzal.
I'll warn any people who use this thread that so far Ville has no plans to update the game in the near future, so there's no certainty that your idea will be added. However, I'm sure he and all the other people in the forum would love to hear your ideas, so if you have any please post them here.

I won't lock up the old threads, but please post ideas in this thread to keep it all in one place. Thanks!
ville 20 years ago
It is still possible that I might do a sequel to Wazzal for my next project, that is if I get a good enough idea. Something like add more ships and plot won't do.
Wicked 20 years ago
Isn't Wazzal similar to Arthur Dent's travels? You could make a Hitchhiker-type-clone for Wazzal 2, thought not very original, it might spur those who haven't read the book to do so, as was mentioned in the Notrium forum.
Arcade 20 years ago
How about you make something like in Star Control 2, well, how about you make it just like it! In the sequel, I would love to play it. But I won't be able to pay for it.

You could add all kinds of minerals, gases (Breaks wind), and .... other elemental stuff. You can visit other solar systems, find live (intelligent or otherwise) and collect resources (by making mines on the surface) You could have certain human outposts that supply you with technology, crew members, ships, fuel and information. You could talk to aliens and make a few allies, they would give you their coordinates and you can visit their planet for more technology and ships! You can customize your ship with weapons and scanner and all kinds of stuff! You could put Notrium as one of the planets and Netria (it's moon from my story) and Notrium's other moon (let's called it Orium) maybe even the Armada space station (the center of human space exploration) I'll think of more stuff later. The story, here it is........

It has been ten months since you escaped Notrium, and the humans have learned that ville corp. an Alien Organization has been secretely building up an army to conquer the whole galaxy. Since you have survived alot and have extremely good skills the Armada space station has retired you from being a marine, now you are a captain for the Wolf IX. It is your duty to fight the aliens in a war for freedom and justice. You will make allies, costumize your ship, find resources and much more on this war. Good Luck!!

That's all I can think of for now
ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
Well, that would be fantastic. But Ville, if later you make a sequel, you really should make it shareware. Because of the popularity of Wazzal I and Notrium, and hopefully your new shareware game, I'm sure it would sell great.
void 20 years ago
Ok I've been telling you I've wanted a space sim quite a bit so I spose once more won't hurt.

I think you sould create a VAST area to play in. I realize that there are limitaions so I would suggest you go solor system by solor system. As you travel from one to the other you can use the time to clear the old one out of memory and load the new one.

To make it easier to add and edit systems you sould have each a separate file, i.e.

.....and so on......

You should be able to use fusion to create your own stars and planets. You could make 3 star solor systems .

It would likely be very much an adventure game.

You could create your own starship and make additions as you develop.

You could transfigure your ship and the matter it's made up of into another dimension which exists along side your normal dimensions. In this dimension you could live under what ever laws you define. For example you wouldn't have o travel under light speed, you couldn't collide with other matter, You could remain hidden from enemies, and so on...

You could collect energy and use it as you please. Like to convert it into matter (e=mc^2), or to fuel you ship.

You could create yourself a map of the universe which could be very interesting to figure out and design. Maybe it's always expanding and when you travel past it's limits you go to a place where anything can happen. It would be fun to program what would happen there.

Create aliens that advance as game time progresses. After time they may even surpass you and destroy you if your not careful. As for the purpose of creating them that could be to get them to mine planets for you of build equipment for you.........and so on....

You could do some weird progamming with the time system. For example when you are close to high gravity areas time is also warped and it slows down everywhere except for you.

As far as modding goes they could be star trek mods where you can create you our fredaration and fly in the entiprise. Fight the borg and klingons. Some very cool possiblilites. A star war mod could also work.

This would allow for a huge internet community. Sharing star systems and races you've created and on top of that mods that everyone will no doubt create.

Are you getting tired of me mentioning this idea?
ville 20 years ago
Not at all. It might not be a bad idea. Just not really the multiplayer kind, I think I would like to have multiplayer in my next game. It would be great as a massive multiplayer, but I can't do those.

Arcade's idea sounds good. I've always been a fan of Star Control. There could be a lot of adventuring.
ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
I like both of those ideas.
What I would want would be a better weapons system, with easily being able to configure your ship/ships weapons. Weapons would use energy/ammo, and have missiles which follow ships and blow up.
I would also like to be able to become a governer of a planet, then maybe move on until you own an entire solarsystem, then even a whole sector! The player could become a governer either by taking over a planet, or doing a lot of good work for the government.
Arcade 20 years ago
Ding! Another Idea

The battles I kind of like but you have to make it a bit more like star control (I love the battles ) You can choose from a few different ships which you can make\buy and send them off to battle with other ships you can also fight with your main ship (The Wolf IX).

there should be something like super melee too! You pick a number off ships and test your skills with either other players or the AI.

Another cool thing would be that you could capture other ships, (but it would be extremely difficult) the only way to disable them is to shoot with another cannon which has a 40% chance of capturing a ship when it's HP is below ten. (sounds kind of like pokemon, doesn't it?)

You could costumize your own weapons, for example

Space blade - A high energy laser that has a low range but devestating power. EU=5 Dam= 7 Range 10

EU= Energy Usage Dam= Damage it deals in a second\per shot.

Here's another one

Rapid Laser Gun Lv.1 - A laser gun with lower power and accuracy but with lots off ammo and firepower.
EU=1 Dam=2 Range 30

You would make each type of weapon have a different feel.

I'll submit any other ideas I have later
ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
Yes, but instead of using a laser to capture a ship, I would make it that you could have a special upgrade that gives you a 'Assault pod', which you load up with soldiers (a type of crew member), and launch at the enemy ship. If the pod sucessfully docks with the ship, you have to battle it out on board; crew-to-crew combat. Each ship would have a different inside setup, so you would have to fight in a totally unkown environment against the crew of the other ship that have worked there for months. If you sucsessfully take the bridge and eliminate all enemy fighters, the ship would be added to your fleet.
MageKing17 20 years ago
How about this idea: Combine the two. In order to capture a ship, you would have to first disable it with, say, an Ion Cannon. Then you would latch on to it and your boarding party would engage the crew. The more crew members you have, the more you can send into combat (for more fun you could make it an FPS). After disabling the enemy crew, you take over the enemy ship and can haul it in to repair it and get more crew members.
ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
Yes, that would be better.
You would have all sorts of different types of crew members, here's some ideas:

Special: Increases ships speed by 1% per Navigator
Attack damage: 8
Health: 40
Wages: $15 per month

Special: Heals ship by 1 point every 10 seconds per Engineer
Attack damage: 15
Health: 100
Wages: $7 per month

Ship Gunner:
Special: Increases weapon accuracy by 5% per Gunner
Attack damage: 12
Health: 80
Wages: $12 per month

Attack damage: 25
Health: 120
Wages: $10 per month

Special: Makes ship use 2% less fuel per Droid
Attack damage: 10
Health: 150
Wages: $5 000 one time fee

All ships (depending on size) would have a minimum amount of crew members, without the crew, the ship won't run.
Mitch7004 19 years ago
Has anyone played the game Smugglers 3?

I've only got the demo and I like is simmilar to wazzal...but your weapons are upgradable, and you can buy the stuff you trade at other planets

You can buy weapons at lets say Earth for 37 credits each, then you can got to a place that needs weapons, I'll say Pluto, then you can sell them there for alot more then you bought them.

and you could have a command ship or something that you use instead of changing to the ships you catch.

I think that you should still be able to control the ships you capture but if your command ship is destroyed then your dead, because lets face it even if you had like the whole 'Beam me up Scotty' technology it would take time for you to go from one ship to another, although you should be able to survive if it is only disabled
ZeXLR8er 19 years ago
Yes, an amazing game. Infact, I'm planning with Forceuser's help on making a Smugglers mod for Notrium, so look out for that one.

Are you a member of their forum, Mitch? I haven't seen you posting yet.
Eternal 19 years ago
Yeah I've seen Mitch before, he was posting about some techinical errors, he's an auzzie like us .

Oh yeah and about the "Beam me up scotty" technology, it is plenty fast enough, and on the rare chance that you "lose" a few thousand molecules on the way up, the transporter can replicate that body part again using your most recent "teleportation imprint"?? (can't remember what its called - basically a 'Index' for your body parts and how they fit together). But it's a pretty rare chance that, that would accaulty happen. It's centuries old technology (in Star trek anyway ).
void 19 years ago
It been a while since anyones given ideas........ .. . . ....

Ville is there a better chance for a new space sim in the future now?

Can you give us a run down of what you'll be doing programming wise over the next 2 years or so? Like finish notrium, make shareware knights game, program virus to give me control top nuclear missile solos ...... .. .. . . ?
ville 19 years ago
Yeah, that's about it. I'll be busy with making the knight action game for about two years, and I have no idea what comes after that.
void 19 years ago
Another idea..... What if you use notrium as a part of this space game? Make it possible to land on a planets surface and explore. With Notrium 1.3 you could no doubt make it possible to have a huge variaty of landscapes and species. You could take things from the surface and put them on the ship or take things from the ship and put them on the surface. Expand you knowledge of life allowing you to create newer more work efficent life forms for you mines and ect...

Sound good?
Crazy 19 years ago
sounds BIG
ville 19 years ago
Except you can't just go and combine two games. They're entirely different technologically, they use different graphics engines, sound and input libraries. Combining the gameplay could be possible, but who would make the planet surfaces? They could certainly be randomly generated like they were in Notrium.
Crazy 19 years ago
but different terrain color is needed for every planet and some moons.
void 19 years ago
It would take quite a bit of work but it would have a good replay value if you could make them random. For example the planet type limits it to certain types of terrain that make sense, like a moon will have crators + rock surface ect.. Once you generate the properties of the planet and it's surface it can be saved into the file concerning that perticular star syster (this would make it possible for people to mod planets later from the file if they wanted too.).

Couldn't you make the one game save itself then load Notrium (of course you'll have to make a fair bit of changes to opening notrium so it would go directly to such and such planet).

If you could make a game that can open other games mid play it would make for good modding. You could at your own programes into the game like for taking over a ship or entering a space station.

Seems to me like it could work? But your the programmer so what do you think?
ville 19 years ago
I can't just go opening a new program every time I want a new scene. It would take ages to load all the textures every time. But basically it would be doable, I'm just not going to do it.
Zombie 19 years ago
I will, I will!

My mod for Notrium might let you build a ship, get off the planet you are on, and go explore the system of the dimension you are trapped in!

My mod will be GIGANTO-MONGOUS! Seriously!

Maybe if I make it good enough, Ville will even play it...
Crazy 19 years ago
actually that could be doable by making your ship a teleporter and if 1.3 allows change your appearance to a spaceship in the other plane. (that would be space)
Zombie 19 years ago
I was thinking more like... You build a ship... You go to the "landing pad" you turned your crash-site into... Then use the ship and it drops a creature, has the creature pick the player up, teleports the creature to the space area, and gives the player control of the creature. The ship item is changed into an exact replica except for the difference that it makes the creature drop the player and destroys the creature and resumes control of the player when used. Exiting your ship in space will kill you. When you pilot your ship to a planet, once you get near it you get transported to that planet's area, still in your ship... Your ship will be fast and un-attackable, but you can't pick items up or anything while in it... On the planet you just "land" by using the ship again and getting control back to the player...

If the planet has no breathable atmosphere, the player will be warned and their O2 meter will decrease slowly (if you have O2 tanks) or rapidly (if you have no O2 tanks) and you either die, set up a building that allows you to breathe, or use your ship again to launch.

I hope I can fit all this in my mod... wait, what am I saying! I'm 15, jobless, and can do homework in less than an hour! I'm also an insomniac!

Cripes, you people may be beta-testing my mod and 1.3 at the same time if I get bored!
Crazy 19 years ago
wouldent that be kind of.. complicated?
Zombie 19 years ago
Uuhhh... No? o.O

Or maybe I'll make a VTOL type ship and when you're in it and use the landing pad, you take off to space. *shrug*
Rokan'sharp'claw 19 years ago
I think Wazzal could use some more um I dunno how to say it but I think wazzal should be more deeper then just controling a ship I think you should be able to actually explore the planets as a pirate walking around robbing people basicly more gameplay like fights with guns on planets and actually upgrading your ship or somthing what do you think of my idea?
ZeXLR8er 19 years ago
I think..... you should play Wazzal II!!
Most of the stuff you mentioned's gonna be in.
burgerking 19 years ago
I was just thinking that!! I DOES sound like Wazzal II!
But these are good ideas for it.
spiritfire 17 years ago

when I enter in the wazzal game am impossivel to see the letters, lack some letters and I am colorful I can help me? I ja moved of resolution, color, drive of video, help me please
E_net4 17 years ago
Sorry, but I don't think we can help much. Game's old and stuff...
However, I'd suggest you to update your GFX drivers and directX. It might work.
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
Switch to software mode in the game's settings. (IIRC)
Amarth 17 years ago
You could also try Win98 compatibility mode. Not sure it helps for this game, but it has helped me for others.
Forum » Got a great idea for Wazzal? Post it here!

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