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  • AETAS Discussion Thread

    Crazy 19 years ago
    right? How about starting with no character description? I thought of a rather interesting character, the only thing is, he himself has absolutely no clue as to what/who he/she/it is. (he can't look either, )
    Idiota 19 years ago
    Of course you can, as long as you're going to be a good RPing character. If you prefer to start that way, there is no way for me to stop ya at doing so
    Crazy 19 years ago
    We need a map!!!
    Pete 19 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    We need a map!!!

    I agree.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    Me too...
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Me too...
    Idiota 19 years ago
    I will enter this as a council problem.

    Grm Reaper is for the map, I am for the map and now we need one more council vote to make it happen.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    Map? Map map, mappity map... Alright people, I'll see what I can cook up for you in the way of a map.

    Also, I would like to elaborate a bit more on the Aegrus weakness to UV radiation... The UV radiation is ONLY lethal to an Aegrus if it comes from a solar body... This means that an Aegrus has to be in a direct line of sight to the solar body giving off the UV radiation. If an Aegrus is caught in UV sunlight then they do not instantly disintigrate or something. That is science fiction movie crap.

    All Aegrus fatigue quicker than normal in UV sunlight, their death usually being caused by hunger or other such things as the fatigue from UV sunlight makes them too tired to move.

    A few Aegrus start to smoke as soon as UV sunlight hit them, but this is not to be confused with combustion or such. While smoke may waft from them, it in no way harms them.

    Even fewer Aegrus start to overheat when exposed to UV sunlight and at their times of death many of these Aegrus were found to have blood temperatures much higher than the boiling point for blood. Some of these Aegrus have even been reported to be "rather well done" or "a little pink near the center" but mostly thoroughly cooked from the inside out.

    A very small amount of Aegrus actually combust when exposed to UV sunlight and the remains of the few unfortunate people that have been recovered are very badly charred, skin and muscle burnt and flaking to ash.

    The rarest kind of Aegrus, however, is the kind that is not hindered too badly by UV sunlight. These lucky few are fortunate enough to only fatigue slightly faster than normal in UV sunlight.

    Just thought to clarify a bit there... Sure, pull out a UV lamp and try to hurt an Aegrus with it... They'll find you with it lodged down your throat.

    Anyways... Lamia's HQ is inside a moon that is orbiting a gas giant in a solar system with a sun that does not cast UV sunlight. Hmm... In case you were wondering, the system name is Cruentus Sol Solis... Bloodthirsty/Bloody Sun.

    Let me know what systems your character/empire knows of and their general proximity to one-another. Also, try give me an estimate as to how far they are from Medius Patria... Medius Patria, in case you were wondering, means Central Homeland. Medius Patria is to be neutral and is at galactic center. The galaxy we are in will simply be called Domus, which means Home. I had an FFX Al Bhed moment for a second there...

    Please try to tell me, also, the direction and distance your system is in relation to either Medius Patria or another system. Do not tell me about individual planets yet, as I want to get the damnedable galactic map done first.

    It will be a hand-drawn and I'll try my best for you all... You'll finally get to see how horrible I am at drawing!
    Crazy 19 years ago
    Darfur is a small and completly unsignificant system NE of Medius Partia. Its on the border line of the mid- and outer rims. The only thing that raises slight interest torwards it is the fact that it is not under any rule and the aseroid belt it has between planets 4 and 5 has some fuel gas deposits.

    Kitwe is E of Medius Partia. It's a system that houses the planet of sunrek, which is completly covered by a space station that is just 100 km above the ground. The space station, now lovingly called the "blanket", was originally deigned to only be 2 small points on differentsides of the planet, connected by huge rods. It was a desperate attempt to blow life into the planet below. The support rods soon began having a life of its own, when building here builkt there. These buildings eventually covered the globe. However, insane amounts of money flowing into the project quickly attracted trouble and weakened the power of the goverment. Now "blanket" is a nest for crime, slavery and all things illegal. Watch you step, if you fall, youll fall for a damn long time.

    Guys, still, always try an UV lamp on an aegrus before combat. If your lucky enough, its a combustible one
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    The Bermuda System (neither 'a' nor 'the' home system, it's just a place where I start) resides NW of the Medius Partia, somewhere in the mid rim. Although the system is just a big cloud of nebulae, it does have a gravity well and also the dust particles glow a scary, yet attractive, light. The system is orbited by the Bermuda Research station, which only has the minimum armament (enough to blast a huge hole in a smallish cruiser class vessel IF the power output is at maximum, the power cells are fully charged and the coffeemaker has been disconnected from the power network ). A maintenance vessel visits the base every 8 months, just to check that everything is running smoothly and leaving a supply of junk to use with the replicator units that provide the base with food, water, air and other unneccessary stuff like that.

    And my character currently knows only about the Bermuda system (and soon he'll know about the base, too).
    Crazy 19 years ago
    right, just wanted to make a notice that neither of those systems is a home base for my char, either, not sure what it will, be but i have a few ideas about it.
    Cejer 19 years ago
    "Zombie" said:
    It will be a hand-drawn and I'll try my best for you all... You'll finally get to see how horrible I am at drawing!

    You probably started already, but I can make a galaxy map in five seconds. Seriously, I can make the actual map in five seconds, then put it into a jpeg file over an hour or so. Then people can pick which system they want, maybe move it. Or people could insert a new system somewhere into the map.

    "Zombie" said:
    Also, I would like to elaborate a bit more on the Aegrus weakness to UV radiation... The UV radiation is ONLY lethal to an Aegrus if it comes from a solar body... This means that an Aegrus has to be in a direct line of sight to the solar body giving off the UV radiation. If an Aegrus is caught in UV sunlight then they do not instantly disintigrate or something. That is science fiction movie crap.

    Unless there is magic in AETAS, there is no difference, beyond intensity, between UV radiation coming from a lamp compared to UV radiation coming from a solar body. A common UV lamp might be useless, but an industrial strength UV lamp would produce about the same UV intensity as most stars (though why anyone would actually have a lamp like that is beyond me). UV radiation will also be more intense in open space compared to planetside, because various gasses in the atmosphere absorb UV radiation.
    One last minor detail, intense enough UV radiation can even cause combustion in human beings.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    What I was thinking for the galaxy map was that we would build it as we go on. No pre-built galaxy map. This way we can have a completely unique galaxy and everything!

    Yeah. The Aegrus have benefits and weaknesses in addition to the benefits and weaknesses of their race before they were sired.

    UV radiation alone is not what really causes negative effects in the Aegrus... It is more the UV radiation coupled with other components of sunlight.
    Cejer 19 years ago
    Well, I already made a possible map. I think that if we were to use it as a base for the rest of our galaxy, it would make the rest of the map placement process easier. Anyone could pick a system (in the beginning) and tell me to move it around a bit or change the star size and color. Or (anytime at all) someone could tell me to add a new system somewhere else in the map.

    Anyway, the map that has already been finished is here. So give it a look and see if you like the general shape. I can always make the map bigger or add systems by request.
    EvilP 19 years ago
    Sorry haven't had net lately, I'm still in the progress of writing up an empire before submitting to someone else for a second opinion.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    Oh sure... No one wants Zombie to lovingly draw the map...

    Not that I should be surprised... Not many people even pay attention to my story.

    Cejer 19 years ago
    Try not to take it personally. If you really want to draw the map go ahead. I only volunteered because it seemed like you did not want to do the map.

    "Zombie" said:
    Please try to tell me, also, the direction and distance your system is in relation to either Medius Patria or another system. Do not tell me about individual planets yet, as I want to get the damnedable galactic map done first.

    I figured if I did the 'damnedable galactic map' I would be doing you a favor. I figured that I had the best software for doing the map, so I did a map. I will probably do another half dozen maps anyway; the process was quite fun.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    I love drawing... I'll take any excuse I can get.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Cejer, good map you have there, I can see it inspired by Star Control 2, right?

    Anyway, can you try to make it round instead of a squaire?
    Because of the 3 dimensional freedom of space, the universe that we can see is allways a sphere.

    Also, my starsystem will have a star similar to our sun, and there must be at least 2 systems near it. It is also near Idiota's empire.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    Is it okay to have a shapeshifting character that can only change it's general shape?

    For an example, think of an ordinary looking rock. You touch it, and suddenly it changes to your shape, although it still looks like a rock.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    I think we should see what Zombie has to bring us for a map before we decide we want Cejer's map. I don't like Cejer's map too much, there are too many systems for start.
    Crazy 19 years ago
    Yup. And then ofcourse there is the chance of a 3D map. But that would be a bitch to make with all the transparent and volume effects. But i think Zombie'll do just fine

    Oh, btw, if anyone wants some illustrations, i can probably google or draw something. I'll need the practice with shading anyway.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    I think we should see what Zombie has to bring us for a map before we decide we want Cejer's map. I don't like Cejer's map too much, there are too many systems for start.

    I dont think its too many systems for start, I think there is good to have so many systems for start.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Is it okay to have a shapeshifting character that can only change it's general shape?

    For an example, think of an ordinary looking rock. You touch it, and suddenly it changes to your shape, although it still looks like a rock.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Is it okay to have a shapeshifting character that can only change it's general shape?

    For an example, think of an ordinary looking rock. You touch it, and suddenly it changes to your shape, although it still looks like a rock.

    I'm fine with that, although I must say the mass of the object to be transformed must be greater or equal to the mass of the object you want to transform it too.

    "The Gemini" said:
    I dont think its too many systems for start, I think there is good to have so many systems for start.

    I'm not saying there aren't that much of systems. I'm saying it's too much to start with. If you pick the system in the top lef corner, Cejer the ne in the top right corner, Zombie the one in the lower left corner and I the lower right corner, how will we ever meet? we don't. I say 7-8 system by start will suffice and we can discover more when we progress throughout AETAS.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "Idiota" said:

    "The Gemini" said:
    I dont think its too many systems for start, I think there is good to have so many systems for start.

    I'm not saying there aren't that much of systems. I'm saying it's too much to start with. If you pick the system in the top lef corner, Cejer the ne in the top right corner, Zombie the one in the lower left corner and I the lower right corner, how will we ever meet? we don't. I say 7-8 system by start will suffice and we can discover more when we progress throughout AETAS.

    I meant to start with.
    Cejer 19 years ago
    "Zombie" said:
    I love drawing... I'll take any excuse I can get.

    That settles it; AETAS may not use my map until Zombie has finished his own variant. We would be rude to take away his drawing excuse.

    "The Gemini" said:
    Cejer, good map you have there, I can see it inspired by Star Control 2, right?

    Actually, no. No, I was not. I pulled it straight off of a random map generated by Space Empires IV. Just google it if you want to know more about the game.

    "The Gemini" said:
    Anyway, can you try to make it round instead of a squaire?
    Because of the 3 dimensional freedom of space, the universe that we can see is allways a sphere.

    It would be pretty easy to make the actual galaxy shape circular, but trying to get a spherical map would be difficult.

    "The Gemini" said:
    Also, my starsystem will have a star similar to our sun, and there must be at least 2 systems near it. It is also near Idiota's empire.

    If you would be so kind as to remind me again if we decide on this map. If we end up using Zombie's map all the fine adjustments we make on my possible map would be wasted effort.

    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Is it okay to have a shapeshifting character that can only change it's general shape?

    I think so. As long as the amount of mass stays constant between shape shifts.

    "Idiota" said:
    I think we should see what Zombie has to bring us for a map before we decide we want Cejer's map. I don't like Cejer's map too much, there are too many systems for start.

    I agree that we should see Zombie's map first, but I think my map is too small. Most systems that are inhabited would have a few mining facilities, a re-supply depot, and maybe a construction yard. If we have more systems between our heartlands then wars will be wars, instead of just battles.

    "Crazy" said:
    Yup. And then ofcourse there is the chance of a 3D map. But that would be a [censored] to make with all the transparent and volume effects. But i think Zombie'll do just fine

    If you are serious about a three dimensional map you certainly lived up to your name. A three dimensional map would be more like a list of coordinates. Perception could not be trusted without coordinates in three dimensions.

    "Idiota" said:
    I'm not saying there aren't that much of systems. I'm saying it's too much to start with. If you pick the system in the top lef corner, Cejer the ne in the top right corner, Zombie the one in the lower left corner and I the lower right corner, how will we ever meet? we don't. I say 7-8 system by start will suffice and we can discover more when we progress throughout AETAS.

    It would be hard to meet each other, assuming we are unable to use FTL devices. But there are multiple ways around this. My favorite is the idea that stable wormholes, or "Warp Points," are located in most systems that connect to another system. But we could decide upon one, or more, of a multitude of methods to get our empires into contact with each other.
    Second point, I disagree with a 7-8 system start, maybe because my race is tucked away within a cluster of star systems known as Lenoltris. But this, minor, issue stems from the differences in scale we all have, and so I will not press my view upon people right now.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    Still just babling about the shapeshifting...

    I believe Cejer would accept it, but I'll still ask from all of you...

    Would it be okay to have the shapeshifting creature be able to change it's density to compensate for the lack/plentiness of mass?
    EvilP 19 years ago
    That reminds me vaguely of the story from the old game Flashback (you may recall it for PC and SNES/megadrive) where the guy found alien shapechangers in society when he'd invented a density scanner device...
    Zombie 19 years ago
    Alright, everybody... If you want me to actually get this map done then tell me how many systems you have and whatnot... Look back a few posts to find the one where I gave you a list of things that would be good to know...

    Seriously, how do you expect me to finish drawing a map when you do not even let me know what I need to draw on it?
    Cejer 18 years ago
    "Zombie" said:
    Seriously, how do you expect me to finish drawing a map when you do not even let me know what I need to draw on it?

    If you put a cluster of about 5-7 standard systems with 0-2 binary systems anywhere that would be everything I need. The cluster should either be coated with a nebula or be encircled (ensphered?) with a nebula. The cluster itself is known as the Lenoltris cluster. The nebula is not named. The systems are named in the following format: *Greek letter* Lenoltris. Gamma Lenoltris is missing because all records indicate it went supernova about 8,900 years ago. It does not matter what order you decide to name the systems in, something random would be best.

    "In AETAS The Gemini" said:
    We need to record the several races of AETAS, as it seems like it will be created lots of them.

    I agree, but we should discuss it in this thread.

    Idiota, if you could clarify one thing for me it would be so helpful. How many rounds take place in a single day of your tournament?
    The Gemini 18 years ago
    Umm, Cejer, when will you post in AETAS?
    Idiota 18 years ago
    "Cejer" said:
    "Zombie" said:
    Seriously, how do you expect me to finish drawing a map when you do not even let me know what I need to draw on it?

    If you put a cluster of about 5-7 standard systems with 0-2 binary systems anywhere that would be everything I need. The cluster should either be coated with a nebula or be encircled (ensphered?) with a nebula. The cluster itself is known as the Lenoltris cluster. The nebula is not named. The systems are named in the following format: *Greek letter* Lenoltris. Gamma Lenoltris is missing because all records indicate it went supernova about 8,900 years ago. It does not matter what order you decide to name the systems in, something random would be best.

    "In AETAS The Gemini" said:
    We need to record the several races of AETAS, as it seems like it will be created lots of them.

    I agree, but we should discuss it in this thread.

    Idiota, if you could clarify one thing for me it would be so helpful. How many rounds take place in a single day of your tournament?

    The whole tournament is placed on a single Farduk day, which equals 36 earth hours.
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    Hooray! I'm back! *trumpets sound*

    I'll not go into too much detail about why I was gone, except to say that I have rediscovered what makes video games so addicting.

    Now, onto the Mercenary Coalition.

    Empire name: Mercenary Coalition (MC).

    Short Description: A large collection of Mercenaries, hiring themselves out to the highest bidder.

    Empire History: Formed about 200 years ago by Aldarys Colamin, a Velasiun Mercenary (Race Description to follow), the MC has been the single largest mercenary group in existance since then. After Aldarys Colamin was killed in a skirmish over Croxia XII 178 years ago, a series of successors was chosen through tournament-style competition. The current leader is Jaden Braxlen II, a human from the Titan sector. The empire is based out of the Croxia system, which is located on the Outer Rim, directly east of the Galactic Core (the mercenaries never bothered learning the official name).

    Empire Leader: Jaden Braxlen II

    Empire Leader's Race: Human

    Empire Leader's Description: Jaden gained control of the empire in the last tournament, held after the death of Larys Clysan, who was assassinated by rival mercenaries 15 years ago. Jaden is, therefore, the best shot with a laser pistol in the entire MC. Jaden is also a skilled pilot, and prefers to take his personal fighter into battle rather than command his flagship, the Braxstar. The Braxstar is a heavily modified Battle Frigate, which has been known to hold it's own against a small fleet (comprised of two cruisers and a carrier) through the cunning use of it's beam lasers, salvaged from the wreckage of an alien ship found in the ruins of Croxia II.

    Empire Holdings:


    1 Flagship (The Braxstar, Heavy Battle Frigate, Heavily Customized)
    4 Combat Carriers (The Lotus, the Venus Flytrap, the Avenger, and the Broken Cries. Each carries a complement of 4 fighter squadrens, each squadren composed of 15 Interceptor-class fighters)
    2 BattleCruisers (The Hyperion and the Archangel, both taken as swag from defeated military groups. Never used in combat, as both are too busy defending the MC's HQ. Both have enough firepower to potentially destroy a planet, in the right circumstances)
    300 Interceptor-class fighters (240 of which are stationed on the 4 Combat Carriers. The Interceptor-class fighter is capable of attaining high speeds, and can carry either powerful lasers or anti-capship bombs, but not both. Fighters are customized on a per-mission basis. This system had to be used because the MC was never able to gain a hold of suitable bomber-class craft)
    1 Command Base (MC HQ. The HQ is defenseless itself, but can hold 60 interceptor-class fighters and has the 2 BattleCruisers guarding it most of the time)


    Since the MC is a group of mercenaries, they use whatever currency their employer will pay, although they prefer to get currency they can trade for something useful. Most commonly used currency would be the Talasian Standard Credit, since the Talasian Merchant Guild employs their skills most often.

    Empire Morale:

    Since the MC is comprised entirely of mercenaries, morale is rarely an issue. However, occasionally a particular leader is deemed unworthy or unwelcome. The aforementioned leader then has about twelve seconds to flee the sector before being obliterated.


    In the early days, the MC used whatever technology it could get a hold of. Now, however, it can afford to purchase better equipment. Most technology is focused on improving their existing ships, making their fleet one of the best-equipped, although smallest, in the known galaxy. Every member of the MC carries a pistol or rifle of some sort, and the carriers are often employed to launch devistating ground assaults (since there aren't enough fighters to go around). Jaden Braxlen I instituted a system of distribution that ensured that the HQ and its defenses were upgraded before the rest of the fleet, after a rifle mercenary fleet almost destroyed it before the carriers could be recalled. In that same battle, the MC lost its most powerful ship, a stolen prototype ship known only as the Lathe, which took a direct hit to the reactor core. The crew abandoned ship, although it was a useless measure as all lifepods were destroyed in the explosion.

    Science level:

    No active research goes on in the MC, so all scientific advancement is gained through theft or purchase.

    Extra statistics:

    MC Population: 128,310 (approximately)

    Population Distribution:

    Braxstar: 1,500 mercenaries (including Jaden Braxlen II and his personal guard)

    Lotus, Venus Flytrap, Avenger, and Broken Cries: 2,000 mercenaries each (including fighter pilots)

    Hyperion and Archangel: 15,000 mercenaries each

    MC HQ: 80,000 mercenaries

    I think that's everything...
    Idiota 18 years ago
    You... you... you... stole my ship name!!!!!!


    Not a problem really, just failing at being funny.
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