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  • Werivar Mod

    Nuklearni-okurka 18 years ago
    i think its hard as android at start because i cant find any energy in new version!
    Crazy 18 years ago
    This is ÜberMod!

    Funny you should say that...
    Dex Stewart 18 years ago
    Sorry for being a noob, but I think I searched everything... WHERE IN THE WORLD is the Missile Base? 'cause I need that as a base.
    Pete 18 years ago
    In the middle of desert.
    Dex Stewart 18 years ago
    I know that (I did the radio ending in vanilla), but where's the desert?(Well... except the desert around the mine(s))
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Dex Stewart" said:
    I know that (I did the radio ending in vanilla), but where's the desert?(Well... except the desert around the mine(s))
    If it's like in Vanilla, the location is randomized every time you start a new game.
    dudesdudes 18 years ago
    somehow,someway,i got battledroids,snipers,dire reapers,and some new line[yes,there lined up,like 7 of em] of some guy that looks like a marine with no shirt thats got shotguns and snipers EVERYWHERE,YES EVERYWHERE,not in 1 area eiter,there in EVERY jungle area,all hives,ship cemetary,missile base,marine base,mines,and even aincient cemetary,i dunno what i did but its KOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL,but also constantly killing me cause i aint ery high lvl,so wheres a good dire reaper spawn at?

    oh,and itd be cool if psionic could have more tokens[via those portal thingys] like a blast token[combine for diff weapons,duh],and heal token[combine for healing you and allies,maybe even reviving them]
    dudesdudes 18 years ago
    so,is anyone gonna help me with a good dire reaper spawn?
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Anyway... YAY!
    I really appreciate this version.
    Btw, i hope the Scientist log is already fixed, since it's almost the same as the captain (and it shouldn't).
    AND, in the real story of Notrium, the stowaway destroys all the pods except 1. Did the escape pods get repaired themselves?
    Concluding, I found a 2nd rock with a tazor stun at the east of Hive.
    OOh, i forgot something! Sometimes the ice packs don't work.
    brownie 17 years ago
    anyone know how to get into the marine base as alien? I keep on dying because of the stupid turrets and the battledroids broke out of the base... I even have the alien queen but to no avail!
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    You need to evolve. You can't expect to so much as have a chance without an army of pets and turrets and an armor level of 32.
    brownie 17 years ago
    i'm the max evolution, (1600) with 32 armour and even with pets plus the blue alien queen i can't get in... also aliens can't use turrets.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    Put it this way.... I have yet to hear someone accuse Uberwaffe of making the Werivar mod too easy.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    Ha! Good one. Wait... are you serious? THAT hard?

    The alien can use turrets, it's just that your restricted to laser and pistol turrets. You can't use any advanced turrets. Problem is, you need an alien if you want to take over the east hive.


    "Is it the east side or the west side?"
    "No it's not!"
    "Is it the north side or the south side?"
    "No it's not!"
    "Is it the dark side?"
    "You are correct!"
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Well that's pretty weird.
    And there's no need to have an alien to conquer East of Hive!
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    What would YOU do if there was a pile of reapers inside a base you wanted?
    JimmyJ 17 years ago
    Have a marine or werivar flame em out
    Madgamer 17 years ago
    Put flame turrets outside their base and lure'em there

    You could also pwn the reapers by [Spoilers!>>>]Changing the weapons (using notepad) to make them stronger such as changing VC Pistol to shoot 100 bullets in one shot and put range 1.00000 for it [<<<Spoilers!]
    Rezan 17 years ago
    That's not helping, that's altering the game. The lowest type of hacking in existence, if I'm not mistaken.

    Do you have feral rage? In that case, do what I did with my Werivar. First, engage feral rage. Then, go in fast, take out one turret, go out. Repeat process. Repeat process. Repeat process till there are zero or enough for you to not use feral rage.
    Lord of the Harvest 17 years ago
    I played as Psionic, and got the liquid and Lifeforce tokens (in this mod). In the void dreamscape, the lifeforce dopplehanger is invincible! Is this deliberate, every attack, even three in a row, doesn't harm it.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    Silly me. I meant dire reapers.

    And by the way, the lowest type of cheating in existence is creator-made debug items.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    You're right, you ARE getting Off Topic.
    Now OnTopic, There is a way to defeat the Dire Reapers, just use a specific weapon... A beacon ray, for example.
    The Alien can conquer the missile base, but that's pretty pretty hard. If you're fully evolved, you just have to be careful to the battledroids' missiles, they immediatly kill you.
    Some turrets can make his life easier.
    Lord of the Harvest... I don't know what you're talking about!
    There are only 2 dopplehangers at the void dreamscape, the 1st one has alot of life and the 2nd has regeneration, as you know.
    And invencibility is "IMPOSSIBLE", except the MOD is "ripped". Maybe he's regenerating so fast that you cant defeat him.
    Now for my report:
    Things to fix:
    According to the Captain and Psionic personal logs, it says all the crew was dead, and they aren't.
    According to the Captain personal log, it says only 1 pod was launched.
    Sometimes the crew starts "kinda spinning around" and moving into a direccion for a certain moment. This could cause the crew to get lost and it's really annoying.
    The psionic can enter the dreamscapes again, but he can't get out!
    Things I suggest:
    The psionic to may have another lifeforce token and another void token later in the game.
    To be able to meet the stowaway in the game (it could be the Hive). For that to be possible, some logs must be changed, so that they say he escaped through an escape pod before the captain killed him.
    Well...nothing more
    E_net4 17 years ago
    That's true, but don't make me deactivate you!
    I've been playing as the Android and here's another report:
    Things to fix:
    To update the maps on ALL characters.
    Things I suggest:
    To make LESS sniper guys! It gets too hard!
    To everybody be able to meet the Captain[according to Uberwaffe, only Werivar can meet him(must check it out)]
    Things I would like a little hint(not part of the report):
    How to get the Psionic ending
    How to get the Android ending
    How many upgrades are available to the Android(just found 2 of them)
    speedblade 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:

    To everybody be able to meet the Captain[according to Uberwaffe, only Werivar can meet him(must check it out)]

    Speaking of which, Where (Or if in an effect, how) is the captain?
    JimmyJ 17 years ago
    A question about sniper pistols, how am i supposed to take out enemy snipers with it if i can't see the snipers because they are off screen and i can't get close enough?
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    Targetting beam. Light Diode + Motion Sensor.
    JimmyJ 17 years ago
    Thanks, i really needed something to help me get those snipers

    And another thing, when i go to the east hive, the door to the dire reaper base is missing!!! This causes them to flood out at me Why is the door gone?
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    There's no door because the reapers broke it to get in.
    JimmyJ 17 years ago
    Hmm, well, i could swear that there used to be a door there when i played werivar a long time ago
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    If you really want them dead, use an alien with an XP card. It works if you keep popping into the statis fields every now and then, but it might be cheating.
    JimmyJ 17 years ago
    XP Card???
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    Don't look at me, ask Waffle! *runs*
    Dude_Jebawe 17 years ago
    yes... YES... YES! I FOUND THE XP CARD! now i can finally restore my alien queen. which i accidentally saved over. i miss her so much. but now i'l get a new one.
    JimmyJ 17 years ago
    What IS an XP card??? Does it give you lots of xp?
    Dude_Jebawe 17 years ago
    about 500000, And no i will not tell you how to get it.
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