Join the Crypt


Are you alive? Why not reserve a place in the Driftmoon Crypt? There are still plenty of caskets free!

The East Monastery of Driftmoon has progressed very well after the latest Alpha. The Crypt already hosts many interesting historical Driftmoonians, but we'd love to have more dead bodies in there. This is your chance to write your very own tombstone inscription!

A couple of examples:

  • Here lies Kelvin Lone Monk. Fell down a secret passage, we heard the clonk.
  • Rest in Peace, Inane Saint Irk. He wanted to be a singer, but became a clerk.
  • Eek The Gram. Was run over by a cart in a traffic jam.

PS. You can now test drive the automated mod downloader with Pete's Scavenge! mod. Just fire up your Driftmoon, and it's one click away.

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