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    MageKing17 12 years ago

    If you know what this is, be excited; it's working. If you don't know what this is, this is the online card editor for Incantus, a Magic: The Gathering program with rules enforcement that I have more-or-less been single-handedly responsible for since... last year... ish. End of last year, that is, so about six or seven months, which is around the time the old online card editor's server went down. I have been, over that time, slowly but surely getting Django to work properly on my own little piece of the internet. Yes, it took me six months. No, I wasn't working on it continuously for that long; I have a job, I've been working. Anyway, after running into seemingly-incurable problems a few months ago, I stopped working on it until a couple days ago, when I decided to figure out exactly why it wasn't working. Well, I found out why, and now it damned well is working. Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha. Of course, the database is damned-near empty right now and the only users are the super-users created by me, but whatever; that'll change.

    Edited 12 years ago
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    Careful where you ^C.
    I reinstalled Ubuntu.
    Everything's fixed now.

    (I wasn't going to write a haiku, but it was so close to one that I just HAD to do it.)
    Pete 12 years ago
    LEAP Motion

    As of this moment I am dedicating 95.4% of my nominal HopeWatts output towards this not being a scam.

    come on come on let it be true let it be true
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    Seems legit. AND it will eventually have Linux support! YAY

    On a completely different note, I upgraded to GIMP 2.8 IMMEDIATELY because it has a single-window interface option.
    Narvius 12 years ago
    GIMP in a single window?!

    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    > Bought textbooks online

    > Package comes with a booklet about Windows 7

    Murska 12 years ago
    Hello everyone. Been a while.

    I'm about to graduate (actually I already did, party is tomorrow) and somehow managed to end up here at 3:50am. Strange how life works.
    ville 12 years ago
    E_net4 12 years ago
    Congratulations, sir!
    Narvius 12 years ago
    So, Neil deGrasse Tyson. He's a dude. I mean, he's really cool and stuff.

    Also, Ys Origin. I'm playing on Normal, and the second big boss is giving me real trouble. But the game is real fun.
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    Astrophysicist is really cool guy.

    I looked at Ys Origin (Mainly because Steam told me you were playing it and the name sounded weird). It looks like fun! I'm gonna see if I can get it later in the year when Steam has its holiday sale. (I'm not cheap, just masochistically patient. Oddly enough, I tend to get what I want eventually.)

    Edit: Oh, and if anyone happens to be thinking about putting old computer hardware back in service with a new OS, avoid Chromium like the plague. ESPECIALLY if you've only 256MB of RAM and a slow everything. You have no idea.

    Edited 12 years ago
    E_net4 12 years ago
    I don't like Chrome's approach of creating a whole process for each tab myself. In fact, my laptop's been very slow lately, though I admit it hasn't been formatted for almost 3 years. First the overheating, now this. Oh well...

    But obviously, such a gear as one with 256MB can hardly keep up with the mainstream browsers anyway.

    Edited 12 years ago
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    Firefox runs surprisingly well on this computer. I can actually run other programs at the same time.

    My laptop overheats too, although in my case, it just sucks at cooling itself down in the first place. AND it doesn't turn on its underwhelming fan until it's already too hot to touch.
    Narvius 12 years ago
    Ys is really fun, but the difficulty curve is kind of


    I finished it once already on Normal. Replaying with a different character, and then on higher difficulties, and then boss rushes and then... dunno.

    I had to grind for like 15 minutes at one point to get farther, but that's pretty much it. So, it's almost purely progress.
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    I can get HL2 to start under Linux. I get one frame every four seconds, and Steam freezes in the process. *Headdesk*
    Narvius 11 years ago
    I did exactly nothing of value today.
    MageKing17 11 years ago
    Narvius said:
    I did exactly nothing of value today.
    Pete 11 years ago
    Narvius said:
    I did exactly nothing of value today.

    I think perhaps I should get some sleep. That is a really crappy graph.

    EDIT: Or, Or perhaps I should not sleep at all! This, by the way, is a terribGREAT idea! Humans dont need sleep right?

    Im going to regret this in a few hours.

    Edited 11 years ago
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago

    Garry's Mod is frustrating when the contraptions you build pretty much have a 50/50 chance of either spazzing out immediately or not working properly. Hovercraft show promise, though.

    ... Anyone up for TF2 or something?
    E_net4 11 years ago
    TF2? That is so 2007 to 2011.

    But maybe we can arrange some gaming session, we haven't done one for a while.
    MageKing17 11 years ago
    I am a huge fan of multiplayer gaming sessions with you guys, but these days I'm working most of the week, so weekends are really my only free time.
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    It's time for another one of my pointless posts that nobody reads where I talk about things that nobody cares about for longer than necessary! This time around, I just installed Windows XP.

    Internet Explorer 6 is officially useless/dead/both because Google crashes it. Windows Update didn't work immediately, either, but I don't know how I got it working or why it didn't work right away.

    A lot of my hardware isn't supported out of the box, and this is a big shock once you're used to newer OSes. Linux takes care of everything.

    ... Oh, and TF2 keeps constantly and consistently going into cache-verifying limbo, but that's a Steam problem, not a Windows one. (I wish I knew how to fix it without triggering a redownload.)
    Pete 11 years ago
    Anonymous1157 said:
    Internet Explorer 6

    Welp. Now you've done it. *sigh* You know what must be done. Ill go get the blowtorch, you bring the concrete mixer. Meet me in the old quarry behind
    Amarth 11 years ago
    And as a stark contrast to the before: I'm currently in the process of upgrading my laptop to an SSD drive. Hope it'll be worth it!
    Narvius 11 years ago
    I'm wrestling with installing vmware-tools on a Mint VM. The installer crashes. -.-"
    I'm seriously considering setting up a fresh VM and simply porting whatever stuff I need over from my old one (which would include my fairly elaborate custom Emacs setup).

    In other, fairly old news: Termkit.
    Sounds awesome, if only it had more followers...

    Also, I'm maintaining a blog for over half a year now.

    Emacs has a built-in stack-based calculator. With more features than one can possibly grasp within twenty-four hours. oO

    Edited 11 years ago
    MageKing17 11 years ago
    Narvius said:
    Also, I'm maintaining a blog for over half a year now.
    I noticed this contained a simple program; I promptly converted it to Python, because apparently I have nothing better to do.
    E_net4 11 years ago
    Termkit looks awesome! It definitely brings terminals to the next level of usability in so many ways.

    The chap's website has no excuse, though. I've had enough of people who think 3D web pages will look smooth on any computer.
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago

    Derpibooru after the server upgrade:

    That is all.
    Narvius 11 years ago
    So I was reminded of Steam Calculator, and it told me I had ~1200$ worth of games.

    Which sounds impressive until you realize that I own the account for six years now and probably really paid less than a third of that due to sales and/or gifted retail games that require Steam.

    Also, the value of an average account is 900$. So, yeah.

    Edited 11 years ago
    Amarth 11 years ago
    $2157.09 USD

    Whoo. I think?
    MageKing17 11 years ago
    Narvius said:
    So I was reminded of Steam Calculator, and it told me I had ~1200$ worth of games.

    Which sounds impressive until you realize that I own the account for six years now and probably really paid less than a third of that due to sales and/or gifted retail games that require Steam.

    Also, the value of an average account is 900$. So, yeah.
    Your link's broken; forgetting the "http://" makes it try to go to instead.

    Also, $3117.64. According to this other Steam calculator, $3,215.70. I don't even know which is closer to the truth, but it says that if I'd bought them all on sale, it would've cost $936.62. The actual amount I've pumped into my account is probably more like $1500, but I don't really know.
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    My games are worth around $103 to $109, depending on the calculator. The one MK posted seems to be better at analyzing the games you've bought, so I'd trust the $103 more.

    That said, I REALLY spent about $75 on my games. I got the Orange Box retail for a, uh, regrettable price, and everything else at some nice sale prices. (But not at those all-time low prices that the calculator MK posted uses. I WISH I'd paid $24 for all this.)
    E_net4 11 years ago
    Well, the calculator says I have $290.74 worth of games, the other calculator says $289.81. My favourite part of the statistics is the average of money spent on games each month.
    Endymion 11 years ago
    For me it says the 69 games are worth $630.89 at full price and $190.99 if on sale but I've actually spent at most around 80$ on them thanks to various bundles. I think the only steam games I've bought by themselves are Frozen Synapse and A Valley Without Wind.
    Pete 11 years ago
    So there I was sitting in front of my computer here, when The Internet happened. Three hours later,, followed by by

    Oh, memories. Anyone else have a healthy dose of nostalgia and/or reminiscing about the times when they were younger and had much less taste?
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