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  • The Inevitable Adventures of Grim and Crazy

    Zombie 17 years ago
    I can just imagine the Prince yelling, "Dude, I totally hit X! The world is freaking cheating again!" XP

    Don't stress it though, Crazy. If you force work out then it'll get crappy and it'll become more of a job than something fun you do. I'd rather have a handful of brilliant comics from you than truckloads of crappy comics from you.

    It's kind of like what happened with [Catgirl] for me. I lost my muse. It's coming back, though. I'd think it would be easier to find your muse for comics again, though. Just think of things you'd really love to draw comics about...

    Like me inventing nuclear pants? They keep you warm, glow in the dark, and have all sorts of useful gadgets! Or how about a mass-driver designed to fire undergarments at alien planets in order to experiment whether undergarments can cause sentient species to develop? Or a hat that can allow the wearer to manipulate things with their mind?

    I dunno. All of those ideas are probably lacking somewhat. I don't do so well at coming up with things like that on demand.
    Pete 17 years ago
    I say a timetravel comic would be neat. Or a gadget one. Or another one about WoW or Spore. Or about a lazy webcomic maker *hint hint*.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    "Zombie" said:
    I can just imagine the Prince yelling, "Dude, I totally hit X! The world is freaking cheating again!" XP

    Don't stress it though, Crazy. If you force work out then it'll get crappy and it'll become more of a job than something fun you do. I'd rather have a handful of brilliant comics from you than truckloads of crappy comics from you.

    It's kind of like what happened with [Catgirl] for me. I lost my muse. It's coming back, though. I'd think it would be easier to find your muse for comics again, though. Just think of things you'd really love to draw comics about...

    Like me inventing nuclear pants? They keep you warm, glow in the dark, and have all sorts of useful gadgets! Or how about a mass-driver designed to fire undergarments at alien planets in order to experiment whether undergarments can cause sentient species to develop? Or a hat that can allow the wearer to manipulate things with their mind?

    I dunno. All of those ideas are probably lacking somewhat. I don't do so well at coming up with things like that on demand.
    I don't stress it, actually. No update in 2 weeks, if you'll notice. I just needed ANYTHING to be done. But yeah, i'm starting to get my freak back on.

    And how about the time-traveling face bag? You put it on your head and it allows your face to travel through time at the speed of normal time! Or how about radioactive treatment for roadworkers so they would glow in the dark and not get run over?
    Zombie 17 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    And how about the time-traveling face bag? You put it on your head and it allows your face to travel through time at the speed of normal time! Or how about radioactive treatment for roadworkers so they would glow in the dark and not get run over?

    Hahaha, I love that radioactive road worker treatment. OOH! What about elastic implants in athletes so they can score goals from three feet away? Or cookie-based music! Eat it and, while it digests, it plays a merry little tune!
    Anarion 17 years ago
    "Zombie" said:
    What about elastic implants in athletes so they can score goals from three feet away?
    Well, if they can't score a goal from only 3 feet away they're not very good athletes are they?
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Yeah, i'm thinking the same here. What kind of goals? This would have to be something like hitting the tip of a needle with another needle. :S

    And i actually came up with a series of drawings for combat-enhanced armor running on rubber bands.
    Pete 17 years ago
    Rubber... bands...?

    *imagination boots up*

    Crazy 17 years ago
    Okay, the comic is late again, but this time it's not because of m laziness.

    It's because of my serious lack of time. Basically, by the time i get home, i'm a human wreck. There's barely enough energy in me to undress before going to bed, so the comic is just a no-go.

    I'm not sure how the situation will change over the week.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    32 up.

    Yeh, no comment on this one.

    [EDIT] Found mistake, fixing... [/EDIT]
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Heh, funneh...

    Grim looks silly in the last frame.
    Pete 17 years ago

    Yay for smiley overuse.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Mergh. Noticed that a text bubble is missing one of them pointer thingers and just noticed that Grim's eyes look chibi in the last frame. :S

    I actually meant to simply enough use the eraser to create a lower eyelid, but now i see my folly. Fixing 'em-s now, but imageshack is acting up on me, so i don't know if i can upload it.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    I'm glad noon has noticed me missing. Was in the hospital. Missing comic to be placed soon, most likely.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Be careful about the definition of "soon".
    Crazy 17 years ago
    How about "now", then?

    33 up.

    Eye liek meself.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    I think I got it!

    ... Wait, the hospital? What did you do to end up in the hospital?
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Chickenpox. Bad case of it.

    PS. What day is it?
    Crazy 17 years ago
    34 is up.

    It's a very important comic story-wise, giving great insight to the characters, it also hints as to where the the general storyline is going, widens the area of where the comic takes place (also adding new characters), etc.

    This is a real change, and artistically, i think the full-color, detailed realism style allows for much more manipulation of the characters aswell as making the comic look loads better. I mostly took the style from Frank Miller, however making the characters more realistic and adding alot of my own style.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Not bad, not bad at all. I kinda like the change, but in all honesty, I have to say the previous works suited my taste a bit more. Though I really want to know how these two new characters will be incorporated in the main storyline.

    So, in short, it sucks like a black hole (to keep it child friendly).
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Okay, due to extended confusion, let me make something clear.


    Consider this ...thing... a filler or something. An announcement. whatever.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Does it mean you will REALLY make such changes to the comic?
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    Either I'm blind, or everyone's being sarcastic. And I know I'm not blind.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Does it mean you will REALLY make such changes to the comic?
    NO. *sigh*

    The sarcasm-o-meter should've popped it's beans to my announcement. I didn't mean it. Sarcasm. Okay?!
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Agh. Ok, then. -.-

    And I was expecting something nice to come!
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    I'd shoot the green one, just in case.
    Bubb9 16 years ago
    I liked the old art style better and I didnt really get alot of the humor of the newere ones
    E_net4 16 years ago
    "Bubb9" said:
    I liked the old art style better and I didnt really get alot of the humor of the newere ones
    You should be ashamed of yourself. You've bumped an old topic for posting a critic.
    Grim Reaper 16 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Bubb9" said:
    I liked the old art style better and I didnt really get alot of the humor of the newere ones
    You should be ashamed of yourself. You've bumped an old topic for posting a critic.
    Can't see the shame in that... At least he didn't whine about the fact that there hasn't been a new comik in ages.
    Amarth 16 years ago
    So, when will there be a new comic?
    E_net4 16 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    So, when will there be a new comic?
    In -1 days.
    Bubb9 16 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Bubb9" said:
    I liked the old art style better and I didnt really get alot of the humor of the newere ones
    You should be ashamed of yourself. You've bumped an old topic for posting a critic.

    lol get a grip
    E_net4 16 years ago
    "Bubb9" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    "Bubb9" said:
    I liked the old art style better and I didnt really get alot of the humor of the newere ones
    You should be ashamed of yourself. You've bumped an old topic for posting a critic.
    lol get a grip
    You didn't get it. You bumped a month old topic for a critic. That wasn't reasonable because:

    - It sounds too late for that. Same as one saying "I like pie." and you say "Me too." after 30 minutes.
    - Crazy hasn't been on, so he won't be hearing your critic.

    And so, I have good resons to tell you to be careful.
    Grim Reaper 16 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Bubb9" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    "Bubb9" said:
    I liked the old art style better and I didnt really get alot of the humor of the newere ones
    You should be ashamed of yourself. You've bumped an old topic for posting a critic.
    lol get a grip
    You didn't get it. You bumped a month old topic for a critic. That wasn't reasonable because:

    - It sounds too late for that. Same as one saying "I like pie." and you say "Me too." after 30 minutes.
    - Crazy hasn't been on, so he won't be hearing your critic.

    And so, I have good resons to tell you to be careful.
    1: This isn't a real-time conversation.
    2: He won't be hearing the critic anyway. He can READ it once he gets here.

    Now stop whining and let the dude be.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    "Bubb9" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    "Bubb9" said:
    I liked the old art style better and I didnt really get alot of the humor of the newere ones
    You should be ashamed of yourself. You've bumped an old topic for posting a critic.
    lol get a grip
    You didn't get it. You bumped a month old topic for a critic. That wasn't reasonable because:

    - It sounds too late for that. Same as one saying "I like pie." and you say "Me too." after 30 minutes.
    - Crazy hasn't been on, so he won't be hearing your critic.

    And so, I have good resons to tell you to be careful.
    1: This isn't a real-time conversation.
    2: He won't be hearing the critic anyway. He can READ it once he gets here.

    Now stop whining and let the dude be.
    Why do you always have to get your feet on my comments, heh? That results quite annoying.
    Also, stop being Chico Esperto, no one likes that.
    Amarth 16 years ago
    Please, cut it.
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