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  • Werivar Mod

    eddeshun 19 years ago
    hehe, thanks rel
    looks great! what did you useto make it?
    Anything Macromedia?
    Relativity17 19 years ago
    On this one, I used The Gimp. It really takes some getting used to, but I've used it for a few years now, and I've started to get the hang of it.
    Anonymous1157 19 years ago
    This is like the best mod except (in my opinion) it's tied for first place with Wazall II! I'm having some really annoying game problems:

    Early on in the game, you'd obviously want to explore the areas around your starting area and find useful objects. This is very hard when there are SO MANY OVEPOWERED THINGYS! Example: I went to a mine because I wanted to see what it does. Three Dire Reapers came up, and killed me so quickly that I didnt get a chance! Oh and they run faster than a Werivar.
    I dont think there should be three Dires attacking the survivor bases. Example: I was playing the game and went to the base in ?East? (left) hive (I cant tell east and west apart) and successfully got there. But I never came back out for the same reason in Statement 1. (AKA there WAS no base anymore after 3 seconds)

    FIVE WORDS: Dires only where absolutely needed
    eddeshun 19 years ago
    Uber made sure to distinguish this mod as a mod for veterans looking for a challenge, its designed to be a bit troubling at times. If your looking to live longer than a few moments, spend some time leveling up before taking on the hard things. The base or mines shouldnt be attempted until your more than confident you can manage them. As goes for the android missilebots and most certainly the VC camp. The game as of yet is a bit unbalanced, I will agree to that, but by no means of extreme difficulty (as long as you keep a surviving, gradually growing pace). The easiest way to explore the mod would be with the werivar. The soldier or engineer would be my next picks, then the alien, and (at being the weakest) the psi being the hardest.

    Uber, I heard you were going to make the mod so the player would need to complete each of the new endng you added, is that true? If I had a chance to make a suggestion to another possibleending for the alien, I would suggest, rather than setting up it's own hive, taking command of the aliens already found on the planet, perhaps by instead of bringing it's own brown and black queens, to slay those already found in the hive.

    (sorry for misspellings etc. I need a new keyboard)
    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    @Relativity 17: Nice pic for the refinery!
    @Eddeshun: That is the idea. After you take your queens there then all aliens are replaced by new alien of the alien. (If you can understand that.)

    Will balance out the mod after I have completed the new from race to race thing.

    Btw, the new revised race sequence will include a pig. Yes, pig. Will explain this later, so until then I'll just let you debate my sanity.
    Ronsibaby 19 years ago

    Anyway, what's with the alien? I got to the second highest evolution, wiped out the brown alien queens, evolved, set up a nest and base, got so much young anything spawning dies almost instantly(Sniper Vines!) and then raised so much aliens I had to move, and sending out about five mature blues on attack normal, and any jungle is eradicated, while you go round picking up the pieces! It's great. But how do the pet queens work? How do you get 'em?
    AsdMaster 19 years ago
    I played weriver for one minute or less before I almost destroyed my computer

    Reason: extremely slow movement and the explosion sound throughout the game

    Is it a bug
    eddeshun 19 years ago
    What version notrium are you running? That may be the problem.
    AsdMaster 19 years ago
    1.34 the newest
    Ronsibaby 19 years ago
    Only suggestion is youve messed the files, but it sounds like a heat stroke.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Are you sure you have 1.34?
    The heat\cold stroke bug has the same symptoms as your bug.
    eddeshun 19 years ago
    yep, I experienced those same exact problems with 1.32... Im using 1.342 and its perfectly functional. ASD uninstall and reinstall or make a new folder or something o_O
    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    "Ronsibaby" said:
    But how do the pet queens work? How do you get 'em?
    You can't get them yet, not in your version yet. I'm going to add them to the version of the mod I am making now.

    [EDIT]Well, you can get a queen. But not from an egg laid by the alien. I'll tell you how: *SPOILER ALERT* Notice, there are no more eggs in the hive area. Go to the swamp area, the area with the creepy stick spiders. You'll find an egg there. Hatch it and protect it well. It will go through many stages of evolution, and end up a queen. If I remember correctly you have to feed it brown aliens from the start up to the third (+-) evolution. Then you have to start feeding it reaper corpses. Then, after another one (or two) evolutions, dire reaper corpses. You'll end up with a queen. Feed her dire reaper corpses and she'll lay spawn dire reapers for you. If she dies one of the dire reapers can become a queen again by feeding it dire reaper corpses (no, not yours).[/EDIT]

    "AsdMaster" said:
    Reason: extremely slow movement and the explosion sound throughout the game
    Is it a bug
    I'm pretty sure it is not. Since it works on my PC, and on several other's. But I would follow Eddeshun's advice and try to reinstall.

    Now, to the pig mobile! Or at least the story about the pig:
    I have noticed that there are no mods that have puzzle-solving. Sure there are some puzzles to be solved, but it usually includes killing something or somesuch. So, in my mod, I will be adding a new race into the fray that is completely about puzzle-solving.

    The story: (Without giving away too much) At one stage you will go just a slightly bit insane, and believe yourself a pig, stuck inside an imagenary world inside your own head.

    The game: As a pig you will not have any attacks, or food consumption, or heat, or anything. You will simply have a ton of logical, and sometimes crazy, puzzles to solve. Things like figuring out patterns, codes, etc.

    I think it would be a nice break in the usual fighting of the normal game. You'll still have to fight, before and after, the pig section, but it will make for a nice change in pace.

    What do you think? Is it a good idea? Keep in mind that I intend to make some of the puzzles somewhat tricky, or at least I hope to. Please tell me what you think.
    Ronsibaby 19 years ago
    That sounds really good, I can't wait for there to be a slightly relaxed mod. I had an idea, if you make it's health only 1 and have no bars, you could maybe make a timed section by having to complete a puzzle before you get killed, and maybe have upgrades for the pig too?
    Frost-Bite 19 years ago
    hi i have played your mod for awhile and think its great but i have a few questions i would like to know..

    1 how do i upgrade the andriod?

    2 how do deal with snipers ezaly instead of makeing sniper bullets? doing that just a pain. any tips??

    3 is this question in the wrong place? if so im sorry.
    AsdMaster 19 years ago
    This question is in the right place someone will answer but for now please watch your "caps" thank you Frost Bite.
    Frost-Bite 19 years ago
    what do u mean by "caps"??
    eddeshun 19 years ago
    He means that two ways:
    1) The way that you should "CAP"ITOLIZE the first letter of a sentence.
    2) The way that you should be careful not to bust a "cap" in that poor little kitten's skull.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    It can sometimes be hard to understand what asdmaster sais. Think of these rules:

    1. Don't feed the asdmaster
    2. Don't listen to the asdmaster
    3. Watch out for poo. He tends to throw it at ya.

    This all here is a joke asdmaster, no offense or anything
    Frost-Bite 19 years ago
    Allright lol sorry didnt know thats what he meant. Sorry Asdmaster ill watch out for my caps now. Its not that i dont know how to capitalize my stuff but its just that i dont care too much.

    Now about my 2 other quests that didnt get answerd.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "Frost-Bite" said:
    Its not that i dont know how to capitalize my stuff but its just that i dont care too much.

    I think AsdMaster has the same attitude towards spelling...
    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    Alright now, I can see this is getting off track so before this thread is locked again due to spam, I'll just get it back on track.

    Firstly, at Frost-Bite:
    Android upgrades - There are many. They are simply items you form by combining a load of other items, in a specific order. WHat that order is is up to you to discover. Then simply use the final item and you will watch your android grow in power.

    Dealing with snipers - They are tough, and meant to be so. The warp-drill gun works well. Having your own battle-droid also works well. A lot of health, a powerful weapon, and a suicide run also works, but not well. In short, they aren't easy to deal with, unless you are strong and have good equipment or powers. But something that should work, without too much trouble is getting the hoverbike Mark II. It is fast, has a lazer turret and can take a relative beating. But getting the anti-grav units requires killing the big bots, not easy either.

    Back to the PIG MOBILE (tm):

    The pig will have only 1 health, I planned this already. Since some puzzles will be about timing, like dodging arrows. Get hit and you are dead. Also, failing to complete a puzzle will most likely result in an enemy spawing and killing you. It will be a big 'save-and-load' part of the game.

    Also, when I get to the pig section I will be back to ask about suggestions about puzzles. But keep your ideas until then, for I'm not anywhere near close yet.
    eddeshun 19 years ago
    Im thinking of making a playguide for Werivar, it seems like atleast 1/3 of the mod is descrete, and 1/2 the players never see a good portion of the mod.

    The most recent time I played werivar the creation of the final android item was a bit more confusing than it was supposed to be. In order to complete it I had to continually use the power crystals to get a "lacking ______" message. Then I had to go out and find X amount of this item (It didnt say how many of the item I needed). Finally, after collect the items, I had to use the power crystals -again- to find out what item(s) I needed next.
    It was quite frustrating.

    Havent had time to start making graphics again -_- hoping to be able to start up over the weekend.
    Frost-Bite 19 years ago
    Ok im back i have yet again with another questions to ask.

    1: How do i get the warp drill.
    I have look for it for almost one hole day in real life and havent found it =/. I ask you to make the answer invisable or small so if ppl dont whant to know they dont accednlty read it.
    Relativity17 19 years ago
    I believe the Warp Drill is

    <spoiler>Warp Gun + Beacon Ray</spoiler>
    Frost-Bite 19 years ago
    Thankyou but how do i get the

    >Beacon Ray<
    ville 19 years ago
    "UberWaffe" said:
    Back to the PIG MOBILE (tm):

    Pig Mobile!?!
    Relativity17 19 years ago
    "Frost-Bite" said:
    Thankyou but how do i get the

    >Beacon Ray<

    Beacon Ray is Pulse Beacon + Radiator
    DiXiE 19 years ago
    spoiler --->be carefull, radiator + USED beacon<--- spoiler
    Frost-Bite 19 years ago
    Thank's guys.

    Now on a differnt note.
    The Pig Mobile(TM) sounds like it will be like a bound off of starcraft.

    Edit: Ok how do i get the >>USED beacon<<
    eddeshun 19 years ago
    X_x Frost...
    I found that I enjoy games when I find things myself, without hints >_>
    Relativity17 19 years ago
    "Frost-Bite" said:
    Edit: Ok how do i get the >>USED beacon<<

    I hope you were kidding. If not, take some time off and think about it.
    Frost-Bite 19 years ago
    The reason i was asking is that i havent got a chance to play notrium for a couple of days now and iv just been geting on enuf to post a bit or do my game thing.

    "DiXiE" said:
    spoiler --->be carefull, radiator + USED beacon<--- spoiler

    i got confused because dixie made me think it was a broken by saying that
    after relativity sayed it right.
    DiXiE 19 years ago
    "Frost-Bite" said:
    i got confused because dixie made me think it was a broken by saying that after relativity sayed it right.
    Now i am confused
    Question: Have you already built the warp drill? Or still you don't know how?
    Frost-Bite 19 years ago
    Ya i got on yesterday and built it and ALOT of other stuff because of it.
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