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Forum » "Farming Mod"

"Farming Mod"

J.O. 20 years ago
This is just an idea I put here because I don't have any idea how could it be done or if it could be done.
Basically the player would be able to "farm" the swampland after he combines some items (some metal rods to make a plower) and then "plant" some kind of crops, such as healing plants, fungi and eletric plants. While this may sound silly, it could have some potential to extend the "unlimited sandbox" gameplay. Here are the items that I think that could be used.

Used to plow the swampland making it fertile. Combine 3 metal rods with a torch to make it (you weild them into a plow)

These seeds are collected using a speicemen container nearby a plant, you can collect seeds from the eletric and healing plants, plus you also can collect fungi spores.

Special for Aliens:
A fully evolved alien would be able to feed her children trough a special fungi she can plant (special alien hability)

Secondary notes: The plants take 3 or so days to grow (you see them growing slowlsy) and when they are harvested they are placed on the inventory so you can carry them around for more pratcity.

Any thoughts? This wouldn't be a standalone mod, but could be added on other mods to add some spin and fun
Unc1354m 20 years ago
That would be great. But it would be cool, if there were more food Crop types. .
GreatOsiris 20 years ago
yay farming

this would be great can i use it in my mod (Mind Plague)

i will give u credit
B0rsuk 20 years ago
J.O. do you have any basic notrium modding skills ? If so I could help you design this (ideas, concepts). I'm just making 2 mods at the same time and can't make them for someone else...

Can be done in my opinion, just takes some heavy scripting.
GreatOsiris 20 years ago
but i want farming

and im not an idea thief so i want permision
J.O. 20 years ago
I don't know how to mod notrium, the files are too messy in my opionon (perhaps because I never dug deep on it)
My idea was of making something like an "universal script" that would be added to the mods which would have farming.
You have permission to do it, Osiris, but make it an separate script if possible. Send me PMs about the progress, or post here
GreatOsiris 20 years ago
done check my mods thread
Rokan'sharp'claw 20 years ago
Hey can I use this idea of yours it sounds good I could use it in my future mod which I am making mine sorta resembles farming but is mining maybe he could use the profits to buy land and ward off the other crews
Doogsy 19 years ago
look at the forsaken 2 mod. There is farming already in that.
B0rsuk 19 years ago
Also check my Advanced Spawner code

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The secret is it uses invisible roaming creatures which spawn plants or something else at timed death. It's nice and polished. Very good for wild growth (trees etc).
buggy 15 years ago
sorry for the 3 year bump but i didint want to copy topics.does anyone have a farming code or something i could use to upgrade mods with farming?
speedblade 15 years ago
There are a couple links on this thread if you hadn't bothered to look...
buggy 15 years ago
opps ok sorry il check them out
Forum » "Farming Mod"

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