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  • The Sequel?

    CubeVillian 21 years ago
    The Forge was great Fun to play and I enjoyed every second of it. If you do make a sequel (And Why wouldn't you?) then I think you should take this in to acount:

    -- The control method took me a little while to master and the mouse usage was a little choppy. How about incorperating the movement of the character with the mouse (I.e point it forward bloke moves) and instead of having to swing the mouse to fight, how about having a key to do so. And if you continually pressed it the bloke could do various slashes (such as the overhead slice or the normal swing). You could also have evasive role maneuvors etc via the keyboard

    -- More length! The game didn't quite last long enough. How about whacking in some new weapons such as axes and sticks, not forgetting new armour etc. The League structure was a good idea so why dont you incorperate a more RPG level to it by your gladiator gaining experience and gaining levels or something.

    --Extra arenas? The main one was cool but a change of scenery wouldnt go down badly...

    --More Blood? The gore effects were cool but who is gonna complain if the crimson gell doesnt splatter a bit more? And what about a finnishing blow move that allows you to hack off your opponants head Gladiator style? You could have a special elimination round for this perhaps...

    Now you dont have to listen to me whittering on but i recon you could make the sequel cracking if you thought about some of the points.

    What do you think?
    Life 21 years ago
    My Suggestions for a Sequel:

    - Some Kind of Spells in Game (Fantasy Style) or Special Abbilitys
    - Different Fighters ... (one is faster, stronger etc....)
    - Not only swords as weapons, / shields would be cool too
    - One Problem could be that the fight will be over to fast, here my suggestion:
    Many players connect to a the same server, where all can meet and chat. On this map there are some Battle Fields(Arena) where some players fight .... if there are many player the admin could open a tournament, so the server will call the players to one of the arena where he have to fight. When the Tournament is over all can see the rankings.
    The Buy System should be changed too. Maybe a player have some points, so he can give points to strengh, speed, .... , or buy weapons. So every player have his very own character, for his play ..
    ville 21 years ago
    Great ideas! Keep it coming!
    Life 21 years ago
    Ok here my plan. You should make a early beta, and take some beta testers and we will test and give u our ideas. So it is hard to give ideas and ideas and nothing to see =) .... hope u understand what i mean .....
    Crry 21 years ago
    Should keep it realistic.. Like Forge 2

    Equipment such as swords, shields, tridents, gladiators' nets, the stuff they really used.

    No magic or other fantasy crap.

    One on one, team fight... Lions, gotta have LIONS.. Graah!
    ville 21 years ago
    What? No dwarfs? No elves?
    OverTilt 21 years ago
    Here are my ideas:

    - More different types of armor. You could have it so that heavier armor takes away more speed. That way, you add a tactical element there. Do you want to play like the swift one or the big bad-arse?

    - Training. Training different muscle groups and such to become a faster runner, a harder hitter, to be able to take more damage, that sort of thing.

    - Maybe a story-mode. Like in Gladiator. Something to that effect.
    ville 21 years ago
    And the player would own the Colosseum in the end! :sungl
    OverTilt 21 years ago
    Yeah! Something like that! You start out as some cheap-arse grunt doing other people's dirty work and fighting it off in crappy, run-down colosseum-wannabes, then you work your way up to finally owning the colosseum or something.

    And if you use the story-line thing, you can have different arenas in coordinance with the story, like when you assassinate someone above you in the ranks. Stuff like that.
    Diablo 21 years ago
    Atleast you should be able to complete the game! As in the present game you can't really complete it, it just goes around and around, a new Forge game would be a great idea with alot of items and different chars to choose from, maybe even female gladiators.

    Like the real gladiators it should be real and realistic, with Hit Points and you should be able to actually die. But you should still be able to survive because of the lion the emperor releases, if you kill it the emperor will let you leave the colloseum. And then there could be diffrent types of endings. Sort of an RPG and not only fighting. There could be diffrent colloseums with diffrent types of enemies; lions, 2vs1 1vs2, teams that is. This could be big!!

    Think about it.

    Handshakes 21 years ago
    Need multiplayer with teams. And maybe objective based maps.
    OverTilt 21 years ago
    I read your reply in the other thread, Handshakes, and thought I'd reply here.

    Storming a castle?! What exactely do you thing was going on in the coloseum? They killed and maimed. That's what happened. Why start dragging stuff like THAT in? No, I say we go for the heavy metal arse-kicking...
    Handshakes 21 years ago
    Because heavy metal arse kicking gets old. Deathmatcch has gone the way of the dodo and all popular online games offer some other alternative game modes to just run of the mill deathmatch. Lets stray from the "arena" for just a second and look for some semi-new gameplay. Something innovative. I like a good team to kick ass with. Furthermore when you have an objective other than just kill the other guy that wears a blue shirt instead of the color shirt your team wears it adds more depth to the teamplay which includes tactics, strategies, and comradery as players will stick together more to try and stay alive. All I am saying is the forge shouldn't be limited to the coliseum alone. A fighting system that requires as much skill as Forge does demands an additional multiplayer mode besides run-of-the-mill deathmatch to get any real attention by gamers. True, the first Forge was all about gladiaters in a coliseum, but that shouldn't limit the second Forge from being something different in many respects. I don't really wanna play a forge V2.0 with new added multiplayer support, I wanna play Forge2.
    ville 21 years ago
    I always thought it was a sports game! :grins

    You're right, a swordfighting system like of The Forge could be really good in some great multiplayer that had the right theme and some medieval spirit in it. Alas, it is not my business to do such games, it would require a gaming company at least.

    You know, the original game was inspired by a gladiator series back from the nineties. Arena it was called. Too bad it was Finnish, so many of you guys won't know what's going on. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Handshakes 21 years ago
    Well, I don't know about a game company, but you could sure put together a team of ready and willing game-makers. I'm willing to bet that in this forum alone there are enough people with game making experience. Im an experienced 3d modeler for a couple Half-life mods. Im sure there are more willing people here!
    Scythe 21 years ago
    I have some mapmaking experience. Mostly from Half-Life, but I have made some maps for the Tapan Kaikki Ultimate TK too(and way back in 1997 some maps for the original Red Alert). And I have some really basic skills on modeling.

    My currect HL mapping project is for the Paroxysm mod and info about it can be seen at this address:

    I'm just saying that the people are here... Ja olihan se areena mukava peli, niinkuin moni muukin pikku suomi-projekti...
    CubeVillian 21 years ago
    That sounds like a cool idea but publicly coded games can easily go pear shaped with people using different coding languages and generally dissagreeing.

    I still think that the Sequel could be pulled off by the
    "man in charge" with us lot lening helpful advice and maybe supplying suggestion coding. Trying to pull off a game with loads of people could be too dam confusing.

    And setting up multiplayer servers costs a screaming fortune so unless you were all willing to lend a donation it could be coslty.
    ville 21 years ago
    I'm most certain that there is a lot of talent in a lot of people, but making bigger games requires you to actually work on the project, not just help. That's why getting a few people just to help you isn't a good idea, because when you really do ask them to do something, whether they do it or not depends on how they are feeling at the time.

    Bigger projects are of course possible to do even if you don't pay the participants anything, but those guys would have to be really willing to do the project.

    I think this model of gamemaking suits me fine for the moment, I mostly work alone, and try to get input from you people. Good ideas are the single most difficult resource to come by, and this way I'm getting a lot of them, while still making the game the way I want it to be made.
    CubeVillian 21 years ago
    I agree, I make Flash games every now and again and am working on a first person outing, but also prefer to work at my own pace. I hate it when things are done that dont feel right. In the end it is really up to you as to what the hell goes in to your games, its just down to us to tell you what we think might work.
    Crry 21 years ago
    It would rock if it had multiplayer with 1on1, 2on2 or something and of course some online statistics so everyone would know who's the most skilled player or something

    LIONS + other xtreme kewl stuff.
    Handshakes 21 years ago
    I dono, thats how we do it with Half-life mods. And it isn\'t public, only the team works on it and the outsiders just wait for a finished product or beta testing. That is how we have been doing it for years. Sure, occasionally someone on the mod doesn\'t do their share, but thats why we don\'t just recruit one mapper, one coder, and one 3d moddeler, etc. We recruit a team for all areas and aspects of game creation. That way if one member slacks or goes AWOL (as one almost inevitably does) the other team members can pick up the slack. Its a tried and tested method for game creation. [edit] and beleive me, the only ppl who have definitive say as to what goes into the mod is the coders and te project leader (who is usually the coder anyhow). All the other team members do is do whatever they are told to. Other team members can spout out some info or ideas at the leader, but he has all the say as to what goes in. It is the leader\'s game, the lower team members are just a tool for him to make it. [/edit]
    ville 21 years ago
    Aye, that's the way I would propably do it if I were making a mod. (Moddable Forge 2 :bulb)

    The problem is that making a small game requires only a couple of people if they are determined, if you get more, things get complicated when you have to manage the others all the time. I only have about a hour per day for this hobby, so I guess I'm stuck with this.

    And if I ever want someone else to tell me what to do, I'm going to get him pay me! So joining a team is sadly out of the question.

    But a good idea could be for me to just make the basic game engine for the next Forge game, and some other team would make the actual game. Or the other way around.
    Scythe 21 years ago
    Ville just remember to add good mapmaking utility with it :grins
    ptm682 21 years ago

    i think you oughta definatly make a sequel to this game
    but some things should be left unchanged,like the storyline should stay the same,to be the best gladiator,in the game!somethings to think about changing is:1. make it multi-player make the game playable via internet.
    2.movement make it so you can do the movements of the weapons from the key board or maybe a joystick.
    3.add thrusting motion
    4.more weapons,armor,a win/loss record dont worry about expiance points,the idea is to fight in arenas and collesseums,this can be monitored by win/loss record
    5. add features of loss of limbs,the head,torso penatration
    6.make it so all who play start in thier own village,that they can name
    7.set up tournament play via the internet,making it so that players can work thier way from villages,to arenas,to collesseums by thier win/loss record
    Facechild 20 years ago
    I think you should make missions wher you are in a roman city killing everyone un your path, i really enjoyed the controls, also you should work on making hundreds of weapons and armors. example like the mass amount of weapons in diablo 1 & 2. this would help you "costomise" your character. :thmbup
    ville 20 years ago
    Those could be random.

    But I think if I made a sequel, I would stick to the original format of a tournament. Making a 3d adventure would require an additional year or more. :grins
    Facechild 20 years ago
    true, i know i wouldnt have the patence to do that but it would still be pretty cool, though you should still make more weapons.

    P.S. sorry about my crappy spelling
    God of Nothing 20 years ago
    more weapons and armors and a little better controls would be good for #2 like in Diablo 1/2
    iceman 20 years ago
    now that you have seen every1s sugestions get the hell of the internet and make forge 2!!!!!
    LunaticNeko 20 years ago
    Calm, ice or you will never see it.

    Here is the wish list for Santa Ville:

    I want:

    -Duel-to-the-death battles like if you lose, you die. (Hardcore isn't it?)
    -Skillful sword arts like faster movements or jumping around like in old-fashion Chinese movies.
    -Finishing Move (Only when enemy is knocked down and cannot use outside duel-to-the-death battles)
    -Player model editing
    -Stroy like you are a wanderer fight for money and there are laws like you can be fined if you kill innocents.
    -Team combats (I'm not joking! It's there in colosseum!!)
    -Man vs animals
    -Jailbreak-Style game where if you are sentenced to stay for long time you can choose to fight for freedom or just keepin your mouth shut.
    -Make your own weapons or just buy one. If you don't like both, you can order 'special' design of weapon. (ie: Longer, Fine Made, Indestructible etc.)
    -Destruction of weapons. It should lessen effective of weapons when you fight.

    At finally, I won't request you that long if...
    Make it moddable!!

    Thaimodz Corporation
    iceman 20 years ago
    meah.... i just want better controle and more weapons.... but thats cool 2
    LunaticNeko 19 years ago
    I've thought up some AI tactics:

    -Normal attack
    -Normal defend
    -Fiercely attack
    -Intellect attack (with many tricks)
    eug1404 19 years ago
    Nothing to see here, move along
    LunaticNeko 19 years ago
    Calm down.

    The forge will be redesigned from scrap anyway. Because it's hard to hold on with old system The Forge uses.
    eug1404 19 years ago
    The forge really is good fun once you get into it, but by the time you've really gotten into the combat and movement and such you've already won, have the bet equipment, and are fighting an infinite loop of the same people, which sucks IMO because players should always have something to look forward to, and that something should motivate them to really want to finish that game.

    In summary the game was too short and there weren't enough items to buy.
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