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Forum » FTP Hosting For Mods (100mb total space)

FTP Hosting For Mods (100mb total space)

Casanova 19 years ago
Since a few people have been asking for a place to host their mod for others to test it, I'm gonna make a free ftp account availible to anyone on the forum. Total space will be 25mb.

username: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
password: account

So after its uploaded, post a link like this:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

To upload/download using your web browser, you can follow this link:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

The files that were in the old ftp have been moved over here.
Quanrian 19 years ago
Anyone else wanting to offer up their FTP space is encouraged to post the information here. Please make sure you post all the information that would be required to log in.

This thread is ONLY for post FTP space that others can upload to. Please no comments unless they are vital so this thread can be kept as helpful as possible without any clutter.
Unc1354m 19 years ago
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

This place lets you host files for free. But the drawback is, if the file hasnt been downloaded for 30 days, they delete it off the servers.
you can host files Up to 30 megs in size .
this is the site Where i host all my files
slyvena 19 years ago
Did you have to pay to get this hosting to giev to us(just asking).
Casanova 19 years ago
Both are free
LunaticNeko 19 years ago
Anyone who want to get their mod hosted can email to me.

<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->

5MB size limit!
Casanova 19 years ago
FTP server is working again. I suspect it went down because i exeeded the bandwith limit for the month. Im gonna see if can raise it so this doesnt happen again.

[moved ftp to a new server]

I HOPE this is the last time i have to do this.
Casanova 19 years ago
The hosting will be made un-avalible since I been unable maintain it. If someone wants to take over this send me a private message and Ill give you control over the account since I dont plan on using it for a long time.
Grim Reaper 19 years ago
"Unc1354m" said:

This place lets you host files for free. But the drawback is, if the file hasnt been downloaded for 30 days, they delete it off the servers.
you can host files Up to 30 megs in size .
this is the site Where i host all my files

Correction to that: Up to 50 megs in size.
LunaticNeko 19 years ago
You can always email the file to me, if you want.

Rapidshare is great, but it's 'making' people pay, but the main services are free. I don't know why but I'm a bit against RapidShare.
LavaBurn 17 years ago
Well I used to use but now I use
Forum » FTP Hosting For Mods (100mb total space)

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