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Forum » RTSs in Notrium

RTSs in Notrium

Marevix 20 years ago
When you think about it, implementing RTS elements into Notrium wouldn't be all that hard. Simply remove all the health and energy bars and such, replace them with resource bars, make a bunch of 'buildings' that give you the ability to spawn creatures when you're standing on it, and you have a start.
MageKing17 20 years ago
"Marevix" said:
When you think about it, implementing RTS elements into Notrium wouldn't be all that hard. Simply remove all the health and energy bars and such, replace them with resource bars, make a bunch of 'buildings' that give you the ability to spawn creatures when you're standing on it, and you have a start.
Also, remove player collision using 1.34's new creature specialty. But the main problem Casanova encountered is this: How do you make units move?
Quanrian 20 years ago
In 'concept' you could do a RTS with Notrium. So far Casanova has as close to a RTS as I've seen anyone manage. I believe the best way to move troops would be through a radio system like Casanova used but more selective. If you could in the least get groups of creatures to gather at certain spots you at least got something close enough to Warcraft. The bigger problem would be actually setting up how the enemy acts. How would you move enemy units around logically so things weren't completely random ?
Marevix 20 years ago
You have a point. Notrium doesn't support RTS AI, and thus makes a true RTS impossible. You could make a 'siege the castle' sort of mod where you build units that either follow you or guard with resources gained from a. killing enemies and/or b. Gathering. The gathering idea would be limited to something simple, like +2 money every second a harvester unit is standing in a certain area.
Casanova 20 years ago
It is possible to get creatures to move to certain locations by using 'eat' items. Simply set a script to drop such item under the cursor, and the troops will go there. Its even possible to set way points since they will 'eat' one after the other. The problem lies that the item needs to be withing half a screen lenght from the creature for it to see it.
By playing around with the AI settings, its possible to single out units from others. These little tricks are used extensively on the next version of my mod.

Now if only there was a way to select multiple units by click-and-dragging a square around them...
MageKing17 20 years ago
"Casanova" said:
Now if only there was a way to select multiple units by click-and-dragging a square around them...
Not bloody likely.
Doogsy 20 years ago
I actually have alot of ideas for a RTS but I thought thats what tribal warfare was.
MY ideas was that you don't have direct control over troops. There is a queen alien, which can create babies. There are different classes of babies such as foragers, tree gatherers, hunters, etc. Foragers bring food back for everyone, tree gatheres chop trees so you can build nests etc. I was actually going to start it but I didn't want to copy Idiota's mod. Since you don't have direct control over the units, you would indicate when you wanted to attack, and all your hunters would charge. This way enemy AI could just be once a tribe gets to a certain number, the computer AI starts an attack.
I think it would work similarly to SimAnt, were you could only control one ant at a time.
I do actually wish to start this project, but I'm leaving for uni on saturday and may not have a pc for a month or so.
Idiota 20 years ago
I actually had different unit types planned, but not in the way you describe. I have want to make some creatures more effective agains others, like ranged is good against melee, but melee is also effective against a ranged unit. This would force the player to make a mixture of both. Then there are the food spawners, they are already in the first beta I'm about to release, but they're going to cost 2 times as much food to spawn then a normal attack creature. I have alot more planned, but I'm not telling you all about that
J.O. 20 years ago
The point on making Notrium a RTS isn't exactally the besy way, a mix between RPG and RTS would be more pratical. Sacrifice for instnace mixed the things, you are an wizard, control the units and you summon them using magic. Yet you alone can deleiver a bigger punch trough spells. And in order to command your army you need to be near it since the camera is locked on you. I have that game but I'm too lazy to explain the workings, so check that gamespot link
Idiota 20 years ago
"J.O." said:
I have that game
Don't we all?[?OT]

Anyway, you're right. But I just want to tell you, that such a mod is in the making. With the Notrium AI, however, I dont think a creature is smart enough to understand stragegy. He cant have spells or such (perhaps he can, but not on large scale). There are alot of other things that you cannot do with the current AI, but I am too lazy to say it all.
J.O. 20 years ago
lol. I wonder if it isn't possible to somehow do a whole AI script for the creatures.... (I'm expecting a no as reply though )
B0rsuk 20 years ago
"MageKing17" said:
"Casanova" said:
Now if only there was a way to select multiple units by click-and-dragging a square around them...
Not bloody likely.

How about scripts with callling point "mouse location" ? You could make it change creature's side for infinite amount of time. (spawn invisible side-changing "explosions) Then there would be a side requirement for some eat item stuff.
Not exactly a square, but you could select multiple units by hovering mouse over them.

To deselect, you'd have to press a key to disable selecting key, and enable script which spawns deselecting explosions.

Can be done, but there might be some issues with anger created.
ville 20 years ago
There's an additional problem with making an RTS. Not all of the action that is possible is calculated when you're not looking. In essense if you moved your screen away from your troops fighting opponents, they might remain still while you're away. It depends largely on how many creatures there are at the same time.
Idiota 20 years ago
I've noticed that one in my mod already. I had 2 eggs with different sides placed together and they only started fighting when I was about to see them.
B0rsuk 20 years ago
"Idiota" said:
I've noticed that one in my mod already. I had 2 eggs with different sides placed together and they only started fighting when I was about to see them.

Well, there are good sides, of course. We can go more triggerhappy with standard mods !
Marevix 20 years ago
Looks like they don't like working, and only attack eachother when you're there to make it look like they're being productive.

Either way, if Notrium was a bit more mouse-selection friendly and had better AI, somebody could probably pull one off. As it is, however, it doesn't seem too likely.
UberWaffe 20 years ago
In my mod I have managed to 'order' all of the other AI escape pods to head directly towards the planet. How do you do this?

Easy. Create an invisible enemy that fires an invisible loud weapon constantly. Your units should have a long hearing range. You could use this tactic in simulating the orders of an RTS.

Drop an invisible creature such as I described and has a timed trigger, that kills it once your creatures get close. (Or you could just have them actually shoot it if you're lazy). Then change their AI to pure aggression so that they head towards it. That way they should also attack enemies along the way. (This is not entirely accurate, but close)

To simulate 'move-and-ignore-enemies' orders, just change them to a side hostile to the invisible enemy but friendly towards the real enemies.

This is the method closest to simulating an RTS that doesn't require you to use a 'radio' type item.
MageKing17 20 years ago
"UberWaffe" said:
In my mod I have managed to 'order' all of the other AI escape pods to head directly towards the planet. How do you do this?

Easy. Create an invisible enemy that fires an invisible loud weapon constantly. Your units should have a long hearing range. You could use this tactic in simulating the orders of an RTS.

Drop an invisible creature such as I described and has a timed trigger, that kills it once your creatures get close. (Or you could just have them actually shoot it if you're lazy). Then change their AI to pure aggression so that they head towards it. That way they should also attack enemies along the way. (This is not entirely accurate, but close)

To simulate 'move-and-ignore-enemies' orders, just change them to a side hostile to the invisible enemy but friendly towards the real enemies.

This is the method closest to simulating an RTS that doesn't require you to use a 'radio' type item.
That's very good, Uberwaffe. That might actually work for an RTS interface. Casanova, since you're the one farthest along on creating an RTS-like game, think you could try implementing this in OP?
Casanova 20 years ago
I suppose this idea will work with melee creatures, but the ones with ranged weapons will simply stand still while attempting to shoot it.

So a better overall solution would be that the creatures were able to see an eat item from farther away.
hojedaniel 19 years ago
This is not exactly on topic but its not cpmpletely off too. How would we make camera follow mouse movements?
mbojan 19 years ago
Hello? Anyone reading this topic?

If you want to know,I am making a notrium based strategy.Info about it's demo version will be in my topic:new notrium ----- in work , not mod.So, in other words, im making it with a diffrent engine, but also making it as simillar as possible. plese go to my topic and vote, talk and ask about my new NOTRIUM RTS.

Oh, and check out my avatar and sig
Marevix 19 years ago
I sure hope you have enough creativity to pull this off, as making a true RTS in Notrium might just be impossible.
Forum » RTSs in Notrium

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