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Forum » The Modder's Coalition (ATTENTION ALL MODDERS)
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  • The Modder's Coalition (ATTENTION ALL MODDERS)

    ZeXLR8er 19 years ago
    Your name has been added Gemini.
    LunaticNeko 19 years ago
    Now anyone who join my site will be able to access the closed forum for Coalition Members only.

    I'll manual-sync the lists so you don't need to inform me.
    DRL 19 years ago
    I,DRL,want to sing up:

    1)I´m making a mod
    2)I would able to share up anything about i can to the forum
    3)I may able to do a COSINDERABLE aport to the forum
    ideas grapihcs....
    4)If I use any other modder idea(i´m doing it)i will greately credit up hi/she,for making the original idea.
    LunaticNeko 19 years ago
    @DRL : Welcome to the Coalition!

    @Coalition : I might won't make any more mods but I can provide assistance to newcomers. Just keep my name on it
    cristallion 19 years ago
    what so you mean provide assinstance to newcomers
    DRL 19 years ago
    Thanks Thaimodz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,I would do anything for I can do it........
    LunaticNeko 19 years ago
    "White Bear" said:
    1. No home page (yet)
    You can register your account in my place and host your mod up there! We welcome all sorts of mod! I also encourage everyone who have existing mods to place yourself in hall of fame there.

    @DRL : Even though your name is still not in, you can now access the forum.

    @??? who confuses about assistance : Like bug killing, HEAVY testing of memory usage etc.
    DRL 19 years ago
    Don´t worry about it,I have registered now.....
    White Bear 19 years ago
    i registered to your forum...(Thaimodz) they look great... i am curently busy with lots of pojects... (web page for finihs fair play, mohaa skining, little fighter 2 charecter making, web page for my friend web mail and more) and of course the notrium mod... that is why i am not been so active user on this forum.

    i am now thinking of action based mod like max payne and matrix... but i am not so good at making gfx

    i am going to post the topic about it when something is alredy done...
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    I, Nosboi hereby sign up to the Coalition, accepting that:
    a) I have already made a mod, OR
    b) have made a CONSIDERABLE contribution in the form of Graphics/Ideas/Scripts/Code.
    c) I will willingly share my modding ideas, graphics, sound effects etc to other members of the Coalition,
    d) If I use any ideas, graphics, sound effects from another Coalition member, I will credit them in my mod.
    LunaticNeko 19 years ago
    Welcome to the Coalition NOSBoi (if that's the correct spelling )
    ZeXLR8er 19 years ago
    Both your names have been added.
    LunaticNeko 19 years ago
    When will we start the 'Mega Project' (the word of highest price in Thailand right now, more than 30 Billion), then My FTP server looks very bored right now as it doesn't need to transfer a thing lately.

    I know of another great way of coalition conference, the IRC maybe
    Casanova 19 years ago
    A conference? Hmm, maybe it could encourage that people work on the mods they proposed instead of simply abandoning them.
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    I havent given up yet but i could use some help, check the modding questions/answers section.
    Inane 19 years ago
    I just GOTTA bump this, it's in my blood!
    Redemption 18 years ago
    Is it to late to join?
    i havent made a full mod but i am currently making a one of DOOM.
    Inane 18 years ago
    "Redemption" said:
    Is it to late to join?
    i havent made a full mod but i am currently making a one of DOOM.
    The whole 'I have contributed much' isn't the strictest rule, the coalition is mainly about sharing stuff, so if you plan on contributing any ideas or better, sign away .
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Is the coalition ever going to create one of those "team mod" things that dragged so many people in? I remember reading that somewhere. Maybe it was the other coalition, the one for newb modders.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    I, Redemption hereby sign up to the Coalition, accepting that:
    A) I am making a mod, OR
    b) have made a CONSIDERABLE contribution in the form of Graphics/Ideas/Scripts/Code.
    c) I will willingly share my modding ideas, graphics, sound effects etc to other members of the Coalition,
    d) If I use any ideas, graphics, sound effects from another Coalition member, I will credit them in my mod.
    LunaticNeko 18 years ago
    Finally a new member!! You can come over to my Forums and register. And I will mark you as Coalition Member as well!

    [Message Deleted]
    [Message Deleted]

    Also... Ville should change his agreement a bit

    Cuz he didn't make any real mods. He made the whole game and should be highly honored as God of Notrium
    vallakid 18 years ago
    I,Vallakidhereby sign up to the Coalition, accepting that:
    a) I have already made a mod, OR
    b) have made a CONSIDERABLE contribution in the form of Graphics/Ideas/Scripts/Code.
    c) I will willingly share my modding ideas, graphics, sound effects etc to other members of the Coalition,
    d) If I use any ideas, graphics, sound effects from another Coalition member, I will credit them in my mod.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    Hooray! A new Modder!
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Hmm... Some of you people seem to not see the terms A and B in the whatsit... AFAIK, you HAVE NOT made a mod NOR considerably contributed by giving out GFX, ideas, scripts OR code.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    That doesn't really matter, as long as you can mod. If you can't mod, we will help you.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    We will? Has anyone realized that nobody ever used this?

    I wish we had, though.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    Is it too late?

    About two minutes ago I posted an injury system in the modding library, if every starts doing this the coallition could be reborn.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    It's never too late for a good idea, unless it was a battle strategy and you already won that battle with a different strategy.

    So, let's go! By the way, did I ever actually sign up? I think I did... well, I'm renewing my membership via this post.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    I don't think you have.

    I, ____________ hereby sign up to the Coalition, accepting that:
    a) I have made a mod, OR
    b) have made a CONSIDERABLE contribution in the form of Graphics/Ideas/Scripts/Code.
    c) I will willingly share my modding ideas, graphics, sound effects etc to other members of the Coalition,
    d) If I use any ideas, graphics, sound effects from another Coalition member, I will credit them in my mod.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Oh, I signed up to the beginner's coalition! Silly me. Well, here's your medieval remix of the sign-up sheet:

    Aye, Anonymous, hereby signe up to thy Coalition, on this glorious Friday, accepting that:
    a) I have made a mod, OR
    b) have made a CONSIDERABLE contribution in the forme of Graphics/Ideas/Scripts/Code.
    c) I shall willingly share my modding ideas, graphics, sound effects, et cetera, to other members of the Coalition,
    d) If I should use thou ideas, graphics, sound effects, from another Coalition member, I shalt credit them in my mod.
    Pete 18 years ago
    Well, why not. I think I gualify now.

    I, Pete hereby sign up to the Coalition, accepting that:
    a) I have already made a mod, OR
    b) have made a CONSIDERABLE contribution in the form of Graphics/Ideas/Scripts/Code.
    c) I will willingly share my modding ideas, graphics, sound effects etc to other members of the Coalition,
    d) If I use any ideas, graphics, sound effects from another Coalition member, I will credit them in my mod.
    wolfbreed 18 years ago
    I, Wolfbreed hereby sign up to the Coalition, accepting that:
    a) I have already made a mod, OR
    b) have made a CONSIDERABLE contribution in the form of Graphics/Ideas/Scripts/Code.
    c) I will willingly share my modding ideas, graphics, sound effects etc to other members of the Coalition,
    d) If I use any ideas, graphics, sound effects from another Coalition member, I will credit them in my mod.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone planning on exploiting The Coalition anytime soon? We could use it for that end-of-the-year contest, although we never bothered doing anything, and New Year's Eve is tomorrow, so... crap?
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone planning on exploiting The Coalition anytime soon? We could use it for that end-of-the-year contest, although we never bothered doing anything, and New Year's Eve is tomorrow, so... crap?
    Short answer: No.

    Long answer: No chance in hell.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone planning on exploiting The Coalition anytime soon? We could use it for that end-of-the-year contest, although we never bothered doing anything, and New Year's Eve is tomorrow, so... crap?
    Short answer: No.

    Long answer: No chance in hell.
    Super long answer: I don't like that option, so there's no chance in hell for it to occur.

    Forum » The Modder's Coalition (ATTENTION ALL MODDERS)
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