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Forum » Vacuus: Dying, living, or dead?
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  • Vacuus: Dying, living, or dead?

    Crazy 19 years ago
    oh and if you ever want anything very sick, depressing, cyberpunk-ish or just plain old strange, im always there to give a helping hand cut off with 32 strikes of a rusty and almost blunt hatchet.
    Casanova 19 years ago
    So, how are things going with your project?
    Vacuus 19 years ago
    Meh, right now I'm taking a little break, before I through my monitor out the window.

    I still get all of those errors with the original, even after I've fixed the return stuff.

    I'm thinking of letting someone else finish that version, whilst I work on my ASCII interpruter (which is going really, really well).

    Thanks for asking.
    Vacuus 19 years ago
    I've fixed the source, so its easily readable.

    As all ways, the source can be found here. Expect that to change soon, though.

    Here are the errors:

    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp: In function `int pMover()':
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:220: error: a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:220: error: expected `,' or `;' before '{' token
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:226: error: a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:226: error: expected `,' or `;' before '{' token
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:255: error: a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:255: error: expected `,' or `;' before '{' token
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:261: error: `lX' undeclared (first use this function)
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:261: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.)
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:261: error: `sLx' has not been declared
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:261: error: request for member of non-aggregate type before '||' token
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:261: error: `lY' undeclared (first use this function)
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:261: error: `sLy' has not been declared
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:261: error: request for member of non-aggregate type before '||' token
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:261: error: `lZ' undeclared (first use this function)
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:261: error: `sLz' has not been declared
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:261: error: request for member of non-aggregate type before ')' token
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:262: warning: statement has no effect
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:263: error: `sName' has not been declared
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:263: error: request for member of non-aggregate type before ';' token
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp: At global scope:
    D:\C ++\Project No.4 Vacuus\mGame.cpp:266: error: expected declaration before '}' token

    Also, eddeshun, I would like to take you up on yout offer, would you mind making a small futristic space ship? I'll post a picture here when I find one.

    One last thing, if you have a momment, Casanova (or any one else that can use HGE), would you mind having a look at this HGE code?

    Thank you in advance.
    Casanova 19 years ago
    I have answered your question in the HGE forum.

    As for the other game, if you want to include files that are located inside the same folder as the main.cpp , you need to write it like this: #include "p_info.h"

    Could you also put the source code insdie a zip file? Putting it on html adds a whole lot empty space.
    Vacuus 19 years ago
    Thank you!
    I guess I could put it in a Zip file, might have to waight a minute though.

    Anyway, eddeshun, I've found a basic idea of the ship I would like made (it should be from the top down).
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _2_big.jpg</a><!-- m -->
    Thanks in advance.

    Well, a couple of people over on the Elderscrolls Forums have mentioned a "Player slave" mod idea, which I like so much, I might even have to take a break off learning HGE, so I can work on this mod.
    Of course, this shouldn't take too long to make.
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    "Vacuus" said:
    Well, a couple of people over on the Elderscrolls Forums have mentioned a "Player slave" mod idea, which I like so much, I might even have to take a break off learning HGE, so I can work on this mod.
    Of course, this shouldn't take too long to make.
    Kind of off-topic, but you brought it up...

    Do you mean "Player slave" as in a slave the player owns? Because there are several mods that do this. I highly doubt people would even glance at another one unless it were spectacular.

    Back on-topic:

    The spaceship looks a little blocky to me. Are you sure you want it along those lines? I would think something more streamlined would be more appropriate for this type of game.
    Crazy 19 years ago
    Not to mention how difficult it would be to model that thing... unless your using truespace...
    Vacuus 19 years ago
    No, in this mod, the player is the slave, either working with his master, or against him.
    I've got a rough story line, although, some help would be good.
    Anyway, as most of can tell, this is my forst game that I've made, so, I'm not sure what to do yet. So more streamlined you think?
    When I get a chance, I'll find another picture, that hopefully, will look better in game.
    Vacuus 19 years ago
    Meh, I'm having trouble editing my site, so I haven't had a chance to upload a zip file, yet.

    Anyway, you don't need to model a ship now, Eddeshun. As I'm going to change the game to a first person simulator (still using HGE), which seems so easy, that I've writ 1/2 the thing out in my head already.
    Although, there is still a lot of work to be done on the Player Slave mod (if you'ld like to help, especcialy with the quests, PM me or post here), so I mightn't get a chance to work on this for a while.

    Thank you for all of your help.
    Vacuus 19 years ago
    Damn it!
    My browser just crashed and I cannot be bothered re-writing the original message, so I'll keep this short.

    I've created a new site, using, which can be found here.

    I've also uploaded the source, for the text version, here

    If anyone would like to remove my old site (I cant access the hosts site), for me, just send me a PM.

    Thank you for your help.
    Vacuus 19 years ago
    Sorry for the double post, but I'm getting this "Debug Mode" Error when I post stuff, even though it still posts.

    Delete this if you want.
    Crazy 19 years ago
    You off HL2 now? I took a peek at the photobucket images... I like it alot!
    Vacuus 19 years ago
    I have photobucket images????
    Unless, you were tlking about the pics for Casanova's game, and my dodgy Cormoon pictures.

    ATM, dont expect too much - You should be able to explore the universe discovering planets, that all look the same.

    I will exapnd on it though, adding thigs like a HUD (UI), different planets, weapons, and the ability to land on these planets.

    However, I'm unsure on how I could allow the landing on planets.
    I was thinking of checking whether the planet is within a certain range of the planet, and if it is viewable on screen, however, I dont know how I could do this without destroying the "universe"?

    Thank you for your help.
    Crazy 19 years ago
    Wait... wtf?! it wasnt you game?! *confused*
    Vacuus 19 years ago

    Good god I'm stupid..
    So, I decided I wanted to got to Linux, figuring I could use WINE to make Vacuus.
    So, I backed up everything, except Vacuus.
    Great. So, now I have no game to work with, or even HGE.

    Heres what I'll do:
    [*]After I've got Linux installed, I'll unplug my internet connection, and re-write the text version, using Parsers, Like Ville suggested.[/*:m]
    [*]Then, I'll probably try the SDL, unless anyone knows of a Linux/Windows game engine, except OpenGL.[/*:m]
    [*]Then, I'll move onto OpenGL, and attempt to create a 3D version that way.[/*:m][/list:u]
    Amarth 19 years ago
    Use SDL, it's, lemme think, half-easy . It is really about the best you can have. You should also wrap your OpenGL-program in SDL, as it will be portable that way, and you'll have an easy way to acces input.
    I once started a 2D game written in SDL and OpenGL (using orthographic projection). If you'd like to, I could *try* to search it and pass it on. It's pretty dead anyway . PM me if you (or anyone else of course) are interested.

    Yeah, it was my competition game...
    Anonymous1157 19 years ago
    Oh no... no no no... NOOOOO! NO OPENGL! MY PC, NO MATTER HOW ITS CONFIGURED, SUCKS AT OPENGL! Use software or DirectDraw or something. ANYTHING that's fast on most systems. I'd prefer DD, BTW.
    Amarth 19 years ago
    Too bad for you. Software is by definition slower than OpenGL. DirectDraw is a M$ product, thus is by definition more evil than OpenGL. Leaves no choice, does it...

    Also, perhaps you (=Vacuus) could check out Irrlicht, it really IS not too hard and it really IS cross-platform... Even lets Anonymous play in DirectDraw if he really wants too .
    Anonymous1157 19 years ago


    Only dumb stuff written in OpenGL ever gives me decent framerates, like the 3Dmaze screensaver in ME (Or was it some other OS?). That would really, REALLY help, plus Ville is using it so its guaranteed special-ful!
    Vacuus 18 years ago
    *sighs* You have no idea how difficult things are getting down here - at one point everything seems easy, like theres still plenty of time left..
    Now? I'm running around like a lunatic - asking questions, forgetting things, falling behind in my work...

    Anyway, I'm sure you not reading this to learn about my personal problems so...

    I need a favour of someone - I've got so much to do, that I don't think I have the time myself, I'm too busy in IT anyway.
    So, would anyone be able to link/tell me about doubly linked lists?

    Otherwise the coding is going very well - 1/2 the classes are done, which almost beens I'm finished - just finish the classes & add the "prompt" function.

    Ahh, and wile I'm here, I might as well let everyone know I've got a new testboard going, it'll be up & down until Thursday, when I can move it...

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    Sorry for the overall confused layout of this post - like I said, I'm running around like a lunatic.

    Oh, and Amarth, I looked into Irrlicht, and it looks quite immpressive & easy, once this is done (and all the other stuff), I'll start trying to use it..

    Thanks for everything,
    ville 18 years ago
    Doubly linked list just means there's a reference to both the previous and the next object in each object.
    Vacuus 18 years ago
    True - which, is why I need some help with it.

    Hours of searching Google have shown next to nothing, so I thought it better to ask here.

    Perhaps it would be easier if you had some idea of the basic game structure.

    The game, is basically, just a collection of HAS_A relationships between different classes.

    The game is now 1D (I think), as there is a class, 'tile', that determines each moveable sector of space.
    Each player "moves" through the tiles via a linked list (note: the link between the linked list & player is entirely false - the linked list just tells the game which tile the player is in, without any reference to the player). The player can tell his 'ship' to move forwards through the linked list.

    Which, is why I need a doubly linked list - to move back through the list.
    There are pribably other ways to do this - and easier ones to, but at the time a double linked list seemed like the easiest way.

    Thanks in advance, and for all the other help.
    burgerking 18 years ago
    I have tried everything. Direct Draw is far better that OpenGl for me
    ville 18 years ago
    I think you might be better off with the objects having coordinates. Then you move the coordinates around, and if you need the tile the player is in, you calculate it from the coordinates. Like x/10 and y/10.
    Vacuus 18 years ago
    You're right - your method works almost exactly the same as mine would of, but allows for more movment - and is definatley easier to code.

    Thank you, for that.
    Vacuus 18 years ago
    No, I'm not finished yet
    I've been really busy lately, and haven't had a chance to finish the demo - its getting damn close, though.

    Anyway, I've uploaded the source to my site, though its pretty much un-usable at the moment, it compiles fin (thats a firsst ), but there is a "feature" Where after you get past the main screen, and type in your first command, you move into an infinate loop{which, incidently, I can fix, which creates more "features"). I'm not asking anyone to fix it - I just thought I should give you something, in case your sick of the holidays..

    It can be downloaded here.
    Vacuus 18 years ago
    Sorry about all this triple-posting stuf, but's the easiest way to tell everyone.

    Well, at the longest last, something playable is here.
    There's not a lot to do, but I thought I should release atleast something, after all, its been 8 months....
    You can download the installer [url=[/url].
    I've included the source, for those who are interested, as well....

    [b]Whats next?]/b]
    Now, when I can remember all that I/O stuff I learnt, I'll move onto making a modable version of the demo. Don't expect much - pretty much you'll only be able to add commands to the game, and specifiy what each does - better than nothing, though?
    After that, I'll probably move onto a 2D version using SDL. Sorry, folks, but I actualy think a fully-fleded text adventure (well, the sort I was thinking of) will take longer than a 2D game...

    Anway, have fun!
    Inane 18 years ago
    "Not Found
    The requested URL /vacuus.exe was not found on this server."

    Vacuus 18 years ago

    For now, I've uploaded it to Rapidshare - but, I'll still look into the problem..

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    Mmm... would be a good interface test. And actually I'd probably have an easier time making a text adventure myself, but that's because I can't make graphics worth a f*** unless they're, say, less than 15 by 15 pixels. Then I can make some interesting designs for some reason.

    Just looking at your source code here, noticing a couple things.

    void prompt(string msg)
    cout<<" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n";
    cout<<"\t\t PLAYER\t\t LOCATION\n";
    cout<<"\t\t Tester\t\t X :: "<<playerLocationX<<"\n";
    cout<<"\t\t "<<playerHealth<<"\t\t\t Y :: "<<playerLocationY<<"\n";
    cout<<"\t\t [m] Move\t [e] Exit\n";
    cout<<"\t\t [h] Help\n";
    cout<< msg;
    //return 0;

    Why not just make this function return the input, rather than be a void?

    int BeginGame()
    int check;//Used in conjunction with the "rRand" function
    /*if(FirstRun == 1){
    FirstRun = 1;*/
    prompt("Welcome to the Vacuus Interface demo!\nThis demo is a simple example of how not to mak a text-based game. At the moment, you can do very little, though, I plan on adding modability very soon.\nIf you require any assitance, please type H into the console to display further information.");

    while(input != 'e')
    //prompt(" ");
    if(input == 'h') {prompt("This demo was originally meant to serve as an interface demo. Instead,\n I've decided NOT to continue this project, and to move onto a 2D version.\n Before doing so, I plan on adding modability to this demo, so that \nanyone can continue this project - with, or without prior C++ experience.\n\n At the top of the screen, you will see some information on your player, \nincluding health, name & location.\n\n Below that, you will see a list of avaliable commands, each surrounded by '['s, and ']'s. Type a command to get any given effect.\nFinaly, you will see the message box, and command prompt.\n");}
    if(input == 'm') {
    playerLocationX+=1; check = ReturnRand_InRange(3,1);
    if(check == 1){prompt(" ");}
    if(check == 2){prompt("You've discovered another ship!");}
    if(check == 3){prompt("You've discovered a planet!");}
    //if(input == 'e'){break;}
    return 0;

    int main()
    int input_int; //Used for the begining only, variable serves the same purpose as the "inout" char., except this one is designed for numeric characters.
    srand((unsigned int)time( NULL ));
    SetConsoleTitle("\tVacuus - Interface Demo\t");
    cout<<"\t ## ## ### ###### ## ## ## ## ###### \n";
    cout<<"\t ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##\n";
    cout<<"\t ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## \n";
    cout<<"\t ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### \n";
    cout<<"\t ## ## ######### ## ## ## ## ## ##\n";
    cout<<"\t ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##\n";
    cout<<"\t ### ## ## ###### ####### ####### ######\n";

    cout<<"\n\n\n\t\t\t\t [1] New game.\n\t\t\t\t [2] Exit.\n\n\t\t\t\t >";

    return 0;
    return 0;

    Both of these functions should just be voids.

    int ReturnRand_InRange(int HIGH,int LOW)
    return rand() % (HIGH - LOW + 1) + LOW;

    Isn't it a little counter-intuitive to have the high value before the low value in the input? Usually it's the other way around.

    Anyway, I was looking at this code and I think that with just a little bit of work you could add naming of planets, encountered ships having random names, and *gasp* being able to move backward.
    Vacuus 18 years ago
    I know exactly what you mean - fortunatley, for me, I happen to know some talented artists...
    Actualy, Mageking17, if thats what you're after, why not create an accoun at - don't be fooled, its not like it sounds. The site can be used for stories, too, and could server as a useful place to show off....

    Meh - I'm getting off topic again.
    Do you know, though, that the 1/2 complete full text version of Vacuus i've got laying around, has got more code than the 2D version I'ld practically finished before my HDD was wiped?
    Its damn strange, I know...
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    Check my edits, vacuus.
    Vacuus 18 years ago
    Moving backwards!
    Thats just terrible!

    Sarcasm aside, I aggree with what you said. I wanted to begin the second version today, but I really can't be bothered re-learning File I/O, and parsing a script...

    Sure, it may be counter-intuitive, but it does its job ...
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    "Vacuus" said:
    Sure, it may be counter-intuitive, but it does its job ...
    Yeah, it wasn't really a big nitpick, but in every programming language I've worked with it either already had a random number function that was "low comma high," or I made my own in that format.
    Forum » Vacuus: Dying, living, or dead?
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