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  • Stone age mod

    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    Hi ive decided to make my own mod, about cavemen type thing with dinosaurs and a tribe and old tools and that......... ive already started but ive had to use graphics from forsaken mod from cas because i cant make any so any help wold be nice mainly graphics and heavy scripting

    4 chars ,hunter,somone who can raise animals/dinos, plus two more

    so far ive.....
    Made a cave
    tribe guys
    a stone hammer

    Anyone want to help????

    O yeah and with my notrium i have to click change chars wen playing or it stuffs up.....
    Casanova 19 years ago
    As usual, I, here to help others out with grapics or help with the .dats. If you need some simple grapics done for it, send me a pm and Ill try do draw (or google) some for you. But you need to be specific!
    AsdMaster 19 years ago
    AsdMaster has the same rules.

    Send me a PM

    Be extremely specific
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    Ok 2 things
    1st my cave looks stupid because of the sqaure peices of roof i made as they sometimes overlap wall and stuff
    2nd im gonna need a tester for my mod

    Any help will be greatly appreciated (if thats how you spell it ops: )

    oh and anyone to help with ideas would be cool

    OK i have a problem now ive made fires everythings fine but wen im close it goes black and quits that also happens if i dont change the beginning char more that once wat the hecks happoning help somone!!!! btw my other games work fine!!!!!!

    Note:I can place im in da map editor....
    DRL 19 years ago
    I can help you out nosboi,but keep in mind that i´m busy making my mods,but if is anything I can help,I will do it,.
    Casanova 19 years ago
    Some quick comments the current build of your mod:

    - What program are you using to edit the grapics? after looking at the textures folder I noticed that a lot of the grapics have partially erased or transparent areas. Not only this looks bad, but this makes the files unnecesarily big and will slow down the game. If you are going to use parts of the grapics i made, just copy the needed section, save it as a new file, and check that the empty areas are erased completely.

    - About the roof, I would suggest making custom roof textures for every cave shape. Those small squares you are using make it impossible to see what else is inside the cave. Or you can set it so that the cave entraces take you to a separate area.

    - You are using the "box" polygon for the walls, you need to use the rectangle instead.

    It would be better if we disscuss this on the chatroom, send me a pm if you need help connecting to it.
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    Umm wat chatroom?????? Andi used photoshop for sum reason that does happen, yeah i found that did happen so used an eraser and went over every bit of white cept da pics i dont get it
    Casanova 19 years ago
    Check you private message inbox, i have sent you instrictions on how to connect.
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    Yes DRL you can help do u wana be a
    Tester,graphics,idea etc??? up 2 u

    Anyone for ideas about this mod please say so the more ideas the better!!
    DRL 19 years ago
    Well..................ummm....I got a small idea:

    1)When you kill huge dinosaurs,you may able to eat it(but first,you need a firewood,to set up a fire and cook the meat)then eat it....But you cook the meat and you have more than one meat,got like(for huge dinosaurs),lots of meat (or food as well),like 10 or 15 of meat.

    2)A good tool will be a spear:take a firewood,a small rock,and combine them,is a good weapon to kill your enemyes,but it is used to throw,once used,you need to make more.

    These are some ideas,and well,if you want I can do some areas,but you need to put them in the mod.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Why didn't I got that idea, IT BRILLIANT!!!!

    I can help you with scripting.
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    Ok, thanks Gemini

    Can anyone help me i need an ai script that makes creatures work in a pack/herd
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    "nosboi" said:
    Ok, thanks Gemini

    Can anyone help me i need an ai script that makes creatures work in a pack/herd

    PLease help with the pack/herd script

    Any ideas for the mod are welcome
    Myrmidon 19 years ago
    as i said in DRL's mod topic i am willing to test and give ideas
    DRL 19 years ago
    Here´s a idea:
    1)You may able to gain some kind of intelligence(as well in these ages,the men where gainin intelligence about on how to bluit up tools.
    I may able to support you nosboi some graphics(such as dinosaurs tools...),but remember i´m not toooo good mading graphics....
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "nosboi" said:
    "nosboi" said:
    Ok, thanks Gemini

    Can anyone help me i need an ai script that makes creatures work in a pack/herd

    PLease help with the pack/herd script

    Any ideas for the mod are welcome

    Can you explain this?
    Myrmidon 19 years ago
    um where can i download the mod?
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    well i mean the creatures follow each other, when they move/attack. Ive tried follow/attack and follow/follow from notrium default but nothing really works to make them move attack together and not split up.

    Anyone who can help me do this please do.....
    AsdMaster 19 years ago
    The small Ice aliens usually follow the big one

    I am actually bad at major scripting

    ALL HAIL AsdMaster...
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    Well they pack up now, but once you get near, they attack while the one they follow runs straight at your caves..... annoying

    Any ideas for the mod????
    DRL 19 years ago
    Please help him out,I were talking whit him and gave him some tool desings and some ideas,but I don´t gain ideas by only want it,so,if anyone have an idea say it to nosboi .
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    Ok people i need help..... i have a side for a player (5) and a side for a dinosaur (6) i dont want them to be hostile to each other so they are not hostile, but for some reason the dinosaurs of (6) come under player (5)s command...... any help???
    Any ideas would be cool too but 1st i need this problem sorted out!!!!
    Casanova 19 years ago
    open sides.dat and make a separate new entry for the dinosaurs. Put any sides you want them to be hostile to, but do not add the one for the player.
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    Ok works fine now. Can anybody tell me how you could make a spring type thing to make a trap spring?????
    Casanova 19 years ago
    Im not sure what you want to do, but just be aware that creatures cannot interact with plot objects. So you will need to use some static creature that is hostile to everyone and will perform its attack when something gets close.
    AsdMaster 19 years ago
    Whats the problem if the picture has a white backround in the game...

    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    Ok trap easy done (still sorta silly not too bad) but what items should make a spring for a trap?????

    Asdmaster means that his pics have a white background in notrium but he does not know why, any help?????

    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    The reason you have a white background in a picture is that the pic has a white background instead of a transparent one.
    Casanova 19 years ago
    You want to use a transparent background for all you pictures, wich will be saved preferably using .PNG in 24bit (8bit is smaller but they look ugly).

    For a spring, you can try using something elastic like a liana or some animal sinews.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "Casanova" said:
    You want to use a transparent background for all you pictures, wich will be saved preferably using .PNG in 24bit (8bit is smaller but they look ugly).

    For a spring, you can try using something elastic like a liana or some animal sinews.

    Umm, don't you need 32bit images? If I recall correctly, 24bit is the same as 32bit, although without the alpha channel/layer/thingy...

    And without that alpha whatchagonnacallit, you couldn't have transparency...right?
    AsdMaster 19 years ago
    I have to save it in PNG before sending it to Imageshack?
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "AsdMaster" said:
    I have to save it in PNG before sending it to Imageshack?

    What? I thought you were modding or something...

    When hosting in imageshack, use any picture format they support.

    If you want to get rid of the white background, simply paint it in a different colour.

    OR do what I said before, save with a transparent BG in 32bit format, preferably as a .png.

    Edit: One more thing, post general questions (not related to Notrium, modding Notrium or Cormoon) in the Got a question? thread in General Talk.

    If the question IS about:

    - post in Got a question about Notrium? thread

    Modding Notrium
    - post in Modding Q/A thread

    - post in Cormoon Questions thread
    Casanova 19 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "Casanova" said:
    You want to use a transparent background for all you pictures, wich will be saved preferably using .PNG in 24bit (8bit is smaller but they look ugly).

    For a spring, you can try using something elastic like a liana or some animal sinews.

    Umm, don't you need 32bit images? If I recall correctly, 24bit is the same as 32bit, although without the alpha channel/layer/thingy...

    And without that alpha whatchagonnacallit, you couldn't have transparency...right?

    There is no PNG-32 format. Photoshop only allows saving in either 8 or 24bit, and both allow the use of transaparency. The difference is that 24 bit allows a wider range of colors and a smooth transition in transparency.

    I have to save it in PNG before sending it to Imageshack?

    That depends on what kind of image you are sending him. For creatures and items png looks best and is small, but for big background images JPG will make smaller files.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "Casanova" said:
    There is no PNG-32 format. Photoshop only allows saving in either 8 or 24bit, and both allow the use of transaparency. The difference is that 24 bit allows a wider range of colors and a smooth transition in transparency.

    There isn't?

    Sorry about the confusion then...

    Btw: Is there a 16bit format for PNG then?
    Casanova 19 years ago
    There isn't, and this is getting off-topic. If you want more info on png, then visit this page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
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