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  • Continued production?

    CowboySpike 21 years ago
    Am i the only one that thinks wazzal should have its production continued? I like the game alot and play often, some new features could be improved person to person combat. Like diffrent weapons, ship exploring things like that. You could be given missions to take over a specific point in a ship (like the bridge). This would also allow for community interaction by having user made maps be the sips interiors. Also, planet surface combat could be done, allowing for ground vehicles. Ive got a lot more ideas and hopefully this will spark some intrest in wazzal again
    ville 21 years ago
    Not bad ideas. Many who have played Wazzal think that there is potential for a sequel, but I haven't yet found the time to make it. I'll be happy to hear any ideas for the sequel before I start work on it.
    Foranamo 21 years ago
    multiplayer mode would also be a very good thing
    Crry 21 years ago
    Or maybe the games should be a bit longer. They all are actually quite short.
    rassallah 21 years ago
    I simply love Wazzal. And this is maybe because i loved Space Federation years ago, and Wazzal reminds me a lot of this. I don't know if you inspired yourself from Space Federation but if you did, bravo
    Now Space Federation in abandonware i think, i searched Interplay for it and nothing. If you want to make a sequel to Wazzal you could rebring Space Federation. Up to four player multiplayer, its fast & furious and I don't think you will have copyrights issues. And if you do let me know, I'd like to help. And don't forget: make a map editor. I hate Interplay for not making one.

    BTW, if anybody wants to see what i'm talking about, here:
    If you think there is a problem with the link please remove it. But it shouldn't be.

    Again: bravo for Wazzal.
    ville 21 years ago

    Wazzal wasn't inspired by Space Federation, since I only recently found out about that great title. Mostly it was inspired by Star Control II, but had I played Space Federation things would have been a bit different in Wazzal too.

    One thing, naturally I don't condone abandonware, so I urge you all to refrain from clicking that link.
    rassallah 21 years ago
    So, since it is obvious you liked Space Federation, should we expect a Wazzal Federation? Please... . You must admit it has potential. And you could make a game better than that. I would do it but i know very little about programing. Oh, and don't forget. There must be a map editor .
    rassallah 21 years ago
    Oh, and i have to say that half of the game can be reused from Wazzal if not more. The hard part is already done.

    What can i do to convince you maybe 1000000 $ ??
    ville 21 years ago
    1000000 $ would definitely do it. If you would be so kind as to send half of the money beforehand, and the rest when the product is finished. How would you like to pay? I can even make it a special version just for you!
    rassallah 21 years ago
    Did I say $? My keyboard is playing tricks on me. I meant Turkish Liras That\'s about a few $.
    If you don\'t want to do something based on Space Federation, at least please take a look at the scenario files, and see if they can be edited to make a map editor. I tried but didn\'t understand anything. Please.

    P.S. If I bother you say so. I\'ll shut up.
    ville 21 years ago
    It's really difficult to make a map editor without knowing the file format. You would have to play with the parameters endlessly to know what meant what in the game, and still it wouldn't work perfectly. Maybe when they release the source code for the game...
    rassallah 21 years ago
    Ok, i\'ll send them an e-mail about this. Let\'s see if i\'ll get any response.
    I sent it. Now I\'ll wait.
    Murska 21 years ago
    If you can, please make Wazzal 2 what tells about that time, when you become an emperor.
    ville 21 years ago
    A strategy game? I haven't ever made one of those, maybe it's time.

    Maybe some other type of genre would suit it better? A roleplaying game where you are an emperor of a galactic realm? :bulb
    Handshakes 21 years ago
    My bro attempted to make an rts around a similar concept a few years ago. End product was unrefined at best, but still interesting and fun.
    OverTilt 21 years ago
    I liked Castles, even though it was insanely impossible (at least at the time I played it. Maybe be easier for me now). Maybe something in the lines of that. Building a Castle and defending it. Attacking other Castles and taking them over, etc... I think that sounds like fun. Like Warcraft, but with Castle Walls and stuff. I could probably help you fleshing out the details of the gameplay and the story. I'm getting all inspired and stuff now.
    ville 21 years ago
    Castles in space? Hmmm... You could use the asteroids, and maybe the planets. A realtime simulation of attacking star systems? Seen that, Orion 3. Waste of time it was.

    Maybe a Settlers type of game?
    OverTilt 21 years ago
    Well, I was actually thinking a more medieval approach... With actual castles...
    Kwo1e 21 years ago
    I liked Castles, even though it was insanely impossible (at least at the time I played it. Maybe be easier for me now). Maybe something in the lines of that. Building a Castle and defending it. Attacking other Castles and taking them over, etc... I think that sounds like fun. Like Warcraft, but with Castle Walls and stuff. I could probably help you fleshing out the details of the gameplay and the story. I'm getting all inspired and stuff now.
    Yeah,I would think it that way too. :thmbup
    And Ville;You should play Populous 3.That's like you said.
    ville 21 years ago
    But how would that get along with the idea of being in space? I mean, it's the distant future after all.
    Quanrian 21 years ago
    Let me remind you that even if the future, not all worlds would be as technologically advanced as others, not only that but a popular theme seems to be prequels, because the stories for most games have very minimal backgrounds, so the prequels take a small or large portion of it and expand on it, fattening up the story for healthy digestion. It might be kewl to see your take on a world like Arcanum, where two forces are battling it out, not the cliche'd good vs evil crap. But something more tangible. It wouldn't have to be magic vs technology, it could be something entirely different, just two forces bent on destroying each other purely out of need for their own survival.

    I've actually got an idea for an original type game based roughly on mine own, but I don't want to discuss it in the forums, if you want to do emails or messagers that'll work for me, but since its essentially my idea to begin with I'd want to be a large contributing factor to the end. If you're not interested thats fine as well as I'll probably get around to making it myself.. eventually :grins
    ville 21 years ago
    You mean like a prequel for Wazzal could be some kind of a medieval battle? With UFOs of course! One side is aided by the aliens with their technology, but the other side has ancient magic.
    OverTilt 21 years ago
    Okay, this whole discussion is my fault, it seems. I was actually not talking about a Wazzal sequel at all. I was just talking about an idea I got when we started talking about Castles.
    ville 21 years ago

    Why not ufos with castles? It's never been done before! :surpr
    mp3 21 years ago
    ufos ? lol :grins

    Why don't you try making space colonies/stations instead of castles.
    ville 21 years ago
    Bah! Old fashion.

    Wazzal was all about space pirates. How about I replace the spaceships with sailing ships?
    Taski897 21 years ago
    Replacing it with sailing ships? Uhm...Well as long as it's,

    A: If it's a completely different world/uncivilzed/no contact with space world.

    B: It'll fit in with the time. I.E, using crossbows when you have huge gatling guns. Unless the crossbow served a special purpose. Maybe used to be disguised as primitive beings =p

    But like yuh said, it has never been done before. How bout floating castles ontop of invisable UFO's. Would be freaky seeing a castle take off like that.
    ville 21 years ago
    If there are aliens, and they're hiding from us, it is more than likely they've been around for centuries. Who knows who they have contacted over the years.
    hedin 21 years ago
    I really-really-really liked wazzal when it came up! Still hoping you are going to make a sequel, Ville ? I can list a lot of improvements imho should be implemented!! Just ask!
    ville 21 years ago
    I'm taking a break after finishing Notrium, and I don't yet know what kind of a game would be next. If you've got some really good idea for Wazzal, and I get interested enough, it could very well be next on my list.
    ColdBrother 20 years ago
    Why don´t you make prequel of wazzal like x-filles, we needed to know the all story about alien facts and the government tried to hide everything from us so we used bruthe forçe to enter into the pentagon and riped them of... then the FBI came after us and all that crap ...

    To be continued..

    ville 20 years ago

    The plot is not what matters, it's the game type and idea. You can usually think of a plot in the last minute before release (and it shows!).
    Timbba 20 years ago
    What about... the aliens ferry your modded transport off to one of their remote outposts. The 2% of the human race that survived the supernova that destroyed Sol have also made their new home there, rebuilding their civilization from scratch They are already split in two factions - one that escaped with the Quasi-Quintuplet Device and another that managed to afford the alien fee of gazillion gold pieces. These are at war.

    Also, an alien race, an ancient enemy of the weird aliens of wazzal, has sent a huge battlecruiser to capture the solar system from the weird aliens. However, the battlecruiser accidentially warped in the middle of a raging battle between the two human factions, and was severely damaged by the crossfire before it got its shields up. Now it lurks in the asteroid field, mining it to build swarms of drone fighters it sends to slaughter humans.

    And the weird-alien outpost is silent...

    This three-way war is a perfect opportunity for even a captain of a single modded transport to rise to glory... Plunder and pirate the solar system? Ally with one of the three factions and lead it to victory? Or solve the Dark Mystery Of Exploding Suns And Weird Aliens?
    ville 20 years ago
    Hey, that could be a good idea!

    There would be a constant battle at the background while the player plundered the destroyed ships and took mercenary missions. And the game outcome could be dynamically decided by who the player helps the most.

    I already hear the wheels in my head turning!
    Timbba 20 years ago
    Hmmhmm... the ships could have more than the primary and secondary weapon of the first Wazzal. After all, these are large military conflicts . What about something like this : there are three weapon sizes, small, medium and large. These can be either fixed or mounted on turrets. For example, a small fighter or shuttle might have small, fixed cannons. Your modded transport would begin with one fixed mining laser - a medium weapon. Corvettes, assault transports, gunships might have small turrets and a medium fixed big gun. Battlecruisers would have medium turrets and one or two heavy big guns. And the Evil Alien Battlecruiser would have lots of heavy turrets and a death star-style superlaser .

    Add some nifty gadgets - a cloaking device, a turbo booster, drone fighters, EMPs, ECMs - and you have a very nice combat system .

    You could customize your ships' arsenal freely, but getting really powerful military-grade weapons might be tricky and if one of the factions doesn't like you it might use possession of illegal armament as an excuse to shoot you down on sight.

    You could have a very neat reputation system, with the factions reacting to it. If you haven't actually attacked a Quasi-Quintupletian ship, for example, they couldn't blow you out of the sky without a good excuse - it would be a PR disaster. But if you do things like looting QQian ships or associating with the evil, fachist dictatorship (according to the QQians) of the opposing faction, they could try to make your life very uncomfortable with a variety of other ways - collecting huge special tolls whenever you visit their colonies, sending assassins disguised as pirates after you, seeing to it that you become collateral damage in an unfortunate accident.

    Of course, allying yourself with the Evil Alien Marauder would end up uniting the rest of the human race against you .
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