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  • The Soldat clan: Ville Corp [VC]

    Madgamer 17 years ago
    Guide updated.

    Should I just make up a new thread for the guide? Cause if you guys yes then I'll do that.

    Edit: Guide is in page numbah 7.

    Just for reference >.>
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    n00b method:

    With a chainsaw, place yourself at the rear end of the enemies spawn point, preferably hiding in a bush. Remember, don't get noticed.

    When several enemies spawn at once, let 'er rip with the chainsaw and run through them, getting a nice killing spree.

    Is this still active in any way? Might ther ever exist a dedicated server.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    There might, if anyone would be arsed to set one up.
    Nobly 17 years ago
    "ahrenjb" said:
    n00b method:

    With a chainsaw, place yourself at the rear end of the enemies spawn point, preferably hiding in a bush. Remember, don't get noticed.

    When several enemies spawn at once, let 'er rip with the chainsaw and run through them, getting a nice killing spree.

    You'll most likely get a nice amout of kick votes for that...
    Murska 17 years ago
    But I think people who kick for something like that are stupid, so if the server has enough of those people to kick you, you shouldn't play there either.
    Zombie 17 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    But I think people who kick for something like that are stupid, so if the server has enough of those people to kick you, you shouldn't play there either.

    No, people who kick for things like that are smart because it has little to no way to stop and is called "spawn camping." It is looked down upon in many games.

    Spawn campers deserve to be kicked from games because they reduce the enjoyability others get from the game. You might think it's fun, but if someone does it to you then you probably get rather miffed, right? Exactly. Just say no to spawn camping. Learn to play a way that actually requires skill.
    Murska 17 years ago
    "Zombie" said:
    "Murska" said:
    But I think people who kick for something like that are stupid, so if the server has enough of those people to kick you, you shouldn't play there either.

    No, people who kick for things like that are smart because it has little to no way to stop and is called "spawn camping." It is looked down upon in many games.

    Spawn campers deserve to be kicked from games because they reduce the enjoyability others get from the game. You might think it's fun, but if someone does it to you then you probably get rather miffed, right? Exactly. Just say no to spawn camping. Learn to play a way that actually requires skill.

    What do you mean, hard to stop? I've never found ANY strategy ANYWHERE that would be hard to stop. Maybe if there'd be a map where people spawn in a single exact spot, but you're STILL invincible for long enough to flee or to go somewhere to kill the spawncamper... I don't do it because it ain't that fun, and it also ain't that useful, but I don't despise people who do. I just kill them.

    Soldat respawn times are usually short enough to make spawn camping fruitless. Someone might manage to kill you once with it, but the second time you can expect it and kill the camper. And, as with any other strategy, it's much better to try and learn a counter for it than to start shouting and kicking people because of it.
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    In real life I would most surely rather hide behind a barracks and kill those running out of it. Rather than die on a fair battlefield.
    Idiota 17 years ago
    luckily, games aren't like real life, so you can do the exact opposite. PLAY THE GAME.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Zombie" said:
    "Murska" said:
    But I think people who kick for something like that are stupid, so if the server has enough of those people to kick you, you shouldn't play there either.

    No, people who kick for things like that are smart because it has little to no way to stop and is called "spawn camping." It is looked down upon in many games.

    Spawn campers deserve to be kicked from games because they reduce the enjoyability others get from the game. You might think it's fun, but if someone does it to you then you probably get rather miffed, right? Exactly. Just say no to spawn camping. Learn to play a way that actually requires skill.

    Idiota 17 years ago
    Also, if any of you guys play Guild Wars, there is a Monkkonen guild out there. Just contact me through PM and I'll haul you in if you want me to. Right now, we have 3 (!) members: Zombie, Crazy and myself, as well as a guildcape. We figured a guildhall would be a little too much for a 3 man guild, so more members are allways welcome to Shen An Myieiolen (Weird name, I know. :>
    Shingo 17 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    Also, if any of you guys play Guild Wars, there is a Monkkonen guild out there. Just contact me through PM and I'll haul you in if you want me to. Right now, we have 3 (!) members: Zombie, Crazy and myself, as well as a guildcape. We figured a guildhall would be a little too much for a 3 man guild, so more members are allways welcome to Shen An Myieiolen (Weird name, I know. :>

    Interesting story behind that name, mates. Me/Zombie/idiota all came up with it togethor. And I can promise there was some heated arguments before we decided on one that was like by everyone.
    Murska 17 years ago
    "Shingo" said:
    "Idiota" said:
    Also, if any of you guys play Guild Wars, there is a Monkkonen guild out there. Just contact me through PM and I'll haul you in if you want me to. Right now, we have 3 (!) members: Zombie, Crazy and myself, as well as a guildcape. We figured a guildhall would be a little too much for a 3 man guild, so more members are allways welcome to Shen An Myieiolen (Weird name, I know. :>

    Interesting story behind that name, mates. Me/Zombie/idiota all came up with it togethor. And I can promise there was some heated arguments before we decided on one that was like by everyone.

    You DO know it's annoying to say there's an interesting story behind something and then not tell anything about it, right?
    Crazy 17 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    Also, if any of you guys play Guild Wars, there is a Monkkonen guild out there. Just contact me through PM and I'll haul you in if you want me to. Right now, we have 3 (!) members: Zombie, Crazy and myself, as well as a guildcape. We figured a guildhall would be a little too much for a 3 man guild, so more members are allways welcome to Shen An Myieiolen (Weird name, I know. :>
    Wait, you mean, like YOU decided we don't need a guildhall. Which is a bah. I have the monetary units required.

    And what IS IT with the name? Noone ever told me and just made blunt, three-lettered comments about my s.exuality when i asked.

    Curious. It censors that word. I can understand why the censor is there, but c'mon...
    Idiota 17 years ago
    Oh, if you want a guildhall we can get a guildhall. The problem is, to get a guildhall means that you have to fight in the Hall of Heroes. And that requires a to me unknown amount of level 20 people. All I know is that it's more than 3...
    Crazy 17 years ago
    OH. This information is new to me.

    Now. Everybody notice how he still didn't answer me what the name meant?
    Shingo 17 years ago
    First you have to be properly "initiated," mate.

    Idiota, I'll need a pair of tongs, a meat-cleaver, and most importantly, a hydrospanner, please.

    Idiota 17 years ago
    What's with the name? A name is a name. Figure out how we got to this name and you'll get a cookie.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Idiota, you do not want to know my methods of collecting information.
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    So the Soldat servers were fairly busy today eh? ...
    Binky 17 years ago
    So... Is the Soldat clan still alive, or did you guys abandon it? If it's alive, I'd like to join...

    P.S. DEATH BY L.A.W.!
    Murska 16 years ago
    Just as a bump and all, I'm using the VC tag even tho it seems nobody else does, and if anyone wants to play with me, contact me. Somehow. I'm sometimes in IRC and then there's this thread.
    Zankman 15 years ago
    W00t, I can play... No, wait...
    Damn this half-dead forum!

    Does anyone here still play Soldat? If yes, well... Post! I would be interested for some clan action.
    Idiota 15 years ago
    There should still be some soldat players on the forums, but some of them don't regularly check the forums anymore. Why don't you pop into the chatroom to look for some players? There's often someone willing to play. The channel is:

    Room - #monkkonenchat
    Server - Abjects
    Murska 15 years ago
    I still play Soldat quite a lot but I'm already in a clan, a Trenchwars one, called Nc. For NightCrawlers, and no, that wasn't my name idea.

    In any case, we've got a very good team for TW, and I firmly believe our leader to be the best TW player in the scene nowadays, so we're doing pretty fine in all that. I play pretty much only realistic nowadays anyway.
    Forum » The Soldat clan: Ville Corp [VC]
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