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  • Screenshot forging competition

    Amarth 19 years ago
    Okay, let's start the competition. Although it's not mainly a competition, it's more about creative ideas then about realism IMO.

    The aim is to create (forge) a screenshot of Cormoon in medias res. The idea is to add your own views about Cormoon gameplay to the screenshot.

    A few rules:
    The competition ends October, 31. This gives you a small two months, which, I believe, has to be enough.
    You can send in as many screenshots as you want to, but please keep it reasonable and only hand in proper works.
    Make a true screenshot. If you want to add details about what is what on your picture, make another picture with whatever notes you want to.
    Use screen dimensions, that is, 320x240, 640x480, 800x600 or 1024x768. Please, nothing bigger than that.
    Post your works in this thread.

    Check this post sometimes, rules can be added or changed based on what other people say.

    To upload your images, you can make use of Imageshack.

    Competition has finished, time to start voting! Poll will be running for 14 days, that is, I think, until 14 November.

    Good luck
    ville 19 years ago
    Here's mine. Lest see you beat this, you bunch of ninnies.

    Oh yeah, forgot to add some actual user interface. Maybe ought to put in at least some kind of mouse cursor or something.

    And no, this is not an actual screenshot from some secret version I'm making...

    Oh and there's a reward for the best picture! It will be shown on the front page in the news section, along with your name!
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Just you wait, Ville, just you wait!
    Idiota 19 years ago
    "The Gemini" said:
    Just you wait, Ville, just you wait!

    I second that. I'll spend the full 2 months creating:

    The Astonishing Cormoon Picture of Doom!

    I'll even download GIMP again to do this o.O
    Oh, and before I forget: I will win this, no one can overcome my loyalty to Cormoon! Bwahahaha!
    Crazy 19 years ago
    Bwahahahaha! Beware of my extreme CorelDraw/Vector capabilities!!
    HarmlessHermit 19 years ago
    Err. MSPaint owns you?
    Casanova 19 years ago

    Skeletons vs Lycanthropes! w00t!

    Basically, each team has one player who gets to use and uber unit and the goal is to kill the uber-unit from the other team. Minor units respawn at the castles for their respective teams. Uber units regen health slowly and cannot be healed in any other way, so staying at the castle might be a good idea.
    Anonymous1157 19 years ago

    I'd start right now if I didn't use Wings3D for some 3D work (Durfdurf! what else is it for?) but it's very important school stuff.


    *Huge uber-sized planet-swallowing explosion*
    *Everyone turns into fried stick figures*
    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    "ville" said:
    Here's mine. Lest see you beat this, you bunch of ninnies.
    "Casanova" said:

    Look yonder ya kiddies! Dar da great ville be eating his words! Cee how dar scallywag chokes on dar his ego!

    Yar dar Yar yar!

    I don't think I'll even try to join this one. Casanova already made my attempts seem pitiful, and I haven't even begun yet.
    Anonymous1157 19 years ago

    Here we go, Super Mario! (Rhymes!)

    Is everyone okay with an in-game movie-story screenshot?


    What's a ninnie?
    Vacuus 19 years ago
    A warning:
    If you view the image below, you run the risk of being scared out of playing Cormoon, as the art work IS THAT BAD.

    Anyway, even though this pic tooke me 2 hours to make, it is no where near up to anyone elses standards.

    I should also point out that I didn't make the little black selection arrow (if I had, it would of been 4 hours).

    Does that star look like its glowing to you? Or, maybe I've been staring at the computer too long.

    Oh, and a "ninnie", I think, by definition is an "idiot".
    Anonymous1157 19 years ago
    That took you two friggin hours to make!? I made mine in TEN MINUTES! OMG! You must be failing any art classes you're taking.

    I'm sorry if this post is kinda offensive, but you really, REALLY must be artistically challenged. Use Macromedia MX Studio.

    Idiota 19 years ago
    Dude, is there any reason for you to talk bad on his artwork? I respect negative critisism but this is just pointing out that he sucks and you are better than him. That's just plain stupid.
    HarmlessHermit 19 years ago
    Just because you are faster than him at creating something that, in my opinion, isn't as detailed, you can't claim he's artistically challenged. Maybe you just used poor word choice but being artistically challenged has nothing to do with how fast you can put pixels on the screen.
    Vacuus 19 years ago
    Although he's mostly right...

    Whilst I'm not artistically challenged I dont particually enjoy art..

    Although, placing different coloured dots on the screen can hardly be called art....
    Crazy 19 years ago
    Damn. i was hoping to post mine today but i dont have coreldraw installed
    Maybe after school...
    ville 19 years ago
    Very good Vacuus and Cas!

    I can see that Cas has a minimap there, and some arrows over the creatures. What do the red and the green arrows represent?

    Vacuus seems to have the active items shown, and it also has the chat/log window. That an arrow flying in the air?

    I'm not sure if Anonymous' shot counts, I think it's missing something...

    Don't worry about your artistic abilities, I think it's the ideas that really count. So bring on more shots guys!
    Casanova 19 years ago
    The arrows represent the leaders from each team. I'll submit another screenshot when I get a new idea for a game mode.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    I am currently making good progress with the making of two dueling wizards. I am drawing both wizards myself and I'll probably find myself posting a close up of the wizard in the Cormoon races thread, since it's really starting to look awesome. (The clothing and shapes are done, and I'm satisfied with the results. I am not satisfied with what I make very often )
    Vacuus 19 years ago
    Thanks for the compliments, Ville.

    I'm "drawing" another one ATM, except, the health & fatigue bars will be circular, with a portrait of the character within.

    I'll post here when its finished.
    Anonymous1157 19 years ago
    My shot problably counts if you want a shot from one of the in-game movies. It is missing the "press START to skip" message though...
    HarmlessHermit 19 years ago
    Is that a spaceship though? In Cormoon?
    ville 19 years ago
    Maybe it's a mod.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    When's the deadline again?
    Amarth 18 years ago
    End of October. I was thinking of giving a reminder in a couple of days, but you did it for me .
    NeoGangster 18 years ago
    muahahaha it got me
    after I saw this thread again it got me and I had to make a screenshot just wait some hours and then you will be surprised of the most realistic screenshot ever, it even could be a real screenshot ^^
    naw not that good but I will try my best ^^

    I hope someone reads this because my Screenshot is ready
    yeah it took me 2 hours and I can't say that I wasted my time ^^
    here you go

    And for everyone who isn't on the screenshot, next time you should better be on the top secret cormoon server where this screenshot was taken...sorry but there isn't a secret server the names on the screen were just the first names who came into my head so sorry for you other guys ;D
    Fouine 18 years ago
    I sure hope that the wooden plank with a nail in it will really be in the game
    Idiota 18 years ago
    Gah. I was already picturing myself as a mage in my own screenshot . Too late to turn back now though. I must finish
    Amarth 18 years ago
    Lol, that one is great . Although I'm perhaps not allowed to say so as organizer of this competition, but hey .

    All right, all the others, come and beat NeoGangster. I mean, he also won the progamming competition last year, so we cannot let this happen...
    ville 18 years ago
    You killed me with a board with a nail in it!

    What's that in the right upper corner?
    I see you've got 6 inventory slots, is that a fireball that's active.
    GUI is good, characters look great, how about the map? We're very interested in seeing ideas for map development too.

    By the way, there really is a top secret server...
    NeoGangster 18 years ago
    thx all ^^

    in the upper right corner thats the kill message
    who killed who with what ^^
    yes it is a fireball.
    I know of the secret server because this screenshot was taken there, don't you remember when I killed you with a board with a nail in it

    All right, all the others, come and beat NeoGangster. I mean, he also won the progamming competition last year, so we cannot let this happen...

    You forgot the avatar making comp ^^
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    All this stuff you're making is really a game

    cool but if it is, then how do you get it?

    just asking
    HarmlessHermit 18 years ago
    Neogangster. You are either extremely talented or the only person with any motivation whatsoever. At least for these little competitions... I don't want to insult anyone.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Madgamer" said:
    All this stuff you're making is really a game

    cool but if it is, then how do you get it?

    just asking

    They are forging screenshots (=creating them from scratch) from Cormoon, which is not done yet, you silly goose!
    NeoGangster 18 years ago
    "Madgamer" said:
    All this stuff you're making is really a game

    cool but if it is, then how do you get it?

    just asking

    lol the illusion is perfect XD

    Neogangster. You are either extremely talented or the only person with any motivation whatsoever. At least for these little competitions... I don't want to insult anyone.

    don't know
    it just happens and then I can't stop ^^'

    lol it looks like everybody thinks that I have won the competition already but there is still time for the others to make a screenshot
    idiota is taking the full 2months so don't underestimate him ;D
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