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Forum » Grim's Guide to Using Forum Posting Tags

Grim's Guide to Using Forum Posting Tags

Grim Reaper 19 years ago
Greetings, fellow forum member. Ever wondered what the little buttons on top of the box where you type the message are? Well, in this post I shall explain the use of those buttons, not to forget the two drop-down menus below the buttons.

So, let's start with the first three buttons, B (bold), i (italics) and u (underlined).

To use the bold, click once on the button with the B, enter the text you want to be bold and press the button again (this is how all the buttons work. The drop-down menus, font colour and font size, use a different method, though).
Now, for an example of a piece of text in the regular view and the code view:
This text is in bold.
[b]This text is bold.[/b]

As you can see, in the code view the text is, in fact, NOT in bold, and that the bolding tags are visible. I find this a great way to demonstrate how the text will show up while you write it.

Now, I believe that sometimes you feel the urge to quote something someone else said. If the text can be found in a post in that same thread, I suggest you press the button labeled "quote", which is in the upper-right corner of every post.

If, on the other hand, you want to quote something else, such as a funny thing George W. Bush (the president of US) said, you simply click the quote button located to the right of the bold, italics and underline buttons, type the quoted text after the tag and again, press the quote button. An example in normal text and code view:
This is a quoted text.
[quote]This is a quoted text.[/quote]

As you can see (again), the tags are visible in the code view. This is still perfectly normal. In the normal view, on the other hand, there is a bold "Quote:" and a box with text under it. Now, to make it show WHO you are quoting, you just add ="Quoted person" inside the quote tag, like this:
"Quoted person" said:
I wrote this!
[quote="Quoted person"]I wrote this![/quote]

As you can see, the "wrote" appears automatically, and unfortunately you can't change it. Hopefully this is enough information for you to understand how quoting works.

And now, I'll take a look of the code button. The button is to the right of the quote button. The code button is usefull when you want to show someone how to use one of these features I'm babling about, and ASCII art (art made out of symbols, characters and numbers) for example. The use is similar to the bold, italics and underline buttons. Here's an example:
This is a codebox.
[code]This is a codebox.[/code]

So there's how you do the codebox. The great thing about the codebox (the box that appears in the posted post showing the text the poster put between the code tags) is that it shows all the spaces you made. Here's an example about how differently the spaces are shown. I made five spaces between the symbols: > <
>     <

As you can see, the first set of symbols has only ONE space between them.
Oh, and you can also use the codebox for, well, entering programming/scripting code in it. That's what it was originally made for.

And finally, the font colour and size drop-down menus. These are found below the buttons. To use them, select the desired size/colour from the appropriate drop-down menu, move the cursor between the tags and type the text you want to be shown in a different colour/size. Firstly the colour: This text is red!
[color=red]This text is red![/color]

And then the size: This text is large!
[size=18]This text is large![/size]

Now, the Img and URL buttons. They work like the bold, italics and underline buttons. The Img button is used to show images hosted somewhere. An example:

The URL button is used like the Img button, although it doesn't show any images in the post. Instead, it shows an underlined, blue link in the post. For example (using the link from the Img example):

You can also make it show some other text instead of the link address by adding a =http://(url goes here) in the first of the URL tags, like this: This is the link!
[url=]This is the link![/url]

Simple as that. Also, if you just type <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> to the text box, the forum software automatically converts it to a link. Oh, and if the URL you want to create a link for contains any empty spaces, you must replace those with %20 thingers. An example: This is NOT how you do it.
This is how you do it.
And the same enclosed in them code tags:
[url=]This is how you do it.[/url]

And there's that tutorial. What? You want to know about the List buttons? Ok, I'll add a section that covers the normal List button (I still don't have a clue what's different in the List= button) when I get, say, 10€ to my PayPal account (donation link in the sig). Untill then, leave me alone.

*sigh* Since I felt like it, I decided to add this here section that explains how to get a slogan.

First, go to, select the preferences for your slogan image, press "Create image" and copy the code from the first box (i.e. the BBCODE one) and paste it to your profile's signature section.

Now you have your very own slogan, so leave me alone, dangit!
Grim Reaper 19 years ago
By "leave me alone" I meant that you wouldn't bug me about adding the stuff about the List button.

You are allowed to post comments and somesuch, though.
Amarth 19 years ago
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Grim Reaper 19 years ago
Well, Amarth here found you a PROPER phpBB guide. I suggest you use it, since it's WAY better than this one.
Amarth 19 years ago
Sorry, I don't want to sound harsh or so . It's just strange how people always seem to ignore existing solutions to 'problems', of what size they might be... No offense, of course . I hope you know me that good at least .
It is better to try to write a guide, to help people, then to be someone who doesn't have the faintest idea how BBCode works and even does not try to figure it out...

EDIT: and what do you think of a Firefox Extension?
Grim Reaper 19 years ago
Nah, you didn't sound harsh at all. In fact, you simply made me feel foolish in a way where I laugh at myself.

And I just find that extension quite...confusing...
Amarth 19 years ago
I don't know, I don't use the extension . You never know, perhaps some newb finds it useful...

I mean, when you know a bit of (old*) html, BBCode isn't all that hard to remember... And it doesn't take that much to learn html, does it?

*Why OLD html? Easy, newer html doesn't promote the use of <b>, <i>, <u> or <font> tags anymore, preferring <em> and <strong>, or stylesheets. I am proud of having built an xhtml 1.0 strict website without the use of these tags . It doesn't even have any <table> tag in it... And yes, it has a header and a menu-bar . The joys of <div>s and css2...
ville 19 years ago
I stickied this. If anyone has additions to the list, I'm sure Grim could add them.
Grim Reaper 19 years ago

Such an honor...

*cries out of happiness*
void 19 years ago
"Grim said:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->


My webspace has been compromised! Quickly, everyone swallow you're cyanide pills!


...... . . . .. .


Grim Reaper 19 years ago
"void" said:
"Grim" said:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
[Quote fixed by Grim Reaper (you forgot the second " symbol, void... ]

I wonder how it is possible for one to use the tag thingers improperly in a thread where the proper uses for (nearly) all the tags are shown...
void 19 years ago
I was being ironic . I thought it was funny as hell..... okay maybe not THAT funny...
HarmlessHermit 19 years ago

I see the irony too. Heh. Heh.

Okay, if it was funny the first time, it sure as heck isn't the second time.

Daz_T 18 years ago
Why Don't it work for me then???
Grim Reaper 18 years ago
"Daz_T" said:
Why Don't it work for me then???

I dunno. Also, I didn't change anything about your post, I just pressed the "quote" button in the top-right corner of yer post, and now your quote thing seems to magically work...

Perhaps Ville can tell us what's the problem with these tag things sometimes?
ville 18 years ago
No idea. I think it's got something to do with nesting too many tags.
Amarth 18 years ago
You can disable BBCode in a post, see the checkbox right down the box in which you type text.
And, IIRC, it's also possible to disable it in your user settings.

Perhaps one of these two?
Grim Reaper 18 years ago
"Amarth" said:
You can disable BBCode in a post, see the checkbox right down the box in which you type text.
And, IIRC, it's also possible to disable it in your user settings.

Perhaps one of these two?

That would certainly explain all them problems, yes...
Daz_T 18 years ago
ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: ops: Omg. I didn't have it enabled!!!!! BLEEEEP!!!!I AM AN IDIOT!!!!
Grim Reaper 18 years ago
Added info on how to get a slogan. It's (currently) the last piece of the tutorial.
Grim Reaper 18 years ago
Added some stuff to explain how to have URLs with spaces in them. Just having a " " doesn't work, ya know.

And if you want more, you can donate 10€ (that is, 10€ TOTAL, not 10€ EACH (unless you want, that is)) to my PayPal account.
MageKing17 18 years ago
"Grim Reaper" said:
Added some stuff to explain how to have URLs with spaces in them. Just haveing a " " doesn't work, ya know.
I was wondering when you were going to do that. We have what, three people now with those damn links in their sigs?
The Gemini 18 years ago
Why the heck should anyone want to donate to your Pay Pal account, Grimsy?

Can you add that command that makes pictures a hotlink?
MageKing17 18 years ago
"The Gemini" said:
Can you add that command that makes pictures a hotlink?
It's already there. It's called [url].
axedaman 18 years ago
very clearly explained .. had to peek here to find out how to make a proper URL link.
Grim Reaper 18 years ago
Glad to hear someone actually checks this (before someone else tells them to do so, that is ) for info.
Forum » Grim's Guide to Using Forum Posting Tags

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