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Forum » Magebane 2

Magebane 2

Andy 21 years ago
I loved the game Magebane 2, but whatever happened to magebane 1?
just a thought.
ville 21 years ago
It was a great game, my first game ever. Made in 1999, with Visual Basic 3. The reason I'm not distributing it anymore is that it was in Finnish only, and I'm currently concentrating on English games only. Some Finnish sites may still have it, but it's not here anymore.
Foranamo 21 years ago
but you should spread it to us finns
Andy 21 years ago
Crazy finlanders
I tell ya what though, Visual basic was one of the best languages i ever learnt.
ville 21 years ago
I've been thinking of translating it to english, then I could distribute it with good conscience.
Foranamo 21 years ago
Visual Basic is very good, altough you really can't do good 3d-games with it... too bad :sad
ville 21 years ago
The only problem with it is that it's quite slow, otherwise it has pretty much everything you'll need in game programming.
Foranamo 21 years ago
still about magebane 1: Ville, I could translate it to english? how about that? I have done much with Visual Basic and I have a good skill in english, a 10 in school (altough I guess it's not so rare) but still think about it, I could do the work for you, if you like
ville 21 years ago
The problem is that I don't know where the code is anymore. Much of the game texts are in the code, so I need to find it to translate it.

I'd love to have you translate it if I find the code, but there's still one more problem. I originally shamelessly used copied samples in the game sounds, so it would also need new sound effects. It wouldn't be that much of a problem if I had enough time, I'll have to look into it when I finish Notrium.
Idiota 20 years ago
well, you finished notrium, so how about it? I would love to see your first game ever *grins*
HarmlessHermit 20 years ago
Now he's gonna say when he finishes that fantasy-soldat type game

Idiota, you just dug up a 1.5 year old topic. CONGRATS!
Idiota 20 years ago
hey, I'm good at that sorta stuff. I keep a very keen eye of what's going on and what has been going in on on this forum. Trust me, if I would have wanted it, I would be a master in digging up old junk...
ville 20 years ago
Still haven't found the code. It's made with Visual Basic 3, and it's supposed to run on a windows 3.1. I'm not sure if it would work.
ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
Did it go missing before your harddisk crash?
ville 20 years ago
Not in the latest one, it got missing in an earlier hard disk crash. Some people never learn!

But we're not all out of luck, I've seen a copy of the code floating around on a very old backup. I still haven't dared to see if it works.
Idiota 20 years ago
hmm... this scene sounds familiar to me... ah, yes, right at home, when I haven't finished my homework: "but sir, I'm sure I've seen my homework somewhere!"
Reply: "where was that then?"
Me: "on my mate's table sir..."

happens to me all the time
Marevix 20 years ago
You could hire 300,000 translators to get the job done in 2 seconds and charge us all $495 dollars each to get it. Or not. I don't care what language it's in, I'd still play it.
Forum » Magebane 2

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