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  • The Notrium 3D engine

    Vacuus 18 years ago
    It's faster (construction-wise) but that's about it..

    Like you said, though, we'ld need an engine that was open source, and had all the features we needed - either that, or an easily extensible one..
    E_net4 18 years ago
    I think you could try TrueVision3D, but I'm not sure of it.
    I guess you could check it out. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    I could also help you making simple 3d models
    DarkAlienX 18 years ago
    True vision looks like it has nice graphix.
    Amarth 18 years ago
    Truevision is closed-source and Windows only. There are better choices.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    I knew of an all-round engine site we could look in, but I never bothered with making a link or writing the address down or anything. Crap.

    'X had a point, though. If we could find something that looks as good as TV3D, but is open source, portable, and flexible, we'd have our new engine.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    We're currently having an argument (In the wrong thread, too!) over at Amarth's forum, and we'd like to know what you all have to say about it. What color should the sky be?

    We're currently considering the following three color combos:
    -Red with blue sunset (Mars)
    -Blue with red sunset (Earth)
    -Green (Surreal Notrium)
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Either 1 or 3. 2 is too... bland.
    ville 18 years ago
    I actually always envisioned the sky more green than blue, sort of have a sickly oppressing feel to it. Of course it's completely up to you.

    You'll obviously need to have the day/night cycle, so you'll need to think of sunrise as well as sunset.
    DarkAlienX 18 years ago
    I think that the sky depends on the area. Like eden/jungle would have green sky. And the hive has a volcano or somthing and has a dark red sky.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "DarkAlienX" said:
    I think that the sky depends on the area. Like eden/jungle would have green sky. And the hive has a volcano or somthing and has a dark red sky.
    Maybe not that dark-red, maybe a little more closer to green.
    Anonymous didn't like the green sky idea
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    We should problably keep the red-with-blue idea. It occurs on Mars, so it's not as fake-looking as a green sky.
    Vacuus 18 years ago
    Can't get on the site, damnit..

    Anyway, here's an interesting little 2d/3d Engine, with support for both OpenGL and DirectX:
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    Only problem thus far, is I can't seem to find any kind of GUI for it.. We could always try CEGUI

    One of the best things is it actualy only needs you to specify 3 functions, init, renderFrame, and cleanUp...

    Well, I'll kepp looking
    DarkAlienX 18 years ago
    Lets hope notrium 3D doesnt get droped!
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    [OT] 'X... just... no. It's not that we don't like you, but every other thread you've posted in is going to suffer when Idiota returns from whatever he's doing. [/OT]

    The site's back up again, although I'm sure it'll come back down again in a matter of minutes. *Does stuff for a few minutes* I knew it.

    Amaltheia sounds like it'll work no matter what we do, but there must be a more powerful choice. Keep it in mind as a runner-up to whatever we decide on.
    Vacuus 18 years ago
    I'm not sure what you mean by "more powerful".

    I had another look around, and it turns out we can integrate CEGUI, with a little trickery as to what OS the user is running..

    Apart from that, I can really only see the need to add sound, physics, and scripting... Sounds relatively easy, as is scripting with either AngelScript, or Lua & LuaBind.. Physics may cause some trouble, however..

    On that note, no one said we had to stick with ODE, there's lots of other alternatives out there - Newton, OPAL (ODE off shoot), Tokamek, etc...

    Hell, if we couldn't decide on what engine, we could stick with what we have (I hate to waste Amarth's framework), and simply change the physics Library..
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    I myself don't know why I chose to say that. I was hoping you'd know what I thought I meant...

    I don't know what you mean by "trickery as to what OS the user is running", but it sounds like a good thing.

    We already have sound and scripting libraries, but I think that we should try another physics engine. Either you or Amarth mentioned Bullet on the other site, and judging by the tech-demos and contest entries on their homepage, it seems to fit what I was hoping for. Do you think it'd be feasible, or should we start looking for physics engines?

    Good point. If you can get Amarth to agree with Amaltheia, you could try that. If he dosen't agree, we'll keep Irrlicht. Either way, I think everyone agrees that we need another physics engine.
    Amarth 18 years ago
    Site's up again. Server was having a hiccup while no-one was around it seems... Meh, perhaps I should get some hosting somewhere else, it isn't that expensive these days...

    Judging from the docs, Amaltheia isn't really that advanced. We already have a working 3D engine, so that's not the real problem. If it doesn't have physics, it's the same trouble. And I don't think the networkings part is that advanced, so it's not really worth it IMHO. And, well, we do have our own versions of the init, renderFrame and cleanUp functions .

    As for Bullet, I'm trying to integrate it. The library itself compiles already, now I'm studying how the API works with the examples, 'cause I hardly understand it (wtf is a 'BroadPhase', for example?)
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Good thing it stopped. I rushed in to make a post that I didn't get to post during the last hiccup attack, and it seems to have settled down again since then.

    That's just about what I meant by a "more powerful" alternative. We had it all along.
    DarkAlienX 17 years ago
    Is this project even still up?
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    It's just slowing down a bit because of school. If you check the Notrium3D forums (Especially this thread), Amarth says he can get something functional done after the 5th of September, which is when he finishes his last exam (Odd make-up schedule, but it works for him).
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Okay, development slowdown due to hosting problems. BUT, stuff has been moved towards a new host. Let's see...

    Main pages: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> (root dir should redirect you there, too). It has a wiki (it's not MediaWiki, but you'll find your way), and it's big and useful, so do something with it. A modding library? A description of your favorite mod? Suggestions for Notrium 3D? Go ahead people. There's almost no structure in the wiki ATM, but I'm sure you people can get it well organized if you want to. There's a lot more to the site, and things can be misconfigured. Let me know if you're missing something.

    For the forum (all posts, except for the very last ones, are preserved): <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> . People who are contributing to Notrium 3D should come over there. Everyone else is welcome, too.

    For the multiplayer center: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    All three parts (forum, wiki, multi center) have seperate logins. After the mambo/phpbb disaster, I'm not going to try to merge them. You need an account (free of course) if you want to contribute (even for the wiki), but not if you only want to view.

    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    WII-HAW! You have a normal adress with two dots in it!

    I kinda like the new style. It's suitable for a game that's a spinoff-type-thing of another one, with the color scheme and all.

    [edit] Is it just me, or do we need a slightly different account to access the Wiki? I could make one, but I wouldn't want to bring the whole webpage down with my pinky, would I?
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    WII-HAW! You have a normal adress with two dots in it!
    0_o Are you special?
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    Is it just me, or do we need a slightly different account to access the Wiki?
    "Amarth" said:
    All three parts (forum, wiki, multi center) have seperate logins.
    So yes, you need to register seperately for the wiki.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    WII-HAW! You have a normal adress with two dots in it!
    0_o Are you special?
    I thought the Finns didn't know about American slang.

    ... And yes. Somewhat.
    So yes, you need to register seperately for the wiki.
    Okay. *Annihalates the Wiki accidentally*

    [edit] 'Least PMing appears to have not broken. I'll be getting my crap back soon, and I recommend that everyone else who had an FTP do so, too.

    [edit2] I recommend that those of you who have too much free time write for the Wiki. We can handle the description for Notrium3D, but we might need help with some of the articles you other people can handle. I've already cut&paste Ville's description, for example, but it could use a picture and details.
    Barebones 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    WII-HAW! You have a normal adress with two dots in it!
    0_o Are you special?
    I thought the Finns didn't know about American slang.

    ... And yes. Somewhat.

    Actually that'd be Suthern drawl, ya hear?
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    Oh no you di'int! Us Americans got an accent that's off the shizzang! Talk to the hand, whoops, mailbox full!

    ... Now then, as for the topic, why don't you guys get busy writing in our Wiki? 'Cause if you don't, you'll be sorry!
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    This isn't a double post by about a week.

    The entire game has been rewritten to Java, and will now get developed twice as fast. What's that? You haven't heard yet? Well, as I said in my last post in this topic:
    'Cause if you don't, you'll be sorry!
    speedblade 17 years ago
    Progress report please, did you get any alpha almost done yet?
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    It's been right under your nose for three days now! <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    We've fixed a bug that occurs when you press the internets keys on your keyboard, and the game at least works at this point.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Very much alpha, though - there's, like, that white cube you can, like, float around, and that's, like, totally it. Very Zen, in a way. A confrontation with your inner self. Perhaps we should release it like this?

    But everyone is invited around my site to join up in development, testing, creating art, making stupid remarks, filling up the wiki, ... You know, a wiki? When you put enough information in it, with any noob asking you "Helloz how do i modzor game??!!! and wutz comroon?' you can simply answer 'RTF Wiki'.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    But everyone is invited around my site to join up in development, testing, creating art, making stupid remarks, filling up the wiki, ... You know, a wiki? When you put enough information in it, with any noob asking you "Helloz how do i modzor game??!!! and wutz comroon?' you can simply answer 'RTF Wiki'.
    QFT. I even wrote a little paragraph about an anti-noob "RTFM" revolution somewhere in there.

    What's that? You didn't know? *Continues random speech about how lonely it gets when nobody seems to show they care*

    [edit] HA! It appears that this attracted a guest!
    Bien45 17 years ago
    how about Penmbra? it has all the things you need. All you have to do is ask Frictional games for the penumbra code
    Hey i wanna go to the mining base with a hammer and chip off some of the chrystals to use as a knife or use the alien body parts as somekind of shield (like in AVP where the predator gives the gril a alien head as a shield and someting attatched to a stick as a weapon) oh yeah i forgot. in the bunker make a captive who is being implanted with a chip. How bout gender selection?

    hey anon are you using vista
    Bien45 17 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    For anyone searching acces to my forum, the adress has changed to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    The other one had a couple of minor problems, so because we have time in excess, we decided to change, just to know how it felt. Perhaps we'll do it again, like, next week.

    Cough. NOT.
    i cant acess it
    Forum » The Notrium 3D engine
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