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  • DOOM Mod / Aleryon Betrayal

    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    That's impossible unless they used those raw materials to build a space station.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    That's impossible unless they used those raw materials to build a space station.
    Uhh... What are you talking about?
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Could you press the reset button on your head, please?

    all the Doom games (AFAIK) take place in the vicinity of planet Mars (on Phobos and/or Deimos, IIRC)
    ModSlayer 18 years ago
    Hey how was I supposed to know... I never played the game!
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    Could you press the reset button on your head, please?
    all the Doom games (AFAIK) take place in the vicinity of planet Mars (on Phobos and/or Deimos, IIRC)
    And that has what to do with resources?

    They had some base(s) built on them moons of the planet Mars, that's what the darn story tells you!
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    IIRC it costs a million dollars per kilogram that you want to fly to space. Building a base on Phobos/Deimos would require some pretty sophisticated stuff, and lots of it. So, why not build it out of the actual moon? I know that you can turn carbon dioide into methane, so why not rock into metal?
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    IIRC it costs a million dollars per kilogram that you want to fly to space. Building a base on Phobos/Deimos would require some pretty sophisticated stuff, and lots of it. So, why not build it out of the actual moon? I know that you can turn carbon dioide into methane, so why not rock into metal?
    Aaaand I still can't see your point.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Okay, lemme give it to you straight up:

    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    Okay, lemme give it to you straight up:

    The base? Simple, it was built there.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Have you been paying attention? That's not feasible! That's what I've been trying to tell you! It dosen't make any sense!
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    Have you been paying attention? That's not feasible! That's what I've been trying to tell you! It dosen't make any sense!
    Nor do Jedi, or the Force, or any of that "Star Wars" crap. Yet you don't yap on about THAT stuff...
    ModSlayer 18 years ago
    What he wants to say is...WHERE THE HELL DID THE PEOPLE GET THE MONEY AND MATERIAL TO BUILD A BASE ON SOME PLANT OTHER THEN THEIRS ...He just cant say it right...No offence Anon

    Edit: Beacause maybe
    1. He doesnt like star wars
    2. Its a god damn movie!!!
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "ModSlayer" said:
    What he wants to say is...WHERE THE HELL DID THE PEOPLE GET THE MONEY AND MATERIAL TO BUILD A BASE ON SOME PLANT OTHER THEN THEIRS ...He just cant say it right...No offence Anon

    Are you really that blind? The Doom games are based on fictional events IN THE FUTURE.
    ModSlayer 18 years ago
    QUOTE:Are you really that blind? The Doom games are based on fictional events IN THE FUTURE.:UNQUOTE

    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "ModSlayer" said:
    Not happy. You made the text less readable, not to mention your lack of ACTUAL QUOTE TAGS. [/OT]

    So, how's progress?
    ModSlayer 18 years ago
    Waaaa.....Hmm.....Now I cant think straigt
    i hate grim
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "ModSlayer" said:
    i hate grim
    I'm quite sure you're not the first one, and you probably won't be the last, either. [/OT]
    ModSlayer 18 years ago
    Good... Ill be on my way now!
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Well, good luck with that. We hate you, ModSlayer!

    By the way, nobody dare abbreviate his name. It'd be a compliment. ^_^
    Pete 18 years ago
    Lets use the word ModSlayer as an forum insult.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    Enemy with shotgun added, working on a lava map...
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    Interesting how it's two letters away from a certain OTHER dumbass' forum name...
    Redemption 18 years ago
    Lava map made...

    Rapid fire BFG made... (The past 8 items have been cheats...)
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    Interesting how it's two letters away from a certain OTHER dumbass' forum name...
    What's that mean?
    Anarion 18 years ago
    Well he doesn't mean you or me, so it doesn't really matter who he's refering to, does it?
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    could've meant me if he said THREE letters, actually...
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    I am quite positive that he's referring to "ModSlayer".
    Mo -> As
    Do you get it NOW, Anon?
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Oh... I thought he meant Enemy.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    Intro no longer sucks...
    Redemption 18 years ago
    I'll start uploading another beta...

    JimmyJ 18 years ago
    Ok, fine, but please, next time use <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> , I HATE file factory
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    No offense, but they all suck. Why don't you grab an old compy and host it yourself? You don't need much, it just has to be able to run Linux.
    Quanrian 18 years ago
    It's a 'really' good idea to put the download link in the very first post for this thread. Just edit the post and paste it in. This way if it gets buried people don't have to dig for the link. Nice to finally see a beta download for this mod .

    -After Playing It-

    *Time between shots on shotgun and double barrel are a bit rediculous.

    *Enemies move too fast and the fireball for the imp should be slowed down as well.

    *Rather than use the wall you're using, you might want to switch to one with a seamless texture so it doesn't look as cheesy.

    *A lot of your graphics have an ugly white border around them. If you're saving in png which you should be, make sure you save with no background, not a white one with a mask. This works in both Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro as well as Gimp if you're using that.

    *Just my personal opinion but it'd probably be better to just slow everything down in general. The frantic pacing is fine, but the AI isn't that great and you'll definitely need to tweak it a bit to prevent huge line swarming.

    *You definitely need new sound effects as most of what I heard was by far out of place.

    Overall not bad, but it's very rough around the edges in just about every way. It'll be interesting to see where you take it and nice to see it improved upon and polished up. Keep on truckin'.
    LavaBurn 18 years ago
    I played it and so far so good but the fireballs really need to slow down(I slowed them down but the enemy have to be really close then,So the bigger the speed the more further the enemy shoots,I guess this needs to be fixed from Notrium)The lava map is way too hard and needs some edits in it,I hope the next beta features a new map and gets some major tweaking,I like this MOD However and this is the first MOD That is bieng released to be playable.(There were others before but they never got beta and got scrapped)
    Crazy 18 years ago
    What are you talking about?

    There hae been 2 completly finished mods and a bunch that have reached beta.
    Forum » DOOM Mod / Aleryon Betrayal
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