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  • DOOM Mod / Aleryon Betrayal

    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Even then, almost none have had a release candidate. Besides, have there been any new ones lately? I still can't solve my bug directly, and the workaround sucks.
    Crazy 18 years ago

    But without Quanrian's expansion Notrium would be MUCH, MUCH different...
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    But without Quanarian's expansion Notrium would be MUCH, MUCH different...
    What's THAT doing in there? [/OT]
    Crazy 18 years ago
    It be's fixed.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    In case you haven't noticed, it IS much different, because that was pushing a top-down game 2 teh limitz. It hasn't been used ever since it was showcased.

    No offense, Quan.
    Crazy 18 years ago

    I forgot about that thingamabugger altogether!!

    I meant the Quanrian's Expansion mod

    If you haven't heard of it, then it's because it was implemented into Vanilla at version someting-something...
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Qmod for 1.1 is The Deafult for 1.341. Werivar will be the deafult for Notrium Final. I can't wait!
    Inane 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    Qmod for 1.1 is The Deafult for 1.341. Werivar will be the deafult for Notrium Final. I can't wait!

    What? I thought 1.341 was the last version of Notrium... I personally prefer Default to Werivar, anyway.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    I think he means that 1.1 was the last version that had Qmod as a separate mod.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    It's the ONLY one, you foo. How could you forget?

    What? I thought 1.341 was the last version of Notrium... I personally prefer Default to Werivar, anyway.
    I promise you that, at the end of Notrium 2's rein, we'll have a super-version compatible with NML1&2, as well as the NML3 that'll obviously be made for it.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    Shotguns now fire faster...
    Those imp fireballs... AHA! AN IDEA! [Edit] That works!
    Some nice smoke trails for rockets added... [/Edit]
    LavaBurn 18 years ago
    "Redemption" said:
    Shotguns now fire faster...
    Those imp fireballs... AHA! AN IDEA! [Edit] That works!
    Some nice smoke trails for rockets added... [/Edit]

    When will you release the next beta?
    And how much levels are finished yet?

    P.S:Next time upload it at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> I use it as a file hosting and for screenies and images I use imageshack.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    Possibly at the end of this week, if not possibly 14 days. Coz If I i dont upload one on sunday this week I have to wait 7 days for me to be back at mums.
    2, I'm mainly working on the stuff to put in levels.
    Quanrian 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    Qmod for 1.1 is The Deafult for 1.341. Werivar will be the deafult for Notrium Final. I can't wait!

    There is no Notrium Final, you're making stuff up, please don't. Werivar while good is not an official mod and not even a hint was given it ever would be. There's a good chunk of stuff in Werivar that just didn't make the cut in time to get into the 'final' version which was actually 1.3, after that the versions are just mainly bugfixes. My first mod was actually for 1.0, but Ville was nice enough to make an update to 1.1 to support some features I wanted for my mod.

    If you want to nitpick and believe I'm more than happy to, there is at least 40% of my work in Notrium, from story to artwork, to concepts. I get annoyed at how little you guys think I did on the game. Believe me I agree it could of went another way, but we went off reviews, negative ones. The main complaint was the game was too short and wasn't worth replaying, so I think we did a very good job on fixing that with 1.3, especially since we will NEVER make a dime off it.

    -On Topic-

    That aside, this mod 'can' be good, but not if you keep blaming the engine. You can do tons with the engine, without it glitching out. Most glitches have more to do with poor scripting than any problems with the engine itself. Keep at it Redemption, as a Doom mod is EXTREMELY doable, more so than many of the other mods people have thought up. It's nice to see you're working on it steady as well, good job on that.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    "Quanrian" said:
    There is no Notrium Final, you're making stuff up, please don't.
    Who said I was making it up? None of us know what's going to happen in a few years.
    Inane 18 years ago
    Anonymous, thats retarded. If anyone other than Ville would know, it would be Quanrian.

    Hey Quanrian, can I ask what program you used to make those there graphics for default? (And thanks for improving Notrium so much)

    On topic:

    Err, whens the next beta gonna be?
    Redemption 18 years ago
    "Redemption" said:
    Possibly at the end of this week, if not possibly 14 days. Coz If I i dont upload one on sunday this week I have to wait 7 days for me to be back at mums.
    2, I'm mainly working on the stuff to put in levels.

    the ninth, if your lucky...
    Quanrian 18 years ago
    "Inane" said:
    Anonymous, thats retarded. If anyone other than Ville would know, it would be Quanrian.

    Hey Quanrian, can I ask what program you used to make those there graphics for default? (And thanks for improving Notrium so much)

    On topic:

    Err, whens the next beta gonna be?

    Whatever you are most comfortable with Inane is what you should use, be it Gimp, PSP or Photoshop. You can save your thanks if Cormoon turns out as well as I hope it will, since unlike with Notrium I started at the beginning and not the middle, on it. There's a lot planned for Cormoon, but it still warms my cold heart to see people still making mods for Notrium .
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    You just wait until I figure out where my goddamn bug is. THEN you'll have something to be scared of.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    I've changed my mind, I won't include DOOM II music in the next beta(It's probably copyrighted), you'll have to do that yourself.

    Demon added...(With terrible graphics)

    Outer wall map added...
    Redemption 18 years ago
    There probably won't be a beta today So youre gonna have to wait a week.

    Oh, and there's more gore now...
    Redemption 18 years ago
    Or maybe there will...
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    Those weird pink guys are the demons, their graphics just suck.
    fireballs are different.
    a lot more gore.
    Edit: gore tripled after upload, there will be a lot more gore next beta.
    Quanrian 18 years ago
    I couldn't get the download, I'll try again later, but seeing as how it's only been downloaded once (that's what it said at least), that's not a very good sign. You might think of using another uploader, though they all are huge pains in the butt. You seem a bit obsessed with the gore factor btw .
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    I still want you to release a low-gore version. My parents would freak if they caught me with that mod the way it is right now.
    Quanrian 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    I still want you to release a low-gore version. My parents would freak if they caught me with that mod the way it is right now.

    If he's using particles, just replace the gore particles with something else Anon.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    Angel ally added... (It will tie in with the storyline)
    Quanrian 18 years ago
    "Redemption" said:
    Angel ally added... (It will tie in with the storyline)

    Just an idea, but maybe at some point you might want morph your mod into something else besides Doom. It'll give you a bit more creative freedom. That way you wont have to be so precise in replicating everything. Just don't go overboard if what was used before works fine. Last time I suggested this it seemed to kill the mod, hopefully wont happen with you. So yeah, feel free to ignore this advice.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    Green and Blue blood added...
    Redemption 18 years ago
    And I'm back!

    "Quanrian" said:
    Just an idea, but maybe at some point you might want morph your mod into something else besides Doom. It'll give you a bit more creative freedom. That way you wont have to be so precise in replicating everything. Just don't go overboard if what was used before works fine. Last time I suggested this it seemed to kill the mod, hopefully wont happen with you. So yeah, feel free to ignore this advice.

    A week has of consideration has passed and I think I've decided to do that, just give me a while to change graphics and the intro.
    ModSlayer 18 years ago
    Wow! This Mod is awsome! When are you going to finish!
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    How about in some levels you have to backtrack to the first level or something and get a certain item there because you couldn't go over there last time. Like in level 5 you switched a comp on and it says "somewhere in sector one the door has opened." Also you could get some journal records like in original Doom 3 to make the story more clear. But when I think about this, it just seems like System Shock 2

    Wonder what to do with the originality now

    And Modslayer, he's going to finish when he wants to, unless you ironically slays he's mod which will never happen anyways.

    Last word (maybe two ): Stop Spamming
    ModSlayer 18 years ago
    Umm... Im not spamming I just said the mod is cool and ASKED when he would finish... Im not trying to be mean or anything...
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    1) It'll be done when it's done. This is true of ANY project, and asking when it'll be done is the most annoying thing possible.

    2) You are spamming, and if you don't stop, prepare for either A) your posts to be deleted or B) threads you post in to be locked. Stop spamming, and check your spelling and grammar.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    Part of the Storyline:
    You are a minor part of a non elite squad sent to a remote experimentation facility (in space), in the base there are crazed scientists, you and your squad make quick work of them, with constant reports back to command base. Somewhere along the way you are seperated from the squad, you are to meet up with squad at a specified checkpoint in the base, nothing too serious.
    They won't show up...

    It's still swirling around in my mind.
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    You mean the guy is part of the NON-ELITE squad? It's surprising to me that he's the one who makes the most frags with a pistol.

    Scientists going crazy? Maybe you could put in an intro where you just follow the place your squad goes to, get ambushed and then you find a pistol from a dead body. After that the real game starts. This would be a nice nifty touch to the game. Also make lots of the area dark so you have to use your flashlights often. With the flashlight you can't hold 2-handed weapons. Make ammo really scarce in he game. And don't put random lava stuffs anywhere. Hopefully you know where I'm going to

    The part where you don't meet your squad at all and being the sole survivor is pretty lame, since there's TONS of people that used to be there and all of them sonehow got killed while you were left to survive. I don't really care if you can't control them and make them help you, just make up a sceneary where one of your squad or any other friendly unit is being ganged up by huge numbers of monsters. You could choose to outrun the monsters or help him, although he'll die before you could kill all of the threats You can steal his item though just to mention a few

    Easy mode should start with 125 HP, Normal 100 HP, and Hard for 75 HP. If you defeat the game in hard mode you'll get to see all the cutscenes and understand more of the story line. While if you play in easy mode you'll barely understand what's going on. Sounds like programming nightmare to me if you ask

    Pistols can break after certain amount of shots (like let's say you shot with a pistol 100 times, it breaks) and you need to repair it with repair kit or find another pistol. Chainguns, punch (obviously ), BFG, and plasma gun should not be allowed to break. Now you would need to put some weight limits on the game so easy would be carrying 200 weight, normal 150, and hard at 100, making you to backtrack and come back for some weapons or ammunition later.

    Weapons are allowed to be upgrade up to a total of 5 times (except BFG and punch. BFG is already too strong anyway). They can upgraded at certain areas in the levels on the computer terminals and will ask which weapon to upgrade. Upgraded weapons have gets come of the following attributes: Lesser recoil, lesser spread, more powerful, shoots faster, weigh less, and is able to withstand more before the weapon breaks.

    I could keep on more suggestions though. Anyway keep this mode up and it could be better than the werivar mod. I'm not experienced in graphics or modding (except maybe the weapons ) however experienced with lots of other games (lookie me name ).

    Can't wait for the next mod drastically changed
    Forum » DOOM Mod / Aleryon Betrayal
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