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  • The Inevitable Adventures of Grim and Crazy

    Crazy 18 years ago
    Uh... Grim gave me a pretty good script... as long as you know Monkey Island 2 and Portal.

    MI2 is less inportant, but the sneak peek at Portal is definetly worth a look. And not just to get the joke

    The only problem with the script was the fact that it's around 30 panels. Which is a killer to draw.

    Actually, it's the reason there is no new comic today. But i promise to finish it tomorrow!

    And for those that think that this screws up the 5-comics-per-week thing, think again! I'll just make 2 comics tomorrow!
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    If you go for a lot of long ones, we'll take 3 a week. Hell, you could release a mini-comic-book edition for all we care, it's FUN! *Twitch* *Goes for more sugar*
    Crazy 18 years ago
    Announcing issue 15, announcing issue 15, issue 15 is announced, thank you...

    Though it was a bitch to make, i'm happy with the overall result. My personal favourite is when Grim examines the portal device. Those facial expressions worked out pretty good..
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    I can't zoom in on it for some reason.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    For some reason it is that big

    Well that really fnukken sucks, because i'll need to redo the whole arranging part. Luckily i keep all the panels, so i'll just need to arrange them again.

    Unfortunately i've been busy for the last 30 minutes or so desperately trying to connect my desktop and laptop via LAN to get photoshop on the laptop. The reason i've been so hurrying with it is because i am forced to leave for the countryside RIGHT NOW.

    Which REALLY sucks, cuz i'll REALLY have to work hard to keep up with the schedule, because i can't work on the comics without my desktop.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Darh, fishpaste! You should've kept the link up! I wanna see the comic...

    Anyone got the link to issue 15? ...please? Oh, nevermind.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    Uploaded 15... yes, both of them.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    I love both halves, and I enjoyed catching their release live on IRC.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    Well, imageshack has quite quickly fixed whatever was wong and the comic is up in one single part now.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Praise me for informing them of the error!

    PRAISE ME!!!
    Crazy 18 years ago
    Announcing issue 16...

    [EDIT] Did a quick fix to it, too... [/EDIT]
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    The credits speak the truth.

    Woe is I.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    The nVidia 5-series isn't that bad. A 56k is awful, though... or did you mean some other compy?

    Woe is him, woe is Grim-- Hey, it rhymes!
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    The nVidia 5-series isn't that bad. A 56k is awful, though... or did you mean some other compy?
    Yep, I'm not at home. My mum dragged me off to some place where there is all sorts of insects buzzing around...not to forget them horses and puppies. Two adult dogs, too.

    And the computer I must use to connect to the outside world... I don't think I've never even heard of the type of GFX card this thing has...
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Issue #17 IN DA HOUZ!
    Anarion 18 years ago
    IMO thats about the best one yet.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    LALOL! DA BEST! #1!
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    How is it that, everywhere I look, I get Dejavu!? That's EXACTLY the script I was hoping for, "dork" and all!
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    How is it that, everywhere I look, I get Dejavu!? That's EXACTLY the script I was hoping for, "dork" and all!
    That means you didn't like it?!?
    *Puts a thermometer in Anonymous' mouth*
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    It means that I got dejavu reading it because I thought of it before Grim. 'Cept I never told Grim.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    It means that I got dejavu reading it because I thought of it before Grim. 'Cept I never told Grim.
    When exactly DID you come up with that one, then?
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    During 14's release.

    I could've sworn I daydreamed that comic...
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    When is the next one coming?
    ...yes?? This is not a yes or no question!
    That does not render me unable to answer "yes" or "no".
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    It's just my confusing way to say "It'll be out when it'll be out. Now shut up and leave us alone".
    E_net4 18 years ago
    okokok, don't do anything to me!
    Btw, what program does Crazy use to make the comic?
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    He dosen't use programs; he's too smart of a shopper for that. He uses a tablet.

    [OT] Where the crap do I buy one!? [/OT]
    E_net4 18 years ago
    Oh, so the comic was all made by drawing? Nice
    Zombie 18 years ago
    Yeahp. When I decide to scan and post my comics (which are just random as all hell) then you'll probably be able to tell I do mine on graph paper. Crazy draws his and stuff with a tablet.
    Idiota 18 years ago
    Topic purified.

    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    [OT] Did it just lose two pages? By the way, it's actually kinda funny how you got rid of the argument. [/OT]

    Well, I hope you ever decide to do it at all, Zombie. I can't imagine how funny they must be.

    Grim, did you by chance come up with another 30-slide comic? It's taking you and Crazy quite a long time to create the next one.
    Zombie 18 years ago
    Yeah, Anon. You and Crazy both. He's been hounding me to scan the comics for a while. I'll do it when I feel like it, though, because it is kind of an episodal comic and is frame-by-frame so I'll have to cut out the frames and line them all up... Probably will have to redo most of the text to be legible... And I'll probably have to solidify a good number of lines, too. It's a stick-figure comic where everything but the people have detail. D:

    Seriously. Ever see a stick-figure holding an M-16? Driving a fully detailed tank? Firing a nuke? Well, you will when I get off my (sexy?) lazy butt and scan some of this comic. I worked on it when bored in class. Might make a website for it and my writing when I unlazify, too.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Crazy has not been asking me to script, nor have I gotten any amazing script ideas. Crazy DID show me one script, and I think he started making it, too... But then Idiota and Zombie dragged him to play Guild Wars...
    Crazy 18 years ago
    A fully detailed tank? I somehow dare doubt that

    And the production of comics IS slowed by GuildWars. In fact, i believe a "Gone playing GuildWars" piece of artwork is long overdue.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    Announcing... uh... a new issue! damn my short attention span!

    This one has it all! Drama! Disagreements! Machines! Girl-mechanics! Nuclear devices! Arabian stereotypes! Toast!

    Oh... Grim's not in it... durnit...
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Just get yer arse back to the drawing board and make the next comic.
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