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Forum » Werewolf 12 - Headspears, Strike the Earth!
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  • Werewolf 12 - Headspears, Strike the Earth!

    Narvius 10 years ago
    * WW12: Headspears!
    It's been a rough year for the once glorious mountainhome of Headspears.
    ...well, that's a bit of an understatement. With its stockpiles pillaged, riches "exported" and inhabitants murdered, you can't call it anything but a ruin.

    Damn elephants. And goblins. And colossi. And animated flaps of skin.

    The last ten surviving dwarves are now walled in at the base of the overrun metropolis. Unless you don't count corpses as surviving dwarves, then it's nine. Last sleepytimes, Urist McIdiot - the retard who initially left the gates of Headspears open to the goblins - was found murdered. Not that anyone was particularly upset about that - you get used to things like these happening eventually - only the thought that it was someone inside this room who did it was causing discomfort.

    The team hasn't given up on the fortress yet, but they need to sort out this murdering roommate thing before turning to the matter only slightly less pressing than stayin' alive: Setting up a working brewery industry again.

    * Basics
    There are two "teams" in the game - the "werewolves" (here, Fell dwarves) and "villagers" (all other dwarves). Each has the goal of annihilating the other. The hard part is that the identities are hidden - everyone might be a werewolf.
    Only the werewolves know each others' identity; however, they are much less numerous than the villagers (the exact number is semi-hidden, but assume 1-3).

    The game is divided into two alternating phases - day and night (or, in this case, sleepytimes and worktimes, since we're underground). Each phase lasts some amount of real time. When one phase ends, the next one starts.

    During the day, all actions are performed by public posts in this thread. Available actions are:
    - Lynchvote. Each player may vote for one player to be killed. At the end of the day, the votes are tallied. If there is no tie, the selected player is killed (removed from game). If there is a tie, the mayors vote counts double for the purpose of tie-breaking. When there's an unbroken tie, no one is lynched.
    - Vote for mayor. If there is no mayor (as happens to be the case initially), players may elect a mayor. Works the same way as lynchvotes. The mayor decides who dies if there is a lynchvote tie*;
    - Select a spot to dig (see below, in the Digging section);
    - Using certain items.

    And please, for the love of god, in your vote posts - put the bolded phrases "lynch X" or "vote X for mayor", or
    something similar. It makes my task of combing through the forum posts less annoying, and decreases the chance that
    I miss your vote or digging spot selection.

    At night, you may or may not have actions available depending on your role. The most important thing that occurs at night is the night kill - the Fell dwarves/werewolves get to jointly decide on one player who then dies at the end of the night, unless hindered by other effects. All night actions are performed via PMs to me.

    You can freely communicate with whomever the hell you want, however you want, wherever you want - with the exception that no forum posts are to be made while the game is in the night phase. Other communication is fine mostly because there's no reasonable way I could disable/monitor it.

    * Short non-data summary for experienced players
    - there's cupid in item form (therefore will likely happen later, if at all)
    - two mermaid bone spears randomly distributed amongst villagers in the beginning
    - no suicide unless with mermaid bone spear
    - each next layer in digging has one more item in it than the last, starting with two at the top
    - one dig action at day, akin to voting (post order matters)

    * Roles
    Each player is assigned a role at random.
    - Judge of Intent (seer - scries; this means that he can reveal the role of a single player every night)
    - Bookkeeper (every phase, gets report what items are in the game, but not who has them)
    - Hammerdwarf (crazy war veteran - when lynched, can kill a player)
    - Noble (can pull levers either as */End via PM)
    - Mechanic (gets informed of what levers do at the beginning of the game)
    - Craftsdwarf (upon receiving crafts, automatically converts them into a random regular item)
    - Fell Dwarf (werewolves)

    * Items
    - Stonesense Lense (1; Night/End, Reusable); Scry one target per night
    - Glitched Mechanism (1; */End); Link dwarves as per cupid rules (see Other Rules)
    - Adamantium Pick (1; Public); Allows you to dig through layer 0, thus causing FUN.
    - Mermaid Bone Spear (2+2; Night/Current OR */End); Defend yourself or target at night (as per guardian), OR commit suicide.
    - Brass Pick (2; Public); Allows you to dig out two fields in one day. You can pick two different coordinates.
    - Crafts (3; -); Has no effect (see Craftsdwarf for more information).
    - Leash (2; Night/Next); Deny target his lynch vote. Effect remains secret until votes are tallied up.
    - Goblin Thief Gloves (2; */End); Steal random item from target. If he has none, item is still used up and wasted.

    Items are used by sending a PM to me, unless it's use time is marked as "public", then it's via forum post at day.
    Some items can only be used at day or at night.

    In addition to digging (see below), at the beginning of the game, two spears will be randomly distributed amongst two distinct non-werewolves. If you have multiple instances of the same item, you can only use one of them. You can, however, use multiple different items at once. All items are one-time use, unless stated otherwise.

    You can give any amount of items you own to any one or multiple players of your choosing as Any/End action via PM to me.
    You can do so anonymously or openly (meaning that the recipient will/won't know who made him the gift). The action is never visible to others.

    * Levers
    There are three levers - Red, Green and Blue. Only one person (the noble) can activate them, and only one person (the mechanic) knows what they do.

    * Digging (item acquisition)
    There is a 4x4x4 field.


    A 4444
    B 4444
    C 4444
    D 4444

    Each day, everyone may dig once in one spot. Digging in spot A2 turns the field above to:


    A 4344
    B 4444
    C 4444
    D 4444

    Simple enough. If you dig out a field that contains an item, you get the item. It will be made publically known that an item has been found and at what depth, but not what or by whom. Items are distributed at the beginning of the game. When multiple players dig in the same spot at once, earlier posts take precedence, but all digs are taken into account (so, if two players dig in A1, the earlier poster digs out layer 4, later poster digs out layer 3).

    There are two items in layer 4, three in layer 3, four in layer 2 and five in layer 1.

    Don't dig too deep.

    * Other Rules
    1) Out of character posts are to be written in italics. Not that it matters.
    2) Write votes and actions in boldface. This DOES matter.
    3) Cupid rules:
    - Two linked players form a third team that wins when they both remain the last dwarves standing;
    - If either dies, so does the other;
    - Upon linking, both players are notified of the fact, but no one else;
    - That rule implies that mixed pairs (werewolf-villager) can't win via their respective usual winning conditions
    4) If you died, don't talk to anyone within the game about the game in any form whatsoever, at least until the game ends. This is important.
    5) Stealing takes precedence over item usage of type other than "public".
    6) Lynching takes precedence over item usage and digging.
    7) Items of players that die are lost.
    Digging out layer 0 usually does nothing and is a wasted dig action.

    * Players
    Grim Reaper

    * Aaaaand...
    We're starting with worktimes, aka day. It will last until roughly Friday (27 Sept) 12:00pm UTC, at which point it will become sleepytimes/night. Cast your votes, picks and spells.
    Everyone will receive their role PMs shortly.

    Note that hanging out in the IRC channel is an excellent way to communicate.

    Edited 10 years ago
    MageKing17 10 years ago
    So, wait, if everyone gets a dig action, why does the Judge of Intent's role description end with "one dig action at day, akin to voting"?
    Narvius 10 years ago
    Because I have tendency to accidentally move selected lines via my touchpad. Aka I suck at copying. Fixed.
    Endymion 10 years ago
    Hmm does the lynched player still get a dig action even though he can't do anything with it if he happens to get a item? Also will we know what items a player had when he dies? Also do the items of a dead player disappear if he didn't give them to anyone and does giving items to other players happen before lynching?
    E_net4 10 years ago
    *yawn* Off to work, then.

    *digs in spot C3*

    Edited 10 years ago
    Amarth 10 years ago
    I'll also dig in C3.
    Narvius 10 years ago
    Clarified things you mentioned. See Other Rules and Digging sections.
    SpeedBlade 10 years ago
    *digs in C3*
    Grim Reaper 10 years ago
    I am a dwarf, and I'm digging a hole!

    Specifically, I'm digging C4.

    Are there any actual gameplay-related consequences for uncovering/causing FUN?
    Endymion 10 years ago
    I'll dig C3 too
    MageKing17 10 years ago
    Sounds like I should dig C4 too, then.
    Narvius 10 years ago
    Grim Reaper said:
    Are there any actual gameplay-related consequences for uncovering/causing FUN?
    Yes. The link was not an accident.

    Edited 10 years ago
    Grim Reaper 10 years ago
    Narvius said:
    Grim Reaper said:
    Are there any actual gameplay-related consequences for uncovering/causing FUN?
    Yes. The link was not an accident.
    I meant for this game, not for DF itself.
    Anonymous1157 10 years ago
    Hmm. Everyone seems intent on digging C3 and C4.

    Obviously, that means I'll have to dig B4... B4 anydwarf else does! Ha!

    Edited because I suck at bbtags

    Edited 10 years ago
    Pete 10 years ago
    Well now, this looks interesting...

    PeteTimesSix, Ghostly Peasant has risen and is haunting the popcorn stockpile!
    INFERNUS 10 years ago
    Digging on B4 too!
    Amarth 10 years ago
    Guys! We need to coordinate our digging efforts! I call for a mayor! A mayor! For better booze and shorter work shifts!

    By the way...

    What are those levers for? Anyone knows?
    Anonymous1157 10 years ago
    On a related note, the OP has a recurring typo. Should we s/major/mayor/g like Amarth did, or just run with it?
    Narvius 10 years ago
    E_net4 10 years ago
    Well, I've yet to find a disadvantage for whoever knows what the levers do to announce so publicly. The fell dwarves cannot act upon the information, whereas the Noble can.
    Amarth 10 years ago
    The noble might be cupided, but that's a rather remote possibility..
    Anonymous1157 10 years ago
    I agree with E_net4. I think it'd be beneficial if the Mechanic revealed himself and gave information about the levers. Unless, of course, he's going to lie about some of the levers for a hidden agenda, but we'll just have to decide that for ourselves if he does come out.

    By the way, can players have a normal role and also be Fell?
    Narvius 10 years ago
    No. Though I probably should have considered that option. Oh well.
    Murska 10 years ago
    Digging at B4.
    Endymion 10 years ago
    Hmm, well if the murderers figure out who the mechanic is it'll help them target someone with more important profession.
    Which in my opinion makes everyone suggesting the mechanic reveal himself suspicious people.
    Narvius 10 years ago
    It has been fairly uneventful so far. The dwarves happily dug into the earth trying to forget that this might very well be the last time they get to do it. However, as everydwarf is starting to get tired, they each grab a mug of ale from the stockpile and leave for their respective bedchambers.

    Two items have been dug up, one each on layers 3 and 2.
    There still is no mayor, and no-one has been lynched.

    Next worktimes start on the 30th (Monday) at 12:00pm UTC.

    No posts in this topic until then, unless OOC and absolutely necessary.

    Edited 10 years ago
    Narvius 10 years ago
    As the dwarves slowly assemble for the next period of frantic digging, you realize that Endymion is missing.
    It seems the fell dwarves got him. Whilst frantically searching his room for clues who might have done it, it is
    established that he was the Mechanic.

    Group morale takes a hit as everyone realizes that they lost the second dwarf (counting McIdiot) and still don't
    have any idea who might have done it. However, everydwarf knows that if they give up now, they will soon run out
    of booze.

    Current digging map:

    A 4444
    B 4441
    C 4402
    D 4444

    Next sleepytimes is again on Friday 12:00pm UTC.
    Murska 10 years ago
    Hmm. Amarth cast suspicion on the reveal levers plan yesterday without opposing it outright. Such manipulation seems fishy.

    Dig B4.
    MageKing17 10 years ago
    Well, great. Now we have three levers and no clue what any of them do. I can't help but think that pulling them at random would be a bad idea, so now they may as well not even be there.

    Dig C4 again.
    Anonymous1157 10 years ago
    Maybe we should pull a lever anyhow. One of those levers could very well open up a cache of useful items hidden in the fortress. Then again, we could just as likely release a monster from the dungeon, but the risk might be worth it, assuming any of the levers do something beneficial.

    I'ma just dig A1. Just 'cause.
    E_net4 10 years ago
    ... Crap. Just... crap. This can hardly become more convenient to the fell dwarves now.

    I wouldn't put my full trust on Amarth either (which is around the same trust I put to any other dwarf), but I agree in one thing: let's get ourselves a mayor.

    Dig C4.
    Anonymous1157 10 years ago
    But who should we make the mayor? Nobody's said much to make themselves seem trustworthy. At any rate, we don't necessarily need a mayor while we're still too cautious to lynch anydwarf.
    MageKing17 10 years ago
    Anonymous1157 said:
    At any rate, we don't necessarily need a mayor while we're still too cautious to lynch anydwarf.
    But is it a good thing to be too cautious to lynch as long as the fell dwarves are waiting to take someone else out at sleepytimes?
    Grim Reaper 10 years ago
    Well, since the explosives (C4) are as good as dug out, I might as well start digging for bones.

    ...that is to say, dig B1.
    INFERNUS 10 years ago
    Dear dwarves! As I was observing MageKing's behaviour last night, I have found out that he is one of the FALLEN DWARVES.

    We must clean this land of them, as they are danger to our comunity! Think of your children and woman! They WILL take them all out! We must stop them in time! Only god knows what they did to Endymion!

    As I am trying to help this comunity;
    I vote to lynch MageKing17, a fell dwarv!

    I will also dig at C-4, luckly, I may find ourselves something useful to defend ourselves...

    Edited 10 years ago
    Forum » Werewolf 12 - Headspears, Strike the Earth!
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