Heres for the psionics:
"lizard" said: Psionic tokens, their combinations and effects:
Mass. Use it near Healing Plant to store some health in a container. Motion. Motion detector. Heat. Warms up. Liquid (complete Liquid Planescape to get it). Cools down. Lifeforce (complete Lifeforce Planescape to get it). Converts Energy into Health. Void (complete Void Planescape to get it). Converts Health into Energy. Dash (Mass+Motion). Speeds up eventually (like propulsion boots). Focus1 (Heat+Motion). Use it near water pool to enter Liquid Planescape. Immolation (Heat+Mass). Makes fire. Blast (Dash+Heat). Psionic's weapon. Mystery1 (Liquid+Motion). Focus2 (Liquid+Mass). Use it near Green Altar to enter Lifeforce Planescape. Chill (Liquid+Blast). Freezes enemies. Armor (Mystery1+Mass). Gives protection. Decoy (Focus2+Heat). Makes up to 2 dopplegangers of psionic. Mystery2 (Lifeforce+Liquid). Mystery3 (Lifeforce+Heat). Strength (Lifeforce+Dash). Makes psionic able to carry items (up to 100 weight total). Poison (Focus1+Lifeforce). Shoots a poisonous blast. Conversion (Mystery1+Lifeforce). Makes enemy fight on your side. Field (Lifeforce+Armor). Armor with effect similar to stasis field. Focus3 (Mystery2+Heat). Use it near crack in the air to enter Void Planescape. Mystery4 (Void+Motion). Mystery5 (Void+Lifeforce). Drain (Void+Mystery3). Drains enemy's health. Time (Mystery4+Liquid). Slows enemies down (similar to alien's feral rage). Teleport (Mystery4+Heat). Teleports psionic to a safe place. Mystery6 (Mystery5+Mass). Ally (Mystery6+Liquid). Creates Sand Golem (needs 12 sand, 10 pebbles, 3 life containers) that fights on your side.
* Mystery combinations don't have any effect, they are just transitional.
Correct me if i've missed something.