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  • How would you rate notrium

    Just A Gammer (guest) 12 years ago
    For the notrium game. (The one with human/android/alien/etc races)
    3/10. To begin with, if the difficulty was INDEED in players choise when he selects through easy/medium/hard, then things would be a little better. You begin the game, knowing almost nothing. You are FORCED to kill your colleague, to obtain the radio (none tells you that), or in other case wait for him to die, cause radio is ESSENTIAL. After that, you have ABSOLUTELY no weapons. Humans die easily (never finished exploring 1st part of map out of pod, to move to the next one, COME ON!!!), androids are better but still die easy. I didn't even bother with other speaces. I mean dying THIS easy, makes the game RIDICULOUS! It's only for those gamers thAT LIKE DIEING ABOUT 50 times for the SIMPLEST task EVER. Hunger grows fast, energy is a little fast, life runs out LIKE HELL! Come on!.... The game except those DEADY mistakes, (for the game itself) is really "sophisticated". You have thought of many aspects but almost all need correction..
    Never thought that closing the Log pannel once and for all is commiting SUICIDE for the player, right?? Though you give anyone this choise on the menu. I tried the option which sayes Log won't bother me anymore. I lost 100% of ALL I NEEDED to know for the game and had NO IDEA, that ALL help was WITH it... (It never said, log = help). Log files are A LOOOOOOT bothering. It takes 3-4 minutes to read this. "Long rod" and "radio" = 1 step closer to "radar"..... ou write it in 20 lines and it is SOOOO annoying (The reason I chose it closed in first place).
    Another thing is with time/ timming. The day runs PRETTY FAST!! It is a true danger going out, because the night will find you! Bigger maps in order to avoid smaller days..... Imagine a day ending in 10 seconds. A WHOLE DAY, in TEN SECONDS! :S bigger maps, or longer days that follow and on the next "part" of map. Snow comes and goes REALLY fast. It's different a short shower, and different to have CONSTANT short showers of snow. Short showers should have their time (Frequent or not so often), and a real "snowing mode" should replace the 5 seconds of snow
    That is all I saw to tell. Please understand that I say these for the games shake. I just saw these mistakes in the game and I thought I MUST submit an answer (Hell man, you got me SOOOOO Frustrated XD).
    Sorry for the level of english I'm using, but it's not my native.
    Would be benefit (for anyone) not to answer to my post, since I made mine, I hope I helped and will NEVER again visit the game, or the site. Thank you for your time reading (although it should go all the way around for showing the gamers ascept, the games view )
    E_net4 12 years ago
    Ouch. And I mean, OUCH!
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    The game is a little hard the first time you play it, but not nearly bad enough to merit a vent like this. After a few games, you get used to the way things work in Notrium and you start having fun with it. I'm guessing Mr. Gammer gave the game one chance and quit, if he's not trolling outright.
    E_net4 12 years ago
    Dude, don't bother replying. I was about to post a mega-post before I read his last sentences.
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    I read the whole post through and nearly didn't post ANYTHING. What compelled me to post, I do not know. That post is like my reaction to getting shafted by the random number generator in Final Mix, except I actually had a specific complaint while Gammer just hates the whole game.
    E_net4 12 years ago
    You tell me, I had a good bunch of replies to such a foul review. He called those game mistakes. I even got some 10% of urge to play Notrium yet again because of this, so it actually came out to do the opposite effect.
    Edited 12 years ago
    harwe 12 years ago
    It seems as though he expected Notrium to be something more linear and handholding like in the modern FPS games such as the single-player modes of Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare. I am now sort of curious on how he would review Super Meat Boy.
    Amarth 12 years ago
    Notrium is from another era of gaming though. Super Meat Boy makes it clear that the point is to die, and to die a lot, and it makes that fun: restarts are quick, levels get bloodier and messier over time which is fun to see happen, and when you survive in the end, your reward is seeing yourself die a hundred times at the same time.

    Binding of Isaac might be a better comparison, but Isaac has a metagame progress feeling because you unlock stuff which is useful in later playthroughs.

    In Notrium, if you don't pay attention for 10 seconds, you are rewarded with a static picture of your carcass. Oh, and if you were really unlucky, the save system didn't work because you are on a version of Windows that is less than 5 years old, so that's 4 hours down the drain. And even if the save game system did work, it's not as if you remembered to save. When was the last time you manually saved your general progress (ie not saving because "I'm going to try something risky now") in a game?

    Notrium is almost 10 years old, it doesn't conform to modern gaming standards. The rewards are too far and few between and too minor, the risk too great.

    I'm not saying that Notrium is a bad game, or that no-one can enjoy it, or whatever. Just that, for a somewhat mainstream gaming audience, I can understand it getting pretty not-fun.
    ville 12 years ago
    Ah, those were the days indeed. Notrium was designed from the ground up to be a very harsh, a very difficult game. Indeed if I try it I die almost instantly. But I think that was part of the game's charm, when you eventually mastered the game you felt like a true master. And I don't think that's just the way games were 10 years back, look at Minecraft - it really drops you into the world and expects you to learn by yourself.
    TNN17stillcantrememberhispass (guest) 12 years ago
    ville said:
    Ah, those were the days indeed. Notrium was designed from the ground up to be a very harsh, a very difficult game. Indeed if I try it I die almost instantly. But I think that was part of the game's charm, when you eventually mastered the game you felt like a true master. And I don't think that's just the way games were 10 years back, look at Minecraft - it really drops you into the world and expects you to learn by yourself.

    I sort of categorise it as being an action Rogue-like. It's one of the reasons it's remained a favourite of mine all these years on. A lot of games can be hard to get into, but Notrium wasn't really, it was just hard. Even now I can still die to an unlucky reaper spawn in Default.
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