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Forum » Battleships


Pete 13 years ago
I figured I might as well post this here.

Just a game of Battleships I made to get the hang of the basics of LWJGL and OpenGL. Keyboard/Mouse controls, basic AI, easter egg, the whole package. If you can break it, Id like to know.
Death Knight 13 years ago
Hey your pete who made the scavenge mod. How are you?
Anonymous1157 13 years ago
It grabs my mouse cursor and won't let go. (Hey, that's kinda punny...) Other than that, it's actually pretty cool.
Narvius 13 years ago

[Edit] Oke, nevermind. Uncle Google helps.

Edited 13 years ago
E_net4 13 years ago
Oo, I should've looked into this sooner. I had done a small experiment with lwjgl before, but refused to go on in order to leave room for University work and Inner Cosmo.

Hey, it's pretty good.
ville 13 years ago
Nice! I demand to know where the easter egg is!
Narvius 13 years ago
I don't think that's how easter eggs work. xD
ville 13 years ago
Come on, Quanrian and I let you all in on Notrium easter eggs. I loved how ZeXLR8er got it on his first try, and it took some people years to crack it.

So how about it Pete, clues for the easter egg?
Narvius 13 years ago
.......years, goddamn YEARS. >:C
E_net4 13 years ago
That's not good enough.
Narvius said:
.......years, goddamn YEARS. >:C
Pete 13 years ago
I could tell you, but really, I think its pretty obvious, I mean, its on the screen at all times, you just have to look hard enough. But fine, one hint: iddqd.
E_net4 13 years ago
Found it! You are on your way to demonstrate how much of a [_______] you are. XD
Forum » Battleships

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