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Forum » The Game doesn't start

The Game doesn't start

CanisLupus 21 years ago
Hi there!

I got a problem with Bikez 2. When i try to open it, it shortly displays a black screen and turns back to windows then. I also tried different Graphic styles, as mentioned in the readme, but it didn't work.

Sorry for my english, im german

ville 21 years ago
That's what Bikez II does. I'm not saying that it isn't a fully functional game on modern machines, it just seems to be quite selective on what computers it runs on. The reason it comes back to windows is that it doesn't find any 3d-hardware, and this could be to a number of reasons.

You might not have 3d-hardware, or you might have bad drivers for your card. Or you might not have DirectX installed. The final reason could be that the game just doesn't recognize your 3d-hardware.

Sorry for my German, I'm Finnish.
And excuse my French too!
Crazy 21 years ago
The game started before, but it doesen´t start now help me what to do?
ville 21 years ago
Didn't you buy a new graphics card? Maybe that's the cause.
iNTeGeR 20 years ago
2 Crazy:
Lemme guess, you've installed Direct X 9, isnt it

When I killed Dx9 on my mashine(a bunch of psycho metal, you know ) and installed Dx7.0a it runned perfectly!

Sorry 4 my English grammar, it's far from good IMO...
Clayman 20 years ago
That`s right! I have a GeForce 2mx 400 with 64mb of memory and a directX 8.1. And game crashes after a few scecond after start shown only a black screen. i`m tryied any config in setup3d.

P.S.I`m the the 3`d-sorry for my english
ville 20 years ago
GeForce 2 mx is known to have problems with Bikez II. I was never able to find out exactly what was the problem.
Arc666 20 years ago
I have a Dell Dimension with Pentium 3 an Windows ME, and NVIDIA
GeForce2 MX/MX 400 Display driver, RGB Emulation Device, and...Definetaley enough memory

P.S.Exuse my spelling I...I...I...I DONT HAVE AN EXUSE!
Forum » The Game doesn't start

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