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Forum » So what's your favourite Weapon in Default?
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  • So what's your favourite Weapon in Default?

    Nocture17 18 years ago
    For me? The Welding Torch!
    I always use it! It's longer range and more powerful than the punch, meaning you can waste aliens without getting a scratch most of the time; it's the only method of getting into containers for the yummy, yummy goodies within; it's easy to make, taking only two items, one of which is obscenely common, its incredibly accurate and best of all, it's totally free! What was Ville thinking when he made such an overwhelmingly great weapon?!

    Blather aside, go ahead, what's yours?
    Pete 18 years ago
    I'd say radiator. Its a spider killer.
    Anarion 18 years ago
    I say Pebble Shotgun, it's pretty easy to build and packs a decent punch.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    I prefer the pebble shotgun as well. If the new Werivar Expansion adds a double-barrel, that'd be my new favorite.
    Anarion 18 years ago
    Well the double barrel shotty in Redemptions mod is good, shakes your aim a fair bit, but still good.
    Quanrian 18 years ago
    "Nocture17" said:
    What was Ville thinking when he made such an overwhelmingly great weapon?!

    That weapon was actually done by me as were the majority that were added on in 1.2 onward. I simply liked the blow torch from Crimsonland.

    My favorite was the Beacon Ray. I don't recall anything having a resistance to it and some creatures had a weakness to it.
    Crazy 18 years ago

    NOTHING can beat the claws.

    Hey! i should make a christmas-themed mod where the aliens are visited by Shanty Claws. Old Nick!
    Nocture17 18 years ago
    "Quanrian" said:
    That weapon was actually done by me as were the majority that were added on in 1.2 onward. I simply liked the blow torch from Crimsonland.

    I have you to thank then, for the coolest weapon in Notrium.

    I prefer the pebble shotgun as well. If the new Werivar Expansion adds a double-barrel, that'd be my new favorite.

    Subtle, real subtle.

    ...I'll see what I can do.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    That ain't the coolest
    The best weapon of all is the Power Drill Gun.
    [OT]WII! I'm a flame turret![/OT]
    harwe 18 years ago
    Maybe the sniping pistol, powerful long-ish range

    else its CLAWS!!/welding torch for short range
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "harwe" said:
    Maybe the sniping pistol, powerful long-ish range

    else its CLAWS!!/welding torch for short range
    Sniper Pistol takes a lot to recharge, and it's not good against robots.
    Aphiberg 18 years ago
    Mine would defenitly be the pulse laser small knock back a killer if you aim right not to mention you murder almost anything with it (as long as you got some energy units and blue plants around you of course)
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    VC Pistol. Better fire rate than regular Pistol, but doesn't chew through your ammo like the Rapid Fire Pistol.
    Aphiberg 18 years ago
    my new one would be Sniper Pistol with my Advanced targetting beam its a murderer!!!!!
    Narvius 18 years ago
    I would say Pebble Shotgun, it saved my life more than once =)
    patrickul87 18 years ago
    pebbele shotgun, vc pistol, flame thrower, pulse lasser
    bwansy 18 years ago
    Does psionic mind poison count as a weapon? If so, that'd my favourite. It turns an enemies to enemies of my enemies, permanently, while they are still considered as an enemy of mine by the game, in such way I can still kill them and get the benefit, yet they'd never attack me anymore. It's even better than the mind control.
    Otherwise, the laser pistol would be my favourite. It's always my first ranged weapon besides the tazor. Without it I would never survive the first few days.
    mumppa 17 years ago
    how i can build pebble shotgun
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "mumppa" said:
    how i can build pebble shotgun
    I suggest you look at the item combinations thread. It should contain pretty much every possible building instructions.
    Rayven 17 years ago
    VC Pistol or Lazer Pistol. It's the easiest way of killing robots.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Laser Pistol
    ...equipped with a targeting beam. (Is that the name? I forgot)
    Zanfib 17 years ago
    The hobo.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Zanfib?! Haven't heard from you in... eons!

    Where've you been? Staying away from all the threads i check?
    GameFreak 17 years ago
    CLAWS!!! as i never play with human or android
    kopana 17 years ago
    Pistol. It's the first weapon you get, and quite possibly the most reliable one. I ended up with about 2600 ammo in one game, so I went on a rampage through hive and managed to kill every single thing that came at me with clever use of Lava and the Pistol.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    "GameFreak" said:
    CLAWS!!! as i never play with human or android
    I usually play as the alien too. Don't really know why, I guess I just enjoy shredding my enemies with sharp claws.
    zerocoal 17 years ago
    claws i guess cause it massively slaughters pretty much everything that gets in your way
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    Definitely the pulse laser.

    The VC Stun Laser is nice too.
    Xeblit 17 years ago
    Warp Laser
    harwe 17 years ago
    what the hell is a warp laser?
    Crazy 17 years ago
    It's a laser that warps.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    Bacon RayTM!!!
    Anarion 17 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    It's a laser that warps.
    Correction: It's a laser that warps parts of an enemy.
    Pete 17 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Bacon RayTM!!!
    Its starting to get old...
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Bacon RayTM!!!
    Its starting to get old...
    ... Is not.
    Forum » So what's your favourite Weapon in Default?
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