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Forum » Weapons and stuff. What you like and don't like. (NEW MOD!)
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  • Weapons and stuff. What you like and don't like. (NEW MOD!)

    Barebones 17 years ago
    +1 Korean count.

    I am korean, hail the powers of Cho himself.
    FREAK 17 years ago
    haunter 17 years ago
    So hows the mod ?I hope it's ok.I wish i had modding skills too lol.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Remember: The modding skill isn't something you get naturally, it must be learned!
    harwe 17 years ago
    Too... many... parameters... dont konw where to start... lol
    Pete 17 years ago
    Hm. If thats your problem, I always found the parameters list in barebones helpful.
    haunter 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Remember: The modding skill isn't something you get naturally, it must be learned!
    Yea i know...i just don't understand how to make the data thingys...i mean the files...the other is what i can understand...and the second thing i don't understand is where i get gimp v2.0???
    harwe 17 years ago
    the list is fine... but... i need to learn to plan out the mod.....
    Putkonen 17 years ago
    this mod has got alot help and ideas

    i have some ideas and i say: i dont have readed those others post from pages 2-5 so tell me if something is said already.

    1. sometype ancient city underground where would be friendly people but u dont understand their language (must find out a way to talk them) [STUPID IDEA]

    2. i have 2 weapon ideas, first would be in bullets, bouncing bullets, they would be good in small places
    another is a weapon, 2handed of course, modded shotgun, it could shoot now normal bullets but not so much 3-4 would be good.

    3. the way to make modded shotgun would be: use normal computer unit to power chip [im making graphics, and i need better name ^^] what turns in modded chip and then use powered accelator to modded chip and last the long metal rod

    and for HARVE: u will find GIMP easily from google
    and i use it alot and i can help u if u need me
    harwe 17 years ago
    "Putkonen" said:

    and for HARWE: u will find GIMP easily from google
    and i use it alot and i can help u if u need me

    Hey, it wasnt me who was wanting to find GIMP 2.0, its haunter who doesnt know how to Google it......
    Putkonen 17 years ago
    Oh ur right ^^ sry!!! ops:
    haunter 17 years ago
    Read first then answer lol
    #1survivor 17 years ago
    Some ideas i came up with for ur mod.

    1. Ion Cannon- Created from a becon ray, 3 long metal poles,and glass marble. Has high damage. Uses alot of crystal ore, 20 per shot.

    2. (RL) Turret- Rocket Launcher turret - Made from 2 de/magnetizers, 2 long metal pole, flame thrower, advanced targeting beam, motion detector, another long metal pole, and a computer unit. High damage that shoots 2 rockets at once. 5-7 seconds between firing times. Lock on capabilities.

    3. Atom splitter- Created from a replicator cell, food regenerator chip, energy unit, long metal pole, particle accelerater, and a radiator. Fires a atom into the enemis body that starts a chain reaction with his atoms that causes the enemy to over heat and and catch on fire and die. Like a poisin it takes around 5 seconds from being hit to take affect. Enemy blacks out and catches on fire and burns to death. Very gruesome. Ether is used for ammo. 10 per shot.

    4. Battle Convoy Car- created from original vehicle, 2 powered accelerators, 1 anti-gravity device, 2 de/magnetizers, and a flame thrower. Can hold 6 people including you. Can have two turrets mounted on the top, may be overpowered.

    5. Gray Alien- The oldest of the wizest aliens, also the strongest. shes big and nasty and especially fast. She can keep up with you so hopefully you arn't overburdened. Very High Heath and Great Damage. Lets out large cry when heath is below half that brings around 10 Dire reapers to aid her. Boss Alien.

    I hope you look over some of my ideas and possible use them if your mod lives on. I recommend getting more people to work on it to keep it alive if you intend to.
    haunter 17 years ago
    4. Battle Convoy Car- created from original vehicle, 2 powered accelerators, 1 anti-gravity device, 2 de/magnetizers, and a flame thrower. Can hold 6 people including you. Can have two turrets mounted on the top, may be overpowered.

    Some tips for ya:

    1)There is already a 2nd car

    2)There are only 2 anti-gravity devices in game how get a 3rd 1?
    #1survivor 17 years ago
    "haunter" said:
    4. Battle Convoy Car- created from original vehicle, 2 powered accelerators, 1 anti-gravity device, 2 de/magnetizers, and a flame thrower. Can hold 6 people including you. Can have two turrets mounted on the top, may be overpowered.

    Some tips for ya:

    1)There is already a 2nd car

    2)There are only 2 anti-gravity devices in game how get a 3rd 1?

    It's called the map editor, they could add new ones hidden in diffrent maps. Also, is there a beta download avalible?
    harwe 17 years ago
    isnt this mod gone already since the maker hasnt even put up any progresses he had made on it? its been like this for ages......
    Putkonen 17 years ago
    he will come back...not whit bad
    FREAK 15 years ago
    Lol yes...
    I will come back...
    And I'm here lol.
    I've been insanely busy for the last erm...
    Or two???
    I'm gonna try to start all over again...
    This time I plan to make progress.
    Over the years I have learned to script.
    Much much better too.
    When I look at the scripts in this game.
    I'm gonna realize How dumb I was back then.
    I'm gonna try very hard this time.
    Hopefully notrium won't die before I complete this if I do that is.
    Maybe I will bring it back to life?
    We will see.
    kopana 15 years ago
    Sounds great, what with the Werivar Redux apparently stagnating, I'd love to see some new stuff happening. I don't see much activity around here, I check back once a month or so. I'll try to show up more often to check in on this, and though I'm rather inexperienced, I'm not really the twelve or so I was the last time I hung out around here regularly, so I'll gladly offer what advice and help I can. I'd be interested in joining you in this project if you don't mind me being slow at first with understanding the Notrium script.
    buggy 15 years ago
    sorry for the bigbump but whats the status on this mod?
    seddo111 15 years ago
    probably dead, hasn seen a post in about 7 months
    Forum » Weapons and stuff. What you like and don't like. (NEW MOD!)
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