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Forum » Undead Force

Undead Force

Zombie 17 years ago
Okay people. I have webhosting (nice webhosting) for six months. I've uploaded a really old, crusty page that I made a long while ago when I was still very adamant about learning to program and, somehow, assembling an awesome programming team to make games.

Well, guess what? I'm modifying it into a creative venue for myself (if you visit, it's the CORE section) and a critical venue for gaming and gamers (will be what is now the SHELL section).

The UDF team (which is, right now, just MK and myself) will be free to review any and every game they have played, including free games, console games, and PC games.

The site URL?

Want to join the team?

You need to be well spoken, a video game player, and able to write good reviews of games with data from actual gameplay. If you can incorporate screenshots and such with your review, that is even better.

When the six months of free hosting expires I will consider getting a more permanent venue of hosting. It mostly depends on how much is being put into the site and how many people are actually visiting the site.

Keep in mind, submission to the entire site is open. However, team members are the only people guaranteed that their work will be posted.

Anyone interested in this site at all? In any way, shape or form?
Zombie 17 years ago
Did I mention I'll upload my fledgling comic, "The Book of Crap" to the site? ;P
Madgamer 17 years ago
Now why would one of us would want to do that?

Anyways the site, very original, 'cept for the matrix haxxor letters.

And who doesn't like gaming more than I do? Sign me up please.

Also, forum will definitely help. But under what I'm assuming, you prolly are going to add that one in.

For another note, how do you take screenshots? I believe it was one of the 3 buttons just above and beyond your arrow keys. Also if you do take one where would the picture go? My guess, my documents, not myspace.

...Bad pun, but it'd be interesting to see how many reviews I can make before my finger tires.
Grim Reaper 17 years ago
"Madgamer" said:
For another note, how do you take screenshots? I believe it was one of the 3 buttons just above and beyond your arrow keys. Also if you do take one where would the picture go? My guess, my documents, not myspace.
If you use Print Screen, the image will be slapped on your clipboard. However, I do believe most games have their own key for taking screenshots AND saving them as pictures at the same time.
E_net4 17 years ago
Or you can use a program to Print Screen, like Gadwin Printscreen
Shingo 17 years ago
Sign me up. I'd love a chance to write reviews about games, as well as throwing in my 2 cents on game suggestions, if that's what I think you were referring to? Also, if I could ever remember what I learned about coding I might just be of some use in that category as well.
Grim Reaper 17 years ago
I'd kinda want to join up, but I'm constantly getting the feeling that I'm not really the type of person who reviews stuff.
E_net4 17 years ago
I'm not sure either, I'll have to go check the website first.
Madgamer 17 years ago
I'm still wondering when I can just type my reviews and join for the heck of it...

Sooo, how's all the stuff been going?
Zombie 17 years ago
Read the news entries in the SHELL and CORE sections. I'm swamped with work and will make updates when I am able.

Type your reviews up anyway and, if you know HTML, format them to balance any pictures or text. Try to keep it within the style of the site, mind you.

If you write a few good reviews then I'll think about admitting you to the team, where your reviews will be posted as soon as I am able to post them. Otherwise, your reviews will be posted if they are good.

Just so you know: I am not going to edit your reviews. I will read them and, basically, mentally score them on thoroughness, how much it tells me about the game (without, hopefully, revealing critical story details), how well any screenshots you included go with the text, and other such categories. I might even make a rubric to score these on and, if the score is unacceptable then I'll send you the rubric and tell you how you can improve your reviews for next time.

This site isn't just a free-for-all. I actually would like people to come and look at it and say, "Wow, this is really helpful." So, I may be being harsh here, but imbeciles need not apply. I do encourage you all, however, to try. So far I don't think any imbeciles have shown any want to participate. ^-^

One last thing: Anyone able to translate reviews or my site or provide reviews in several languages, by all means let me know. The more people that can read the content of my site, the better. I know we have some finnish people here, in addition to dutch. If any of you could help out, let me know.
Grim Reaper 17 years ago
I think I would be qualified to translatimate the site (or portions of it) to Finnish... >.>
Idiota 17 years ago
I would have helped you with that Zombie, I'm just kind of busy with school right now... Perhaps I'll join the project in the summer, after this hell-ish school year has passed...
Zombie 17 years ago
I know what you mean. Between college stress and general "not doing my homework" stress, I have little time left for "website stress" too. XD;

I have too much free time for stress.

The website will probably start blooming more around the summer, or at least after I've graduated. Sweet zombie jesus, let me graduate and get into DePaul. >.<

Agh. I've actually even started putting off my procrastination. XD; I'm like, "I'm too busy relaxing today, so I'll procrastinate tomorrow. " and I don't even realize it.
Barebones 17 years ago
Critic time: Site map needs to be more thorough. Links shouldn't be so categorized, rather there needs to be a list organizing the subjects of certain links.

In the process of reviewing, I believe I have a moderate opinion in most aspects, attempting to please everyone except people who hate bugs. They have patches for that, you know.

Now if you slap 50 bucks on a buggy game, then I will rate down.

Other than that, gewd lawkz. Yes, end of resume. No portfolio to speak of.
MegaSplosion 16 years ago
I haven't checked the site but I love gaming. UNFOURTUNATELY I don't have the kind of money to constantly upgrade and buy new gear... never mind.

And your proposition sounds good, may I have a go at reviewing? (note this is a very weak expresion of intrest, not a full-blown commitment).
E_net4 16 years ago
Dude, this was a year ago.
Forum » Undead Force

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