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  • Surviving Notrium v1.33 - Tips and Helpful Hints

    Quanrian 21 years ago
    This thread is exclusively for you guys to put Tips and Helpful Hints. Please don't put any ideas here. If you have gameplay questions, hence how do I get this, where is this creature, ect. than this is the thread I'd like you to stick it in, than a player or myself or even Ville will do our best to answer the question for you.

    Please checkout the Notrium FAQ thread as well for answers to several questions you may have.

    I cleared out this thread since 1.3 is different from 1.2 in alot of ways. It's up to you guys to put in tips once again. Please put them in a readable format and no off topic. I WILL edit your posts if I have to. You've been warned
    LunaticNeko 20 years ago
    Try every combinations possible when you got a new token.
    Be careful in dreamscapes.
    Avoid fights.

    You're very weak, stick with good arsenals.
    Sniping is a good idea.

    Alien (Gameplay):
    Check carefully when you evolved. You need to see the next requirements.

    Spare batteries, they're much more important now.
    Don't waste your energy!

    Alien (Breeding):
    You may spare a corpse or two for your baby.
    You can use the egg in any nests.

    Now you can carry things, press V near it. However when you're holding it you'll walk slower.
    The bike is FUN! Try it NOW!
    Now find good place, you can have a walled stronghold!
    Click 20 years ago

    -Only use psionic blast if there's no other way to win.

    -You don't have to worry about food. Worry about energy.

    -Don't pick up anything. Even if it's really cool. But remember where it was so when you can carry items, go back there.


    -No way to heal 'cept repair unit.

    -Probably the best to play with if you're a starter.

    -Needs a lot of keep a few batteries handy at all times.

    -Can use radio


    -Same thing, but can use radio and has a clock.

    -Can't think of anything else


    -Powerful, so don't be scared of anything 'cept the bosses

    -Fast for running away.

    -Don't try the marine ending with her (yes it's a girl).

    -Best place to go at first is the Ship Graveyard.
    Zombie 20 years ago
    I've got some alien tips...

    I'm sorry to contradict you Click... but the first Alien ending I EVER got was the Marine ending... And I did it all by doing what the alien does best... Running and slashing...

    The best way to do it though, is save ALL of the broken turrets, computer units, batteries, and repair units you find... Then, cut your way to the bosses... Outside the boss room, repair and deploy your turrets... THEN GIVE 'EM HELL!

    Of course... Typing it is easier than doing it... I'm a madman when it comes to playing an Alien...

    Another Alien tip... Don't pick up things you don't need... The VC ship, the bunker, and the missle base all hold enough things to make the bike and the VC ship has the two machines you might need... Basically, the Alien needs very little items... All you truly need are:

    1) Lighters and firewood
    2) A pulse beacon (to mark your fire locations)
    3) Your claws
    4) Health packs

    Lighters and firewood give you the means to cook those darnedable brown alien corpses... The pulse beacons give you the means to find your fires again after a long day of hunting...

    If you play on medium or hard, then add in:

    5) Ice packs
    6) A tree

    You should build your fire under a tree, or a few trees if you can... Then heal up and eat up and drop ALL of your droppable items around your fire (so they are visible) and then go hunting... Kill kill and kill, grab all the corpses, and when you start to get overburdened (won't take long, you kill-machine you) head back to camp and drop all the corpses... Eat up and heal up and get ready to go out again!


    I recommend making camp outside of the Hive area, as it will allow you to be all nice and safe from the large concentrations of aliens, while also being close enough for hunting... I also reccomend taking a turret or two to fortify it a bit and build it on the edge of the map... Pulse-beacon mark where it is in both the Hive area, and your base area, so you can easily slip in and out in the turret-protected area... Barriers are sometimes useful for fortifying the turrets, but you may just be wasting your ice-packs...

    This was a Zombie-Tip-O-Vision message, brought to you by Arachno spores, the deadly deadly spore with a funny name!
    Eric 20 years ago

    Kill the two giant robots. Then get the anti-grav units. Now your psionic can carry stuff. But, you still can't use most of it. You can carry health kits though...

    After you can carry health kits, find a red healing plant. Sit on it and use the Mass token and keep storing "life essence" and healing with the health kits. You can get an almost unlimited amount of "life essence" this way.

    When you use Psi Blast, use it at point blank range. It will kill most things in one shot... and frequently will kills entire swarms (at point blank) in 2 or 3.
    LunaticNeko 20 years ago
    I always survive with a camp based on:
    1 Force Field Gen.
    2-4 Pulse Beacons
    >=4 Tentacles
    2 Turrets, any kind.
    Stored Food and Weapons

    I always go out with HoverBike.
    Eric 20 years ago

    Battery extensions are your friend!

    You can usually find metal rods in the desert (and most any other zone). The De/Magnetizers are usually only found in the Ship Graveyard. Combine one of each, then use them. You get 30 extra energy each (All races except Psionic can use these).

    A battery charger is nice also. It uses one full cell and charges your batters... TO FULL! (I have 350+ energy atm).

    Force Fields are nice to regen health, since repair packs are probably the hardest item to come by. You can get spare batteries by killing robots.


    The hoverbike is sweet. You can carry WAY over your load limit this way. So it is a great way to move your base... just grab the broken turrets battery charge, food replicator and stuff to make a force field generator. The move to a new location. You can run over lava, but it hurts the bike (very slowly) and slows down your speed.
    Nephilm 20 years ago
    Hi, I am new to Notrium and the board, but these are tactics I used as the human were very helpful.

    During the early game it's effective to use the hermit's house as your base of operations, the starting area is pretty safe, has enough food, and the door can be closed leaving all the aliens outside. I do not recommend placing a stasis field here unless you got more than 6 force fields, as you're unlikely to return to this part of the world later unless to pick-up things you left after relocatting. After you have cleared all the surrounding areas, I recommend gradually establishing new bases, depending on the amount of force fields you can procure. My personal recomendations as to places where you should deploy an stasis field are:

    - The desert, close to the missile base. Reinforce with a pair of turrets if you like, but don't overdo. The desert has pretty extreme weather, making exploration hard, but it is filled with the basic components for laser guns and turrets (light diodes), and contains the missile base which you need to clear for many of the different endings. It is much easier to gradually wear down the base if you have your own ops center nearby.

    - The ship graveyard/communications area. I recommend placing the stasis field close to the teleporter. The graveyard is pretty safe, but the communications area is not. If you place the stasis field on the graveyard you shouldn't require any turrets, but you will need 2+ if you place it one the the comms area (but why would you do that, is beyond me). You'll like to clear the graveyard as it is filled with particle accelerators and demagnetizers, both of which are components for useful items.

    - The Hive. You need a base here if you are to survive. Here is what I did: I placed most of my items just outside the are beforehand, then I carried 5 turrets (you can scavenge damaged turrets and then repair them) and activated them just outside the alien nest, close enough for the turrets to shoot at things inside but far enough so that the queens would not come out and blast your turrets. Help your turrets kill off the aliens and and before long you'll be surrounded by dead bodies. Then start hit and run attacks on the nest to lure out the queens and bring them into the fire range of the turrets, after both queens are dead move your turrets just above the nest, placing the ones in better shape ahead. Reinforce with more turrets in case you lost any, the ideal number should be something around 5 or 6, depending on the difficulty level. After you have taken the nest move in the rest of your stuff and place a field, and also place some fires around the structure so you get better light during the night (once you spend your first night there you'll know why). Now on to the foraging! You will have so many bodies littering the place that the food should should last for a week, and you'll get more as aliens attemp to assault your little stronghold. IIRC I got between 250-300 weight units of cooked alien meat, plus the blue alien corpses. Raise your alien and order it to stay on the nest, and it should kill anything that gets close to the turrets.

    - The mining area. It is up to you wether you want to place it outside the marine base or inside, if you place it outside it should be easier to attack the base, but you'll need several turrets to reinforce against marine counter-attacks, if you take the base and place your field inside you should be pretty safe with just one or two turrets guarding the gate, and it will be a lot quicker to mount assaults on both the bunker and the battleship.
    Click 20 years ago
    Another couple of tactics of mine:

    Gorge: Go here as soon as you have any weapon 'cept for the Tazer. Make sure ammo is abundant and wreak havoc in the Gorge. Killing all the spidy thingys will get you into the mood to turn up the volume and bash some serious alien butt. Although many people would disagree with me, the Gorge is best for beginners. The spiders are weak so you should have no trouble dispatching them.

    Even though there are several Reapers, the spiders should distract them long enough for you to scamper away.

    Hive: Most people would say this is a living hell, but I don't think so. Get yourself a rapidfire pistol with lots of ammo, and you'll pass through safely...just make sure to avoid the nests.

    Ville Corp: This place is the real hell. I suggest you get some pets and a ??? before venturing into this wasteland. Rapidfire pistol is best here.

    Eden: Don't let the name fool you. This place rivals Ville Corp in difficulty. Be cautious and tread carefully here. Bosses and enemies aplenty.

    Desert: Easy to beat. Stock a couple laser turrets and weapons to blast your way to victory. Alien claws work fine here.

    Ship Graveyard: Moderate in difficulty. Shouldn't be that much of a challenge. If you can pass through the Hive without killing yourself, then consider this area beaten.

    Communications Area: READ ABOVE TATIC

    Well, that's all I have to say. Ta-ta!
    Nephilm 20 years ago
    I actually found Eden quite easy once I had the shotgun and the pistol, along with the targetting laser. I would use the shotgun to take care of the walking plants (one medium range shot is enough, you don't even need to hit it with all the pellets), and the pistol for the tentacles (just one well placed shot), make your way slowly and methodicaly and you should have no problems, just watch the food as there aren't any aliens in there. The shotgun also works well against the invisible tentacles, just keep your distance.
    SkullAK 20 years ago
    Hi, im new to the forum, and to the game, i'd just like to ask twp questions regarding the aliens and fungus, do they respawn? the reason im wondering is i'm thinking about the Alien character, and having to get the evolution points by killing small blue aliens, and wondering if i should hold off killing anything till im told to in my journals, and im also wondering if fungus can keep me alive indefinately. Thanks
    Nephilm 20 years ago
    I believe that's a post for the Notrium questions topic, but I'll answer it as a tip.

    Your main source of food through the game, especially for the alien who can travel the map very fast but can't carry a lot of stuff, will most likely be fungus and alien meat/corpses. These two resources are continually generated, so if you leave an area and return to it later you're bound to find more of it, but the resource generation isn't so high as to say that you can travel around and just eat the fungus you find on your way or eat corpses when you're hungry.

    Aliens, for instance, seem to first appear in great quantities, and after that tend to become rarer and rarer. This is because there was a preset ammount of them on a given area and after the bulk of it has been killed the only source will be the spawned ones. Note that some areas have more alien spawners than others (e. g. The Hive), and there are some creatures that don't appear to respawn or do so at an extremely low rate (marines, spiders, ice aliens).

    My personal recommendation is to pack up any source of food you can, do not waste anything, and if you cannot carry it with you either it it right away (careful not to pass over your food limit) or gather a large enough ammount and drop it somewhere you can remember (beacons are helpful). You can pick up the gathered food later or leave it there for quick snacks if you're exploring nearby areas. Also note that cooked alien meat takes less space than the corpses, so you should grill it whenever you see fire.

    I recommend to eat all the fungus you see as long as you don't go over your top, since fungus cannot be relocated for later consumption.
    SkullAK 20 years ago
    Thanky you and sorry , i just was just reading Quanrian's post and he said that if you had any questions, this would be the thread he would like to see them in
    Crazy 20 years ago
    DO NOT STOP!!! whater you do, in whatever situation, KEEP MOVING!!! speed is you most powerful weapon. i usually just find an enemy, and then take it out by running around it and at some point attack and after one hit, quickly retreat. The alien is superfast. if you practice enough (or like me, play alot of quick-reaction games) you can even dodge bullets. not just a single bullet of shots of a single enemy, i just run around marines and attack them with the above tactic while dodging a rain of bullets. even if you think you cannot do this, keep moving around a ranged enemy, they arent very smart with aiming, theyll probably miss. stay around the hive. But i wouldent suggest going against the queens, you might find later on, with high evolution that youd rather see all the evolutions. i had a problem with this, i had one very damaged queen left and she kept walking into lava.
    ville 20 years ago
    "SkullAK" said:
    Thanky you and sorry , i just was just reading Quanrian's post and he said that if you had any questions, this would be the thread he would like to see them in

    Yes, this is the thread we answer gameplay related questions. You're in the right place.
    Nephilm 20 years ago
    I just noticed that you can use ether to create "sentient puddles", what do those things do besides moving around?
    Click 20 years ago
    Hint: Fire...Heat...Flames...
    Nephilm 20 years ago
    Thought of that, shame I cannot test it with the alien.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    Hwwwwwaaaaaaaaa *stretches itself after a wintersleep and scratches his butt* been away too long. . Here it goes:

    Psionic: avoid contact with aliens. Go immediatly to the ship graveyard and head for the water shrine and use a skill (forgat it's name). should have no problems clearing that. After that you can head for the desert to get the anti gravity thingies. find out the rest yourself .

    Alien: only have 1 thing to say about this one:
    Kill ONLY the aliens you need for evolution, or suckier ones. You might get into trouble otherwise.

    Human an Android:I never play them, nothing to say bout them.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    Setting up a base in the Gorge can be benificial as with enough turrets, they will kill the reapers before they get close enough to damage them and you can collect the corpses for health. It helps that the reapers have a rather-rapid spawn point at the top of the map...

    Taking the Ville Corp base is also a good idea as you can use the bunker as a base once it is cleared of enemies. Using the marine mothership as a base is a possibility that I once tried (and did a pretty good job with), but my patrolling aliens killed the marine commander by accident, ending the game.

    On a related note, any place can be used as a base simply by having enough turrets that will kill any enemy before it can damage them. If a hostile target can hurt the turrets before they can kill it, you need more turrets. It's as simple as that. In one of my files, I had a base in every area of the game. Then I died of starvation in the desert. This little irony should serve as a reminder that food is still an essential part of even the most powerful characters.

    Final tip: VC pistol with laser pistol as backup is the best weapons loadout. VC pistol has a high enough fire rate to be a good weapon, but not as high as the Rapid Fire Pistol so it lasts longer (Rapid Fire Pistol runs through ammo faster than the Warp Gun runs through energy). Laser Pistol can take out any enemies that take low damage from the VC pistol. Using this combination I got through the Hive without a scratch, and even killed both brown queens (by accident, no less).
    Fusion 20 years ago
    With the human or alien I generaly go into eden when I have either evolved or gotten a good arsenal and lots of batterys and beat the crap out of the walking plants, then I grab all the tentacles and drop them all in a little pile outside missile base, Then I drop everything thats not weightless, Grab the tenticles and drop them in the vicinity of the megabots and run away for 5 minutes. It works

    But if you are alien and have ferral rage/lethal bite then you can just 'rage your way through and bite the bots twice and then they die
    Anima 20 years ago

    Personally the safest place to make a place to live is were you first crash. The Hermits House. Simply kill the owner and begin to secure the premiss.

    Materials Needed.

    Wood- 16-20 units.
    Working Turret -2-6

    For the wood, lay 4-5 peices of lit wood at each corner of the buidling, this will allow you to see footsteps farther away then normal. If you wish, add more fires to the sides of the building to see areas in those directions.

    Place a turret on either side of the doors. If needed add them to the corners.

    THen fill the building with need supplies.

    That is what I do myself.
    LunaticNeko 20 years ago
    I'll display in riddles:

    when you can't snipe, GO KILL IT!

    tentacles = tough = uber only

    small blue aliens = weakling = free food

    small fungies = edible fungies

    storing essences = good idea

    found a plant AND you are psionic = do not eat but use extract essences (if applicable)

    ville corp = kill from distance

    if you are cheating = SHAME ON YOU!
    muffinman 20 years ago
    with alien, who i like to use the most, i just kill all the little alien like brown and blue aliens in acient ruins and try to find stuff and make base at hermit's base, i try to keep my food above 200, because for the evolution, and after 2 evolution, i keep my food above 150 because their food goes down pretty fast, and since their fast and strong, i use hit and run tatics
    Anonymous1157 20 years ago
    Alien tips:

    -Don't use the firewood, you'll need 5 of them at 1200 Evo.
    -Only go to the Hive when you have to start killing Brown Aliens, makes game that much simpler.
    muffinman 20 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    Alien tips:
    -Only go to the Hive when you have to start killing Brown Aliens, makes game that much simpler.

    Then how do you kill small blue aliens, I already killed the brown queen in a second with my army of turrets.
    Noctudeit 20 years ago
    When the planet is created, you always start in the Ancient Ruins, but the rest of the map (besides the Hive) is randomly placed. The areas are always layed out in this pattern.
    R= Ruins, H=Hive 1-5 = random areas.
    The random areas are:
    -Ship Graveyard = S
    -Missile Base = B
    -Mining Field = M
    -Deep Gorge = G
    -Eden = E

    note: #=wild card (dosen't matter what zone goes here)

    The layout of these random areas greatly affects the difficulty of the game depending on what race you play.

    Here are what I found to be the easiest Layouts:
    Note: areas 1,2, and 3 are all pretty much interchangeable.


    -Same as Human

    Alien (pretty flexible)

    muffinman 20 years ago
    I think mining field should be on either side with missle base on the other. Also have ship graveyard in the front. Who would want to run into all those marines.
    Noctudeit 20 years ago
    Well... frankly, marines don't scare me in the least little bit. and I like using the marine base as my own base of opperations. If it's placed just above the ruins, then you have quick access to all other areas. The missile base could go up here as there is a decent base there as well. However, the mothership and bunker have many good supplies to offer, and I don't like making long trips to bring these things to my base, not to mention all those wonderful crates. I wouldn't play a game with the ship graveyard below the Hive because there is no good area for a base. True, there are fewer enemies to defend against, but it would take turrets that could otherwise be used to make an 'outpost' in a more hazardous zone such as the Hive.
    My reasoning for my Psionic layout is simple, you have access to all of your tokens, you can dash through the Hive to get your anti-gravs. Also, bases don't matter in the least for Psionic as you are your own base in the end, and you can call any place that has a bit of food your home... or bring a few rations...
    muffinman 20 years ago
    But the problem is that if your psionic or alien, the flamethrower dudes will hurt alot and I keep dying with human and android, so I mostly use alien.
    Marevix 20 years ago
    My tips-

    Alien: A nice way to kill aliens is to take a step or so backward away from the alien attacking you while clawing at them. That way you are still efficiently damaging them without getting hurt.

    The only easy, cost-effective way to kill reapers is to sneak up on them, which is very very difficult. Acid spitting and lethal biting takes up too much food. Acid spit takes too long. Lethal bite still requires getting beat up by the reaper.

    Sometimes I get a few battery extensions (got my main alien before the 1.33 prerelease 2 to about 250 max energy) and run in there with repair units. Just grab a bunch of comp. units and scour the missle base for batteries. Combine the computer units with the batteries to get repair units (what is an alien going to be doing with those two components otherwise?) and when a reaper gets close, lead it to another and kill two birds with one stone.

    Human: Get the hermit if you're going straight for an ending, he can be invaluable for covering your back. For getting through the hive, he is the number 1 way.

    Android: You may be on the lookout for batteries, repair units, and battery extensions, but don't forget computer units. Battery + computer unit = repair unit. Don't use energy weapons.

    Psionic: Play on medium mode and dodge all the missles, it's the easiest way to play.
    burgerking 20 years ago
    Tip for beating reapers:
    Keep moving in one direction and fire behind you. You can only just see the reaper faintly. If you are alien stop moving after a while and hold the fire button.
    Tip for Hive area:
    If you are alein you can survie pretty easily in the area. Evolving is easy in this area. If you are psionic Brain poison is your best friend. It will cause an enemy to go crazy and attack each other.
    Tip for eden area:
    If you are psionic this area can be pretty quiet sometimes. Don't be fooled. Enemies are often closer than you think. I used the motion token and found about twenty enemys where behind me. Just keep moving.
    Tip for Missile base area:
    Energy Weapons are the best defence against robots. You can kill the robots pretty fast with a pulse laser or beacon ray.
    (Edit) Btw What do you do after you get the liquid token as psionic. i found the void portal but i can't use it.
    k0rem 20 years ago
    A quick tip for aliens:

    If you are fighting a large number of aliens at once, (or any amount of aliens actully) slowly backing off from the fight while holding down the attack key, with you claws selected, will kill any alien (excluding reapers, as they pull you back) with minimal health loss. The key to this is to move slowly increasing speed as they get into attack range so they cannot touch you. I've managed to kill most of an alien hive with one assault using this style of attack, one last thing is that this is much easier to acomplish whislt walking on marsh as both your speed and the aliens speed is lowered drastically allowing for much easier kills.

    The only problem I've found with this is that holding the attack key attracts all the other aliens in your vacinity which sometimes becomes a problem if their numbers suddenly double, or even triple if your that unlucky ..
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    Personally I always thought not having one of the areas being below the Ancient Ruins was a stupid idea. Why not? What's so special about that direction? So I usually go in and switch one of the randoms above the hive to being below the ancient ruins. Some call that cheating, I call it common sense.

    But anyway, on to the game. There is no reason not to use the hut as a base. It is perfectly enclosed, and the door can't be breached unless you leave it open. Just stick a couple turrets (number doesn't matter, but I once had about 12 turrets) outside to take out any enemies and you should be fine. I had like, 50 repair units laying in a pile near the door so I never had any problems (this was before 1.33, but it should still apply). In my new files I take the tazor, combine it with the warp coil, make a load of battery extensions (my max energy has been as high as 430), and show those missile robots who's boss. Then I have a max carry weight of 130 and I can bring along some energy units for emergency power. When the aliens become a hassle, I bring out by VC Pistol and 400 bullets and turn them into swiss cheese. When robots become a hassle, they meet my friend mr. Pulse Laser. Sure, most people save it for bosses, but using it at close range spells instant doom for all robots concerned.

    [Edit]@Burgerking - The void portal is after you get the lifeforce token. The liquid token's focus is used at the Green Alter in the Eden area (it's at the center). You'll also need a few life essences...[/Edit]
    burgerking 20 years ago
    Thx for the help, MageKing17! Some people might find the map editor handy to make the game a little easyer for them. U can unlock it if u read the readme file carefully...
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