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Forum » The Proper RP - progress

The Proper RP - progress

Idiota 17 years ago
Remember when I said in the SERP topic I was starting on a project? Well, I'm halfway through writing down the history of the system since the discovery of the fusion drive, although I have it all written down in my head already. You can get most information about the setting and tech level from the story, and it provides you with enough blank spots to rip into bits with your creativite mind.

But I do need to see if my ideas are appreciated. What I was thinking of was to have an alien race invade the human system. The alien race would be controlled by a player, and the human race would be 'controlled' by the other players. the other players may pick the role of one human. He can't be a counsilmember of the Home Counsil, but he can be the captain of a battleship. (The rule is that a player isn't allowed a spot that provides him with control over another player, unless that player chooses a role of cannonfodder)

I don't need you to post your roles just yet, since I still have some statistical things to take care of. (The amount of warships Home has, what classes of ships there are, etc.) I'm just posting this to let you all know that I am still making progress.
Crazy 17 years ago
Sounds like an overused idea. This is a good thing because i can't wait to see what interesting things you've brought here.
The Gemini 17 years ago
This sounds promising. Can't wait!
Idiota 17 years ago
Anyway, progress kind of halted unless Grim does some stuff, since I'm going to Italy for a week.
MageKing17 17 years ago
Hmm, sounds like an interesting idea, to be sure. Just one question, how exactly are you going to balance one player (the aliens) fighting a whole bunch of players (the humans)?
Cejer 17 years ago
Well, the human players are all "single characters" within an NPC (or GM controlled) empire. The alien player is an "empire character," to use old terminology. It's already balanced (militarily) right there, as the number of human players in no way increases the military assets of the human empire, as the humans are all taking control of existing characters.

However, I think a impartial game master with the ability to arbitrarily enforce mere whims is needed, but this game master would require the restrant not to do so. I can say right now that I wouldn't qualify.
MageKing17 17 years ago
"Cejer" said:
Well, the human players are all "single characters" within an NPC (or GM controlled) empire. The alien player is an "empire character," to use old terminology. It's already balanced (militarily) right there, as the number of human players in no way increases the military assets of the human empire, as the humans are all taking control of existing characters.

However, I think a impartial game master with the ability to arbitrarily enforce mere whims is needed, but this game master would require the restrant not to do so. I can say right now that I wouldn't qualify.
Yes, my question was really one of "If Human Captain A gets killed by Alien Empire, how do you handle the situation if they cry foul?"
Pete 17 years ago
"MageKing17" said:
"Cejer" said:
Well, the human players are all "single characters" within an NPC (or GM controlled) empire. The alien player is an "empire character," to use old terminology. It's already balanced (militarily) right there, as the number of human players in no way increases the military assets of the human empire, as the humans are all taking control of existing characters.

However, I think a impartial game master with the ability to arbitrarily enforce mere whims is needed, but this game master would require the restrant not to do so. I can say right now that I wouldn't qualify.
Yes, my question was really one of "If Human Captain A gets killed by Alien Empire, how do you handle the situation if they cry foul?"

Escape pods or regeneration chambers, maybe?
Crazy 17 years ago
Clones? A la Eve?
Cejer 17 years ago
Perma-death. With a chance to play another character. Maybe.

Actually, I think I have a workable solution.
Hmm, pretend that "Bob" and "Harry" are human captains.

Bob is out patrolling by himself, and gets jumped by an alien vessel. The game master decides the ships destroy each other. Bob is now dead, even though he was controlled by a forum member.

Now lets say Harry takes part in a massive human offensive. In the battle, 14 human ships take part. Harry is the only forum member controlled captain. The game master decides that 12 ships are destroyed. The other 2 escape and 1 is highly damaged. Because Harry is controlled by a forum member that member can decide if Harry was commanding a destroyed ship, the damaged ship, or the unscathed ship.

So to sum up: causualties first happen to unnamed members of a fight, but when the grunts run out, named people end up being vulnerable.

I also don't think unnamed grunts (with similar training) should fight worse than named people. I.e. an NPC captain is just as effective as a PC captain in a fight, although the PC can make more decisions (which may help the battle).
Murska 17 years ago
What about if Bob and Harry are both part of an offensive, where 4 ships fight, and 3 are destroyed. Which one of them survives?
Pete 17 years ago
Id say rock paper scissors. Through PM.
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
"Pete" said:
Id say rock paper scissors. Through PM.
How the f*** does that work? XD
Lochen 17 years ago
"Anonymous1157" said:
"Pete" said:
Id say rock paper scissors. Through PM.
How the f*** does that work? XD
Bob sends pm to George saying rock.
Al sends pm to George saying paper.
George tells both that Al won.

That would be how I think it would work at least

[edited - Al, not Bob, would be who won >.<]
Grim Reaper 17 years ago
The dude's name is HARRY, not Al.
Murska 17 years ago
"Lochen" said:
"Anonymous1157" said:
"Pete" said:
Id say rock paper scissors. Through PM.
How the f*** does that work? XD
Bob sends pm to George saying rock.
Al sends pm to George saying paper.
George tells both that Al won.

That would be how I think it would work at least

[edited - Al, not Bob, would be who won >.<]

That could take ages. Say both are only on the internet once a day, and in the opposite timezones.

Harry sends George a PM saying paper. Bob sends George a PM saying paper half a day later. Half a day later, Harry knows they had a tie and sends rock. Half a day later Bob knows it also, and sends rock. And the game lags.
Lochen 17 years ago
"Murska" said:
That could take ages. Say both are only on the internet once a day, and in the opposite timezones.
Never said it would be quick, just how I saw it would go. Can't really think of a good way to do otherwise as I am a bit out of phase though. Hopefully you all will get everything working though.

(And on the names, I never read them, I just used generic ones - Bob, George and Al are the first three I think. Kinda suprised I got two of them right without looking though. )
Idiota 17 years ago
The person who gives me most cookies will end up surviving ofcourse, that's how society works. :p Nah, it'll be based on chance of course. I'm in a bit of a hectic period overall right now, and I find little time to work on the project. This weekend I'll put more details in the file, though. I'd like to know, Grim, if you have added anything to it. If so, email it to me.
Grim Reaper 17 years ago
"Idiota" said:
The person who gives me most cookies will end up surviving ofcourse, that's how society works. :p Nah, it'll be based on chance of course. I'm in a bit of a hectic period overall right now, and I find little time to work on the project. This weekend I'll put more details in the file, though. I'd like to know, Grim, if you have added anything to it. If so, email it to me.
Haven't added anything becuz haven't gotten any ideas. I feel so out of the loop... ._.;
Shingo 17 years ago
/me volunteers to be in das loop?

Heh. As much as I'd like to be part of this, am I correct to believe that it's still exclusively a two man project and will remain that way?

Edit: Idiota, does one slice of pie count as 5 cookies? If so, I can provide much pie, if necessary.
Grim Reaper 17 years ago
"Shingo" said:
Heh. As much as I'd like to be part of this, am I correct to believe that it's still exclusively a two man project and will remain that way?
Well, it started with THREE people, but the Über-secret-and-nameless-third-person is probably too busy to participate...

Also, I personally see this more as a one-man-project, seeing how Idiota seems to have done most of far.
The Gemini 17 years ago
So, this thing is dead right?
Crazy 17 years ago
Oh, oh yes.

In line for resurrection, i guess.
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
What ever happened to that medieval RP that came insanely close to working out? If someone figures out how to revive that one, I'll let everyone blame me for the failure. You might also get an explanation as to why I'm admitting that I was the problem.
Idiota 17 years ago
Oh no, I'm still working on this. It's just that I've been a very busy little fellow as of late and I decided to pause the project untill vacation a month back. I'll continue this in a couple of weeks I guess.
Idiota 17 years ago
Ok, I moved this to the projects corner for a reason. I'm picking this back up at last, and I have some things to mention as well.

I have the concept worked out quite well now. It'll cover a large time span, with a few years between each session. Basically, at the start, humanity is just trying to walk for the first time when it comes to space travel (Efficient space travel, that is, much unlike what WE have now). from this point on, the story will keep advancing in time, steadily. I haven't worked out exactly how long each session will take, but I guess that's something that comes into play as we progress. Basically, each session, I will sketch the situation a bit, and what's wrong with it. It's up to you to solve it in whatever way you damn hell please, but I'll be steering you just slightly, you won't even notice it if you take action rationally.

I will not be taking part directly in the RP. It's sad, because I would have really wanted to, but I really should be in the position of the narrator for this one. And since I am in the position of narrator, taking part in the RP as well suddenly becomes very empty. (because I know exactly what's going to happen)

The entire 'story' (you could see yourself as a main character in a science fiction book) is set in a world that I am currently still busy making, (This is a very time consuming process, sadly...) and it will be set in a solar system with a diversity of planets and moons. I'll describe each planet in detail, and I'll try to make up a history that will make each planet unique. (I strongly reccomend using the background I provide in the creation of your character, as it will make it much easier to RP your rol.) I didn't describe any of the moons so far, as I am still in doubt of leaving them as lumbs of rock circling around a planet, or actually giving them a function/story. Most likely they'll be used as military practise grounds, but I'm not sure.

Don't post any charaacter details yet, as I am going on vacation soon and it's nowhere near completion yet. I'll try to post the correct format for you to use before I go away, so you can create it while I am away.

A breakdown of things I still have to do and have done:

Creation of the world 2/6

Rough sketch of the solar system - Done
Rough timeline of major events - Done
Rough description of the terraforming process of each planet - 60%
Brief history of 'the empire that has yet to be named' - 0%
Brief history of each planet - 0%
In depth history of the home planet - 0%

Starting the damn thing

Who's in and who's not.
Session 1 story arc - The idea is there, though unrefined
Session 2 story arc - 0%
Session 3 story arc - 0%

And... yeah. That concludes the most time consuming part of the project: Determining what's to be done, how to do it, and what I want for a result.
Forum » The Proper RP - progress

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