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  • Planet Pandora

    INFERNUS 12 years ago

    You are the captain of the Explorer ship that is searching
    new life forms on planets. Suddenly, few unknown spaceships
    flied out of nowhere! You couldn't defend your ship
    and you and your crew were forced to leave the ship and
    land on nearest planet. You managed to get into first ship
    that you found and flied into space.
    Enemy spaceships started to fire lasers on your ship and your
    left wing was heavily damaged. You couldn't land safely on the
    planet and you crashed. Fortunately you survived,
    but your ship is heavily damaged. In order to survive,
    you need to find food and water quickly.


    Planet Pandora v0.1.5/ 22.4.2013

    Crash Site

    Some items

    Forest fires

    --->Fires standard bullets with low damage, fire speed and medium acc. One
    --->clip have 12 bullets. DONE
    -Rapid fire pistol
    ---> Fires standard bullets with low damage, high fire speed
    ---> and low acc. One clip have 12 bullets. DONE
    ---> Fires standard bullets with high damage, fire speed and acc. Still
    ---> need reloading code.
    -Laser pistol---Done
    -Plasma rifle
    ---> Fires high powered plasma which uses a lot of energy. DONE
    -Flame thrower--- Done
    To Do:
    -Plasma pistol
    --->Fires high powered plasma which uses a lot of energy.

    -Small Brown aliens
    -Big Brown aliens
    -Small Reaper
    -Big Reaper
    -Black worm
    -Big red worm
    -Small red worm
    -Blue worm
    -Yellow worm

    -Crash site

    Player bars:
    Light blue-->Energy (Fatigue)
    On left
    Green-->Puke bar
    Blue-->Battery energy

    -Forest fires
    ---> (If you sleep, game speed will change (Speed *4) and aliens
    ---> can hurt you.(You will woke up then)) You can sleep if Z/Y key is pressed!
    ---> You can run if you hold the -Middle Mouse Button-.
    -Eating script
    ---> If you eat something your inventory will close and after 1 - 1.5 sec
    ---> inventory will open again
    ------>Sun is falling
    ------>Sun is rising
    -Berry bush is producing berries only during day
    -Night and Day shift



    -Aliens have better AI
    --->They will run away from you if they are hurt badly and they regenerate HP
    --->They come out of holes if it is night outside.
    -Black worm
    -Big red worm
    -Small red worm
    -Red plant seeds
    -Unclean water
    -Distilled Water
    -Dead red worm
    -Dead black worm
    -Berry bush is producing berries only during day
    -Night and Day shift

    -Red Berry Bush
    -Purple Berry Bush
    -Yellow Berry Bush
    -Red Berries
    -Purple Berries
    -Yellow Berries
    -Red Berry Juice
    -Purple Berry Juice
    -Energy Drink
    -Branches now have 1/4 chance to start fire.
    -Puke bar extended.
    -Some things that I don't remember...
    -a lot of bug fixes

    -Few bug fixes

    -Added Mod



    New areas
    -Ice land

    New creatures
    -Mini/Small/Big Ice aliens
    -Small/Big Blue aliens

    -Food poisoning


    Please tell me if you found any bug and if you have any suggestion.

    I've borrowed some textures and sounds from other mods if you don't mind.

    Edited 11 years ago
    TNN17 12 years ago
    Ooo, more Notrium mods? Grand.

    Suggestion: Green Bar: Satiation?

    Are you using the NMV already?

    You're welcome to use any textures in Notrium FM.

    Some more suggestions, more project related than mod oriented:

    Get a working demo out ASAP. Once you have something functional, you have something real, until then, expect at best guarded interest.

    In keeping with this, work in versions and break up the job - Try to get all the items you're going to include fixed and ready for version 0.1, get all your player stats working and the game playable (at least in one area) for 0.2, get your plot objects working in 0.3 and so on. Unless you're one of the rare people who enjoys being overwhelmed by the big picture, you'll achieve more if you have clear, attainable goals, and that's rewarding. Struggling in all directions at once trying to achieve everything all at once at the end isn't.

    Keep people updated. Not only does this help maintain interest (if your players are interested, it's a lot easier for you to be), but also makes sure if you get sidetracked (happens to the best of us), then you'll have an easier time getting back into the swing of it.

    Keep notes on your code. Case in point - I still don't understand my own code for things spawning after 24 hours without the player having to be on the map.

    Write out what you want your code to do first. It's a lot easier to break it down into specific tasks and translate than to just leap on the code from scratch and try and force it to do your bidding. When you get more familiar with it, you should be able to have a good idea how to do something after you've broken it down into all the things you want it to do.

    You're also welcome to grab any scripts from the Werivar Expansion or Notrium FM (if you have questions about any of the FM scripts, I should be able to answer them).

    If you keep running into bugs, or you're stuck on trying to do something, or you're having trouble with the code.... Ask. I've had multiple occasions where I was banging my head against something only to be pointed in the right direction by the fine people on these forums.

    If you get sick of doing a particular part of the game.... Do another part of the game you find more entertaining to create for a bit.

    Test your code constantly. I never do, so when I hit a bug it sometimes takes hours to find it.

    Always write down your ideas. I've had so many awesome, unforgettable ideas that I've forgotten just after setting up the code in order to implement them. I use the Win 7 sticky notes for short term, mid-term and long term ideas, as well as an even bigger one for the really long term plans like conversations and stuff.

    Coding stuff:

    Never have a combination that doesn't result in an item. You'll break the game and spend hours finding the bloody thing. Not that I always do this.

    Use NMV for general editing purposes, use a text editor for entry duplication. NMV will take care of backup creation for you.

    Edited 12 years ago
    INFERNUS 12 years ago
    Suggestion: Green Bar: Satiation?

    Good idea. I will add it later.

    Are you using the NMV already?

    I cant. When i try to open it it says:
    "Unable to find a version of the runtime to run this application."

    Thanks for tips TNN, you helped a lot.
    I will add some updates today.
    TNN17 12 years ago
    No worries, I'll add more as soon as I think of 'em.

    Such as: Host major updates on a permanent hosting service. Seriously, people will come back in a year and complain at you, and you can't always rely on Harwe's awesome box account magic. I use host-a-net, which is long-term, free, and given the filesizes, pretty much all I need.

    Incidentally, as soon as you put it up, permission to steal some of those tree canopies? They look neat and I need some more variety for 0.32.
    SpeedBlade 12 years ago
    Ooh! A new Notrium mod. I'ma try it out as soon as I get home from school. Thanks.
    INFERNUS 12 years ago
    Version 0.1.1 is out

    Planet Pandora v0.1.1

    Have fun!

    If you have any suggestion or if you found any bugs post it here.

    Sleep with "Z/Y" key
    Run with middle mouse button

    In order to grill meat you need to drop alien corpse near fire and you need to drop some branches near fire so that fire can stay longer.

    Edited 12 years ago
    TNN17 12 years ago
    Messed around some more, am I right in thinking it looks a lot better than it did, size-wise? Or am I just getting used to it?

    I napped - was informed I was starving and couldn't sleep, but was already sleeping since I couldn't move.

    For early testing runs, might be an idea to start the player out with a weapon or something. Currently it's just one huge map with a lot of lethal aliens.

    I know you can't use NMV, so I ran it through mine for you and picked up a few bugs.

    #1: Replace the top lines of your "Weapons.dat" with this:

    0=standard, 1=Flame Thrower, 2=Red Laser Pistol, 3=standard, 4=standard, 5=standard, 6=Pistol, 7=Rifle, 8=Fist, 9=Plasma Rifle;//weapon class names
    Particle Parameter Holder;//name---------------------------------------

    #2: You appear to have removed the "No Weapon - Do Not Remove!" weapon. I'm not sure why it's tagged "Do Not Remove!" - maybe someone more code oriented might know - but you might want to put it back and slip the parameter holder down to slot #1?

    #3: Item #28, the Light Diode, has a "Discard After Combine" of 9, rather than 1.

    #4: Just an FYI, but you don't need multiple items to open inventory with different hotkeys (I know Default does, but it's not optimal).
    Check out FM's:
    Open Inventory;//name---------------------------------------
    0;//item class
    Opens inventory.;//short description
    none;//first pick up text
    0.550000;//size on map
    0;//show on radar 0=does not show, 1=show on scanner, 2=show even without scanner
    -1;//particle to shown on radar
    0;//visible in inventory 0=no (can only be used via quick keys), 1=yes
    fist.png;//texture name
    -1;//wielded script,-1=nothing, only applicable for wieldable items
    -1;//wielded item disabling script, -1=nothing, this script is only checked for conditions while the item is wielded, if the conditions prove false, the item is unwielded
    0;//show help text for conditions
    none;//event text
    none;//event failure text
    none;//sound, none for nothing
    0;//vanishes after event, 0=no, 1=yes
    -1;//use key
    I;//quick key
    62;//effect number
    none;//event text
    none;//event failure text
    none;//sound, none for nothing
    0;//vanishes after event, 0=no, 1=yes
    -1;//use key
    X;//quick key
    62;//effect number

    Note that you can have the same item have multiple different commands attached. Just have the use key be -1 (not necessary but tidier) and a separate duplicate effect.
    You could theoretically just have one universal item that handles all the hotkey actions in the game.
    This lets you save on file space and saves a lot of time on adding multiple items to the player's starting inventory.

    For Sleep, rather than drop a plot object, try using a lighting effect.

    For full darkness and waking up when attacked, you'll need....

    Four scripts, one Blacklight, one Sleep Token (item), your sleep activator item, and a script in the Hit Block on the player creatures.

    Sleep Token:
    No size, none texture, no nuffin. It's only a marker. You can add a short description for internal reference, and a long description for a journal entry.

    Sleep Activator:
    Hotkey Z - Sleep.
    Conditions: Have 0 Sleep Tokens.
    Add 20 Sleep Tokens.
    Enable Script #1

    If you want to be awesome, add a bunch more Z-hotkey things with 1/100000 random chance to add various Dreams. These dreams would do nothing but have Long Descriptions, basically letting the player have a chance of "dreaming" each time they sleep.

    Hit Block:
    If have 1 Sleep Token, Call (run once) Script 0: WTF Script.

    Script #0: Called script. Start inactive. As with all called scripts, you can leave everything at 0 for the mechanical parts.
    Waking Time - Forced
    If have 1 Sleep Token.
    Remove 1 Sleep Token.
    Call Script #0.

    Script #1: Looping, active script. Start inactive.
    Sleep Control:
    Runs every 1 second.
    Call Script #2 with conditions.
    Call Script #3 with conditions.

    Script #2: Called script.
    When Called:
    Have 1 Sleep Token.
    Drop Blacklight for 1001ms with size 10.
    Multiply Creature Speed by 0 for 1001ms (trust me on these 1001s).
    Multiply Game Speed by 4 for 1000ms.
    Restore X Energy (probably effect 53 for 1000ms for however much, it looks a lot smoother than a lump addition).
    Disable inventory for 1001ms.
    Remove 1 Sleep Token.

    Script #3: Called script.
    Waking Time - Normal
    When Called:
    Have 0 Sleep Token.
    Disable script #1.

    This basic series basically means: You sleep for 20 seconds, recovering energy as you do so. If you're hit during your sleep, you'll call WTF - causing the remainder of your sleep to be cut short, and then trigger #3 and wake up.

    Because you're dropping a light source at yourself, rather'n a plot object, this will work wherever you are on the map.

    If you want to get more advanced:

    Scripts 4 & 5:

    If Thirst/Hunger < 10%, call script #0. Message: You're too thirsty/hungry to sleep.

    Script #6:

    If Energy > 99.5%, call script #0. Message: You're well rested. You can use this to add as many Z-tokens as you like with the activator, then remove any extra when your energy is full.

    Add these three onto sleep control (before script #2) and the scripts will do the heavy lifting, stopping you from sleeping if you're too hungry/thirsty/not tired, and waking you up if any of those conditions becomes true whilst sleeping.
    Endymion 12 years ago
    This is quite good looking but I can't figure out how to refill water bottles, also I tried to use a branch to make a fire and nothing happened except the screen started flickering to black and back for a while(or was that caused by something else?) and I couldn't use the other branch I had.
    I think the puke bar is too small, I end up vomiting when it's just about 1/5 of (assumed)full length.

    I like how the screams of aliens and the huge blobs of blood make it very clear when you're being attacked.

    Other cool things: the little bugs running around, the fact that I can eat worms, mushroom eating having an animation and eating actually closing the inventory for a time.
    INFERNUS 12 years ago
    First I will fix sleeping bugs because it is hard to script that. I will make it better later.

    Item #28, the Light Diode, has a "Discard After Combine" of 9, rather than 1.


    Just an FYI, but you don't need multiple items to open inventory with different hotkeys (I know Default does, but it's not optimal).


    If you want to be awesome, add a bunch more Z-hotkey things with 1/100000 random chance to add various Dreams. These dreams would do nothing but have Long Descriptions, basically letting the player have a chance of "dreaming" each time they sleep.

    Good idea. I will implement them in future updates.

    I napped - was informed I was starving and couldn't sleep, but was already sleeping since I couldn't move.

    That is not an bug. I accidently copied something to other script and it is displaying ;message// wrong. It has nothing to do with starving.

    You appear to have removed the "No Weapon - Do Not Remove!" weapon. I'm not sure why it's tagged "Do Not Remove!" - maybe someone more code oriented might know - but you might want to put it back and slip the parameter holder down to slot #1?

    I didnt removed anything. It was like that in tutorial mod.

    For early testing runs, might be an idea to start the player out with a weapon or something. Currently it's just one huge map with a lot of lethal aliens.

    Actually, it is very easy to make your first weapon. Just combine battery and crap metal to make tazor.

    For Sleep, rather than drop a plot object, try using a lighting effect.
    Drop Blacklight for 1001ms with size 10.

    It cant drop black light. It will automaticly turn like normal light.(white omni)
    And do you mean effect 8?

    how to refill water bottles

    You must be near the Spring and use the "empty bottle" to refill it. (rocks with blue particles)

    also I tried to use a branch to make a fire and nothing happened

    Making fire with an branch is hard--you need at least 2 branches and every time you use it it will destroy 1 branch and there is 1/4 chance to make fire.
    Its mutch easier with lighter. It will always make fire and there is 1/15 (i think) chance that lighter will break

    screen started flickering to black and back for a while(or was that caused by something else?)

    Strange... ill try to fix it.

    I like how the screams of aliens and the huge blobs of blood make it very clear when you're being attacked.

    Other cool things: the little bugs running around, the fact that I can eat worms, mushroom eating having an animation and eating actually closing the inventory for a time.


    I think the puke bar is too small, I end up vomiting when it's just about 1/5 of (assumed)full length.

    I will extent it later.
    TNN17 12 years ago
    Here ya go:

    1;//type, 0=flashlight, 1=omni
    0;//pulse speed
    -1.000000;//red color component
    -1.000000;//green color component
    -1.000000;//blue color component
    -1.000000;//alpha color component
    10.000000;//light intensity
    -1;//flash particle (-1=nothing)
    0;//flashing speed
    0;//particle life time

    From FM's Light.dat. This is how I manage blindness, Effect 27 to drop this, size 10-10 for 200 ms, and reapplied every 200ms until fixed. This works anywhere in the map.
    INFERNUS 12 years ago
    Here ya go:
    1;//type, 0=flashlight, 1=omni
    0;//pulse speed
    -1.000000;//red color component
    -1.000000;//green color component
    -1.000000;//blue color component
    -1.000000;//alpha color component
    10.000000;//light intensity
    -1;//flash particle (-1=nothing)
    0;//flashing speed
    0;//particle life time
    From FM's Light.dat. This is how I manage blindness, Effect 27 to drop this, size 10-10 for 200 ms, and reapplied every 200ms until fixed. This works anywhere in the map.

    Thanks TNN! Works perfectly.
    INFERNUS 12 years ago
    New version is out!

    Planet Pandora v0.1.2

    3 new objects:
    -Red Berry Bush
    -Purple Berry Bush
    -Yellow Berry Bush

    6 new items:
    -Red Berries
    -Purple Berries
    -Yellow Berries
    -Red Berry Juice
    -Purple Berry Juice
    -Energy Drink

    Branches now have 1/4 chance to start fire.
    Puke bar extended.
    Some things that I don't remember...

    Bug Fixes:
    -Sleeping bugs
    -A lot of minor bugs...

    Endymion 12 years ago
    Hmm so where am I supposed to find these springs? Also didn't come across or notice any berries besides the ones in the beginning, since I died of thirst relatively quickly it could be that I was just unlucky.
    Edited 12 years ago
    INFERNUS 12 years ago
    You can go to map editor and put those springs and berry bushes near you, or you can replace
    in plot objects:
    Berry bushes (ID=4,7 and 8 )
    Spring (ID=6)

    0;//show on radar 0=does not show, 1=show on scanner, 2=show even without scanner
    -1;//particle to shown on radar


    2;//show on radar 0=does not show, 1=show on scanner, 2=show even without scanner
    4;//particle to shown on radar

    so you can see them on mini-map.

    Or you can change:

    4;//number of objects to be placed

    To higher number.
    There should be 4 Springs and 2 * 3 berry bushes on map.

    Edited 12 years ago
    INFERNUS 12 years ago
    Version 0.1.3
    Planet Pandora v0.1.3

    0.1.3 Updates:
    Aliens have better AI
    --->They will run away from you if they are hurt badly and they regenerate HP
    --->They come out of holes if it is night outside.

    New creatures:
    -Black worm
    -Big red worm
    -Small red worm

    New items:
    -Red plant seeds-- You can plant them to grow Red Plants
    -Unclean water-- You can gather that if standing on the water and use "empty bottle" (U key)
    --->This water has a lot of bacterias and you need to boil it to make distilled water.(Drop it near fire)
    -Distilled Water
    -Dead red worm-- You can eat it to regain some food and thirst.
    -Dead black worm-- This worm has flammable blood and it can be used to make Molotov Cocktails.

    New scripts:
    ------>Sun is falling
    ------>Sun is rising
    -Berry bush is producing berries only during day
    -Night and Day shift

    Real time| - 1 sec = 1 min - |Notrium time
    Real time| - 1 min = 1 hour - |Notrium time
    Real time| - 24 min = 1 day - |Notrium time

    New areas
    -Ice land
    -Survival map

    New creatures
    -Mini/Small/Big Ice aliens
    -Small/Big Blue aliens

    -Food poisoning

    Edited 12 years ago
    TNN17 12 years ago
    Glad to see you cracked it Infernus. I'll take a look some point this week and give you some in depth feedback.
    YinYin Falcon 12 years ago
    I've had a go trying this a few times.

    The first time I started this I got thrown into a big walking battle tank in the middle of a huge human vs giant alien insects inferno.
    This caught me by surprise because I certainly did not expect this at all from the screenshots and description.
    But still I killed many of those poor giant critters. Till I ran out of energy. The game told me to replenish it (energy reserve of a giant walking battle tank) with blue herb ... right
    that didn't sound too convincing, mostly because in this area I also could not find any. A tiny energy unit however did the job so I could go on. At some point I made the mistake of leaving the little island of human defenders to find many many more and different giant beetles and spiders and also a few other human defenders. But a big pack of giant blue worms surrounded and devoured me pretty quickly.

    That was interesting.

    I gave it another go and to my now second surprise this time I came to life inside the stranded ship from the screenshots. Very well ... the ship is very well done. The turret, the doors, the engine, the light switch. I love it.
    So I started the usual wandering around, picking up stuff, combining things (I think i managed to create myself some laser weapon). But meeting aliens of my own size (not the little evasive worms) mostly lead to my death.
    Not meeting them mostly lead to my death as well, even if later. I died of thirst or starvation. I think thirst because I did hunt quite a few worms and ate a lot when I saw some alert but still died.

    This game is pretty tough - even harder than FM. The walking speed of your character really isn't much fun tho.

    Have you also made SOS? it seems very similar.
    TNN17 12 years ago
    YinYin Falcon said:
    This game is pretty tough - even harder than FM. The walking speed of your character really isn't much fun tho.

    How dare you!

    I'll have to increase the difficulty of FM to compensate. Upping the surface temperature to the boiling point of lead oughta do...

    But yeah, what you've seen there is a curious feature - there are actually two races, both human. One is a tank-walky shooty game with a mecha, one is the SOS type.

    Have you tried holding the middle click to run?

    Edited 12 years ago
    INFERNUS 12 years ago
    I've had a go trying this a few times.

    The first time I started this I got thrown into a big walking battle tank in the middle of a huge human vs giant alien insects inferno.
    This caught me by surprise because I certainly did not expect this at all from the screenshots and description.
    But still I killed many of those poor giant critters. Till I ran out of energy. The game told me to replenish it (energy reserve of a giant walking battle tank) with blue herb ... right
    that didn't sound too convincing, mostly because in this area I also could not find any. A tiny energy unit however did the job so I could go on. At some point I made the mistake of leaving the little island of human defenders to find many many more and different giant beetles and spiders and also a few other human defenders. But a big pack of giant blue worms surrounded and devoured me pretty quickly.

    That was interesting.

    Maybe something was wrong with map.dat , or did you changed the start area because there is only one map I finished and that is the Crash site. (other maps are not meant to play yet,they were only for fun. )

    Have you also made SOS? it seems very similar.

    No I didnt, idk who created SOS.

    The walking speed of your character really isn't much fun tho.

    Have you tried holding the middle click to run?

    I gave it another go and to my now second surprise this time I came to life inside the stranded ship from the screenshots. Very well ... the ship is very well done. The turret, the doors, the engine, the light switch. I love it.


    This game is pretty tough

    Yes it is, but I think FM is a lot harder...
    I will add difficulty next time

    I'll have to increase the difficulty of FM to compensate. Upping the surface temperature to the boiling point of lead oughta do...

    Not good...
    This Reminds me of Aquanox ...

    Mecha will be added in future.

    Edited 12 years ago
    YinYin Falcon 12 years ago
    actually being harder than FM is not a good feature for me ...
    it wasn't fun
    not fun enough for me to try again at least
    as soon as a stepped too far away from the ship the lovely details that amazed me in and around it faded away and i died helplessly no matter what approach i took

    and i don't know about that first run
    can you start on a different map by simply holding a mouse button?
    INFERNUS 12 years ago
    I just realized what happened...

    The first time I started this I got thrown into a big walking battle tank

    In player races there was 2 players, Human and Mech , they were named same and they looked same in menu... this is why you started in the middle of an island.

    can you start on a different map by simply holding a mouse button?

    Sorry i dont understand you.
    You mean for mech...?

    YinYin Falcon 12 years ago
    well that's good to know so i can play around with that again
    INFERNUS 12 years ago
    I will add some survival levels (like that with mech) so you can have some fun
    TNN17 12 years ago
    Checked through the code a bit this evening, might want to replace the top lines of your weapons.dat with the following:

    0=standard 1=Flame Thrower 2=Red Laser Pistol 3=standard 4=standard 5=standard 6=Pistol 7=Rifle 8=Fist 9=Plasma Rifle;//weapon class names
    Particle Parameter Holder;//name---------------------------------------

    Currently there's a number of extra lines which are bugging out a few of the weapons, replacing the Weapon classes with that should fix all of that before you run into anything serious.

    Other'n that it's looking pretty tidy, codewise, really liking your day>night cycle code too.

    Only question I have with that one is - with the 60 minutes one (morning 4, morning 8, dawn 4, dawn is that functioning okay? I see you have the 60 minutes switching round to 7:00 and such, probably the same second, is it having time to check it at 60 and activate accordingly? Or would it be an idea to make the check at 6:59 or 7:01?

    Few in-game bugs and tweaks:

    I killed a flying alien and it left a corpse behind that I couldn't do anything with.
    - This is fine if it's just temporary until it gets a corpse associated with it, but if you have a -1 on corpse item then the corpse *never* disappears. This can eventually slow down the game, and at very least looks kind of unsightly.

    "The Fire Warms You".
    - This happened whilst I was standing next to a spring. I assume it's just a text bug?

    The switch from light to night seems a little sudden, maybe you could make slightly larger steps for it? Iunno, it sort of ended my playthrough since an alien decided to make nice at that point and I couldn't see squat.

    Vomitting whilst starving?
    - I can appreciate vomitting if you gorged yourself and were full, but it seemed a little harsh to vomit up a heap of liquid and food because I tried to eat four tiny worms in a row. I wasn't even up to half food at this point.

    - We can't seem to escape sleeping problems eh? Sleeping's looking a lot better now, but I also got stuck at max sleep for awhile and couldn't move or see. Took about five to ten seconds (realtime, I didn't think to check the clock to see if Game Time was speeded up) before I could move and see, by which time I was poking at the sleep buttons trying to make something happen.

    Glowing nightlife.
    - No bug, this was just awesome. I really liked the luminescent slime trails, maybe you could make glowing fungus as well?

    Edited 12 years ago
    INFERNUS 12 years ago
    Checked through the code a bit this evening, might want to replace the top lines of your weapons.dat with the following:

    0=standard 1=Flame Thrower 2=Red Laser Pistol 3=standard 4=standard 5=standard 6=Pistol 7=Rifle 8=Fist 9=Plasma Rifle;//weapon class names
    Particle Parameter Holder;//name---------------------------------------

    I noticed and fixed that just after I uploaded new version

    Only question I have with that one is - with the 60 minutes one (morning 4, morning 8, dawn 4, dawn is that functioning okay? I see you have the 60 minutes switching round to 7:00 and such, probably the same second, is it having time to check it at 60 and activate accordingly? Or would it be an idea to make the check at 6:59 or 7:01?

    It is working fine.

    if it is 6:60
    then switch to 7:01

    Edited 12 years ago
    TNN17 12 years ago
    Alright, awesome. I've updated my above post with some ingame comments. Looking good, keep up the great work!
    INFERNUS 12 years ago
    I killed a flying alien and it left a corpse behind that I couldn't do anything with.- This is fine if it's just temporary until it gets a corpse associated with it, but if you have a -1 on corpse item then the corpse *never* disappears. This can eventually slow down the game, and at very least looks kind of unsightly.

    I always forgot to add corpse to bird and insect...

    "The Fire Warms You".
    - This happened whilst I was standing next to a spring. I assume it's just a text bug?

    text bug

    The switch from light to night seems a little sudden, maybe you could make slightly larger steps for it? Iunno, it sort of ended my playthrough since an alien decided to make nice at that point and I couldn't see squat.

    this is just temporary.

    Vomitting whilst starving?
    - I can appreciate vomitting if you gorged yourself and were full, but it seemed a little harsh to vomit up a heap of liquid and food because I tried to eat four tiny worms in a row. I wasn't even up to half food at this point.

    good point . I ll change that

    - We can't seem to escape sleeping problems eh? Sleeping's looking a lot better now, but I also got stuck at max sleep for awhile and couldn't move or see. Took about five to ten seconds (realtime, I didn't think to check the clock to see if Game Time was speeded up) before I could move and see, by which time I was poking at the sleep buttons trying to make something happen.

    That is not an bug. if your energy bar is 95> than there is 1/20 chance every 500 milsec. to wake player up.

    Glowing nightlife.
    - No bug, this was just awesome. I really liked the luminescent slime trails, maybe you could make glowing fungus as well?

    good idea. they can grow in dark areas ,or if it is dark outside.
    I was thinking to add glowing liquid in bottle (like torch) but if that item is removed after some time (burned out) light stills stays on player.

    oh and is there any condition: if player isnt hit by weapon class (or if player was hitted by weapon class)

    Edited 12 years ago
    TNN17 12 years ago
    That is not an bug. if your energy bar is 95> than there is 1/20 chance every 500 milsec. to wake player up.
    - Alright, just thought it was weird. If it's intentional then that's fine.

    I was thinking to add glowing liquid in bottle (like torch) but if that item is removed after some time (burned out) light stills stays on player.

    Oh ho ho, you're in luck there, I solved that problem whilst handling FM's torches, and again with FM's Sleeping (which uses attached lighting for instant removal, rather than dropping Blacklights).

    Step 1: Attach the light source.
    Step 2: Make another item that does nothing, but uses the same slot. < Important.
    Step 3: In the same script that removes the item add the following:

    Effect 16: +1 of your Blank Item.
    Effect 59: Your Blank Item.
    Effect 16: -1 Your Liquid in a Bottle.
    Effect 16: -1 Your Blank Item.

    This triggers the game's Unequip check, and removes the light from the player.

    oh and is there any condition: if player isnt hit by weapon class (or if player was hitted by weapon class)
    - Yes. Effect 45.

    Copied direct from my tree code:

    -3.000000;//condition parameter0
    10.000000;//condition parameter1
    4;//effect number

    Because it's negative, Parameter0 denotes a type, not an item.
    INFERNUS 12 years ago
    TNN17 said:

    I was thinking to add glowing liquid in bottle (like torch) but if that item is removed after some time (burned out) light stills stays on player.

    Oh ho ho, you're in luck there, I solved that problem whilst handling FM's torches, and again with FM's Sleeping (which uses attached lighting for instant removal, rather than dropping Blacklights).

    Step 1: Attach the light source.
    Step 2: Make another item that does nothing, but uses the same slot. < Important.
    Step 3: In the same script that removes the item add the following:

    Effect 16: +1 of your Blank Item.
    Effect 59: Your Blank Item.
    Effect 16: -1 Your Liquid in a Bottle.
    Effect 16: -1 Your Blank Item.

    This triggers the game's Unequip check, and removes the light from the player.

    oh and is there any condition: if player isnt hit by weapon class (or if player was hitted by weapon class)
    - Yes. Effect 45.

    Copied direct from my tree code:

    -3.000000;//condition parameter0
    10.000000;//condition parameter1
    4;//effect number

    Because it's negative, Parameter0 denotes a type, not an item.

    wow. tnx a lot.
    I will implement it tomorow. (acctuly today, its 1 AM now)

    effect 45
    and the weapon hit in the previous parameter1 milliseconds

    what does that mean?
    TNN17 12 years ago
    No worries at all, always happy to help out where I can with scripting.

    Effect 45:
    Was this creature hit by Weapon/Weapon Class X within the last Y milliseconds?

    I tend to play it fast and loose with timings there, but 1ms should cover the "Was Player just hit by Weapon Class X" type question you were asking about, but if you were to use it in a Script (rather than in a hit block for the Player Creature - not Race) then you can extend it accordingly.
    INFERNUS 12 years ago
    I tend to play it fast and loose with timings there, but 1ms should cover the "Was Player just hit by Weapon Class X" type question you were asking about, but if you were to use it in a Script (rather than in a hit block for the Player Creature - not Race) then you can extend it accordingly.

    thank you very much. I would spend hours to figure those scripts all by myself.
    YinYin Falcon 12 years ago
    TNN17 said:
    Vomitting whilst starving?
    - I can appreciate vomitting if you gorged yourself and were full, but it seemed a little harsh to vomit up a heap of liquid and food because I tried to eat four tiny worms in a row. I wasn't even up to half food at this point.
    I think that's what killed me.
    I couldn't quite comprehend what was going on. I saw that I was starving so I just ate heaps - and then I think I died of thirst because I vomited all my liquid ...
    INFERNUS 12 years ago
    I dont know how to explain this so...

    I was working really hard on this scripts:

    Green body parts: everything is good.

    Yellow body parts: You are injured.
    If right arm is injured: than your mouse pointer will shake a little
    If left arm is injured: than your mouse pointer will shake a little
    If right and left arms are injured: than your mouse pointer will shake a little stronger
    If left leg is injured: than it will slow your movement down
    If right leg is injured: than it will slow your movement down
    If your head is injured: (I need help for this)
    If your torso is injured: (I need help for this)

    Red body parts: You are seriously injured.
    If right arm is seriously injured: (I need help for this)
    If left arm is seriously injured: (I need help for this)
    If right and left arms are seriously injured: (I need help for this)
    If left leg is seriously injured: (I need help for this)
    If right leg is seriously injured: (I need help for this)
    If your head is seriously injured: (I need help for this)
    If your torso is seriously injured: (I need help for this)

    Pete 12 years ago
    ...everything I remember about Notrium modding tells me this is impossible.

    /me grabs INFERNUS by the shoulders and shakes violently

    INFERNUS 12 years ago
    It is very complicated...
    my mod have at least: (This Update only)
    -18 bars--each body part have 3 bars
    -30 scripts--each body part have 5 scripts
    -18 pictures of body parts-- green, yellow and red outlines...
    -hit_block scripts
    -all 18 bars must bee applied in player races.dat
    i cant give you the code because it is f*****g long...
    you can use it when next version is out.

    so it works kinda like this:
    (this is only for head body part)

    if player was hit by weapon class 0
    there is a chance 1/20
    ---add 20 to "body part bar" (example: torso)
    ---hide green body part
    ---show yellow body part

    Script 1
    If green body part is hidden
    If yellow body part is showed
    ---Effect (hurt,stagler mouse, slow player...)

    Script 2
    If player have 1> body pat bar
    If green body part is hidden
    If yellow body part is showed
    ---hide yellow body part
    ---show green body part

    player have bar green body part
    player have bar yellow (injured) body part)
    Body part regeneration (reduce damage of green body part

    and then the Serious injured body part ... is too long and complicated
    but it is working

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